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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Do you STILL believe in vaccines

From: Patrick Quanten, MD.
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006.
for knowledge and well-being - in truth and in health
Vaccination Information

* Most micro-organisms that cause serious illnesses live within healthy people without causing any symptoms at all.
* No vaccine containing “pure” micro-organisms elicits an immune response. Only when a toxin is added to the vaccine does the body respond to it.
* The presence of antibodies is not an indication of immunity. They are only a small part of the blood immune response.
* Government statistics show that death rates of ALL infectious diseases had drastically fallen BEFORE the introduction of the specific vaccinations. (The only exception is smallpox, which showed a 275% increase after vaccination was introduced. The program was consequently terminated and smallpox vaccination disappeared.)
* An unvaccinated child is not an unprotected child - it still has its natural immunity.
* The Lancet (12 January 1980) reported that the BCG vaccine, against tuberculosis, showed no evidence of protection but rather an increase in tuberculosis cases. This has been the only double-blind vaccine test ever to have been published.
* Micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) do not cause diseases, they aid in the cleaning up process of healing, the road back to health.
* Natural immunity is not disease-specific; one does not need to have come in touch with all diseases in order to gain immunity against them.
* All so-called “infectious” diseases are the result of a toxic condition within the organ or the whole body. The symptoms relate to the elimination effort the system is making to clear out the toxins.
* Susceptibility to disease depends solely on the state of health of the body, not on the exposure to micro-organisms.

if you believe that your vaccination gives you full protection against infectious diseases, then it should not matter to you whether somebody else has been vaccinated or not!

  walkin on 2006-06-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
We made the decision to stop vacinnes for our children shortly after our second son was born. He never recieved his Measels,Mumps,Rubella,or Hep B shot(s). I was told a while back that I could give him a homeoathic equivalent to these but Ive not looked into this as hes had more pressing issues that have needed attention. For future reference should I look into this, and if so what are the remedies required. Thanks yet again,
Jay 15 last decade
Do NOT use homeopathic eqivqlent to vaccines

UNLESS these are INDICATED by the conditions of the person.

Use soley those remedies that increase the Vital Force .

These are remedies that are constitutional/miasmatic to the hereditary of the individual.
walkin last decade
there are nosodes you can use read, boerickes new manual,9 edition its not brilliant,will get the idea
if you must vacinate thuja 2x will antidote
ledum 30 for needle punture wounds that are cold or belladonna with high fevers.
chamilla will remove pain rapidly if the patient is extremely irritable,in a rare paddy, hits and strikes, and asks for things,throws them on the floor,one cheek red and hot, other pale
from kay sheppards first aid book p.46 [chamilla]
others: please add
alangail1 last decade
This notion of 'toxins' in vaccines is not new, and is not true. It's merely a hysteria being generated by people who would like to promote and sell their own idea of medicine.

Measles, rubella and cholera, etc, are killers. And they kill fast - faster than any homeopathic remedy can act. Humans have NO natural immunity to these diseases, which is why they kill so fast. You cannot 'inherit' immunity from your parents, and you cannot 'acquire' it by being around immune people.

The facts are simple: If you are not immune, you are a potential victim. And vaccination is what has wiped diseases out in developed countries, and lack of vaccination is what allows the diseases to develop elsewhere.

However I'm sure no-one here is going to listen to facts. So the best of luck for your children if they get these diseases...
ZepOz last decade
Do not take any kind of risk.Get your child vaccinated.The bad effects of vaccination can be removed very easily by homeopathic remedies.

sajjadakram635 last decade
To know the truth behind vaccines please read the following link:

maheeru last decade
Why is it the truth?
ZepOz last decade
get on the net there is bad out there. do a google search
ive seen the damage it can do
myself with the polio vacine
my kids with the dip
alangail1 last decade
I can find billions of references via Google to the positive effects of vaccines, with masses of facts to back them up.

What I would like to see here are the facts you have that contradict that, and prove them wrong. I do not have the time to go traipsing around the internet trying to find stuff you have already found.

So would you mind posting your confirming facts here, please?

thank you
ZepOz last decade

Vaccines are ineffective for the very simple reason that they do nothing to remove the root causes of childhood infection. The following diagrams make this point clear;

In reality, childhood infections such as measles, whooping cough, chicken pox etc, are not caused by germs, but by the toxic conditions of the body, a condition known as Toxaemia. Famous American physician, Dr Henry Bieler, author of 'Food is Your Best Medicine' writes, 'The primary cause of disease is not germs. Disease is caused by a toxaemia which results in cellular impairment and breakdown, thus paving the way for the multiplication and onslaught of germs'.

The causes of toxaemia are numerous. In third world countries the causes are related primarily to malnourishment, impure water, poor sanitation, poverty and overcrowding. In the developed countries like USA, Australia, England etc the causes are more related to over consumption of animal, dairy and refined processed foods, particularly cereals and grains, chemical additives in food and water, drugs, vaccines, pesticide residues and industrial poisons. Other causes can include poor parental health, traumatic childbirth, impoverished or polluted breastmilk, too early introduction of solid foods, spinal misalignment, muscular spasm, and nutritional deficiency.

This, in a nutshell, explains why vaccines are ineffective. Vaccines fail to address the root causes of disease and do nothing to remove the toxic conditions of the body out of which infection arises. Instead, vaccines are aimed at stimulating our immune system to fight off germs when in reality the germs are just feeding on the body's internal toxaemia which is their true biological role, a role that Biology refers to as mutualistic symbiosis .
'…these organisms (germs) live, multiply and thrive only in tissue encumbered with toxic matter from injudicious eating, poisons from stagnant bowels, acids from unbalanced foods, drink and drug poisons, and various disease products in the form of serums, vaccines and antitoxins……..germs reduce dead and dying organic matter back to its inorganic constituents suitable again as nourishment for plant life.'
George Teasedale - Nature Heals! Why Be Sick
This explains why millions of children in third world countries continue to die each year from measles, polio, tuberculosis etc despite being fully vaccinated. Vaccines do nothing to correct the nutritional status of a malnourished child. In Australia, aboriginal children are the most heavily drugged and heavily vaccinated group in the country yet they have an infection rate 100 times higher than white Australian children.

Vaccines neither remove the causes of disease or alter a child's susceptibility to infection and it is for this reason that vaccines have proven to be ineffective at preventing childhood infection.

Further Reading

Toxemia Explained by Dr J.H.Tilden

BodyBurden - The Pollution in People

Our Toxic World by Dr Harold Buttram and Richard Piccola

Toxic Chemicals in Mother's Milk

Toxic Chemicals in Umbilical Cords

Chemicals - Human and Environmental Health
alangail1 last decade
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
do not take any kind of risk indeed.
glendaethornton last decade

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