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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Speech Issues with my son

Im in need of some advice as my son has some speech issues that need some attention. He will be three yrs old in 2 months. His first year of life was riddled with ear infections in which he was given antibiotics maybe 5 or 6 times.(Sorry but we only made the full commitment to homeopathics 2 yrs ago). He has had 2 febral siezures all around the age of 1 1/2 yrs old. We have been able to stop them from happening this past year with various remedies and help from our homeopath. Our son is very determined and strong willed and we have had many issues with gettng him to try new foods. Also he seemed to require very little sleep and was able to go on minimal sleep for a couple of years. We have fixed this problem in the past few months and he sleeps normally now. He has a great love for animals and is a very sweet and loving kid, until he doesnt get his way. He snaps and is uncontrollable. Last year we tried Medorinum with little sucess, and then we switched to Veratrum and have found some very positive results with this medicine. His behavioural issues go away for a time only to return later. He has now taken Veratrum 10m more than a few times and we are seeing if the beneficial effects last longer with each dose. They seem to lasting longer and he is an awesome sweet little guy while the medicine is working.
Other meds that work on him really well are Nat Mur 30 for when he has post nasal drip and coughs alot and Rumex 30 for the same condition. I see that you have asked the quetion about grinding his teeth and I didnt think that he did, but the other night in bed I caught him doing it alot but he is currently sufferng from Grass Pollens and Im not sure if this is related. I will try to keep an eye on the grinding to see if it continues.

Our major concern is his speech. He is approximetely one yr behind where he should be for his age. The two biggest issues with his speech are inserting G's for many letters. Ex little=liga,
and the other concern is leaving letters of the ends of words. Ex milk=mil, bird=bur, spiderman=da-maa.

The positives are that he wants to talk and tries to repeat everything you ask him to but he just cant seem to grasp it. The other day we concentrated on snake. We keep getting 'nay' no matter how we try to break the word down. Cant say 's' whatsoever and leaves the 'ke' off of snake. We took him to get assesed at our hospital and they seem to think that everything is normal with him other than his delay in speech. I understand that the ear infections in his first year could have delayed his learing process but was wondering if there is anything else that could give him a helping hand.If there is anything else I can provide please ask. Thanks so much in advance,
  Jay 15 on 2006-06-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I think he is doing fine.
girilal last decade
it is as he hears the sounds--ear infections---use hand plaement on vocal throat of speaker--sounds you mention require almost non perceptive mouth movement----pointer to-again as he hears it..

treatment will need address ear infections ----suppressive treatment--which later gave rise to fever complications---all same disease--treat this and best bet for solving indiscrimate sounds...
John Stanton last decade
The ear infections have not occured in a year and a half now. We give him a complex every day as a preventative measure and it is not an issue. He hears perfectly fine.

Thanks for the vote of confidence that he is doing fine. I agree, he is fine. His health is well under control and his behaviour issues have come around substantially. But am I wrong to want to help his speech along? Im a father who only wants to help my kids when ever possible and I feel that Im not putting my son in any sort of risk by seeking a homeopathic remedy.

Does any remedies jump out as one to try, or am I just being overbearing? The speech therapist we met feels my son needs help but their waiting list is close to 8 months long.
Thanks again,
Jay 15 last decade
My wife informed me that my son always grinds his teeth. I told her Im not very perceptive, but she said No I just fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow.

I would be very grateful for any other responses.
Thanks, Jay
Jay 15 last decade
if he grinds his teeth, try to observe if he picks his nose as well..

also, check his stool if he has been suffering from worms.
rishimba last decade
He does pick his nose alot during the day. Should I be looking for this while hes sleeping as well?
We will look into the worms thing. Can you please elaborate on either of these issues. Thanks.
Jay 15 last decade
No worms in stool (checked two times today). My wife agrees, hes a definite nose picker.

Hope this info helps.
Jay 15 last decade
Dear JayO,

I need more details with all medication given to him till now.

1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
10. Diabetic or non Diabetic
11. Desire(food) sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
15. What exactly is happening ?
16. How do you feel ?
17. How does this affect you ?
18. How does it feel like ?
19. What comes to your mind ?
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
21. How did that feel like ?
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
24. current medicine you are taking
25. family back ground
26. qualification of patient
27. Nature of working
28. desire and aversion of food
29. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email.
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Ok, here goes.

