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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Toxicophloea in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Toxicophloea thunbergi.

Natural order, Apocynaceae.

Curare Arrow-poison of the Bushmen.

Preparation, from the bark.

Authority. George Grey, M.D., Brit. Med. Journ., 1874 (2), p. 169, effects of a decoction of the bark.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Toxicophloea

Arum-t > general
Now, in this remedy as in Phosphorus, the voice is ameliorated from clearing the vocal cords of a little mucus. It is not so in Rhus tox, for it is a weakness and paralysis from cold. It is well known under Rhus tox. that the tendons and muscles that are rheumatic become weak, they are stiff on beginning to move and are ameliorated when they are warmed up.

Podo > general
Podophyllum has a great desire to press the gums together during dentition. When this symptom is prominent, the choice will have to be made between this remedy and Phytolacca, both being great remedies for cholera infantum. In the nausea of Podophyllum vomiting is not so prominent as with Ipecac, but the gagging without vomiting is very marked, as it is also under Secale cornutum. Rumbling in the abdomen, especially in the ascending colon, is strong indication for this remedy even in chronic bowel troubles. Prolapsus ani is also a prominent symptom of this remedy, so also is prolapsus of the uterus, especially after straining, over-lifting or parturition. Here the choice will often be between Podophyllum, Rhus tox. and Nux vomica.

Rhus-t > general
The American provings were made with Rh. rad., and the majority of the poisonings have occurred from this plant. Though it is not certain that Hahnemann used Rh. tox. at all, or exclusively, Jahr gave a separate presentation of the Rh. rad. symptoms. H. C. Allen (quoted Critique, vi. 409) notes in Rh. rad. a periodicity which marks it as a great antipsoric. It is, he says, on deeply psoric or tubercular constitutions that its toxic effects are most felt and longest lasting, and these constitutional effects "seem ineradicable without the antipsoric." One case of his showed a return of symptoms at 12.45 a.m. on July 5th, each year during sixteen years, except the year 1898, when the previous use of Tuberculinum, a dose once each month, prevented an attack.

Rhus-t > general
and modified the 1899 attack. Guernsey considers Rh. rad. deeper acting than Rh. tox., being indicated in phlegmonous erysipelas, especially where it begins in ankles and moves gradually up the leg, moving in the deeper tissues, no fever.

Ail > relationships
Antidotes to Ailanth. Aloe soc. (2c), for the dull headache; Rhus tox. for the headache and erysipelatous face; Nux vom. for the general effects.

Am-c > relationships
Antidote to poisoning with Rhus tox.; stings of insects.

Anac > relationships
Anac. antidotes Rhus tox., especially if there are gastric symptoms, or the symptoms go from right to left.

Ant-c > relationships
Similar to Apis (skin); Arsen. (gastric catarrh, burning eruption, dropsy); Amm. mur. (mucous flux); Bryon. (rheumatism, gastric symptoms, effects of heat, etc.); Chamom.; Hepar; Ipec. (gastric ailments); Mercur.; Nux vom.; Pulsat. (gastric symptoms, relief in open air, mind, chills and fever, etc.); Ran. bulb. (horny exanthemata); Rhus tox.; Sulphur; Scilla.

Arg-m > relationships
A return of trembling palpitation four months after delivery, after being cured in the third month of pregnancy by Argent. met. was relieved by Rhus tox.

Arn > relationships
Alternated successfully in cases where the change of symptoms indicated it, with Acon., and Rhus tox.

Arn > relationships
Cognates Acon., Amm. carb;; Croton (swashing in abdomen); Arsen.; Baptis., Bellad.; Bryon.; Chamom., China; Euphras. (injuries to eye); Calend.; Ferrum; Hepar; Hyper.; Hamam.; Ipec.; Mercur.; Pulsat.; Ran. scel. (pain in intercostal muscles); Rhus tox.; Ruta; Staphis.; Silic.; Symphyt., Sulphur (traumatic pleurisy); Sulph. ac;., Veratr.; Bellis. peren. (wounds, boils, etc.; erysipelatous tendency).

