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thank you telescope sir,
you are very kind; before David discontinued coming to forum, David was suggesting me Stramonium because Cannabis indica was working very well but 30c potency effect was staying for a short time. but effect of cannabis indica 200c stayed for a long time; i think it is time to move from cann-i, it is not working that well anymore; Question is : Why he decided on Stramonium, is there any way to find out that; If your homeopathy..is there anyway to find out why a patient was prescribed a particular remedy. It is a similar concept of reverse engineering. Given my symptoms do we you think an homeopathy expert can figure out why that remedy.
yogiram 9 years ago
the question you are asking is very good. it involves the fundamental principle of homeopathy. homeopathy is based on a law " similia similibus curantor " meaning like cures the like. put another way homeopathy obeys Newton's third law. for example if a patient comes with constipation the doctor gives him a medicine capable of producing a similar type of constipation. the body then gets more constipated which is called homeopathic aggravation ( natural + medicinal ). after that the body reacts and the medicinal as well as natural constipation are both thrown off.
every patient has symptoms and the good doctor writes them down for present as well as future reference. the doctor then tries to find a medicine which is capable of producing similar symptoms in a healthy individual. if he can find such a medicine he cures his patient. if the medicine is not a perfect match there will be palliation but no cure.
now coming to your case we find that it is not a natural disease. hahnemann had termed this type of diseases as Artificial diseases and said that they were more difficult to cure and many times incurable. you benefitted from cannabis indica because there is similarity of symptoms. cannabis is intoxicating but probably not addictive. stramonium is also intoxicating but more violent. people in India use it along with cannabis in shivratri. evocationer probably saw some similarity between stramonium and your symptoms to suggest it. as I have not gone through your previous posts in their entirety I cannot say right now which symptoms are similar. there is another medicine whose symptoms and nature are more similar. Opium is intoxicating and highly addictive. it has withdrawal symptoms similar to benzo. it may suit you better but let us not hurry.
telescope 9 years ago
very very nice telescope Sir,
I am so grateful to you telescope Sir for your kind explaination; I have another question. Can I ask?

David always said take original remedy shake/tap 10 times mix 2 drops from it in 100 ml of water then take a spoon from it. I have seen David suggesting some other patient to shake 20 times, he asked the same patient to shake the original liquid remedy 10 times previously later asked for 20 taps; Question 1 :what increase of shaking does to remedy action? Question 2.Also how to decide how many drops in how many ml of water? David does not use remedy from where I buy remedy. So it is must be a universal method it terms of amount or proportion to mix.

Dr A U Ramakrishnan talks about plussing method, if I am correct plussing method is shaking to make as an example 31c from 30c;or 200c to 201c and what I understand they talk remedies work better if the potency is increased.

I want to ask you because I repeat the same remedy while I am tapering.

Question 3. Should I increase the shaking or taping to have a more potent remedy. If yes if I have to shake which solution's tap no has to be increased?
Thank you.
[message edited by yogiram on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 15:26:46 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 15:28:05 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 15:31:17 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 15:52:11 UTC]
yogiram 9 years ago
you have put in another serious question. the matter you are referring to is a latter day invention. dosing was a simple matter and hahnemann himself did not use any remedy above 30 potency. it is also interesting to note that he used to go down frequently when a change in potency was required. now a days most people go up when a change of potency is required and potencies are available upto CMM which is one hundred million.
the duration of action of potencies vary directly with their potency. for example sulphur 30 acts for approximately 3 days, 200 for 20 days,1m for 30 days and so on. it has been found that the body does not accept the same potency twice in close succession and does not accept the same potency more than twice even at long intervals. hence the need to change potencies arise when symptoms persist and call for the same remedy. this problem does not arise in acute diseases because the remedy is exausted very quickly and the same potency can be repeated. in chronic diseases the situation is quite different. for example sulphur 1m is given to a person and he comes back with the same symptoms one month later sulphur 1m can be repeated. if he turns up again with the same symptoms and sulphur 1m is given again there will be no action. the potency has to be changed. most times a higher potency is required but there can be cases where a lower potency may be needed. in another class of patients it is seen that there is no action of the remedy even though the symptoms are clearly calling for it. as the body does not accept the same potency twice the medicine cannot be repeated. in such cases it was found that if the potency was slightly raised the body accepted it. doctors who treat chronic diseases keep three slightly different potencies of all important medicines ready. they give their patients three doses to take generally in three successive days instead of one dose which is standard.
the power of a medicine can be changed by changing the dilution. put simply more dilute a preparation is more powerful it is. however simple dilution does not increase power.it has to be shaken vigorously ten times. the ratio of dilution in C scale is 1:99, in D scale 1:9. there is another scale LM where dilution ratio is much higher but it is not yet popular or readily available in most places.
for the first time you need not shake the bottle. you put one or two drops in half a cup of water stir it well and then take it. if you know that you get action from one dose you take the medicine once only, one teaspoon or the half cup it does not matter. if you do not get action from one dose then you take one teaspoon only. for the second those you take one teaspoon from your first preparation and dissolve in another half a cup of water, stir vigorously and take one teaspoon. similarly for the third dose put one teaspoon from the second cup and put in another half cup water and stir well and take. you need not be very particular about the number of drops of medicine or amount of water. approximate amounts will do.
if you need the same medicine say one month later you have to shake the bottle ten times to change the potency initially if you need one dose only. if you need more than one dose you will need a fourth cup for the first dose, fifth for the second dose and sixth for the third dose.
i hope i could explain it to your satisfaction.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you for what you wrote. I am sure all of us who are homeopathy users or patients will be helped.

