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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Berberinum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Alkaloid, derived from the roots of Berberis Vulgaris Berberis vulg. and Columbo (Cocculus Indicus Cocculus palmatus); C21H19NO5 Preparation, Trituration.

Authority. Herberger, Buchner's Repert. f. d. Pharm. (from Wibmer); took four grains in the morning.


Abdomen and stomach


Cuttings and rumblings in abdomen.


Stool and anus

Painless desire for stool.

Copious fluid stool, with pains in abdomen.

Thin evacuation, without pain.



Weak, sick feeling.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Berberinum

Acon-c > general
Authority. Prof. C. D. Schroff, Einiges über Aconitum in Pharmakognostischer, Toxikologischer und Pharmakologischer Hinsicht, Geschrieben in december, 1853. (Having obtained the original work, we deem it of sufficient interest to give these experiment anew and in detail, which will be more satisfactory and complete than the meagre statement taken at second hand found in vol. i.) Proving of the alcoholic extract of the root.

Colch > appendix
1, Schroff's provings, OEst. Zeit. f. Pract. Heilk., 1856, 22-24, Heinrich took .01 of a gramme, and after a week took .02 gramme; 2, the only case of poisoning known, Ber. Rudolph-stift, 227, 1867, a woman, aged twenty, took a solution of 45 milligrammes (Husemann's Pflanzenstoffe, 498).

Mur-ac > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 20, from Hahnemann, Chron. Krank-n.). 1, Hahnemann; 2, Gutmann; 3, Haynel; 4, Hartmann; 5, Langhammer; 6, Ng.; 7, Rummel; 8, Stapf; 9, Wislicenus; 10, in Sammlung f. Prakt. Aerzte, xv, 3 (Phil. Trans., 80, 425, from 20 drops of "dephlogisticated marine acid," -Hughes.); 11, Du Menil, from Sachse, in Hufel. Journ. (not obtainable, -Hughes.); 12, Hufel, Journ. (xviii, 4, 45, 46, from fumigations of Mur. ac. in typhus patients, -Hughes); 13, Humboldt, über die Reizbarkeit der Faser (experiments on animals, -Hughes); 14, Letocha, in Hufel. Journ. (not found, -Hughes); 15, Ramazzini (ch. 28 of Bayle's transl., effects of vapor on workers in salt, -Hughes); 16, Schaekel, no reference given; 17, Schmidt-müller (not obtainable, -Hughes); 18, Sammlung f. Prakt. Aerzte (not obtainable, -Hughes); 19, Theiner, in Annal. d. Heilk, 1811, April (not obtainable, -Hughes); 20, Westrumb, bei Sachse; 21, Ferriar, Med. Hist. and Reflections (Wibmer), effects of small doses; 22, same, effects of large doses; 23, Keil. Zeit. f. Hom. Kl., 3, p. 149, effects of inhaling the fumes; 24, Toothaker, Bost, Med. and Surg. Journ., 1836, p. 270, effects of about an ounce in one dose; 25, omitted; 26, Tardieu, sur l'Empoisonnement, p. 246, effects of "a vialful" in a woman; 27, Paul, from Tardieu, effects of about a quarter of a wineglassful in a young woman; 28, Allen, Pharm. Journ., 9, 284, 1850, effects of about an ounce in a young woman; 29, Ann. d'Hyg., 1852 (S. J., 78, 23), effects of 65 grammes in a young woman; 30, Collas, Tardieu sur l'Empoisonnement, effects of 60 grammes in a man; 31, Budd, effects of about half an ounce in a man, Lancet, 1859, p. 59; 32, Johnson, Br. Med. Journ., 1871, 221, effects of a teaspoonful in a girl of fifteen; 33, Kohler, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1873, effects of one ounce in a man.

