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Calc, Bell and Podo - Remedy Relationships

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Belladonna Bell > allied remedies
ACO., Agaricus Muscarius Agar., Ambra Grisea Ambr., Antimonium Tartaricum Ant-t., Apis Mellifica Ap., Bryonia Bry., Calcarea Carbonica CALC-C., Cann., Cantharis Canth., Causticum Caust., Chamomilla Cham., Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis Chin., Cicuta Virosa Cic., Cina Cina., Coffea Cruda Coff., Colchicum Autumnale Colch., Colocynthis Coloc., Crocus Sativus Croc., Cuprum Metallicum Cupr., Digitalis Purpurea Dig., Gel., GLO., Graphites Graph., Hell., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum HEP., Hyoscyamus Niger HYOS., Iodium Iod., Lachesis LACH., Mercurius Vivus Merc., MOS., Nitricum Acidum Nit-ac., Nux Vomica NUX-V., Op., Phosphoricum Acidum Phos-ac., Phytolacca Decandra Phyt., Platinum Metallicum Plat., Plumbum Metallicum Plb., Pulsatilla PULS., Rheum Rhe., Rhus Tox Rhus-t., Sarsaparilla Sars., Senega Seneg. SEP., Silicea Sil., Stramonium Stram., Sulphur Sul., Valeriana Valer.

Belladonna Bell > complementary
Calcarea Carbonica Calc-c., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep.

Belladonna Bell > complementary
Complementary: Calcarea Carbonica Calc. Belladonna ( Contains lime). Especially in semi-chronic and constitutional diseases.

Belladonna Bell > complementary
Complementary Calcarea Carbonica Calc-c

Belladonna Bell > complementary
Complementary Calcarea Carbonica Calc. c.

Belladonna Bell > complementary
Complementary to Calcarea Carbonica Calc. ostr.

Belladonna Bell > antidotes
Antidotes To effects of large doses, Vegetable acids, infusion of galls, or green tea, Coffea Tosta Coffea., Hyoscyamus Niger Hyoscy; to effects of small doses, Camphora Camph., Coffea Cruda Coff., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep., Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., Op., Pulsatilla Puls., Sabadilla Sabad. (salivation), Vinum. It antidotes Aconitum Napellus Aco., Arum t., Atrop., Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Cuprum Metallicum Cup., Fer., Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., Jaborandi (Pilocarpus) Jaborandi, Mercurius Vivus Merc., Op., Platinum Metallicum Plat., Plumbum Metallicum Plumb., sausage poisoning; oil of Terebinthina turpentine. It follows well Arsenicum Album Ars., Chamomilla Cham., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep., Lachesis Lach., Mercurius Vivus Merc., Phosphorus Phos., Nitricum Acidum Nit. ac., Cup. Is followed well by Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Chamomilla Cham., Conium Maculatum Con., Dulcamara Dulc., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep., Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., Lachesis Lach., Rhus Tox Rhus, Senega Seneg., Stramonium Stram., Valeriana Valer., Veratrum Album Verat. Similar to Aconitum Napellus Acon., Alcohol (merry craziness); Arsenicum Album Ars. (pains of cancer); Bryonia Bry. (rheumatism agg. by motion. In pleurisy and pneumonia it is distinguished from Bryonia Bry. in that it has agg. lying on affected side whilst Bryonia Bry. has the opposite); Calcarea Carbonica Calc. c., Chamomilla Cham., Cicuta Virosa Cicut., Coffea Cruda Coff., Cuprum Metallicum Cup., Eupat. purp. (diuresis and vesical irritation, but Eupat. has more hyperaemia and vesical inflammation); Gelsemium Sempervirens Gels., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep., Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., Lachesis Lach., Lilium Tigrinum Lil. tig. (Lilium Tigrinum Lil. has amel. by motion; Belladonna Bell. agg. by motion), Mercurius Vivus Merc., Nux Vomica Nux v., Op., Pulsatilla Puls., Rhus Tox Rhus, Stramonium Stram. (rage), Terebinthina Tereb., Veratrum Album Verat.; Arnica Montana Arn. (whooping cough).

