Epigea Repens
Trailing Arbutus, Epigea, Epigaea Repens, Epig.Have you ever used Epigea Repens? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Epigea Repens in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Chronic cystitis, with Dysuria; tenesmus after micturition; Mucopus and uric-acid deposit, gravel, renal calculi. Fine sand in urine of a Brown color. Burning in neck of bladder while urinating and tenesmus afterward. Pyelitis, incontinence of urine. Croaking noise and rumbling in bowels.
Tincture in 5-drop doses every three hours.
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Compare: Uva Ursi Uva, Chimaph.; Lycopodium Lyc. Pareira Brava Pareira. Epigea Repens contains Arbutin, also Formic acid.
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Chim > relationships
Compare: Chimaph. Maculata (intense gnawing hunger; burning fever; sensation of swelling in arm pits); Uva.; Ledum; Epigea.
Eup-pur > relationships
Compare: Senecio; Cannab. Sat.; Helon.; Phos-ac.; Triticum; Epigea.