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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cure for Melasma Page 12 of 12

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have also been suffering with melesma for 4 years now on my upper lip, cheeks and forehead...

Recently I started taking the following:

MSM 750mg 1 x day
Ester C 500mg 2 x day
GSE 5 drops in water 2-3 times per day
Turmeric 1-2 times a day

I have noticed that it appears lighter and it does not seem to be getting any darker even in the sun. I have only been using these supplements for 2-3 weeks I will post again in a month or so with my results.

I was using sunblock like crazy on my upper lip an cheeks whenever I went out into the sun and no matter what it always seemed to get worse. The last few weeks I have went to the beach for a few hours and decided to not use any on my face and it did not get any darker....? Not sure if this is from the supplements that I have been taking or if I had been having a reaction the the sunblock... or both?
mkzulk12 last decade
Yes, that can happen from what you
took, the same happened to me and
it took about 3 years and it finally faded
away. Birth control pills were the cause,
I was only on them for 2 months, then
got off after the discoloration.

A. You can look what has been done
on previous posts.
B.You can google homeopathic cured
cases of melasma and find a homeopath
locally or online.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 04:47:48 BST]
simone717 last decade
There's a study regarding one of the suggested products on here that involved kidney failure - Lumanjina

I don't think it's worth the risk.
melasmahater last decade
Here's the good news: There is a product available that will reverse the outward signs (make the brown spots on the cheeks and lips invisible) of melasma.
Bad News: There is no 'cure'. It is caused internally by hormones and begins at the inner layers of skin and just shows through to the outside layers on your face where it is visible.
Both sun exposure and heat make it worse or appear darker.

Rodan and Fields 'Reverse'
[message edited by melasma mama on Thu, 06 Sep 2012 05:25:12 BST]
melasma mama last decade
I am new to this site.
to mkzulk12 May I know what kind of MSM are you taking?

melasmagoaway last decade
Safri drum cream is the best treatment to cure melasma.It contains Kojic acid which reduce the melasma spots in a very short time and it has no side effects.also the creams contains Glycolic acid,Kojic acid,Retin A ,Hydroqunone are the best treatments of melasma.But taking advice from health consultant or dermotologist advice is impotant before use these creams.
stylehite last decade
Yes there is a cure for melasma. I ve been suffering from it for four years. The peak of severity was last summer. In my personal case I noticed correlating factors to hormone imbalance due to severe stress, second childbirth in my thirties, decreased sex drive, seemingly overnight changes in skin texture and hair growth overtime in nose and eye brows. Please research 'adrenal fatigue and melasma'.
Kateatthelake last decade
Hi everyone, I also have brown spots on my forehead and around my jaw line :/ I have had Addisions Disease for 17 years. And been sick most of those years :(. But I started taking Magnesium Malate and MSM and I feel great!!! Best I have felt in years :)) I recommend them to anyone with Addisions or adrenal exhaustion :)
Gwendolyn333 last decade
Hi everyone,
I made a promise that I would post and try and help if I ever my melasma went away. Because thanks to everyone that posted on this site and many other sites I was able to cope and rid myself of this ugly thing.
My first war with melasma was 7 years ago when I was pregnant with my second child. I was very depressed and did not know what I was dealing with. I was able to lighten it then with a brightening/ whitening cream but looking back now I think it just went away on its own after many many months.
Recently ( a month ago) I noticed 2 greyish patches appearing on both cheeks and panicked. I think the
more I panic the worse it became.
Anyway, after much research into copper overload, adrenal fatigue and supplements I have managed to rid of these patches by 95% in the last few weeks by taking msm ( 99.9% crystal) 3 tsps x 3 daily , grapefruit seed extract ( yuk but I think really helped) 15 drops x3 daily, vit c x 3 ( 500 mg), selenium, probiotics,zinc ,pycnogenol x 2 daily, fish oil, betaine hci with each meal, Swisse liver detox tablet x2 daily and folate (folic acid) . It sounds an awful lot but I was determine to cover all bases.
I would also like to add that I along with all the supplements I completely changed my diet too. Absolutely no caffeine, no tea and no processed food. I drink nothing else but filtered water and eat a lot of veggies and fruit. I eat a lot of beef and eggs because they are high in zinc ( I think I might have a copper overload problem ). I was a junk food addict before this melasma and chocolate was like my breakfast , lunch and dinner.
I'm feel that I'm truly on the right path to winning this 2nd war with melasma and I know now that treating it from the inside is the way to go. It's been really tough giving up a lot of things you love but no pain no gain.
I also use rosehip oil at night and use plenty of physical sunscreen & wearing hat in the daytime.
With melasma I find that you must be patient and just never give up. I'm not 100% there but will keep up with my regime until it's all gone.
Good luck to everyone suffering from this and I hope I have helped someone because I have been helped by a lot of people here..a big thank you and god bless!!!
Leanh** last decade
Glad you are doing better, but on some of the things
you took could produce problems in many people.
Grapefruit seed extract, if not indicated can make
the stomach over acidic and cause cramping that goes
on for weeks even after you stop taking it after a short time.
Overdoing folic acid can throw other things out of balance.
Having a healthy diet is the first thing people should
put into place and see what happens.
simone717 last decade
Hello Codex,

Any improvement or cured after taking MSM and Vitamin C?

thank you.
decentdubai75 last decade
Hello Healthnut,

After 7 years, I would like to know your status of Melasma. Whether it is completely cured by Vit C and MSM ?I sent you mail but it bounced back.
decentdubai75 last decade
I have been suffering from melasma and used many products to overcome melasma from skin but did not succeed. I got a chance to visit The Spoiled Mama and then I purchase melasma treatment cream from the spoiled mama. Believe me, result-oriented product. I have used it for a month and I can see the results straight away. Please share it with others as well. I want to help others
hawking639 5 years ago

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