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mix ocd for last 18 years ,age 48 years 3



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

mix ocd patient for last 20 years

hi sir,

i have been suffering from mix ocd for lasy 20 years and under treatment of PHITERIC. doctor in patna.and currently in aims.I had been allopathic med.Sertaline,clopramine,fluvoxamine assosited with clonezapam 1-2 mg at bed time.but in vein.now I am now on escitelaporam 20mg and clonazepam 2mg. obessessive thought is controlled 50% but followed by hedeche ,loss of memory,lack of sleep in night.Now for Last one month even Clonzepam 2mg is not working not getting sleep plz. help me with ur precious advise.I want to take homeopathic medicine.I am unable to work dueto not sleeping even in clonazepam 2mg in night and 50% obsessive thoughts.
plz. advise me homeopath med. with dose administration.

[message edited by ocd_ahmad on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:43:43 GMT]
  ocd_ahmad on 2014-03-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you think you are in a position to stop all allopathic medication for a month and then put down all your original/presenting OCD symptoms with a view to get homeopathic treatment?

Present symptoms may not be your original disease symptoms, thus inaccurate for remedy selection.
rishimba last decade

write yes or no in front of the u/m symptoms. IN CAPITALS
Sudden, intense ailments from fright. N
Anxiety and restlessness with complaints. Y
Fears that do not subside. N
Faintness or dizziness upon waking up. N
Sudden fever with one cheek red, the other pale N
Intolerance of pain. Y
Painful urination with anxiety N
Pains followed by numbness and tingling. N
Eye pain and injuries N
Throbbing headache. Y
Unquenchable thirst. Y

Emotional upset
Fear Y
Anxiety N
Extended period of unusual or continued mental exertion Y
Dizziness N
Diarrhea Y
Craving for sweets and salt. Craving for strong flavors. DONT' KNOW
Enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses.Y

Anxiety associated with later stages of head cold, with sneezing N
Asthma worse after midnight, fears suffocation while lying down N
Irritable Y
Restless N
Sleepiness but insomnia Y
Thirsty for frequent small drinks Y
Weak and exhausted Y
Desires air but sensitive to cold N
Vomiting with or without diarrhea after eating and drinking N

Increased perspiration N
Night sweats N
Cold hands and feet N
Dizziness Y
Nausea N
Ravenous hunger NA
Aversion to fats NA
Craving for eggs NA
Eyes sensitive to light NO
Pale face Y
Large appetite with slow digestion Y

Nervousness Y
Apprehension NA
Anxiety prior to an examination or public performance N
Fatigue and aching of whole body Y
Limbs, head, eyelids heavy N
Headache Y
Scalp sore to touch N
Sore throat N
Lack of thirst N
Dizziness, trembling, fatigue, dullness Y

Vomiting N
Sensation of a lump in the throat NA
Chills with fever N
Thirst during chills N
Chills relieved by warmth NA
Cramping pains in the abdomen or back N
Headaches that feel like a nail driven into the side of the head N
Skin very sensitive to drafts
Introspective DONT KNOW
Sad Y
Brooding Y
Tearful Y
Rejects company Y
Disappointed Y
Grieving Y
Insomnia from emotional distress Y
Nausea relieved by eating N
Eating intensifies hunger Y

Exhaustion Y
Deep anxiety and inability to cope Y
Headaches Y
Jumpy and oversensitive N
Startled by ordinary sounds Y
Backaches N
Nervous digestive upsets Y

Shakes head without any apparent cause N
Facial contortions NA
Gassy, constipation or diarrhea Y
Sour belching NA
Irritability NA
Digestive upsets with gas and bloating Y
Craves sweets, warm food and drink Y
Night cough N
Wants to be alone Y
Cranky on waking N
Bullying tendency N
Fear of failure Y
Breaking down under stress Y

Tongue feels dry N
Mucous membranes dry NA
Nausea N
Insomnia Y
Claustrophobia NA
Migraine headache NO
Vomiting NO
Pains around eyes NO
Craves salt and dry foods NO
Weepy but won't let others see it. (Wants to be alone to cry.) Y
Consolation aggravates them
Angry from isolation Y
Fright, grief, anger Y
Nervous, discouraged, broken downY

Anxious Y
Fearful Y
Weak Y
Associated with hoarseness D'K
Tight heavy chest NO
Dry rasping cough NO
Burning pains in stomach, abdomen, between shoulder blades NO
Thirst for cold drinks that are vomited NO
Nausea NO
Night sweats NO

