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Kali Telluricum

, Kali-t.

Not available to buy through our store.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Kali Telluricum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Garlicky odor of breath, salivation, swollen tongue.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Kali Telluricum

Kali-c > relationships
Compare: Kali salicylicum (vomiting, especially of pregnancy; arteriosclerosis, with chronic rheumatism); Kali silicum (gouty nodosities); Kali Aceticum (diabetes, diarrhoea, dropsy, alkaline urine, very much increased in quantity); Kali citricum (Bright’s disease - 1 gr. to wine-glass of water); Kali Ferrocyanatum - Prussian Blue - (physical and mental prostration following infection. Inability to sustained routine work. Neuralgic affections depending on impoverished blood and exhausted nerve centers, especially spinal. Fatty and functional heart troubles. Pulse weak, small, irregular. Uterine symptoms, like Sepia, bearing-down sensation and gastric sinking; profuse, pus-like leucorrhoea and passive hemorrhage); use 6x); Kali Oxalicum (lumbago, convulsions); Kali picro-nitricum and Kali Picricum (jaundice, violent eructations); Kali tartaricum (paraplegia); Kali Telluricum (garlicky odor of breath, salivation, swollen tongue). Also compare: Calc.; Ammon. Phos.; Lycop.; Bry.; Natrum; Stann.; SEPIA.

Kali Telluricum is not available to buy over the counter.
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