Sec > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 80, from Trink's collection, Hartlaub and Trinks, Annalen der Hom. Klinik, 3, 228). 1, Caspar Schwenkfeld, Theriotrophaeum Silesiacum, Lignit, 1604, giebt die erste Nachricht von dem Vorkornum der Kriebelkrankheit; 2, Barbeck, de morbis convulsis. Duisb., 1763, 4; 3, Perrault, Lettre de Dodart in Journ. des Savans, ann. 1676, T. IV, p. 79; 4, Thulier, in Journ. des Savans, ann. 1676, T. IV, p. 79; 5, May, Bericht, wie die sich ereigwende Grimmund Krampfsucht zu kuriren. Kassel, 1683, 4; 6, Fr. Hoffman, med. rat. system, T. II, p. 300; 7, Geoffroy, Tractatus de Mater. med. Venet., 1665, T. II, p. 2; 8, Wepfer, Eph. Nat. Cur. Dec., III, Ann. II, p. 300; 9, J. Scheuchzer, Miscell. Lips, T. V; 10, J. H. Hoffmayer, Sendschreiben von der bisher an vielen Personen in seiner Gegend gefundenen Kiebelkrankheit, krummen, oder schweren Nothkrankheit, deren Ursachen und Heilmitteln, Berlin, 1702, 8; 11, Mémoires de l'Académie de Paris, 1710; 12, Lang, descriptio morborum ex clavorum secalinorum usu, etc., Lucern, 1717, 8; 13, W. H. Waldschmidt, de morbo epidemico, per Holsatium grassante, Kilon, 1717, 8; 14, Haberkorn, unvorgreifliche Gedanken von der Ziehe--oder Nervenkrankheit, welche durch das inficirte Korn in Sachsen und der Lansitz eingerissen, Budissin, 1717, 8; 15, G. Budaei., consilium medicum von d Krampfkrankheit, Budissin, 1717, 8; 16, G. W. Wedel, de morbo spasmod. epidem. maligno in Saxonia, Lusatia, etc., Jenae, 1717, 4; 17, J. D. Longolii, judicum medicum de corruptione lymphae per frumentum corruptum, oder medic. Gedanken von der Kronstaupe, welche ann., 1716-17, an verschiedenen Orten in Sachsen unter dem Titel des Reissens und der Ziehkrankheit, etc., bekannt. S. k., 1717, 8; 18, C. G. Wilisch, Bericht von der Krampfsucht, oder spasmod. Krankheit, so an verscheid. Orten im vergang. Jahre sich ereignet., Pirna, 1718; 19, Breslauer Sammlung von Natur-, Medicin-, Kunst- und Literatur-geschichte, I, II, Vers., 1718; 20, G. Schober, epitome diss. med. de sem. loliac. et secalis nigri corrupt., cum farina commixt. et alimenti loco assumtis varios morb. epid. ann. 1722, etc., producent. in Act. Cand. Lips., 1723; 21, C. Vater, observationes selectae de morbo spasmod. popillari Silesiaco. Viteberg. 1723; 22, Noel, in Histoire de l'Acad. des Scienc. ann. 1710, page 80; 23, Fontenelle, in Histoire de l'Acad. des Scienc. ann. 1710, p. 81; 24, H. Ludolf, diss. sistens casum novi morbi spasm. convuls. vulgo dicti Steifenfuss, steife Krankheit, Krampfsucht, ziehende Seuche, Grübelkrankheit, Erford, 1727, 4; 25, ---, diss. de affectu spasm. vago maligno epidem. vernac. Grübelkrankheit, Erford, 1756, 4; 26, F. E. Brüchmann, relatio de clavis secal. morbor. inde exort. epidem., quem die Kriebelkrankheit vocant, etc., in Comment. lit. Novimb., 1734, heb. VII, Nr. III; 27, C. A. Bergen, dissert. de morbo epidem. convulsivo, contagii experte. Francofurt. ad Viadr., 1742, 4, auch in Haller, Samml. prakt. Streitschriften, B. I, p. 87; 28, Rosén a Rosenstein, diss. de morbo spasmod. convulsivo epidem. Goth, 1749, 4; 29, Cothenius, Nachricht von der Schädlickheit des Mutterkornes in Schreber's Samml. verschied. Schriften. halle, 1756, 8, Th. II, p. 413; 30, P. J. Bergic, diss. de epilepsia acuta epidemica, Holm, 1756, Mater. Med. e regno veget. T. I., p. 49, Obs. VI; 31, Tissot, epistola ad D. G. Baker, de morbis ex usu secalis cornuti, data Lausannae, 1764, anmehren Orten in's Deutsche uebersetzt; 32, Müller, in Act. med. Berol. Dec., II, vol. vi, p. 50; 33, Burkhardt, in Satyr. med. Siles. Spec., III, Obs. IV; 34, Ant. Scrinc, in Satyr. med. Siles. Spec., IV, Obs. V, p. 