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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

speech remedy

My son is 5 years old autistic kid. He is dxed as apraxic and had severe speech delay. He can just imitate some sounds like ba,pa, Ah etc. We need a remedy to work with him. Please suggest a good remedy.
  akhdan on 2013-10-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Baryta carb 30 weekly dose nat mur 30 one dose daily for three days repeat after 7days .The above is for three month.pl report weekly
akshaymohl last decade
You say Baryta carb for weekly means once a week,right?
akhdan last decade
There is not enough information to prescribe on here. Blind 'weekly' repetition of a remedy chosen on sparse indications is against homeopathic principles.

Please see a good homeopath as this kind of case is hard to treat in a forum setting.
sameervermani last decade

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