Sensitive YES
Weepy YES
Wants attention and sympathy YES
Changeable symptoms and moods YES
Craves open air NO
Sensitive to heat YES
Dry mouth with lack of thirst YES
Rich food upsets stomach YES
Insomnia from recurring thought YES
Head colds NO
Loose cough, worse at night NO
Delayed menstrual period with scanty flow NO

Worry YES
Overwork YES
Headaches YES
Difficulty concentrating YES
Exhaustion, YES
Over sensitivity YES
Overreact and devote attention to tiny details YES
Low stamina YES

In addition to the above would request your wife's symptoms as under.
(Note: - Sensations are also important and should be especially noticed. For sensations of pain, of all kind see section 5. The special sensations may occur in any part of the body, or internally or in the head or extremities. Give the sensations in your own language to express it. No matter how simple or even ludicrous, it is necessary to give it.)
Examples: - It may be like a mouse or bug crawling; like wind blowing into the ears or eyes; as if someone was pulling a hair; as of a blow on the of a band or cord around the head; as though you had a cap on or hat; as a plug in the ears or some other place; as if another person lies along side of him, or that one limb is double; as if abdominal muscles were pushed out by arm of a child ;
as if boiling lead were pushing through rectum ; as if anus would fly to pieces during stool ; as if moisture, or a drop were running through the urethra back ; as if the year was grasped by an iron hand ; as if claws were grasping the bowels; as of a splinter in the throat or flesh like a string of thread on the tongue or in the throat; as if joint were dislocated; as; as if legs were made of wood.

(Note: - These are merely illustrations, a few which have occurred to other person, and are given that you may understand what is meant by sensations. Always give the locations as well of the sensations.)

(Note 1 :- This section refers to each disease, each sickness and to every symptom. No matter what the trouble may be it is necessary to be refer to this section. Be sure that the aggravation or amelicration you notice is from the course given.)
(Note 2 :- The time of an aggravation or amelioration refers to the year, the month, the week, the day, the night, or the hour.)
- State at what time your troubles or any single symptoms, is made better or worse.
- State what season of the year, what time in the month, whether the phases of the moon cause either, what part of the week, what hour of the day or night the trouble or single symptom comes on or is made better or worse.
- Is there any position which you may assume that causes a particular trouble or any single symptom to be better or worse? It may be when you first lie down; or after lying down awhile or rising after sitting or on sitting after standing, walking; walking much; walking in the house or in the open air, or in the cold air ; or at night; running, running rapidly or slowly; when stooping over, after
stopping, or on rising from stooping; leaning the head backwards, forwards; to one side or leaning the head on the table or the hand; lying with head high or low; lying in some particular position ; crawling on the hand + knees or some other or many possible positions.

- Does anything cause the trouble or a single symptom to be better or worse ? It may be reading ,writing , music ascending or descending the stirs or a hill, biting the teeth together ,blowing the nose , before or after one of the meals, breathing, breathing deeply, when chewing food, when eating or drinking, closing or opening the eyes , looking up, down or sideways, from heat, cold, from warm or cold air heat of stove or sun, dry or moist air going into the air or going into the warm, sunlight or lamplight from excitement, fight, grief, grief, sorrow fasting, some kind of food or drink
motion or quiet, when nose is discharging or is dry, from gratification of passions , scratching, rubbing, beginning of sleep, during a storm, thunder storm, snow storm, swallowing food, drinking of saliva, talking, singing, hearing other talk or sing, music touch, turning over in bed, covering up or uncovering, wet dry, windy or cloudy weather.
(Note 3:- The above is given to impress on the mind the great importance of noticing what may seem to be little things.)
At what age did you have your first menses?
- Had you any trouble before or during the first period?
- Have you, at any time, had you menses stopped or decreased by getting feet wet, from a general wetting, from cold, fright weakness, sickness or any other cause?
- Have menses been irregular or painful at /since a particular time?
- Are your menses too frequent, too seldom, delayed, regular, early, and late? If so how often do they come?
- Do you have menses during the nursing of your child?
- Do you have the whites or nose bleed during menses?
- How long do menses last?
- Do excitement of exertion bring menses on?
- When does the flow increase, decrease or cease? Afternoon, day only, evening, lying down, morning, motion, at night only, walking? Mention only things that affect the flow?
- Character of the flow, describe the flow very carefully acrid, black, bright red, brown, changeable, clotted, lumpy, conspicuous, dark excoriating ( making parts sore) , fetid or foul ,greenish , gushing hot ( unduly so),membranous (shreds), milky, mucus,
- What is the odour?
- Is it pale, profuse, protracted (lasts two long) scanty, stingy, tenacious, thick, too thin, viscid, watery, dark clots to bright blood, etc. Give exact appearance and odour of the flow?
Before the menses
- Various troubles of the abdomen. Loss of a very great appetite. Troubles of the back. Difficulty in breathing. Troubles of the chest. Chill, chilliness, costiveness, cough, delirium, diarrhea, ear trouble, eructation, eruptions, eye troubles, face trouble, fainting, cold feet
head troubles, headache, Leucorrhoea, pain in arms or legs, swelling, itching and soreness of the breasts, mental changes Nausea or vomiting, bleeding of nose, ovarian troubles, pain restlessness, sexual excitement, urinary trouble, great weakness or weakness, Describe all such troubles, and others as directed in various sections.
During Menses; - This refer to the time from the starting to the ending of the flow.
After The Menses: - Many of the troubles referred to above may occur after the menses. Give all the complaints carefully as above attach sheet.
Leucorrhoea (the whites ) :- Aluminous (like white of an egg ), biting, black bloody , brown, burning, clear, cold, cream like, dark, foetid or foul, like jelly, greenish, in gushes, honey colour, lumpy, mild or bland , milky, mucous, opaque, profuse purulent (matters) ropy, scalding, scanty, smarting, causing soreness, starchy, sticky, stiffening the lines, suddenly coming & going, tenacious, thick, thin, thready, transparent, watery, white, yellow

