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Coffea Tosta

Coffea, Coff-t.

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HPUS indication of Coffea Tosta: Toothache
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Coffea Tosta in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Desires, wants; to be killed

Restlessness, nervousness

Talking, conversation

answers not lucid; incoherently

answers not lucid; unintelligibly

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Pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during stool

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Coffea Tosta

Spong > general
Preparation, Tincture prepared by digesting 20 grains of powdered sponge, which has been roasted brown (in a manner similar to coffea tosta), with 400 drops of Alcohol.

Coff > general
Stimulates the functional activity of all organs, increasing the nervous and vascular activity. The drinking of Coffea Cruda by the aged is likely to increase production of uric acid, causing irritation of kidneys; muscle and joint pains, and with the increased susceptibility of old people to the stimulating action of coffee and Tea, their use should be curtailed or carefully watched. Great nervous agitation and restlessness. Extreme sensitiveness characterizes this remedy. Neuralgia in various parts; always with great nervous excitability and Intolerance of pain, driving to despair. Unusual activity of mind and body. Bad effects of sudden emotions, surprises, joy, etc. Nervous palpitation. Coffea is specially suited to tall, lean, stooping persons with dark complexions, temperament choleric and sanguine. Skin hypersensitive.

Trio > general
Triosteum is a very valuable remedy in diarrhoea attended with colic pains and nausea, Numbness of lower limbs after stool, and increased flow of urine; also in influenza. Quiets nervous symptoms ( Coffea.; Hyos.) Biliousness. Bilious colic.

COF > general
Coffein or Caffein, an alkaloid obtained from Coffea arabica. C8 H10 N4 O2. Trituration of the alkaloid, and also of the Citrate of Coffein. general

Acon > general
If you have administered Aconite in too many doses, or given it too strong, and your patient is slow in recovering from the attack, or your patient has taken Aconite himself unwisely, then Coffea or Nux will often put the patient into a better condition.

Cham > general
The nervous child when punished will go into convulsions. The oversensitive nervous woman will suffer from chagrin. Jerking and twitching of muscles from mortification and excitement. Excessive sensibility of the nerves, so excessive that only a few remedies equal it, such as Coffea, Nux vom. and Opium.

Grat > general
marked lassitude, with mental and bodily weakness. It is closely related to Coffea and Nux vomica and especially useful for the weakness of the will and neuralgic pains in coffee drinkers. In hypochondria and in the female it has melancholia and nymphomania. Convulsive conditions without loss of consciousness.

Morph > general
great happiness great state of confidence in the first hours of the drug. Hence, complaints from sudden joy, anger, shame, sudden fright. Coffea has a similar state of beatitude. It is both a physical and mental beatitude in Opium. Opium and Coffeaare related.

Bell > general
like Coffea, where footsteps aggravate all the complaints.

Acon > general
Aconite is also a great pain remedy. If we were to name the three leading remedies in this respect it would be Aconite, Chamomilla and Coffea. The Aconite pains are always attended by the extreme restlessness, anxiety and fearfulness of this remedy. The patient tosses about in agony, "cannot bear the pain, nor bear to be touched, nor to be uncovered." Well, you say, all remedies have pain. Not all, and not many so intense pain. Opium and Stramonium have painlessness oftener than pain. The Aconite pains are intolerable and generally worse in the evening or at night. Then we have often alternating with or sometimes even in conjunction with the pains numbness, tingling, or formication.

Clem > general
This is a good remedy for gonorrhoea when there are on account of slow or intermittent flow of urine indications of formation of a stricture, and will, if given early (high), often prevent it So much pain and suffering often necessitating operation for the relief of stricture has been experienced that everything possible should be done to avert it. In the first place the cauterization method, or fashionable local treatment, is responsible for nearly, if not quite, all strictures. I know that such practice is neither scientific nor curative in the remotest sense, and on the other hand I know that constitutional treatment alone is adequate to cure (not simply suppress) the worst cases, and that in the shortest possible time. Another use for Clematis is for curing the orchitis arising from the suppression of gonorrhoea, or when it may have extended to the testicles without such suppression, which latter condition seldom occurs. The testicle becomes greatly swollen, and if not promptly relieved becomes indurated and hard as a stone. I have cured this very promptly with Clematis. Pulsatilla is undoubtedly the remedy oftenest indicated in orchitis from suppressed gonorrhoea, but if after it has reduced the pain and restored the discharge it fails to reduce the swelling or induration, Clematis will do the rest. It has not disappointed me. Clematis has a symptom similar to Coffea, viz., "Toothache relieved by holding cold water in the mouth."

