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Natrum Nitrosum

Natrium nitrosum, Nat-nit.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Natrum Nitrosum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Angina pectoris. Cyanosis, fainting, copious liquid stools at night; throbbing and fullness; faintness, nervous pain in head, nausea, eructations, blue lips.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Natrum Nitrosum

Nat-p > relationships
Compare: Natrum Lactic ( rheumatism and gout; gouty concretions; rheumatism with diabetes); Natrum Nitrosum (angina pectoris. Cyanosis, fainting, copious liquid stools at night; throbbing and fullness; faintness, nervous pain in head, nausea, eructations, blue lips). Natrum Silicofluoricum - Salufer - (a cancer remedy; tumors, bone affection, caries, lupus, ethmoiditis. Must be used carefully); NAT-Selen ( chronic laryngitis and laryngeal phthisis; hoarseness of singers, expectorate small lumps of mucus with frequent clearing of throat); Nat-sulphurosum (diarrhoea, with Yeasty stools); nat-sulph-carbol ( pyaemia; purulent pleurisy, 3 to 5 grains every three hours); Nat-telluricum (breath has odor of Garlic; night-sweats of phthisis) Calc.; Robin.; Phos. In oxaluria 1x four times daily prevents formation of calculi; keeps the oxal. of lime in solution (Schwartz).

Nat-nit > general
C. D. P.) administered ten grains of Na. ntrs., dissolved in an ounce of water, to fourteen men and four women. To twelve men and four women it was given in five-gr. doses. In almost all it produced alarming symptoms of the apoplectic order. A cat had 4 c.c. of a 10 per cent. aqueous solution injected under the skin, and died of the effects. Collischorm (quoted H. P., x. 469) relates two cases of accidental poisoning with Nat. nitros. ($51$) The first patient was affected with Diarrhoea and fainting, bitter eructations, heavily coated tongue, and on the chest an eruption like syphilitic roseola. Traces of albumen in urine. During the night, copious alvine discharges with faintishness. The following day, intense cyanosis. Urine dark yellow, containing copious urates. Next day he took 2.5 grin.

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