My problem is tapering and stopping that anti anxiety allopathic medicine. 100s of people have the same symptom when they take benzo, those people who can taper and stop escape from the problem totally.

Homeopathy helps to control the withdrawal symptom for a less painful taper.

Let me learn from you giving you my example.

When I took Cannbis Indica 30c I found even when I am forgetting to take clonazepam ( a benzo) I was doing good upto few hours. I realized I have my remedy to support my taper. I reduced 33% of clonazepam. I stayed with it for 2 months and established 33% taper.

This is how effect of CI 30c stayed.

1st CI 30c effect stayed for 6 days
2nd CI 30c effect stayed for 14 days
3rd CI 30c effect stayed for 5 days
4th CI 30c effect stayed for 3 days
5th CI 30c effect stayed for 5 days
At some point after more than 10th CI 30c the remedy was not working anymore. But I achieved my 1st goal I could taper permanently 33%.

Then I started focussing on Cannabis Indica 200c. Initially I used the power of Cannabis 200c to establish two times a day clonazepam to 3 times a day. Meaning! after 33% taper I was taking x mgs /day of clonazepam but twice a day. that means 0.5x mgs every 12 hours, I changed that to 0.33x mgs every 8 hours. So I did not change the amount of clonazepam per day but could change it to 3 times a day. This is extremely important for taper. Because half life of clonazepam is only 18 hours. Anybody who knows pharmacology knows changing allopathy medicine dosage from 2 times a day to 3 times a day keeping total dosage per day constant may not be a easy task. CI 200c helped me to establish this difficult task. Literature says when we have to withdraw clonazepam we need to take clonazepam every 8 hours. I was always scared what if Cannabis Indica 200c won't work after few dosage. So I immediately got myself in taper. This time I went for NEXT 10 % taper.

1st CI 200c effect stayed for 26 days.
2nd CI 200c effect stayed for 50 days
3rd CI 200c effect stayed for 20 days
I just took the 4th CI 200c, and trying to establish my current taper.

Let me give you one more information:

I prepared CI 30c by tapping the original remedy 10 times, took 2 drops from there to 100ml of water took a spoon under the tongue. Kept it for 2 minutes and then swallowed. EVERY time I prepared remedy from original purchased source I prepared the same way.

I prepared CI 200c by tapping the original remedy 10 times, took 2 drops from there to 100ml of water took a spoon under the tongue. Kept it for 2 minutes and then swallowed. EVERY time I prepared remedy from original purchased source I prepared the same way.

Now I ask my question how do I prepare my CI 200c next time to get optimum good effect.

Most importantly I want a plan, a plan to always prepare most potent effective Cannabis Indica 200c so that I can use CI 200c to totally taper clonazepam to zero.

I have a feeling there is a better way to prepare remedy than what I am doing now. Now EVERYTIME I am preparing remedy from original purchased stock.

If I can taper the entire clonazepam I take I am free, I am a winner. Homeopathy and Homeopaths are the winner.