Coff > general
Coffea cruda, like Chamomilla, acts strongly upon the nervous system. Indeed in nervous troubles, where the patient has not been addicted to the coffee habit, it often takes precedence.

Coff > general
If on the other hand he is a coffee drinker, Chamomilla is the remedy. Doctor Teste, of Paris, used to say that coffee was responsible for a large proportion of the neuralgias of France. The Coffea patient is a subject of very great general exalted sensibility. See Hering's characteristic cards. "All the senses more acute, reads fine print easier, smell, taste and touch acute, particularly also in increased perception of slight passive motions." "Unusual activity of mind and body." "Full of ideas, quick to act, no sleep on this account." "Lively fancies, full of plans for the future." These symptoms portray, as plainly as words can, the nervous conditions calling for this remedy.

Coff > general
It makes one think of Chamomilla, but the MIND of Chamomilla is not there. On the other hand, it makes one think of Aconite, but the fear of death is not there. Hering used to recommend Aconite and Coffea in alternation in painful inflammatory affections, where the fever symptoms of the former and also the nervous sensibility of the latter were present, and I know of no two remedies that alternate better, though I never do it, since I learned to closely individualize. Coffea is especially adapted to mental shocks, such as sudden surprises, especially joyful surprises, excessive laughter and playing, disappointed love, noises, strong smells, etc. It is also adapted to variable moods.

Coff > general
Coffea also vies with Chamomilla and Aconite as a pain remedy. "Pains. insupportable, drive to despair." "Exasperation, tears, tossing about in great anguish." Here again we would not give Coffea in an habitual coffee drinker, but Chamomilla rather.

Coff > general
Prosopalgia, which is often traceable to bad teeth, and Coffea has a very peculiar toothache, in the fact that the tooth is easy as long as he holds cold water upon it. Remember Chamomilla toothache is often caused by taking, warm things into the mouth, but is not relieved by taking cold things like Coffea.

Coff > general
Dysmenorrhoea, with excessively painful colic. If there are large black clots and Coffea does not relieve, follow with Chamomilla. Pains threatening abortion, or after-pains, or very severe unbearable labor pains are often relieved by this remedy. In short, for pains anywhere, which seem intolerable, and there are no other especially leading symptoms, Coffea is to be remembered.

Coff > general
The same over-excitability, so characteristic of this drug, causes great sleeplessness, and Coffea has won to itself great credit as a sleep remedy. In my experience and observation, it works best here in the 200th potency. And there is no more beautiful verification of the truth of Similia than just here, for it causes great sleeplessness in many people when taken in large quantities. Cough and sleeplessness after measles (a very common occurrence) is wonderfully relieved by it, and it is sleep, not narcosis, and never injures or sickens the patient like the stupor of the opium preparations.

Ign > general
Ignatia is another one of the long list of our nervous remedies. Its peculiar mental symptoms, like those of Aconite, Chamomilla, Nux vomica and many others, are most characteristic. Like these remedies, it seems to exalt the impressionability of all the senses; but unlike the others, it has in it a marked element of sadness, and disposition to silent grieving. Anyone suffering from suppressed, deep grief, with long drawn sighs, much sobbing, etc., and especially if inclined to smother or hide that grief from others, is just the subject for this remedy. She desires to he alone with her grief. Sighs much and seems so sad and weak. The weakness is complained of right in the pit of the stomach. She feels weak, faint, and "all gone" there. Another equally characteristic state or mind is a changeable mood. No remedy can equal Ignatia for this. Aconite, Coffea, Nux moschata and a few others have it, but Ignatia in the greatest degree. And so this remedy becomes one of our best in the treatment of hysterical affections. The patient is at one time full of glee and merriment, to be followed suddenly with the other extreme, of melancholy sadness and tears, and so these states of mind rapidly alternate. Again, we have in Ignatia an impatient, quarrelsome, angry mood (but not to the degree of Chamomilla) at times. Again the Ignatia patient is, because of her excessive impressibility, easily frightened. Here it becomes one of our best remedies for the effects of fright, vying with Aconite, Opium and Veratrum album. In short, Ignatia may justly be termed Pre-eminently the remedy of moods.