Bry > relationships
Bryon. antidotes Rhus tox., Rhus ven., Chlorine.

Rhus-t > relationships
Antidotes to Rhus tox. Bellad., Bryon., Camphor., Coffea, Crot tig., Sulphur.

Rhus-t > relationships
Rhus tox.; is frequently indicated after Arnic., Bryon., Calc. ostr., Calc. Phosph., Chamom., Laches., Phosph. ac., Sulphur.

Tarent > mind
Great irritability, rage, fury, loss of reason, desire to strike himself and those who prevent it. Skin smarts after scratching. (Relieved by Rhus tox.),

Arum-m > abdomen
Cardialgia (Stork, Tox., Plenck), 1785,

Agar-ph > fever and chill
Authority. Poison cases. (Tox. Lafargue J. de Chim. Méd., 1863).

Ars-h > appendix
1, Gehlen, Buchner Tox., 1827; 2, Schindler, Graefe and Walther Journ. (inhaled an amount representing 1/8 grain of the metal); 3, Eisenmenger, Z. f. H. Kl., 1, 103; 4, O'Reilly, Dublin Journ., 1842; 5, Ollivier, Gaz. d. Hôp., 1863.

Ars > appendix
(1 to 89, from Hahnemann, Chr. Krank., 5). 1, Hahnemann; 2, Baehr; 3, Fr. Hahn'n; 4, Hartlb. and Trinks; 5, Hering; 6, Hornburg; 7, Langhammer; 8, Meyer; 9, Stapf; 10, Whl.; 11, Ebers (effects of Ars. of Pot. in ague patients); 12, Friedrich (poisoning of a woman); 13, Morgagni (1, poisoning of a woman of 60; 2, of a male adult; 3, of female adult; 4, same case as Wolff's; 5, poisoning of a man); 14, Guldenklee (effects of vapor); 15, Richard (poisoning and adult); 16, Marcus (after Ars. of Pot. in a fever patient); 17, Myrrhen (from drawing sol. of A. into nostrils for a coryza); 18, Quelmalz (poisoning of a girl by black oxide); 19, Kaiser (poisoning of whole family by A.); 20, Forestus (from orpiment in a woman); 21, Henning (application of A. to a diseased breast); 22, Verzasch; 23, Alberti (cases of poisoning in healthy adults); 24, Büttner (poisonings); 25, La Motte (woman took A. for suicide); 26, Guilbert (poisoning of an adult); 27, Pyl (do.); 28, Misc. Nat. Cur. (same as Myrrhen, No. 17); 29, Lusitanus (poisoning of a youth); 30, Pearson (effects of Ars. of Pot. in an epileptic); 31, Buchholz (poisoning of several adults by black oxide); 32, Thomson (poisoning of a woman); 33, Tennert; 34, Grimm (from the black oxide, in an adult); 35, Wedel; 36, Jacobi (from suppression of ague by A., in a young man); 37, Knape (effects of powdering hair with A.); 38, Baylies (general statement from authors); 39, Heimreich (1, effects of A. sprinkled on the air; 2, effects of large doses of Ars. of Pot.); 40, Siebold (effect of dressing pustular scalp with mixture of A. and cinnabar); 41, Vicat (from powdering hair with A.); 42, Schlegel; 43, Neue Med. Chir. Wahrn.; 44, Heun (from application of A. to cancerous ulcer of cheek); 45, Müller (general statement); 46, Eph. Nat. Cur. (poisoning of a man by twelve grains of A.); 47, Majault (1, poisoning of a man with realgar; 2, of a woman with orpiment; 3 and 4, of a youths with A.); 48, Jenner; 49, Fowler (effects of Ars. of Pot. in ague patients); 50, Isenflamm-Steining (general statement); 51, Van Eggern; 52, Kopp (poisoning of a man of 56); 53, Feldmann (from a plaster of A. applied for a quartan); 54, Preussius (poisoning of a boy); 55, Thilenius (effects in a patient with scirrhus of breast); 56, Grimm (from the black oxide, in an adult); . -Hughes. 