35; 35, Salerne, Mémoire sur les maladies que cause le seigle ergoté in d. Mém. de Math. et de Phys. de l'Acad., T. II, p. 155; 36, Dodart, im Journal des Savans, 1769, ch. 16, Mars.; 37, Linné, Diss. de Raphania, Upsal., 1763, 4; 38, Sauvages, Nosol. Method. Amstelod., 1763, T. III, P. I, p. 547; 39, Th. Aug. Schleger, Versuche mit d. Mutterkorne, Cassel, 1770, 4; 40, M. Vetillart, Mémoire sur une espèce de poison sous le nom d'argot, seigle, ergotés, blé cornu, mane, etc., Tours, 1778; 41, Du Bourrix, Mémoire sur la nature et les effets du seigle ergoté, pour servis de réfutation au mémoire de M. Schleger, Paris, 1771; 42, Wichmann, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Kriebelkrankheit im J., 1770, Leipz. u. Zelle, 1771, 8; 43, Vogel, Schutzschrift für das Mutterkorn, als einer angelblichen Ursache der Kriebelkrankheit, Götting., 1771, 8; 44, Leidenfrost, diss. de morbo convuls. epidem. Germanorem, caritatis annonae comite, vulgo; die Kriebelkrankheit, Duisburg, 1771, 4, und in Baldinger's Magazin, 1776, St. IV; 45, L. E. Eschenbach, Bedenken vor der Schädlichkeit des Mutterkornes, Rostock, 1771, 8; 46, Baldinger, Programma ad diss. de metastasi in morbis, praefatio docet, secale cornutum perperama nonnullis ab infamia liberari, Jenae, 1771, 4; 47, Taube, Geschichte der Kriebelkrankheit, besonders derjenigen, welche in d. Jahren, 1770, u. 71, in den Zellischen Gegenden gewüthet hat. Gott., 1782, 8; 48, Marcard, von einer der Kriebelkrankheit ahnlichen Krampfsucht, die in Stade beobachtet ist., Hamburg, 1772, 8; 49, Focken, Versuche, Beobachtungen, Erfahrungen und Kurarten in d. sogenannten Kriebelsucht, Zelle, 1771, 8; 50, C. L. Nebel, diss. de Secale cornuto, ejusque noxa, experientia atque experimentis chemic. nixa., Giess, 1771, 4; 51, Ejusdem Progr. quo diss. suam de Secali cornuto a noxiis ac temerariis et contumeliosis objectionibus Schlegeri vindicat, Giess, 1772, 4; 52, B. W. Roeder, gründliche Abhandlung von der in Deutschland hin und wieder grassirenden Seuche, die Kriebelkrankheit oder Krampfsucht genannt, worin deren Beschaffenheit, Ursachen, Vorbauung und Heilung beschrieben, Frankf. und Leipzig, 1772, 8; 53, J. L. Herrmann, Abhandl. u. gegründ. Wahrnehm. von der Kriebelkrankheit, so in Niederschlesien, 1771, u. 72, epidem. grassirt hat, Kassel, 1774, 8; 54, Read, Traité sur le seigle ergoté, Strasbourg, 1771, 12; 55, Tessier, Traité de maladies des grains, Paris, 1783, 8; 56, ---, Mémoire sur les observat. faites en Sologne en 1772, in Mém. de la soc. roy. de Méd., A. 1776, p. 417; 57, Sangiorgio, diss. sur la gramigna che nella Lombardo infesta la segala, Milan, 1772; 58, C. L. E. Hartmann, Berichte und Bedenken, die Kriebelkrankheit betreffend, etc., Kopenhag., 1772; 59, Berichte und Bedenken, welche von den schleswigholstein, Physicis and d. kön. d. Kammer zu Kopenhagen sind gesandt worden, nebst d. Respons. des k. Coll. med., und ein Unterricht für d. Landvolk, Kopenhag., 1774, 8; 60, G. M. Brawe, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Kriebelkrankheit im Jahre 1771, Bremen, 1772; 61, Dreyssig, Handbuch d. med. Diagnost. Bd., 2; 62, Haase, Handbuch der chron. Krankheiten, T. II; 63, Jahn, Klinik d. chron. Krankheiten, T. I, p. 253; 64, Richter, Spec. Therap., T. IV; 65, Haller, Mat. med, übers. von Vicat. T. II; 66, Spielmann, Institut. mat. med.; 67, Keyl, Diss. de Secali corn. ejusque vi in corp. human. salubri et noxia, Berolin, 1823, 8; 68, C. Knape, über die zweckmäss. Schutzmittel gegen d. nachtheil. Wirk. des Mutterkornes, in Hecker's Jahrb. d. St. A. I. B. 2, Th. p. 240; 69, J. C. Lorinser, Versuche u. Beobacht. üb. die Wirk. des Mutterkornes auf