Fear of dirt or contamination by germs. YES

Fear of causing harm to another. NO

Fear of making a mistake. NO

Fear of being embarrassed or behaving in a socially NO
unacceptable manner.

Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts. YES

Need for order, symmetry, or exactness. YES

Repeatedly bathing, showering, or washing hands. NO

Refusing to shake hands or touch doorknobs. NO

Repeatedly checking things, such as locks or stoves. NO

Constant counting, mentally or aloud, while performing routine tasks. NO

Constantly arranging things in a certain way. NO

Eating foods in a specific order. NO

Being stuck on words, images or thoughts, usually disturbing, that won't go away and can interfere with sleep. NO

Repeating specific words, phrases, or prayers. YES

Needing to perform tasks a certain number of times. YES

Collecting or hoarding items with no apparent value.NO
ocd_ahmad last decade
Where did these list of questions come from? This is a terrible questionnaire - almost all yes or no questions! A patient should never be asked yes/no questions except in very particular situations, and even then I would be avoiding them if possible. At the very least they should be given some options, although even then some patient use those options to formulate their answer.
Evocationer last decade
this questionare have been asked my some doctor in abc homeopathy forum.plz. adv. me some one good homeop. med. for good slepp and repeated thoughts

ocd_ahmad last decade
I am strugling with my thoughts and sleeplessness.I am also need of income to pass my lively hood till life.Afraid from others bubble trouble may occur while sleeping with other's.Can't travel in night in bus,train thinking persist other person got diarhea,loose motion because I had sufferd from same deases for one year in 1983 and this effect left on mind.Treatment satarted in year 1999 till present.

ocd_ahmad last decade
I personally cannot use this information. This questionnaire has altered the whole direction of your description. Would you be willing to fill in a very different list of questions? It would mean a lot more work though as the there are a lot of questions.
Evocationer last decade
Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. dont repeat.

silicea 6x from day two,5 pills three times a day.half an hr before meals.

pulstilla 200,5 pills ones a day for three days from day 2 half an hr before meals

feed back after 4 days
anuj srivastava last decade
thnks for ur reply.by the way what is ur profession.r u comfortable with homeopath treatment.plz. dont take in another way.

ocd_ahmad last decade
never mind abt my profession ,i am very very comfortable with this form of medicines,they are miracle drugs.
anuj srivastava last decade

One month before I took ur prescribed med. but in vein.I am sorry I am reporting after one months.Now problem is related my ocd thought and assosiated with no sleep.Plz. further adv. me .Waiting for ur reply.

[message edited by jaihind123 on Tue, 19 Aug 2014 05:52:36 BST]
jaihind123 last decade
Just to clarify- ocd ahmed and
Jaihind123 are the same person-