Ign > general
Aside from its mental symptoms, it is a great nervous remedy. Its acts upon the spine as decidedly as Nux vomica, affecting both motor and sensory nerves. It is one of our best remedies for spasms or convulsions, and is especially adapted to spasmodic affections originating in mental causes, as after fright, punishment of children or other strong emotions. In one case of puerperal convulsions, other remedies having failed to do any good, the consulting physician while observing the patient during one of the spasms noticed that she came out of it with a succession of long drawn sighs. He inquired if the patient had had any recent mental trouble, and learned that she had lost her mother, of whom she was exceedingly fond, and whom she had mourned for greatly, a few weeks before. Ignatia 30th quickly cured her. Again, short of actual convulsions, Ignatia has, in a most marked degree, twitchings all over the body, hence it becomes one of our best remedies for chorea, especially if caused by fright or grief on the mental side, or teething or worms on the reflex irritation side. There is only one remedy that comes near it for these twitchings and that is Zincum metallicum. Of course, Agaricus, Hyoscyamus, Cuprum met., etc., come close, and some might think are equal. Veratrum viride, when better known, may lay claim to high rank here. Ignatia is sometimes recommended for paralysis, but will be found, I think, exceptionally useful, and that mainly in hysterical cases, which are not of a very dangerous character. Like Aconite, Chamomilla and Coffea, Ignatia is over-sensitive to pain.

Mag-p > general
Sensitiveness to pain. Aconite, Chamomilla, Coffea.

Podo > general
1st. The profuseness of the stool. 2d. The offensiveness of the stool. 3d. The aggravations in the morning, hot weather, and during dentition. Then again the concomitants are very peculiar. There is often present prolapsus ani, sleep with eyes half closed and rolling the head from side to side and moaning; frequent gagging or empty retching. These symptoms present have often led to the administration of this great remedy with very gratifying results. In regard to the profuse stools, they are so much so that they seem to drain the patient dry at every one. They may be yellow or greenish watery, and when watery, always profuse. Then again they may be pappy and profuse (Gambogia), or mucous and scanty, but always with Podophyllum very offensive. I have cured these cases in all stages. In the first onset of the disease, as well as in the very far advanced and apparently hopeless cases of cholera infantum, the 1000th potency (B. & T.) has done the best for me. Notwithstanding the fact that this remedy is one of quite a list set down for liver troubles, both with looseness of the bowels and constipation, I have not found it very efficacious in the latter. I can readily see how it might be, however, in liver troubles with constipation which had followed a preceding diarrhoea, just as Opium might cure the sleeplessness that followed preceding stupor, and Coffea sleepiness which followed preceding excitement. All drugs have their double action, or what is called primary and secondary action. But the surest and most lasting curative action of any drug is that in which the condition to be cured simulates the primary action of the drug. For, as I have held elsewhere, I think that what is called secondary action is really not the legitimate action of the drug, but the aroused powers of the organism against the drug. So the alternate diarrhoea and constipation in disease is a fight, for instance, between the disease (diarrhoea) and the natural powers resisting it. It is of considerable importance then to be able to recognize in such a case whether it is the diarrhoea or constipation that is the disease, against which the alternate condition is the effort of the vital force to establish health. Yet such an understanding is not always absolutely imperative, for in either case there are generally enough concomitant symptoms to decide the choice of the remedy. Indeed, the choice must always rest upon either the peculiar and characteristic symptoms appearing in the case or the totality of them. None but the true homoeopathist learns to appreciate this. Here is where what is called pathological prescribing often fails, for the choice of the remedy may depend upon symptoms entirely outside of the symptoms which go to make up the pathology of the case, at least so far as we as yet understand pathology.

Stict > general
This remedy is one of the best for the obstinacy of cough attending or following measles, and here we remember that sleeplessness is a frequent concomitant. In this respect Sticta is like Coffea cruda, which is wonderfully efficacious here. The cough of Sticta is at fist dry, but later on may become loose; hence it is often found of use in the incessant, racking, wearing coughs of consumptives. In hay fever it is the remedy when the trouble centres in the head and frontal sinuses.

Acon > relationships
Compare Cham. AND Coffea Intense pain and sleeplessness. Agrostis acts like Aconitum Napellus. in fever and inflammations, also Spiranthes.

Acon > relationships
Complementary: Coffea;’ Sulph. Sulphur may be considered a chronic Aconitum Napellus. Often completes a cure begun with Aconite.