Calcarea Carbonica Calc > compare
Compare Alumina Alum. and Ammonium Muriaticum Am. mur, (tightness of chest); Arnica Montana Arn. (strains, &c.); Arsenicum Album Arsen. (swollen mesenteric glands). Calcarea ovi testae, Calc. ars., Calc. ph., and other Calcareas. In ardor. urinae (Sep., burning and cutting; Cantharis Canth., cutting); losses of fluids (Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Sulphur Sul.); left tonsil (Bar. c., Sulphur Sul., Lachesis Lach.); nausea when fasting (Pulsatilla Pul., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Silicea Sil.); leucorrhoea, acrid or bland (Graphites Graph., Sulphur Sul., Alumina Alum.); glandular enlargement; alcohol, effects of (Arsenicum Album Ars., Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Nux Vomica Nux, Lachesis Lach.); acid stomach (Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Sulphur Sul., Pulsatilla Pul., Rob.); menses too copious and too early (Belladonna Bell.); one side of tongue (Lauro., Silicea Sil., Thuja Occidentalis Thu.); waking at 3 a.m. (Bellis Perennis Bellis, Nux Vomica Nux, Kali Carbonicum Kali c., Arsenicum Album Ars., Sepia Sep.); swelling and painfulness of breasts before menses (Conium Maculatum Con.)

Calcarea Carbonica Calc > complementary
Complementary: Belladonna Bell.; Rhus Tox Rhus; Lycopodium Clavatum Lycop.; Silicea Silica. Calcar. is useful after Sulphur where the pupils remain dilated. When Pulsatilla Pulsatilla failed in school girls.

Calcarea Carbonica Calc > complementary
Complementary Belladonna Bell.

Calcarea Carbonica Calc > complementary
Complementary to Calc. ostr. Belladonna Bellad.

Calcarea Carbonica Calc > relations
Conium Maculatum Con. is an anti-fat, like Calc., precedes and follows it well; suits well Calc. subjects who have scanty menses, Belladonna Bell. corresponds otherwise); dread of losing senses (Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Nux Vomica Nux, Sulphur Sul.); levitation, as if raised from the ground (Silicea Sil., Can. i., Sticta Pulmonaria Sticta, Gelsem., Asarum Europaeum Asar., Thuja Occidentalis Thu.; Phosphorus Phos. ac. has feeling as if legs were raised above the level of head); prosopalgia amel. by warm fomentations (Pulsatilla Pul.); sinking immediately after meals (Arsenicum Album Ars., Cin., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Staphysagria Staph., Ur. n.); cough when eating or in open air Rx. c. (after eating, Nux Vomica Nux, Ipecacuanha Ip.; agg. change of temperature, Lachesis Lach.; agg. current of cold air, Silicea Sil., Natrum Carbonicum Nat. c.); ravenous hunger (Arsenicum Album Ars., Calc., Cin., Iodium Iod., Silicea Sil., Stp.); hot breath (Sulphur Sul., Rhus Tox Rhus); aversion to darkness (Am. m., Carb. a., Stro., Val., Stramonium Stram.); amel. uncovering (Aco., Camphora Camph., Fer., Iodium Iod., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Pulsatilla Pul., Secale Cornutum Sec., Sulphur Sul., Ver.); vertigo on turning head or looking up (Pulsatilla Pul., looking up; Sulphur Sul., looking down); vomits milk (Aethusa Cynapium AEth., Antimonium Crudum Ant. c.); tightness of chest (Alumina Alum., Am. m.); child chews and swallows in sleep (Amyl., Bryonia Bry., Ignatia Amara Ign.); convulsions, scarlatina, headache (Belladonna Bell.); weak from talking (Cocculus Indicus Cocc., Stan., Sulphur Sul., Ver.); epilepsy (Cuprum Metallicum Cupr.); naevus (Fluor. ac.); diarrhoea, cholera infantum (Ipecacuanha Ip.); constipation, intertrigo, gout, ophthalmia, gonitis, epilepsy, typhus (Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc.); intertrigo, &c. (Chamomilla Cham.); canker sores, quinsey, heart, stool, sweat, especially on chest with old people (Mercurius Vivus Merc.)