And Shabab-Would be good to delete
your photo- it is not needed for treatment and not good to have it
on a public forum.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 17 Aug 2014 16:07:37 BST]
simone717 last decade
In year 1987 i suffered from acute dioherea while iwas in 10+2.I took many med. after adv. by doctor.It continnued for i year year.I got harrassed by this desease.During this period A thing in my mind developed that if any body to whom I am interacting or sleeping in sharing basis have dioherea etc. A force exert in my mind I used to think and divert my mind that if he/she will take med. it will be o.k.I was started using tobaco for releif because I was unable to sleep.It continued upto i999.My study hampered any way completed graduation.In 1999 I went to phy. doctor mental dr.he told me this is a case of OCD.Since 1999 I am on treatment on different allopathic med. assosiated with clonazepam upto 2mg at bed time.For one month not sleeping.weeping too much.Feeling helpless.An OCD is a obsessive thoughts assosiated with compulsion.Dr. adv. me not to used compulsion.I can't travel in train,bus etc.I am fedup with my life.Plz. cure me by homeopathic med. I want to quit allopathic med.
jaihind123 last decade
Jaihind are the same person.
jaihind123 last decade
I don't know how to delete photo.However I will delete after asking from my brother

jaihind123 last decade
Jaihind123 is the same person

jaihind123 last decade

Plz. give reply about my treatment so that I can get good sleep and obsessive thought wipe off.

jaihind123 last decade
Dear jaihind123

Please start by filling out the form answers-

There will be more questions after this.

You can cure this and get off the allopathic drugs- with slow reduction
of the allopathic meds while getting homeopathic meds.

Best regards,

simone717 last decade
R/s plz.till i send u form duly fill up plz.give me some homeo.med.for sleep rregd
jaihind123 last decade

You can get the formula called 5 Phos , by Dr. Recekeweg or another brand.

5 phos is biochemic salts.

It contains, Ferrum phos, Kali Phos, Nat Phos, Calc Phos and Mag phos.

If you cannot find the formula- then you can buy the biochemic salts individually
in 6x potency.

Take the 5 Phos- 3 tabs, in the morning, afternoon and evening.

If you have to get them individual, ( that would be 15 tabs) morning , afternoon
and evening.

Try this for 4 days and report back- The 5 phos helps to heal overstressed nerves.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 16:26:23 BST]
simone717 last decade
R/S Thanks for reply.Iwill take ur pres.med.I will report you afterwards.

jaihind123 last decade
R/S I took the phos 5 of 6x for four days.I m slleeping but thought about other petson regd. His/her bubble trouble,loose motion frequently come in my mind which is my obsessive thought disttess me felt anger,tension.plz. help me from this repeated thoughts.
jaihind123 last decade

I need to have more detail from you to help with finding the medicine.

For that you have to fill out the form-is there a problem doing that?

Also want to explain something about OCD.

Once the ocd gets going it is like a repeating tape that goes on in the brain.

The brain gets into a habit, a kind of loop.


You have the power to start to break this loop or tape. It won't be easy
bc habits take about 3 weeks to break them.

What you do: Everytime that thought comes up- Distract yourself.
Turn on music, turn on the tv, call someone up, get up and move around, do something else, focus on
something else- Everytime you focus on something else, right away, it
starts to break up the tape.


I am going to post some Bach Flower tinctures for you to try. These are
gentle, they are just a flower essence. You can get them in homeo shops
sometimes, and you can get them online if you google Bach Flowers.

_______________ Reasons for OCD____________________

What happens is the 'event' ( diarrhea for you) brought up emotions and
thoughts that were too much for you at that time- I don't know what they were for you? but since
you did not know how to deal with them... The mind/brain tries to Protect you from ever dealing
with them by putting the ocd thought in there instead.

In therapy- they work with you to sit with what your worst fear is about the problem-then people
have feelings come out- fear, upset, etc but gradually these fade away bc you have dealt with it-
it always feels at first like the emotions will never go away, but that is a lie- they go away-
It is called de-sensitizing yourself. A therapist could help you with that- you do it little by little till things
fade away.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:09:27 BST]
simone717 last decade
Bach Flowers

Please get: Chicory, Mimulis, and Heather.

Take two drops from each and put into 2 tablespoons of water
and take this 3 times a day.

[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:24:15 BST]
simone717 last decade
R/S. Good eve.Noe I am not sleeping due to continious thought about place I m teaching.student r making noise in da class.I m afraid to tell class teacher which may result my poor performance.Thought coming repeated and cause heafeche unable 2 sleep.I didn't get batch flower.ttrying 2 get it got how many days I well take.Now can I take again 5 phos.plz.adv.me ASAP. Regd
ocd_ahmad 9 years ago
R/S. Good eve.Noe I am not sleeping due to continious thought about place I m teaching.student r making noise in da class.I m afraid to tell class teacher which may result my poor performance.Thought coming repeated and cause heafeche unable 2 sleep.I didn't get batch flower.ttrying 2 get it got how many days I well take.Now can I take again 5 phos.plz.adv.me ASAP. Regd.
ocd_ahmad 9 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.