All medications given to him -
Nov 2003- Amoxicilian
Nov 2003- Apo-Sulfatrim
Jan 04- Elidel Cream
March 04 - Aerochamber Pediatric mask , and salbutamol
May 04 - Amoxicilian
May 04- Zithromax
May 04 - Fucithalmic Susp
July 04 - amoxicillian
July 04 - Zithromax
Late 2004 early 2005 - another two doses of Zithromax

Note: Nathan does not respond to amoxicilan whatsoever. The doctors trie him once for an ear infection, and then once again on a throat infection. Both times it did nothing.

Name - Nathan
Age - Born Augut 9, 2003
Sex - Male
Weight - 32lbs
Height - 36 5/8 inches, or 93cm
Appearance - Blond curly hair, green eyes. They were blue and only changed to green at 2 1/4 yrs.
Country - Canada, Southwestern Ontario
Climate- humid in summers, this is a damp year, (not sure what else to add)
Complaints - Temper tantrums and defiance issues
2. Speech Delay
Non Diabetic
Desire for foods - sweets, milk, breads.
Thirst - needs milk in middle of night off and on. Goes through fits and spurts with this. He drnks orange and apple juice, water but usually will prefer milk.
Tongue - alost always little red dots on it. Often coated white towards the centre of
it. When he gets sick the dots are mre pronounced.
Blood Pressure - never checked it
What is happening- Nathan is about 1 yr behind on speech. on my original post I outlined his speech issues. My other main issue with him is his temper and overall behaviour.
How does it affect Nathan - Wth the speech it doesnt really. Its not like he gets upset when we cannot understand him. He keeps repeating it and if we dont get it he will show us what he wants and we figure it out.
We wonder if it had something to do with all his ear infections early in life that may be the cause for the delay.
I would like to give a little more history of Nathan and hat we have done for him. When he was very little he got his first ear infection that we gave him antibiotics for. We were kind of dabbling in homeopathic medicine at that point but not very versed in it. A month later he got another one and we started treating it with Pulsatilla 30. It seemed to work but my fear is that I stopped it too soon and it only kept it at bay. Whenever I would stop administering medicine he would get sick again and I would give in to my wifes concern and take him to the doctors for more antibiotics. at 1.5 yrs Nathan had a febral seizure and it was the scarriest moment of my life thinking my young child was dying in my arms. At that point I was totally done with doctors ad conventinal medicine as they said there was nothing that could be done and that he would outgrow it hopefully. We started giving Nathan an Ear Complex Formula everyday once in the morning and once at night. We still give it to him to this day. Never had an issue with his ears again. Well after that problem was fixed Nathan started having throat issues He would get a cold and have serious PND and would cough considerably. With the help of our homeopath we couldn't find a remedy to help with this. After a few days of PND he would get a fever and get really sick. He had another seizure that lasted approx 5 minutes. This throat problem was cleared up wth antibiotics and then happened again shortly after. We then started giving him a Throat Complex (made by Dolisos) every day along with the Ear Complex. No problems ever since. He got chcken pox a few months back and had a low grade fever and started showing signs of another seizure but we have learned along our journey how to stop them from happening. When he gets a fever we give him a dose of Belladonna 200 and then drop back to Belladonna 30 after that. We are still giving him Tylenol and/or Advil when a fever hits because I know that will help to break the fever quick and Im not willing to jeopordize his health by stopping this. Now that we give him Ear and Throat everyday we have no major health issues with him. He seems to be suffering from allergies right now but the grasses are polenating in our area.Ive been thinking about trying him on a dose of bacillinum 200 as recommended on this site for catarrh but Im not sure at this point as I need to look into that further before we decide. His nose leaks freely. It usually is very clear and profuse. Seems also to run back down his throat alot which makes him cough uncontrollably especilly at night. Nat Mur 30 works amazing for his coughs. Rumex also works great for the odd time with NatMur is not effective.
Behavioural Issues - Nate is extremely strong willed. He is a beautiful loving child that loves to cuddle and kiss and craves affection. When something that happens that he doesnt like, he snaps. He will throw his head back and smash it into the ground, kick and scream. This is not a normal 2 year old acting out. Its to the point where last summer we rented a cottage for a week with another family and we had to leave early because of him. Not listening and freaking out over everything. He has a very strong attraction to animals. Every dog we see he must go and pet them and cuddle them. One year ago we bought hi a dog and he is amazing with it. He plays witht the dog constantly and they are best buds. Hes a little rough with her at times but I think its due to his age. He is not cruel to the dog whatsoever. Last year we tried him on Medorinnum. We started at I think a 30 and went all the way to a 1M. Did not sem to help at all. We then went to veratrum once again starting small. Instant change in his behaviour. He stopped freaking out, listened better and was a joy to be around much like we remember out older son at that age. Medicine quickly wore off so we progressed up the ladder. He had taken a 10M about 4 or 5 times. He took his last dose 15 days ago. The next day he is wonderfull again. 3 days ago he started freaking out again and it has gotten progressively worse since then. This morning I went and met with my homeopath and she gave e 5 pellets of 10M and said keep track of how long this benefits him and we will reasses. She said there is one stronger dose if this does not work. My conern is that this cant be his remedy if it only working for 2 weeks. I wish it was beause he really is a great kid while on this. Should we be scared of contnuing to give this so often Is is the right remedy or is it very close to the right remedy?