d. menschl. u. thier. Körper, Berlin, 1824, 8; 70, Henning; 71, Waghas; 72, Nolten; 73, Class; 74, Evers Taube; 75, OEltze; 76, Osswald; 77, Roemhild bei Lorinser; 78, Cordier bei Froriep; 79, Uensler; 80, Acta Eruditor; 81, Bigelow, N. E. Med. J., 1816, p. 162, effects in seven cases, from doses of over a scruple; 82, Wessener, Hufel. J., 1817, effects of eating rye bread poisoned with it; 83, Villeneuve, A. H. Z., 1, 131, Histoire sur Secale Cornut., Paris, 1827, general effects; 84, Hartmann, A. H. Z., 1, 27, symptoms; 85, Perrotton, Hirschel's Archiv, 1, 156, effects of large doses, in labor; 86, Puchstein, Hirschel's Archiv, 1, 235, effects of "ergot bread;" 87, same, in a man; 88, Lorenz, A. H. Z., 1, 131, general effects; 89, Wagner, A. H. Z., 1, 129, from Hufel. J., 1832, epidemic poisoning; 90, Swett, Bost. M. and S. J., 1834, p. 420, general effects; 91, Munsell, Lond. Med. Gaz., 14, 605, a woman in fourth month of pregnancy took a drachm; 92, same, another woman took a drachm in two doses; 93, same, a woman in labor took 2 drachms in two doses; 94, Hooker, Bost. M. and S. J., 10, 299, a man took 1/2 drachm of the light oil at 2 P.M., and 1 drachm at 3 and 4 P.M., also another man experienced the same effects from 40 minims; 95, same cases, the symptoms that continued apparent for a week; 96, same, a man took 14 ounces of infusion, and another man 8 ounces within two hours; 97, Hulse, N. A. Archives of Med. and Surg. Sc., 1835, p. 81, a woman, just delivered, suffering from haemorrhage, took 12 ounces of infusion in doses, every half hour; 98, Jacoby, Archiv. de Méd. Strasbourg, 1835, effects of drachm doses of powder during pregnancy; 99, Thompson, Lancet, 1836-7, p. 854, effects; 100, Schramm, Berlin Kl. Wach., 1837, p. 378 (from Helbig Heraclides, 1, 56); 101, Roullin, Froriep, Notizen, 1829 (from Helbig); 102, Jansen, Rust's Mag., 1829 (ibid.); 103, Cottmann, Am. Med. Intell., 3, 329, experiments on healthy lunatics, with scruple and 1/2-drachm doses; 104, Beckwith, Am. Med. Intell., 3, 213, a woman in labor took 30 grains; 105, Allier, Bull. de Thérap. (Am. J. of Med. Sc., 25, 210), effects in cases suffering from paralysis of the bladder; 106, Ann. de Méd., 1, 839, effects in a healthy man, of 24 grains; 107, Chavasse, Transact. Prov. M. and S. Assoc., 4, injurious effects; 108, De Gravina, Annali Univers di Med., 1839 (Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1840), the author took 24 grains; 109, Jablanczy, A. H. Z., 30, 295, provings on self, with a dose of 50 drops of tincture; 110, same, on Mr. Matzeka; 111, Maisonneuve, Gaz. des Hôp., 18, 711; 112, Barbier, Recherches sur Secale (A. H. Z., 20, 143), a person took several drachms; 113, Wright, Edin. M. and S. J., 1840, p. 9, effects of a dose of 2 1/2 drachms; 114, same, a woman, flooding, took 1/2 drachm three times a day for a fortnight, then 1 drachm four or five times a day for five days; 115, same, a woman in labor, took an infusion of 2 drachms; 116, Holt, Lancet, 1842-3, 1, 712, effects on infant, when administered to mother during labor; 117, Cotlet, Edin. M. and S. J., 1842, 1, 83, effects of 1/2 drachm, repeated in twenty minutes, in a woman in labor; 118, Med. Times, 1843, 419, effects of 3 drachms, in a woman with cancer of neck of uterus; 119, Bost. M. and S. J., 1843, 168, from Gaz. des Hôp. dysentery in twenty-seven persons, caused by eating diseased rye; 120, Gibbon, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 33, p. 244, 1844, a healthy man took 16 grains of powder in a decoction; 120a, same, took a scruple in a decoction; 120b, same, 1 drachm; 121, Gibbons, took aq. ext., 10 grains; 121a, same, took 30 drops of the