Ok I tried to express my question. Please help. Thank you.
[message edited by yogiram on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 22:06:09 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 22:15:16 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 22:21:06 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 22:31:09 UTC]
yogiram 9 years ago
to prepare higher potencies you will need a few clean bottles, distill water and absolute alcohol. the steps are : 1. take a bottle and put in 99 drops of distilled water. 2. put one drop medicine in the bottle. 3. shake the bottle vigorously 10 times.
your next higher potency is ready. if you want to store it add some absolute alcohol. if you want the next higher you use one drop from from this bottle and not the original one. you have already used four times. for the next dose follow the steps I have described. the difference between what you have been doing and what I have described is only in shaking. you were shaking the original bottle every time whereas you will be shaking the new bottle now.
it has been observed that the difference between the potencies of any two successive doses is also important. bigger the difference better the action. therefore homeopathic potencies are not 1,2,3,4....... but 3,6.30.200,1000......higher the potency deeper the action and they work at the genetic level. so when you prepare your medicine make it 208 instead of 205. you will need four bottles and in the last bottle you add absolute alcohol instead of water either entire or atleast in 50:50 proportion. this is on account of need to store. only water will spoil.
I hope I have made it clear. if you have any doubt do not hesitate to ask. I will be happy to help you.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you very much for the procedure. However my question is

Are you suggesting if I use C I 208c, then C I 216c potency remedy I might get better result? My goal is not to get a remedy that is deep, my goal is to always use remedy that will work while I am tapering allopathy meds.
As you know it not really a disease, it is an injury or hazard from allopathy meds. As long as I take such allopathy med (poison) I will suffer. And I am trying to use homeopathy remedies to get less withdrawal symptoms.
yogiram 9 years ago
I was thinking of 208, 212,216.... you can continue with the one step increase. I suggested the change only because you said that the medicine was not acting well.
telescope 9 years ago
I talked to few homeopathy companies about absolute alcohol. They told me what alcohol they buy from which company. It is not easy to buy absolute alcohol. One of the lab person said Vodka can be used for preservation purpose.
Question 1. : Should I use plain vodka? I think it has 40% alcohol
Question 2: Should I just make simple? A) make 204c from 200c, use 204c and throw the 204c. B) Next time make 208c from 200c, use 208c and throw 208c ...This way I might end up room full of bottles.
Question 3: Can I use those brown bottles after washing and drying?
Thank you
[message edited by yogiram on Tue, 28 Jul 2015 22:14:55 UTC]
yogiram 9 years ago
you have already used the original 200 four times which makes it 204. if you had not shaken it it would still be 200.
when you prepare next time if it is one step keep the preparation for next time. you can use vodka .
if it is 208 then keep the 208 and discard the other three. add vodka only in the 208 bottle. you can use the discarded bottles after washing and drying.
when you prepare 206 or 212 as the case may be you use the 205 or 208 and not the original bottle. after you make the preparation you can discard the 205 and 208, wash the bottles dry them and keep for future use. that way you are using only 4 or 5 bottles.
you can use the small brown bottles after washing and drying them.
telescope 9 years ago
I thought 1 drop of original 200c plus 99drops of water >> tap 10 times >> 100 drops of 201c
My understanding was dilution followed by 10 times tapping results in increase of potency..
But in my case I tapped in four occasion 10 times each but never diluted the original remedy bottle.
Here I am not diluting..

How is it 204c now?
yogiram 9 years ago
shaking also increases the potency marginally. you need not worry because if the potency is still 200 you will get 201 or 204 which are not very different from 205 or 208. the important thing is that there should be some difference.
telescope 9 years ago
My goal is to make remedy of little higher potency.

Your suggestion for me was if I use a remedy of little higher potency my remedy will most probably keep working for a prolonged time.

Once I dilute and preserve with vodka instead of absolute alcohol of homeopathy grade I have to keep using preparation made by me for making the next higher potency. And I will depend on my remedy preparation as I go forward. If the remedy does not work no coming back to original remedy because it is of lower potency.

1. Years ago someone told me alcohol quality is very important. Maybe it is not that important for short term storage. But still these famous companies are using the best quality absolute alcohol I will be using vodka which is made to use as alcoholic beverages.

2. I will shake mechanically with my hand where one tap will be of different force from another tap, these homeopathy companies probably use a machine to shake or tap.