I started this thread just trying to address one concern but Ive kind of made this into a bigger issue.

This is as much about Nate that I can think of at this time. Please let me know any thoughts that any of you may have.
Thanks for the all the replys that have come in at this point.

Jay 15 last decade
do not proceed with MEDORINNUM any more. if it has not helped him till now, it wont.

your child will respond to NAT MUR 200C given to him one dose every week.

the fact that NAT MUR works on him for cough problems, its going to be the remedy for autism as well.

start treatment with SULPHUR 200C one dose on any one day and then NAT MUR 200C one dose every week.

based on the observations, further change in the potency will be done.
rishimba last decade
Dear Jay,

As Rishimba said no need to take Medorrhinum.
I advise you to take Natrum Mur 200 one dose and repeat it after 5 days.Along with this give him Natrum Phos 6X(biochemic medicine) 4 pellets thrice a day.
Do not give him cold food or any food which aggravates him.

Report after one week.In case any aggravation or any things appears then mail me with my prescriotion.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Im glad to see that both of you agree on the Nat Mur. The only thing I need to think about is the Sulphur 200 at the beginning. May I ask how the Sulphur dose fits into the picture?

We are so excited to get started on this and are very grateful for everything.
Jay 15 last decade
sulphur will pave the way for action of nat mur.

any kind of vaccination or anti biotics taken in the past may have an inhibiting effect on the action of nat mur.

this will be resolved by sulphur.
rishimba last decade
Sulphur tomorrow, Nat Mur the next day.
Jay 15 last decade
Sorry but a couple more questions have come to mind.

With the sulphur clearing the path for Nat Mur to work,is thi an isolated relationship between these two remedies, or does sulphur work as a starting remedy for other situations as well? (Im not questioning the recomendations whatesoever, I just like to learn as much as possible).

Dr.Dinesh Sharma - can you please explain the role that Nat Phos 6x plays in this. Also are these tissue salts?

Thanks and hopefully Im not annoying you both with questions.
Jay 15 last decade
its not an isolated relation.

its general in nature. except for some limited remedies, if the totality of symptoms match, sulphur is generally useful as the starting dose.

in this case its very important as the child must have gone through some vaccinations etc.
rishimba last decade
I wanted to give an update on my sons case. The Nat Mur treatment has worked wonderfully on my son. I had to administer a couple of doses of 1M on him with the last being a month ago. His temperment is now very acceptable with all of his temper tantrums seemingly a thing of the past. His vocabulary is progressing very nicely and I believe he is catching up more each day.
I am so gratefull to Dr.Dinesh Sharma and Rishimba for all of their help both on this site and through my emails to them.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Jay 15 last decade
we are very happy that your son has responded to the prescribed remedies.

accept my best wishes for your son on behalf of all the prescribers here.

god bless.
rishimba last decade
Very nice response. Feedback is good for all. We can all learn from this . Thankyou.
Sycotic last decade
so glad to hear of your son's positive results with nat mur and homeopathy in general! my son too has responded wonderfully to homeopathy.

i wish you continued success!
kppy3 last decade
Dear Jay,

Its our duty and pleasure to help you.

May God bless him great health.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade

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