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Populus Tremuloides

Populus Trem, Populus Tremul, Populus Tremula, Populus, Pop-t.

Available in 2X-30X, 12C-30C from $6.59
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HPUS indication of Populus Tremuloides: Night sweats

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Populus Tremuloides in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Prostatic enlargement with cystitis.

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catarrh mucous-pus (see urine, sediment containing pus)


pain; aching

pain; pressing, pressure

urge to urinate, but producing nothing

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Urethra (urinary part of genitals); irritation

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Populus Tremuloides

Sabal > relationships
Compare: Phosph-ac.; Stigmata Maydis; Santal.; Apis. In prostatic symptoms: Ferr. Pic.; Thuja; Picric Acid (more sexual erethism). Populus Tremul.; (prostatic enlargement with cystitis).

Trit-r > relationships
Compare: Tradescantia; (Hemorrhage from ear and upper air passages; painful urination, urethral discharge; scrotum inflamed). Chimaph.; Senecio; Populus Trem.; Buchu; Uva. Polytrichum juniperinum - Ground Moss - (Painful urination of old people; dropsy, urinary obstruction and suppression).

Baro > general
The leaves of several species of Barosma contain in vittae a volatile oil, having a warm camphoraceous taste and an odour something like mint. There are no provings of the remedy, and the only uses made of it have been with the tincture. But it has a markedly specific effect on mucous membranes generally, and especially on the genito-urinary system, closely resembling that of Sabal ser., Populus, Copaiva, and Thuja. Hale gives as indications chronic affections of genito-urinary organs having muco-purulent discharges, abundance of epithelium mixed with pus and mucous corpuscles. Irritable bladder, with vesical catarrh or gravel.

Staph > modalities etc
Dysuria; of brides; in pregnancy (Pop-t)