3. Dana Ullman 6th best homeopath of the world according to ranker dot com says silica by the process of leaching comes in the solution while shaking. And remedy molecule remains inside the silica lattice, so quality of silica must be of great importance in preparing a good homeopathy remedy. Dr Ullman gives the research paper reference and that is.. Applied magnetic resonance vol 26, year 2004, page 465. As we all know glass can be made from different type of material. The glass I will buy from a local store will not be the glass those famous homeopathy remedy company uses.

4. I am sure you know companies in Europe and also America take good precaution to make remedy, and it is in a super clean environment. Whereas at home when I would do these serial dilutions in dusty air and bottles cleaned by me what do you think would be the quality of remedy I can expect.

My fear is 1 to 4 directs me to faulty low quality remedy preparation and that I have to use to prepare the next higher potency.

As you said even if I shake original purchased stock it increases its potency; maybe 10 times shaking without water dilution is not enough to increase adequate effective potency, but from your experience do you think if I shake 20 times or 40 times JUST the ORIGINAL purchased remedy I might get better result.
[message edited by yogiram on Wed, 29 Jul 2015 23:08:21 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Wed, 29 Jul 2015 23:09:50 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Wed, 29 Jul 2015 23:18:02 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Wed, 29 Jul 2015 23:19:34 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Wed, 29 Jul 2015 23:20:39 UTC]
yogiram 9 years ago
you can do that. if you shake the new preparation also you can be sure of change of potency.
telescope 9 years ago
Respected Telescope Sir,
I should prepare for the next remedy, it takes 40 days to get a remedy because of customs clearance.
I observed both in case of CI 30c and CI 200c when there is no aggravation effect of remedy stays shorter period of time.
I will try to increase potency by your process, lets assume it wont work. I have CI 1M should I try that?
Usually first two times when I took CI 30c and CI 200c I had aggravation.
How do I get next remedy? I guess it has to be based on current symptoms.
It is hard to bear pain and sufferings even 1 day when homeopathy remedy is not working.
[message edited by yogiram on Thu, 30 Jul 2015 16:42:01 UTC]
yogiram 9 years ago
yes. you will have to use 1m if the 200 does not work any more.
when a medicine produces aggravation followed by amelioration it means that the choice of medicine was correct. but in treatment of chronic problems whether it is natural disease or artificial disease or trauma case the similimum has two components: the medicine and its potency. the similimum can cure only when both the components are correct. in acute problems potency is not all that important.
for example in an acute case if a patient needs aconite you can give whatever potency is available. it does not matter whether it is 30 or 200 or 1m. you will get the same action.
in chronic problems the choice of potency is extremely important. if the potency is wrong the medicine will not work. there are cases where the selection of medicine was correct but choice of potency wrong and the poor patient is not getting cured because the doctor is changing the medicine instead of the potency.
when the problem is deep rooted high potencies work better. your problem is not superficial. it involves neuro receptors if I am not wrong. so higher potencies should work well.
so long as cannabis indica is indicated by the symptoms you use it changing the potency after every 2 or 3 applications. there is no need to think of change of remedy right now.
telescope 9 years ago
I am really happy the way you explained the importance of potency in case of chronic diseases.

Question 1: It is good I can look forward to 1M. Should I also get cann-i 10M or more. It takes 40 days to get a remedy.

Also I should say:
Because David/Evocationer was thinking of Stramonium I am looking at Stramonium

Point 1 : Skull burning sensation OR FEELING of there is inflammation of some membrane between skull and the brain not very well covered by cann-i. I see it is covered by Stramonium (stramonium says head; brain; inflammation of brain; meningitis;);

Point 2 : you said stramonium is a violent remedy; I can say I have anger towards people who did hurt me in the past, it is suppressed anger, can violent behavior be supressed? Generally speaking I am very helpful and caring to people who suffers or needs help but I have a feeling I have supressed anger and that hurts my health.

Point 3 : I have this UNCONTROLLED THOUGHT of flying objects hitting my body AND UNCONTROLLED THOUGHT of bones crushing, flesh blood splattering...this is not visualization...this is a thought...is this called DELUSION? if yes looks like stramonium covers delusion.