Acon > relationships
Compare: Bell.; Cham.; Coffea; Ferr-p. Aconitine. - (Heavy feeling as of lead; pains in supraorbital nerve; ice-cold sensations creep up; hydrophobia symptoms. Tinnitus aurium 3X.) Tingling sensation. Aconitum Lycoctonum. - Great Yellow Wolfsbane. - (Swelling of glands; Hodgkin’s disease. Diarrhoea after eating pork. Itching of nose, eyes, anus and vulva. Skin of nose cracked; taste of blood.) Aconitum Cammarum. - (Headache with vertigo and tinnitus. Cataleptic symptoms. Formication of tongue, lips and face.) Aconitum Ferox. - Indian Aconitum Napellus. - Rather more violent in its actions than A. napellus. It is more diuretic and less anti-pyretic. It has proved valuable in cardia dyspnoea, neuralgia, and acute gout. Dyspnoea. Must sit up. Rapid respiration. Anxiety, with suffocation from feeling of paralysis in respiratory muscles. Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Quebracho (cardiac dyspnoea) ( Achyranthes. - A Mexican drug - very similar to Aconite in fevers, but of larger range, being also adapted to typhoidal states and intermittents. Muscular rheumatism. A great diaphoretic. Use 6X.) Eranthis hymnalis - (Winter Aconite - acts on solar plexus and works upwards causing dyspnoea. Pain in occiput and neck.)

Agar > relationships
Antidote: Absinth.; Coffea; Camphor.

Am-m > relationships
Antidotes: Coffea; Nux; Caust.

Anac > relationships
Antidote: Grindeleia; Coffea; Juglans; Rhus; Eucalyptus.

Aster > relationships
Incompatible: Nux; Coffea.

Bor > relationships
Antidote: Cham.; Coffea.

Cahin > relationships
Compare: Apocyn.; Ars.; Coffea (similar botanically and in relieving effects of fatigue).

Caul > relationships
Incompatible: Coffea.

Cham > relationships
Compare: Cypriped; Anthemis; Aconite; Puls.; Coffea; Bellad.; Staphis.; gnat. Follows Belladonna in diseases of children and abuse of Opium. Rubus villosus - Blackberry - (diarrhoea of infancy; stools watery and clay colored).

Coff > relationships
Compare: Coffea Tosta ( Roasting develops certain vitamin-like substances (P. T. Matte). Pigeons which have developed “deficiency” neuritis and paralysis on diet of polished rice lost their disabilities on the addition of 8 cc to a 5% infusion of Coffea Cruda to their food. Un roasted coffee was useless.) Caffeine. - (a crystalline alkaloid - is a direct heart stimulant and diuretic. Dropsy depending on cardiac insufficiency. Myocardial degeneration. Cardiac insufficiency in pneumonia and other infectious diseases. Raises the blood pressure, increases pulse rate and stimulates the heart muscle; hence, a support in extreme feebleness or threatened failure. Stimulates the respiratory center, nerve centers and Increases diuresis. One of the best stimulants of the vasomotor centers. Acute pulmonary edema. Brachialgia and other neuralgias characterized by Nocturnal exacerbations. Jousset uses equal parts of caffeine and sachar. lac. 3 grains taken in divided doses every other day. Hypodermically, 1/4 grain. Excruciating facial neuralgia from decayed teeth; Acon.; Cham.; Nux; Cyp.; Caffeine and plants containing it, as KOLA, Thea, etc. Strong black Coffea Cruda, drunk as hot as possible, is indispensable as an antidote in a large number of poisons, especially narcotics. Hot coffee by rectum in cases of extreme collapse.)

Coloc > relationships
Antidote: Coffea; Staphis.; Cham. Colocynthis is the best antidote to lead poisoning ( Royal).

Gels > relationships
Antidotes: China; Coffea; Dig. Alcoholic stimulants relieve all complaints where Gelsemium Sempervirens. Is useful.

Ign > relationships
Complementary: Coffea; Nux; Tab Ac.

Kali-c > relationships
Antidotes: Camph.; Coffea.

Lup > relationships
Antidotes: Coffea, Vinegar.

Ph-ac > relationships
Antidotes: Coffea.

Puls > relationships
Complementary: Coffea; Chamom.; Nux.

Coff > mind
Coffea cruda, like Chamomilla, acts strongly upon the nervous system. Indeed in nervous troubles, where the patient has not been addicted to the coffee habit, it often takes precedence.

