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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Speech issues with 4 year old

My son aged 4 yr 1 month seems to be having some speech issues.
- is always talking..repeats what teacher/ children said in class,what his friends said during playtime etc
He does this when he is bored.also repeats dialogues from video( I don't let him watch tv now.. But if he watches I'm sure he will repeat)
- uses me you ,he she etc correctly sometimes and incorrectly at other times.
Eg he will refer to his teacher as he and if I stop him and ask if its a he..he will tell correctly...I feel he is not concentrating while constructing his sentences ..they seem very rote.
- hit all milestones properly..has had all vaccinations
-developed dust mite allergy just before 2nd birthday
-grinds teeth during night and day(mild)
-is very social..loves people..plays well with children,imitates and blindly follows what other kids ask him to do.
- eats well..likes meat.
-has always been in the 90-100 percentile for weight and height.
-he started talking at the right age and always used to speak fairly ok.we have 2 languages at home.started English after school...now we use English at home too....since out of all 3 he seemed pick up English faster( from kids at school) it is only as he is growing that it is becoming clear that he is not speaking or understanding things as well as other kids of his age.
- main concern is his echolalia.immediate and delated..he used delayed echolalia for entertainment,when bored.
And immediate echolalia is also very common..if we say can you bring the bag here? He will ask 'bring the bag?' As though he is not sure what we are saying and when we say 'yes '. then only he will bring.
- when he was 3.5 yrs old for a short period of days he used to keep bumping his head on us( very mildly with no force) cannot call it head banging but I could'nt help noticing it.then as suddenly as it began, it completely stopped .

Is there anything that will work for him in homeopathy?

He is typical in every other way...but only when it comes to speech and understanding it just does'nt seem right.
[message edited by Lookin4ans on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 11:37:16 BST]
[message edited by Lookin4ans on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 11:43:14 BST]
  Lookin4ans on 2013-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nat mur 30 ome dose daily even time 5 days amd then weekly dose for one month.whitechestnut bach flower one dose daily for one momth
Centuary bach flower one dose daily after whitechestnut .whitechestnut for repeatitio.n and centuary to follow others
akshaymohl last decade
Can you pease explain what is meant by even time 5 days an how many pellets would a dose be?i'm looking to by the boiron product( pellets)
Also weekly dose for a month means 1i dose every week?
[message edited by Lookin4ans on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:58:26 BST]
Lookin4ans last decade

Dr. Mohla uses 8 pills as a dose.

He means 'evening time' for 5 days take one dose of Nat Mur.

After that do one dose a week for 4 weeks. the centaury and
white chestnut are Bach flower remedies-

Put one drop in a tablespoon of water and that is a dose
for the Bach Flowers ( unless Dr. Mohla corrects me here)

Do the White chestnut first and wait and do the Centaury later in
the day same way. Every day for one month. These are very
gentle and the White Chestnut helps to break habits of
repetition and the Centaury is to help in following
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 23:14:11 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thank you so much for explaining.

Another question I had is are there Any diet restrictions i Need to take care of while I give him these remedies?
Lookin4ans last decade
Very right md Simone
akshaymohl last decade
You are always to avoid anything with camphor in it
while taking remedies and many tell people to
avoid mint toothpaste and candy etc for Nat Mur.

Usually Dr. Mohla does not tell people diet restrictions,
he may have a comment on what I said above.
simone717 last decade
Simone you are right I try to cover max patient
akshaymohl last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 00:52:31 BST]
simone717 last decade
I had one more question...I have procured the said medications and have started nat mur 30c today?
Should I start the Bach flowers from today as well or should I wait?
Lookin4ans last decade
Pl start after 5 days when nat mur as weekly dose
akshaymohl last decade

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