57, Salzb. M. Chir. Zeit. (effects of A. applied to fungus on the head); 58, Kellner (poisoning of a girl of 20); 59, Gerbitz (from orpiment); 60, Wolff (poisoning of two women); 61, Goritz; 62, Löw; 63, Cruger (poisoning of an adult); 64, Tachenius (from inhaling sublimed A.); 65, Degner (effects of applying sol. of A. for itch, in two men); 66, Stahl (poisoning of two adults); 67, Greiselius (S. 1759 from vapor in self, rest in miners); 68, Klinge (observation of miners in A.); 69, Borellus (from carrying A. in pocket); 70, Montanus (poisoning of a woman); 71, Cardanus (general statement from authors); 72, Gabezius; 73, Fernelius (from sprinkling A. on cancerous ulcer of breast); 74, Justamond (from A. given to a young woman with cancer of the tongue); 75, Pet. de Appono (effects of realgar); 76, Hammer (poisoning of a girl of 20); 77, Bernhardi; 78, Huber (states that he knows a woman so affected by A.); 79, Hartmann; 80, Degrange (from rubbing A. into head); 81, Pfann; 82, Heinze; 83, Hargens (from application of A. to a cancerous ulcer); 84, Storck (effects of Ars. of Pot. in ague patients); 85, Borges (poisoning of an adult); 86, Hall, Allg. Lit. Zeit. (inhalation by a man of Arsenetted Hyd.); 87, Bonetus (from cases of poisoning); 88, M. N. Zeit, 1798; 89, Rau (from application of A. to scalp); numbers 90 to 94, inclusive are taken from Imbert-gourbeyre's provings with 4th trit., l'Art Médicale, 17, 433 et seq.; 90, Damour; 91, M'lle E.; 92, Imbert-Gourbeyre; 93, Bonjean; 94, Souleyre; 95, Robinson's provings on females with the 12th, B. J. of Hom.; 96, (ibid.), with the 30th; 97, (ibid.), with 200th; 98, (ibid.), with 1000th; 99, Mad. Buchmann's proving (a grain of A. in some water, taken by mistake), Hom. V. J. S., 10, 119; 100, Borri, from Hartl. and Trinks (effects of fumes of wax candles containing A.); 101, Trevasso, from H. and T. (internal administration of A.); Nos. 102 to 165, inclusive are taken from Roth's collection of poison cases, Hom. V. J. S., 12, 25; 102, James; 103, 104, and 105, Rummel; 106, Jaquernin; 107, Orfila; 108, Heifelder; 109, Puchelt; 110, Hohnbaum; 111, Schreyer; 112, Kortum; 113, Stachow; 114, Rothhamel; 115, Klose; 116, Spengler; 117, Sonderland; 118, Canetta; 119, Schapper; 120, Van den Dale; 121, Tonnellier; 122, Kraft; 123, Opler; 124, Scheulen; 125, Koch; 126, Hausbutner; 127, (ibid.); 128, Kellermann; 129, Hornung; 130, Brenner; 131, Neumann; 132, Bodenmuller; 133, Watson; 134, Franque; 135, Reuter; 136, Zöllner; 137, Beauchesne; 138, Leroy; 139, Dehenne; 140, Odier; 141, Barrier; 142, Orfila; 143, J. de Chim. Méd., 1846; 144, Wepfer; 145, De Haen; 146, Falconer; 147, Pinel; 148, Missa; 149, Gerard; 150, Devergie; 