Symphoricarpus Racemosus
Symphoricarpus Racemosa, Morning sickness, Sym-r.Have you ever used Symphoricarpus Racemosus? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Symphoricarpus Racemosus in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Symphoricarpus Racemosus
Graph > general
Morning sickness during menses
Graph > general
; cold taking, morning sickness or sweats during
Anac > general
morning sickness.
Lac-d > general
it has cured headaches that come before and after menses. Morning sickness during pregnancy.
Merc > general
Morning sickness. A woman, while pregnant, has oedematous swelling of the genitals. Diffused inflammation, soreness and fullness of the genitals and pelvis, causing difficulty in walking, and she must take to bed.
Iris > general
Anus, fissure of. Bilious attack. Constipation. Crusta lactea. Diabetes (pancreatic). Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Dysmenorrhoea. Dyspepsia. Eczema. Fistula. Gastrodynia, intermittent. Headache. Impetigo. Liver, affections of. Migraine. Neuralgia. Nocturnal emissions. Pancreas, affections of. Parotid glands, affections of. Pregnancy, morning sickness of. Psoriasis. Rectum, burning in. Rheumatism. Salivation. Sciatica. Vomiting. Whitlow. Zoster.
Lob > general
Alcoholism. Alopecia. Amenorrhoea. Angina pectoris. Asthma. Cardialgia. Cough. Croup. Deafness. Debility. Diarrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Dyspepsia. Emphysema. Faintness. Gall-stones. Gastralgia. Haemorrhoidal discharge. Hay-asthma. Heart, affections of. Hysteria. Meningeal headaches. Millar's asthma. Morning sickness (of drunkards; of pregnancy). Morphia habit. Palpitation. Pleurisy. Psoriasis. Rigid os. Seborrhoea. Shoulders, pain in. Tea, effects of. Urethra, stricture of. Vagina, serous discharge from. Vomiting, of pregnancy. Wens. Whooping-cough.
Anac > general
Whooping-cough with gaping and drowsiness after the cough. Morning sickness of pregnancy amel. by eating, but returns soon after.
Anac > general
Whooping-cough with gaping and drowsiness after the cough. Morning sickness of pregnancy amel. by eating, but returns soon after.
Goss > general
Gossyp. has been mainly used in affections of the female generative organs. It has been taken in the form of the extract to procure abortion. The symptoms of the external organs are strongly marked, and the ovaries are the seat of pains which come and go, and in the uterus are bearing-down pains. "Intermittent pains in the ovaries" is characteristic. The morning nausea and salivation indicate the remedy for morning sickness of pregnancy. The pains are of a stinging, drawing, tearing, and sometimes of a burning character, extending from one place to another, jumping from one place to another. Pains generally move from above downward. Pains are generally agg. by motion.
Iris > general
There is well-marked periodicity in the Iris affections, headaches, colic; diarrhoea and dysentery, recurring every spring and autumn; diarrhoea and colic 2 or 3 a.m.; morning sickness; attacks at short intervals.
Lob > general
Sudden pallor with profuse sweat. Gastric derangements, extreme nausea and vomiting. The nausea of Lob. i. is continuous and accompanied by constant flow of saliva. This is the indication for it in morning sickness and in effects of suppressed or missed menstrual period. Vomiting.
Nat-m > general
Violent hiccough. The nausea and vomiting of Nat. m. have been turned to account in the morning sickness of pregnancy.
Nux-v > general
morning sickness.
Sep > general
"morning sickness, vomiting of food and bile in morning.
Cer-o > general
Originally introduced by Sir James Simpson as a remedy for the morning sickness of pregnancy and chronic cases of vomiting, which he supposed to be due to some eruption on the mucous membrane of the stomach, Cer. ox. has fairly maintained its reputation. Hale found it of most use in cases of vomiting of half-digested food. It has mostly been given in the lower triturations by homoeopaths, and in five to ten grain doses by allopaths. In the latter doses it has produced decidedly narcotic effects in two cases. Some have obtained great success with it in sea-sickness. Spasmodic coughs of nervous or reflex origin have been successfully treated with it.
Lob > relationships
Useful in morning sickness, after Ant. tart. and Ipec. fail.
Lob > relationships
but Lob. i. has, with the asthma, weak sensation at epigastrium spreading up into chest, nausea, salivation, feeling of lump in stomach); Ipec. and Ant. t. (morning sickness). Nux (morning sickness of drunkards; Lob. in fair people, Nux in dark); Bry. (agg. by movement; cough = headache); Asaf. (reversed peristalsis); Sul. (occipital headache; cough = headache); Ab. n. and Thuj. (effects of tea); Lact. ac. (vomiting with profuse salivation)
Anac > abdomen
Morning sickness.
Chlf > abdomen
Nausea and vomiting, sea-sickness, or morning sickness, much acidity and great distension of stomach and bowels with gas; abdomen tense; rumbling.
Conv > abdomen
Morning sickness and vomiting.
Sanic > abdomen
Nausea and cramp in stomach on awaking at night or in morning, or after rising in morning, like "morning sickness"; amel. after breakfast.
Senec > abdomen
Nausea on rising; morning sickness of pregnancy.
Kali-m > genitals etc
Pregnancy morning sickness with vomiting of white phlegm.
Lac-d > genitals etc
Morning sickness during pregnancy; deathly sickness at stomach on waking; vertigo and waterbrash on rising; constipation.
Lact-ac > genitals etc
During pregnancy morning sickness; salivation; nausea and vomiting; waterbrash amel. by breakfast.
Nat-m > genitals etc
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; morning sickness with vomiting of frothy, watery phlegm.
Puls > genitals etc
During pregnancy nausea, morning sickness; varicose veins, bluish, agg. towards evening.
Sanic > genitals etc
Menses suppressed with morning sickness.
Sulph > genitals etc
Morning sickness of pregnancy not amounting to vomiting, faint, sickish spells forenoon, profuse salivation, taste of which = nausea; aversion to meat; craves beer or brandy.
Tab > genitals etc
Morning sickness of pregnancy; nausea and vomiting, patient dreads least movement.
Iris > genitals etc
Morning sickness, vomit sour or bitter.
Lob > genitals etc
Morning sickness 16.
Merc-i-f > genitals etc
Morning sickness.
Nux-v > genitals etc
During pregnancy morning sickness; jaundice; colic; difficult breathing from upward pressure.
Tab > genitals etc
Morning sickness 16.
Cimic > generalities
Perspiration, headache, similar to morning sickness during pregnancy, etc.,
Bov > generalities
Morning sickness, vomits only water; always relieved by taking breakfast.
Lob > generalities
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, with profuse running of water from the mouth; morning sickness.