Prunus Virginiana
Wild Cherry, Choke-cherry, Cerasus Virginiana,, Prun-v.Have you ever used Prunus Virginiana? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Prunus Virginiana in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
HEART TONIC; relieves the flagging and distended ventricle; irritable heart; dilatation of right heart; COUGH, WORSE AT NIGHT ON LYING DOWN; weak digestion, especially in elderly people; chronic bronchitis; increases muscular tone
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Prunus Virginiana
Prun-s > relationships
Compare: Lauroc.; Prunus Padus - Bird-cherry - (sore throat, pressure behind sternum and sticking pain in rectum); Prunus Virginiana - Wild Cherry - (Heart tonic; relieves the flagging and distended ventricle; irritable heart; dilatation of right heart; Cough, worse at night on lying down; weak digestion, especially in elderly people; chronic bronchitis; increases muscular tone); Pyrus - Mountain Ash - (irritation of eyes; constriction around waist; spasmodic pains in uterus, bladder, heart, cold-water sensation in stomach, coldness extends up oesophagus; neuralgic and gouty pains).