151, Leuret; 152, Fielitz; 153, Hafter; 154, Alquie; 155, Flechner; 156, Huss Bush; 157, Nissen; 158, Pfaff; 159, Bruckner; 160, Coqueret; 161, Edwards; 162, Skillman; 163, Angouard; 164, Schäfer; 165, Husemann; 166, Johann Schellhammer (effects of large doses, N. A. J. of Hom., 2, 317); 167, Dailand, tox., N. A. J., 7, 389; 168, Tox., N. A. J. of Hom., 2, 473 (from Med. Repos., 5, 43); 169, Dr. Rhees, Am. H. Rev., 2, 510 (effects of Arsenic applied to kill the nerve of a tooth); 170, Tox., Dr. Hill (N. Y. St. Trans. (Hom.), 9, 232); 171, Taylor, on Poisons; 172, Wetmore, N. A. J. of Hom., 6, 369 (tox., 127 grains of Arsenic); 173, Isidore, Rec. de Mem. de Méd., etc.; 174, Smoler, Oest. Zeit. f. Heilk., 1863 (three cases of Ars. paralysis); 175, Keber, V. J. S. f. Ger. Med.; 176, Dr. P. in U. (Henke's Zeit., 1862); 177, Barnes (Lancet, 1847); 178, Wagner (Med. Annals); 179, Platner (Omodei Am. Univ., Hah. M. M.); 180, Lachese (Ann. de Hygiène, H. Mat. Méd.); 181, M. Diville (Lancet, 1838); 182, Rayner (Lancet, 1838); 183, Murray (Lancet, 1838); 184, St. Thos. Hosp. Rep. (Lancet, 12, 509); 185, Greening (Lancet, 1834); 186, Lancet, 1829; 187, Lancet, 1839; 188, Burns (Lancet, 1839); 189, Thompson (Lancet, 1840); 190, Foster (Lancet, 1840); 191, Hedley (Lancet, 1842); 192, Gaz. des Hôp. (Lancet, 1842); 193, Bird (Lancet, 1843, poisoning by the vapor of Arsenic); 194, Shipman (Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1838); 195, Argent (Lancet, 1844); 196, Kelso (Lancet, 1844); 197, Farget (Lancet, 1851); 198, Waite (Lancet, 1858), Arsenic applied to pulp of tooth; 199, Dermott (Lancet, 1851); 200, Ryan (Lancet, 1851); 201, A. McLeod (Ed. M. and S. J., 15, 553); 202, Ward (Ed. M. and S. J., 33, 61); 203, Dymock (Ed. M. and S. J., 59, 350); 204, Gairdner (Ed. M. and S. J., 32, 305); 205, Jeesche (Hom. V. J. Schrift, 8, 467); 206, N. Z. f. H. Kl., 12, 56; 207, Brämer (A. H. Z., 19, 223), Horst (A. H. Z., 19, 241), and Buchner (A. H. Z., 46, 64); 208, Hoppe (A. H. Z., 32, 379); 209, Kurtz (A. H. Z., 32, 379); 210, Bartlett (Chicago Pharmacist, 1872); 211, Scales (N. E. Med. Gaz., 2, 226, effects taken for the complexion); 212, Benham (Am. Observer, 1864); 213, Malmstein, Hygeia, 1873 (Schmidt's Jahrb., chron. Ars. poison); 214, Levin (effect of Arsenic applied externally; Hirch's Zeit., 19, 112); 215, Bouvier (L'Art Méd., 6, 31); 216, Colton (Med. Investigator, 9, 241); 217, Wibmer (effects of the fumes); 218, Zeit. f. Hom. Kl., 3, 137 (effects of Arsen. paper); 219, Goullon (on Arsen. paper, A. H. Z., 64, 81); 220, Brit. Med. J., 1873 (poisoning by paper and pigments); 221, Oppenheim (Verhandlung, 1859, Arsen. paper); 222, Lorinzer (Wien Med. Wach., 1857, Arsen. paper); 223, Dudgeon (B. J. of Hom., 20, 200, Arsen. paper); 224, Bayer (M. Hom. Rev., 1870, p. 597, Arsenical paperhangings); 225, M. Hom. Rev., 1870, p. 413 (Arsen. paper, symptoms observed in four children); 226, Dr. H. Reynolds, Hahn. Month., 10, 53 (tox.).