Coff > mind
If on the other hand he is a coffee drinker, Chamomilla is the remedy. Doctor Teste, of Paris, used to say that coffee was responsible for a large proportion of the neuralgias of France. The Coffea patient is a subject of very great general exalted sensibility. See Hering's characteristic cards. "All the senses more acute, reads fine print easier, smell, taste and touch acute, particularly also in increased perception of slight passive motions." "Unusual activity of mind and body." "Full of ideas, quick to act, no sleep on this account." "Lively fancies, full of plans for the future." These symptoms portray, as plainly as words can, the nervous conditions calling for this remedy.

Coff > appendix
Coffea Arabica, Linn. Nat. order, Rubiaceae.

COF > appendix
Alkaloid obtained from Coffea Arabica. Formula, C8H10N4O2

Cain > general
Cainca is related botanically to China, Ipecac., and Coffea. Clinically it is very like Apocynum. It has not been used much, but has been given with success in dropsies, especially when associated with dry skin. It removes fatigue from too long riding on horseback. Polyuria while travelling. There is also sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch. Rest amel. Motion agg.

Cham > general
I mention this rule here, for it is of very great importance." Teste remarks an this that Cham. antidotes not only Coffea, but also Causticum, and most of the members of the Causticum group.

Chin > general
already referred to. It is useful to remember that Ipecac. (as well as Galeum and Mitchella) belongs to the same natural order of plants as China, and the relation of the two to intermittent fever, hćmorrhages, and gasto-enteric disturbances is very similar. Coffea also belongs to the Rubiaceć, and is nearly allied in many of its nervous symptoms to China.

Coff > general
The effects of Coffea cruda have to be considered separately from those of Coffea tosta, since the roasting converts much of the Coffeine into Coffeone or Methylamine, which gives to coffee its aroma.

Coff > general
The provings of Coff. c. were made with the raw berries. Coffea belongs to the same family as China, Ipecacuanha, and like these remedies has many symptoms of intermittent fever.

Coff > general
The great characteristic of Coffea is exaltation of the senses and sensibility in general.

Coff > general
This quasi-isopathic action, as Teste truly remarks, is by no means confined to Coffea; dynamisations of many other drugs being antidotal to secondary effects of the crude substances.

Coff > general
"tight" pain. sensation of warmth. Coffea is suited to tall, lean, stooping persons, with dark complexions.

Mit > general
Mitchella is a small trailing evergreen bearing a scarlet bean, and is common throughout the United States. It belongs to the same order as China, Coffea, and Ipecac., and shows its affinity with these in its power over haemorrhages. Indian women drink a decoction of it before confinement to make labour safe and easy. Eclectics use a concentrated decoction as an application to sore nipples. T. C. Duncan, in his proving, induced pains and burning in the kidneys, and H. P. Hale, who observed the effect on a woman, has recorded some characteristic symptoms in the urinary and uterine sphere. A leading indication is congestion of the uterus with bladder irritation as a concomitant.

COF > general
A proving has been made with this alkaloid, but has brought out no symptoms not included in the pathogenesis of Coffea. Pulsation of the arteries on head and temples was very marked. Sparks before eyes

Acet-ac > relationships
Acet. ac. is an antidote to all anaesthetic vapors; further to Acon., Asar., Coffea, Euphorb., Hepar, Ignat., Opium, Stramon., Tabac. and Alcohol.

Acon > relationships
Acon. is an antidote to Bellad., Chamom., Coffea, Nux vom., Petrol., Sepia, Sulphur, Verat.

Acon > relationships
Acon. may often be indicated after Arnic., Coffea, Sulphur and Verat.

Acon > relationships
Complementary to Coffea, in fever, sleeplessness, intolerance of pain; to Arnic. in bruises; and to Sulphur, high.

Acon > relationships
Ailments from Acon. Act. rac., Chamom., Coffea, Nux vom., Petrol., Sepia, Sulphur.