Calcarea Carbonica Calc > relations
Rhus Tox Rhus is a very close analogue of Calc.; Belladonna Bell., Dulcamara Dulc., Nux Vomica Nux, Pulsatilla Puls., and Rhus Tox Rhus may be regarded as the acute satellites of Calc.); desire to be mesmerised (Phosphorus Phos., Silicea Sil.), naevus, mesenteric glands (Silicea Sil.); epilepsy, aura of mouse running up arm (Sulphur Sul.)

Podophyllum Peltatum Podo > relationships
Compare Morning diarrhoea, Sulphur Sul., Drosera Rotundifolia Dros., Bryonia Bry., Natrum Sulphuricum Nat. s., Rx. c. Hot, yellowish, green, offensive diarrhoea, Chamomilla Cham. (Chamomilla Cham. agg. evening; Pod. agg. morning, in one gush). Cholera morbus, profuse stools, Ver. (Ver. has much pain; Pod. may have absence of pain). Diarrhoea agg. after eating; headaches alternating with uterine and bowel affections, Aloe Socotrina Alo. (Plumbum Metallicum Plumb. delirium alternating with colic). Prolapsus ani before stool with weakness in abdomen (Aloe Socotrina Alo. after stool). Prolapsus uteri agg. during stool, Stan. (with Pod. the stool is diarrhoeic and comes with a rush). Prolapsus recti et uteri, Nux Vomica Nux, Sepia Sep. Bearing down in hypogastric and anal regions, amel. lying down, Sepia Sep. Prolapsus of rectum, Belladonna Bell., Aesculus Hippocastanum AEsc. h., Nitricum Acidum Nit. ac., Rut. (especially in children, Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Chininum Sulphuricum Chi. s., Pod.). Duodenal catarrh, Berberis Vulgaris Berb., Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Hydrastis Canadensis Hydras., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Mercurius Vivus Merc., Ric. c. Diarrhoea immediately after eating, Aloe Socotrina Alo., Arsenicum Album Ars., Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Staphysagria Staph., Trbd. (whilst eating, Fer.). agg. After eating or drinking, Digitalis Purpurea Dig., Trbd. Headache from over-excitement, Epipheg. Blur before headache, Kali Bichromicum K. bi.., Ir. v. Wants to bite gums together, Phytolacca Decandra Phyt. Tongue as if burnt, Sanguinaria Canadensis Sang. Blue tongue, Gymno. As if something alive in abdomen, Crocus Sativus Croc. Regurgitation of food, Sulphur Sul. Pain under right scapula, Chelidonium Majus Chel. Diarrhoea, ovarian pain, ovarian tumour, dysmenia, Colocynthis Coloc. Causation.

Podophyllum Peltatum Podo > antidotes
Antidote to Mercurius Vivus Merc. Compatible After Ipecacuanha Ipec. and Nux Vomica Nux in vomiting; after Calcarea Carbonica Calc. and Sulphur Sul. in liver diseases.

Information sources







The links in the left margin point to explanations of remedy relationships on the forum. For a full explanation, please see those threads. Here though is a summary of the terms used:


The remedies are antidoted by the stated remedy, when given in homeopathic doses.

Chemical Antidotes

The remedy antidotes poisoning by these remedies. These are included for completeness, but if you suspect you, or anybody, has been poisonned, you'll obviously be seeking immediate professional medical advice.

Cognates / Similar / Compare

Similar remedies for comparison purposes.
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These remedies work well in pairs, with the second remedy given later to finish what the first has started.

Inimical / incompatible

These remedies should not be taken one after another.