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Natrum Bromatum

Nat. Brom, Natrium bromatum, Nat-b.

Not available to buy through our store.

HPUS indication of Natrum Bromatum: Teeth grinding

Have you ever used Natrum Bromatum? Yes No

Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Natrum Bromatum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.




Loss of will power.

Mental indolence.

Stupor on waking.

Vertigo; the ground seems to waver under his feet.



Face pale.


Salty taste.

Loss of sensibility in the throat.



Pulse small, rapid.

Slow pulse.


Suppression of reflex sensibility.

Great desire to sleep.



Sodium bromide, Nabr.

Preparation, Triturations or solutions in distilled water.

Authority. Dr. Laborde, Archiv de Physiol., 1869 (A. H. Z., 87, p. 46), effects of a dose of 16 grammes.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Natrum Bromatum

Sanic > general
Nat. m. 93, Calc. m. 23 1/2, Mag. m. 23 1/4, Calc. bicarb. 14 1/4, Calc. sul. 9 1/2, K. sul. 5, Nat. bicarb. 1, Nat. bro. 1/3, Fe. bicarb. 1/10, Nat. iod. 1/12, Sil. 1/2, Alumina 1/100, and traces of Lith. bicarb., Nat. ph., Borax.) Dilutions of the spring water. Triturations of the evaporated salt.

Natrum Bromatum is not available to buy over the counter.

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As a gesture of goodwill to all our customers from the past 20+ years, we'll keep the site live for the time being but it is no longer viable to run the store.