Agar > relationships
Similar to Act. rac. (delirium of alcoholism); chorea; spinal irritation; Bellad. (cerebral excitement, but more in chorea); Calc. ostr. (alcoholism; icy-cold feeling on head); Cannab. Ind. (alcoholism; extravagant fancies); Cicut. (spasms of eyes); Codein. (eyelids twitching, etc.); Coffea (ecstasy); Hyosc. (typhoid of drunkards; loquacity, dancing muscular twitchings, and with all tremor, tendency to stupor and feeble pulse) Ignat. (hysterical or emotional chorea; sighing; convulsive cough; twitches; laughing and crying); Laches. (loquacious delirium; alcoholism; typhoid of low type, tremulous protrusion of tongue tremor feeble pulse, livid extremities); Mygale (chorea); Nux vom. (chorea alcoholism; spinal irritation; convulsions; tremor paraplegic symptoms; enlarged liver); Opium (alcoholism; chorea with spasmodic, angular jerks of flexors; hands tremble slow pulse); Pulsat. (spinal irritation; chorea; chilblains, etc.); Sepia (icy cold feeling on head; jerks of head and tongue, etc.), Sticta (chorea with jumping and dancing); Stramon. (delirium tremens; singing laughing dancing; extravagant recitals; loquacity; chorea, with gyratory motions, etc.); Tarant. (chorea, one arm and leg constantly in motion); Thea (verbose; spinal irritation); Ver. alb. (icy cold feeling on head); Zincum (chorea).

Am-m > relationships
Antidoted by bitter almonds; Coffea; Nux vom.

Ambr > relationships
Similar to Arsen. (cardiac asthma); Act. rac. (night cough); Castor; Asaf. (women who are nervous and fail to re-act); Coca (embarrassed, bashful); Coffea; Cinchon.; Ignat.

Ambr > relationships
Antidotes to Ambra Camphor, Coffea, Nux vom., Pulsat., Staphis.

Anac > relationships
Antidotes Coffea and Juglans.

Aur > relationships
Antidotes to Aurum Bellad., Cinchon., Coccul., Coffea, Cuprum, Mercur., Pulsat., Spigel., Sol. nigr.

Bell > relationships
Antidotes to Bellad. of large doses; Coffea, Hyosc.; of small doses Camphor., Coffea, Hepar, Hyosc., Opium, Pulsat., Vinum.

Bry > relationships
Antidotes to Bryon. Acon., Alum., Camphor., Chamom., Clemat., Coffea, Ignat., Mur. ac., Nux vom., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Seneg.

Canth > relationships
Inimical Coffea.

Carb-v > relationships
Antidotes to Carb. veg.; Arsen., Camphor., Coffea, Laches, Spir. nitr. dulc.

Caust > relationships
Antidotes to Caustic. Asaf., Coffea, Coloc., Nux vom., Spir. nitr. dulc.

Caust > relationships
Inimicals Acids, Coffea, Phosphor.

Cham > relationships
Antidotes to Chamom. Acon; Alum, Borax, Camphor., Coccul., Coffea, Coloc., Ignat., Nux vom., and especially Pulsat.

Cham > relationships
Chamom. antidotes Coffea, Opium.

Chin > relationships
Antidotes to Cinchon. are Aran. diad., Arsen., Carb. veg., Eupat. perf., Ferrum, Ipec., Laches., Natr. mur., Nux vom., Pulsat., Sepia, Sulphur, Veratr. Cinchon. is frequently indicated in ailments from Arsen., Calcar., Coffea, Helleb., Iodum, Mercur., Sulphur, Veratr.

Coloc > relationships
Antidotes to Coloc. Camphor., Coffea, Staphis.

Con > relationships
Antidotes to Conium Coffea, Nitr ac, Nitr. Spir. dulc.

Crot-h > relationships
Effects modified by Ammon., Camphor., Opium, Coffea, Alcohol, radiated heat.

Cycl > relationships
Antidotes to Cyclam. Camp., Coffea, Pulsat.

Gels > relationships
Antidotes Cinchon.; Coffea, salt.

Glon > relationships
Antidotes to Glonoinum Acon., Camphor., Coffea, Nux vom.

Ign > relationships
Ignat. may be indicated in ailments from Coffea, Chamom., brandy, Pulsat., tobacco.

Ign > relationships
Antidotes to Ignat Arnic., Camphor., Chamom., Coccul., Coffea, Nux vom., Pulsat.

Ign > relationships
Inimicals Coffea, Tabac.

Iod > relationships
Antidotes to Iodum of large doses, starch or wheat flour, beat up in water; of small doses, Ant. tart.; Arsen., Bellad., Camphor., Chin., Sulph., Cinchon., Coffea, Hepar, Opium, Phosphor., Spongia, Sulphur.

Kali-c > relationships
Antidotes to Kali carb Camphor, Coffea, Spir. Nitr. dul.