ethereal oil; 122, Parola, Gaz. Med., 1844, No. 19, effects of 30 grains (symptoms after two hours); 123, same, experiment on self with 20 grains; 124, Patze, Med. Zeit. Preuss., 1844 (Br. J. of Hom., 3), effects of a drachm of powder; 125, Pardu, Annali Univers di Med., 1844, effects of 30 grains, in a man suffering from a trifling disorder; 125a, same, repeated with same and additional symptoms; 126, same, another in health took 20 grains of powder; 126a, same, took 30 grains, after a hearty meal; 127, Med. Zeit. Preuss., 1845, a man took a drachm of powder; 127a, same, repeated; 127b, same, 2 drachms; 128, same, another man took a drachm; 128a, same, repeated; 128b, same, took 2 drachms; 129, Ker, Br. J. of Hom., 8, 462, effects; 130, Arnal, Mem. Royal. Acad. de Méd., 1849, experiment on self, took 1 1/2 drachms of powder, kept quiet, and counted his pulse every fifteen minutes; 130a, same, another experiment; 131, Nuttal, Med. Times, vol. 16, p. 391, effects of eating poisoned bread; 132, OEst. Med. Woch., 1847, No. 42, effects of poisoned bread; 133, Bonjean, Lancet, 1845, 1, 701, a family poisoned by bread; 134, Pratschke, Casp. Woch. (Lond. Med. Gaz., 1850, p. 579), poisoning of a woman by bread; 135, same, a girl aged eighteen; 136, same, a girl aged seven; 137, same, child aged four; 138, Ungefug and Strahler, Zeit. Verein OEst., 2, 252, ergotismus, in a boy; 139, same, in a man; 140, Huss-busch, Frank's Mag., 4, 687, cases of ergotismus; 141, same, effects of a teaspoonful taken to produce abortion; 142, Hussa, Vjs. Prag., 1856 (A. H. Z., 52, 167), poisoning of three persons by flour, one sixth ergot; 143, same, in a boy; 144, same, in a girl; 145, Heusinger, Deutsch Klin., 1856, epidemic ergotismus; 146, Zabari, OEst. Zeit. f. ver. AErzte, 1, 117, effects of poisonous bread, in a child; 147, same, in a woman; 148, Dietz, Zeit. f. ver. AErtze OEst., 2, 252, effects of 2 drachms; 149, Channing, Bost. M. and S. J., 1859, p. 138, effects of quarter of a pound, in a pregnant woman; 150, Meyer, Wien Wochbl., 1861, epidemic of ergotismus; 151, Neubert, Journ. of Pharmacod., 2, 4, a woman poisoned; 152, Ricker, Nass. Med. Jahrb., 15, 748, a family poisoned by bread; 153, Casp. Vjs., 20, 1862, effects of large doses, in a woman; 154, Poyet, Annal. de Soc. de Méd. de St. Étienne et de la Loire, 1863, effects of ergoted bread; 155, Hill, Trans. N. Y. Hom. Med. Soc., 2, 214, effects of 1/2 an ounce of powder, in a woman suffering from continued menstruation, death on eleventh day; 156, same, from N. O. Journ. of Med., a woman six months pregnant took powder of ergot, 40 grains every half hour, for about two hours; 156a, same case, two days later, took 3/4 of an ounce in six hours; 157, Stephens, Brit. Med. Journ., 1864, p. 503, fatal effects of tincture, taken to produce abortion; 158 and 159, omitted; 160, Flinzer, Vjs. f. ger. Med., 8 (1869), a boy poisoned by bread; 161, same, another boy; 162, a girl, aged sixteen; 163, same, a woman; 164, same, a girl, aged twenty-two; 165, Possart, Am. Obs., 6, 21, effects of poisonous doses; 166, Dr. G. S. Oldright, Canada Med. Journ., 6, 404, effects of ergot administered three days after delivery for slight flooding; 167, Nicol, Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1872, 2, 203, effects of drachm and 1/2-drachm doses of fluid extract; 168, Heuschel, Med. Rec., 9, 471, an infant, born about the eighth month, received by mistake, 30 drops of Squibb's fluid extract; 169, Wernich, Einige Versuche ueber das Mutterkorn, Berlin, 1874, effects of a large amount, in a woman three months pregnant; 170, Smith. Pharm J., 1874, p. 622, effects of 3 to 7-grain doses.