Point 4 : For a very short time when this DELUSION is going on along with skull burning sensation I feel I am going crazy or insane; (although I do not think I am insane); I really do not know to distinguish between delusion and insanity;
for insanity Stramonium looks to be very good remedy.Actually when cann-i action fades away this symptoms seriously makes me sick

point 5 : Stramonium people does not like darkness; but I was reading in an article where George vithoulkas wrote it does not have to be real light or dark, it can be in my mind; so I can say it was the case when my disease erupted/ started.

point 6 : few more points covered by Stramonium

mind; behaviour; foolish behaviour;
mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled;
None of points I wrote are covered by cann-i except delusion hallucination; But do not have hallucination I had hypogonic hallucination, hypogonic is totally different.................
oh my god I have faint feeling sensation at this moment what to do...
Question 2 : Will you look if Stramonium suits my problems
Ok thank you.
You take care.
[message edited by yogiram on Fri, 31 Jul 2015 03:10:24 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Fri, 31 Jul 2015 03:18:35 UTC]
[message edited by yogiram on Fri, 31 Jul 2015 03:23:18 UTC]
yogiram 9 years ago
OK. I will read up stramonium.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you, Sir
yogiram 9 years ago
you have two sets of symptoms. one , the original symptoms for which you sought treatment and two, the withdrawal symptoms. as we are treating withdrawal I need to know which are original and which are withdrawal symptoms.
telescope 9 years ago
Respected Sir,
You asked a very important question. I need to think and write can I get some time?

Also I want to ask you something and that is ...there are few little things patients hesitate to write in open forum.

David allowed all patients to write such private symptoms or stories via email but main treatment plans discussions stays here in open forum. What would be your rules?

Thank you.
Preparing for your answer.
yogiram 9 years ago
that's alright with me. you can write your stories and send to my email.
there is no hurry, you can take your time.
telescope 9 years ago
I forgot TO write few symptoms in email..1. fear 2. immersed in thoughts 3. mistakes in writing , missing words, repeating words 4. weak memory about remembering names and telephone number 5. easily exhausted..no idea which one about are from benzo.

yogiram 9 years ago
Hello Telescope Sir,
I do not have any instrument to measure fluid.

This the way I thought I will increase potency. Please look at the procedure and validate

assuming 20 drops = 1ml;

step1.1drop of purchased 200c remedy + 99 drops of distilled water >> succussion 10 times >> 100drops of 201c remedy;(100drops is approx 5ml)

step2. take 1 drops of 201c remedy + 99 drops of water >> succussion 10 times >> 100drops of 202c remedy

step3. take 1 drops of 202c remedy + 99 drops of water >> succussion 10 times >> 100drops of 203c remedy

step4. take 1 drops of 203c remedy + 99 drops of water >> succussion 10 times >> 100drops of 204c remedy

will take 2 ml of 204c under my tongue; remaining 3 ml mix with vodka for next time use.
yogiram 9 years ago
yes, that is the way to make it.
you have mentioned in the email that you had degeneration of cervical spine. do you have bone problem anywhere else in the body ? did you suffer from tonsilitis in your childhood ? is there any history of tuberculosis in your family history?
telescope 9 years ago
1.no bone problem at all anywhere. even in cervical spondylosis i never suffered, they caught it in the MRI.
2. yes suffered from tonsilitis in childhood.
3. mother's mother died of TB.
(just kindly informing you, tuberculinum can not be bought in USA)
4. I talked about white spots of MRI of brain, radiologists conclude from white spots MAY BE i) multiple sclerosis ii) small vessel ischemia of brain; but when neurologists examined me they said NO multiple sclerosis, ischemia they said I do not know;
I have done MRI of brain in 2005 and then 2010; I feel the white spots are little bigger; but neurologists repeated said this can not be multiple schlerosis.

I could not tell you the relationship with my wife. I only could tell you what happened to me at work.
Right now I am listening to Dr. George Vithoulkas youtube about Staph; I feel I am Staph. I took Staph 200c, 1M, 10M, LMs given by a doc, but I really did not heal me that much, I feel it is because my system is badly toxicated by benzos.
I am not a homeopath but I have a tendency to read and know about homeopathy. I know
homeopathy is a very complicated subject.
I observe best of the best homeopaths like to feel the personality of the patient.
If you feel you want ask few questions via skype or ph I can call you. Understanding a patient is so very important.
Best regards.
yogiram 9 years ago

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