Laur > relationships
Antidotes to Lauroc. Camphor., Coffea, Ipec., Opium.

Par > relationships
Antidote to Paris quad. Coffea.

Phos > relationships
Antidotes to Phosphor., Nux vom., Coffea, Tereb.

Puls > relationships
It antidotes Cinchon., Iron, Sulphur, Sulph. ac;., vapor of mercury, or of copper, Coffea, Chamom., Bellad., Colchic., Lycop., Platin., Stramon., Sabad., Ant. tart.

Puls > relationships
Pulsat. as antidoted by Chamom., Coffea, Ignat., Nux vom.

Rhus-t > relationships
Antidotes to Rhus tox. Bellad., Bryon., Camphor., Coffea, Crot tig., Sulphur.

Valer > relationships
Antidotes to Valer. Camphor., Coffea, Pulsat.

Verat > relationships
Antidotes to Veratr. Acon., Camphor., Cinchon., Coffea.

Mang-a > relationships
Antidote to Mangan. Coffea.

Psor > relationships
Antidoted by Coffea, Nux v. (if worse when too frequently repeated or over-dose).

Acet-ac > relationships
Antidotes to potencies are For depressing, agonising feeling, Tabac., Acon.; for gastric, pulmonary and febrile symptoms, Nat. m., and afterwards Sep. It antidotes Anaesthetics, Acon., Asar., Coffea, Euphorb., Ignat., Opium, Plumb. (colic), Sep., Stram., Tabac. It counteracts sausage-poisoning. It aggravates the effects of Bell., Merc., Arn., Lach. Disagrees when given after Borax, Caust., Nux v., Ran. b., Sars. Scilla, Colch., and Sang. have more effect in curing some diseases when prepared with Acet. ac. than with Alcohol.

Am-m > relationships
Antidotes to Am. m. Bitter almonds; Coffea; Nux v.

Anac > relationships
Antidoted by Coffea, Juglans cin. Follows well Lyc., Puls., Plat. Followed well by Lyc., Puls., Plat. Causation.

Ang > relationships
Antidoted by Coffea (not Camph.), Bry. (bellyache after milk); Chel. (sharp, cutting pain from just beneath right scapula to chest).

Aspar > relationships
Antidote to Coffea.

Bell > relationships
Antidotes To effects of large doses, Vegetable acids, infusion of galls, or green tea, Coffea., Hyoscy; to effects of small doses, Camph., Coff., Hep., Hyo., Op., Puls., Sabad. (salivation), Vinum. It antidotes Aco., Arum t., Atrop., Chi., Cup., Fer., Hyo., Jaborandi, Merc., Op., Plat., Plumb., sausage poisoning; oil of turpentine. It follows well Ars., Cham., Hep., Lach., Merc., Phos., Nit. ac., Cup. Is followed well by Chi., Cham., Con., Dulc., Hep., Hyo., Lach., Rhus, Seneg., Stram., Valer., Verat. Similar to Acon., Alcohol (merry craziness); Ars. (pains of cancer); Bry. (rheumatism agg. by motion. In pleurisy and pneumonia it is distinguished from Bry. in that it has agg. lying on affected side whilst Bry. has the opposite); Calc. c., Cham., Cicut., Coff., Cup., Eupat. purp. (diuresis and vesical irritation, but Eupat. has more hyperaemia and vesical inflammation); Gels., Hep., Hyo., Lach., Lil. tig. (Lil. has amel. by motion; Bell. agg. by motion), Merc., Nux v., Op., Puls., Rhus, Stram. (rage), Tereb., Verat.; Arn. (whooping cough).

Cain > relationships
Antidoted by Colch., Rhus (gastralgia), Verat. Cainca follows well Ars. Similar to Coffea in relieving effects of fatigue; also Arn. Causation.

Canth > relationships
Incompatible Coffea.

Crot-h > relationships
Antidoted by Lach. Its effects are modified by Ammon., Camph., Opium, Coffea, Alcohol, and radiant heat.

Cypr > relationships
Compare Ambra, Coca, Ign., Kali bro., Paull., Thea, Scutel., Valer., Zinc. In ecstasy, Coffea.

Fl-ac > relationships
Compare Coca (fatigue); Coffea (toothache); Citr. ac. and Sep. (aversion to one's family); Oxal. ac. (diarrhoea agg. from coffee); Rhus t. and Ruta (coccygodynia); Silic. (fistula, onychia, bone diseases, coccygodynia); Brom., Iod., Spongia and Kali c. (goître); Staph. (teeth). Followed well by Sulph., Nit. ac.