Zinc-s > appendix
(1 and 2, from Franz, Archiv, 6, Part 2). 1, Peter Forest, Observation, lib. 3, Obs. 40; 2, Schüler, Journ. de Méd., 1781; (3 to 8, from Roth, Journ. de la Soc. Gall., Mat. Méd. Pure, vol. i, p. 467); 3, Buchan, Domestic Medicine, vol. iii, p. 450; 4, Fodéré, Méd. leg., vol. iv, p. 163; 5, Metezger, Material für die Staat, vol. i, p. 22; 6, Opitz, Pyl's Aus. und Beotach, vol. ii, p. 12; 7, Sartorius and Moosheim, Untersuch. über Zink, Koeln, 1826; 8, Elliotson, Lancet, vol. i, No. 4; 9, Dr. Werres, Hencke's Zeit., 1832 (Frank's Mag., 3), two children ate some in soup; 10, G. G. Sigmond, M.D., Lancet, 1837-8 (1), 880, a young lady swallowed 2 ounces white vitriol in solution; 11, Pyl's Memoirs (ibid.), a lotion of Sulphate of zinc was applied to the scalp of a boy, aet. six years, for a scaly eruption, death in five hours; 12, Maloz and Jasinsky, in Mem. der Warsh. Med. Gesel. (A. H. Z., 14, 380), observations on one hundred persons; 13, Tardieu, poisoning by solutions of white vitriol; 14, Platner and Pignacca, Gaz. Med. di Lombardia, 1848 (Brit. and For. Med.-Chir. Rev. 1849 (1), p. 545), a woman, aet. twenty-five, took 1 1/2 ounces of the sulphate death in thirteeen hours and a half; 15, Sister of last, aet. thirty-five, took a similar dose, recovery; 16, same, a woman, aet. thirty one years, recovering after delivery, took 1/4 ounce; 17, E. C. Atkinson, M.D., Iowa Med. Journ. (Bost. Med and Surg. Journ., vol, li, 1854, p. 256), a man, aet. twenty-eight years, took a tablespoonful; 18, Patrick Brennan, M.D., Lancet 1855 (2), p. 52, Francis K. aet. nineteen years, took 4 ounces, dissolved in a gill of water; 19, George D. Gibbs, M.D., Lancet, 1856 (1), p. 540, Mrs. S., aet. twenty-two years swallowed a lotion containing 67 grains; 20, Santesson, Preus. Verein. Zeit., 1859 (A. H. Z., M. B., 1, 27), a woman took about 4 ounces for constipation; 21, John W. Ogle, M.D., Lancet, 1859 (2), p. 210, a man took the sulphate for some days, death; 22, Mr. Skey, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862 (2), p. 252, a man, aet. fifty-two years, swallowed about 1/2 ounce, death on the fifth day; 23, J. W. Ramsey, M.D., Med. and Surg. Rep., vol. xx, 1869, p. 178, Marie, aet. twenty-eight years, took a tablespoonful of the sulphite; 24, A. J. Mackinrosh, M.D., Lancet, 1872 (1), p. 717, a man, aet. twenty-one years, swallowed 1 ounce in warm water; 25, A. K. Minich, M.D., Philada. Med. Times, 1872, p. 208, Mrs. G., aet. twenty-eight years, injected about 2 drachms in solution into her vagina, for leucorrhoea; 26, Dr. Lutier, Gaz. des Hôp., July, 1877 (Month. Hom. Rev., vol. xxii, p. 99), eighty prisoners swallowed each a pint of milk, containing almost 2 grams of the sulphate, the first symptoms, the same in all, after fifteen hours.

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