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Hagenia Abyssinica, Kous.

Not available to buy through our store.

HPUS indication of Kousso: Nausea

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Kousso in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



A vermifuge - Nausea and vomiting, vertigo, precordial anxiety slowing and irregular pulse, sub delirium and collapse. Rapid and extreme prostration. To expel tape-worm.


1/2 oz. Mix with warm water and let stand 15 minutes; stir well and administer. May be preceded by a little lemon juice ( Merrell).

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Compare: Melilotus Officinalis Melilotus - Kamala Kamala - An efficient remedy for tape-worm in 30-60 minims of tincture taken in Cinnamomum Cinnamon water.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Kousso

Fil > relationships
Compare: Aspidium alhamanticum. Panna - 3 doses, 2 grammes each, all in half hour, fasting in a glass of milk. Tasteless and will remove tape worm. Cina; Granat.; Kousso.

Gran > relationships
Compare: Pelletierine (one of its constituents - an anthelmintic, especially for tapeworm); Cina; Kousso.

Fil > relationships
Compare Areca, Granat., Kousso and Cuc. pep. sem. (tape-worm); Gels., Carb. s., Ben. din. (vision). Teste places Filix mas in his Ipecac. group along with Nux vom., Ant. crud., Ant. tart., &c.

Gran > relationships
Compare Ars., Chi., Iod., Cina, Teucr., Kousso., Cucurb.

Kousso is not available to buy over the counter.

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