Ign > relationships
Incompatible Coffea, Tabac., Nux (sometimes).

Stram > relationships
Incompatible Coffea.

Anh-lew > relationships
Compare Can. ind. (time sense disordered; fantastic visions); Gelsem. (paralysis of accommodation); Bell., Stram., Op., Pic. ac., Piper methyst., Coffea, Coca; Plat. (objects seem small and distant); Pso. (amel. lying down).

Bry > general
This sluggish state of the mind then is the state of Bryonia, not an excitable state, as in Coffea, Nux vomica, Ignatia, but sluggish aggravated from motion, aggravated from being talked to.

Hipp > head
Headache, especially in the forehead (Aconite and, after an hour, Coffea relieved), (twentieth day),

Coff > skin
Coffea changed the itching of the eruption into a burning,

Coff > abdomen
Frequent and easy passage of flatus during the first hour after taking Coffea, but after twelve hours difficult, scanty, short, interrupted emission of flatus, and constant urging to pass it on account of disturbance in the abdomen,

Gels > generalities
Sleepless from nervous irritation ( Coffea.)

Senec > generalities
Sleeplessness of women suffering from uterine irritation, prolapsus, and its attendant nervousness (it is the Coffea of women); during climacteric period.

Coff > generalities
He became extremely excited as soon as the Coffea was taken in the evening; all movements were performed with unusual lightness (after twelve hours),

Coff > appendix
1, Hahnemann, from Stapf's Beiträge zur rein. Arzn.; 2, "A.,",from ibid.; 3, "Br.," ibid.; 4, Franz, ibid.; 5, "Hsch.," ibid.; 6, Langhammer, ibid.; 7, Stapf, ibid.; 8, Thorer, ibid.; 9, Marvaud, Aliments d'Épargne (with sphygmographic tracings, see Plate 1), cold infusions of raw Coffea.

COF > appendix
1, Dr. C. G. Lehman, effects on students of doses of 2 to 10 grains, from Brill's monograph on C.; 2, Dr. Frerichs took 25 grains, from the same; 3, Dr. J. Lehman (see No. 12, under Coffea tosta), effects of 4 to 6-grain doses; 4, Eustratiades, Thèse de Paris, 1870, conclusions from series of examinations of urine. (See also sphygmographic tracing, Plate II, Fig. 11 to 22, from 5 Marvaud, Aliments d'Épargne).

Coff > general
of Chamomilla is not there. On the other hand, it makes one think of Aconite, but the fear of death is not there. Hering used to recommend Aconite and Coffea in alternation in painful inflammatory affections, where the fever symptoms of the former and also the nervous sensibility of the latter were present, and I know of no two remedies that alternate better, though I never do it, since I learned to closely individualize. Coffea is especially adapted to mental shocks, such as sudden surprises, especially joyful surprises, excessive laughter and playing, disappointed love, noises, strong smells, etc. It is also adapted to variable moods.

Coff > general
Coffea also vies with Chamomilla and Aconite as a pain remedy. "Pains. insupportable, drive to despair." "Exasperation, tears, tossing about in great anguish." Here again we would not give Coffea in an habitual coffee drinker, but Chamomilla rather.

Coff > general
Prosopalgia, which is often traceable to bad teeth, and Coffea has a very peculiar toothache, in the fact that the tooth is easy as long as he holds cold water upon it. Remember Chamomilla toothache is often caused by taking, warm things into the mouth, but is not relieved by taking cold things like Coffea.

Coff > general
Dysmenorrhoea, with excessively painful colic. If there are large black clots and Coffea does not relieve, follow with Chamomilla. Pains threatening abortion, or after-pains, or very severe unbearable labor pains are often relieved by this remedy. In short, for pains anywhere, which seem intolerable, and there are no other especially leading symptoms, Coffea is to be remembered.

Coff > general
The same over-excitability, so characteristic of this drug, causes great sleeplessness, and Coffea has won to itself great credit as a sleep remedy. In my experience and observation, it works best here in the 200th potency. And there is no more beautiful verification of the truth of Similia than just here, for it causes great sleeplessness in many people when taken in large quantities. Cough and sleeplessness after measles (a very common occurrence) is wonderfully relieved by it, and it is sleep, not narcosis, and never injures or sickens the patient like the stupor of the opium preparations.

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