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Buchu, Barosma Crenata, Baro.

Not available to buy through our store.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Barosma in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Marked specific effects on genito-urinary system; Muco-purulent discharges. Irritable bladder, with vesical catarrh; prostatic disorders. Gravel. Leucorrhoea.


Tincture or Tea from leaves.

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Compare: Copaiva; Thuja Thuja; Populus; Chimaph. See Diosma.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Barosma

Cop > relationships
Compare: Santalum - (aching in kidneys); Cannab.; Canth.; Barosma; Cubeb; Apis; Vespa; Erig.; Senecio; Sepia.

Trit-r > relationships
Compare: Tradescantia; (Hemorrhage from ear and upper air passages; painful urination, urethral discharge; scrotum inflamed). Chimaph.; Senecio; Populus Trem.; Buchu; Uva. Polytrichum juniperinum - Ground Moss - (Painful urination of old people; dropsy, urinary obstruction and suppression).

Ferr-pic > genitals etc
Smarting at neck of bladder and penis (Barosma)

Barosma is not available to buy over the counter.

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As a gesture of goodwill to all our customers from the past 20+ years, we'll keep the site live for the time being but it is no longer viable to run the store.