Arum-m > appendix
1, Hering, Archiv., 13, 1, 169; 2, Gessner Fraenkische Sammlung, Tox.; 3, Bullard, Hist. d. Plantes Vénéneuses; 4, Haller, Hist. d. Plantes; 5, Junker, Conspectus Therap.; 6, Weitsch, Dissert. d. Aro Mac., 1798; 7, Schellas, Dissert. d. Aro, 1701; 8, Stork in Plenck Tox., 1785; 9, Kolbani, 1807; 10, Buchner's Repert., one dr. of powdered root; 11, Canzella Gazetta, Med. d. Parto, child three years old ate roots and flowers; 12, Steele, Lancet, 1872, chewing the stem; (Frazer's case, Brit. Med. J., 1861, is of doubtful origin).

Canth > appendix
1, Hahnemann, Fragmenta de viribus med., p. 57; 1a, Hahnemann, additional, from Archiv. 13, 1, 157; 2, Baudis, Hartlaub and Trinks, R. A. M. L., 1; 3, Bethmann, ibid.; 4, Giacomini, Farmacologia 11, 152, experiments of students with repeated doses of from 5/8 of a grain to 4 grains; detailed account in Revue Crit, et. Retrospect, 5, 265; 5, Hering, H. and T., R. A. M. L.; 6, N-g, ibid.; 7, Rückert, ibid.; 8, Hartlaub, ibid. (vol. 1 and vol. 2); 9, Shreter, ibid. (vol. 2); 10, Baccius in Schenk, Obs., 126 (from H. and T., vol 1); 11, Baglivi, diss. de vesicant. op., p. 654 (ibid.); 12, Bernt, Rettungsmettel. p. 181 (ibid.); 13, Barrichius, Act. Hafn. IV. (ibid.); 14, Brassabolus de Med., 1555 (ibid.); 15, Joach. Camerarius, in Schenk (ibid.); 16, Cardanus, de Subtilit., lib. ix (ibid.); 17, Cullen, Arzneimittell. II (ibid.); 18, De Forell, diss. sist. hyperdruresin ex pervers, Canth. usu Externo ort. (ibid.); 19, Dioscorides (ibid.); 20, Fabric v. Hilden, cent VI (ibid.); 21, Forestus, Obs. (ibid.); 22, Gmelin, All. Geschichte d. Gifte (ibid.); 23, Greenfield, Treatise on Canth. (ibid.); 24, Guldenklee, Cas. Méd. et Observ., etc. (ibid.); 25, Hecker, Arzneim. 1 (ibid.); 26, Horn, Archiv. fur die Med. Erf., 1815 (ibid.); 27, J. L. Hoffmann, in Forsten, Hist. Canth., effects of half a drachm of tinct. on a woman (ibid.); 28, Home, Clinical Experiments, p. 405 (ibid.); 29, Jahn, Arzneim. (ibid.); 30, Lanzoni, opera, tom, iii (ibid.); 31, Lange, in Schenk, lib. vii (ibid.); 32, Lindestolpe, de venenis, effects of external use (ibid.); 33, Ledelius, in Misc. Nat. Cur. Dec. I (ibid.); 34, Ludovici, in Forsten, Hist. Canth., effects of external use (ibid.); 35, Misc. Nat. Cur. Dec., II (ibid.); 36, Pallas, in Froriep Notizen (ibid.); 37, Parmentier, Annal. de Chim., effects of the dust from bruising the beetles (ibid.); 38, Paschalius and Occo, in Schenck, Obs., 125 (one symptom), (ibid.); 39, Stalpaart van deer Wiel, effects of external use (ibid.); 40, Spielmann, Mat, Med. (ibid.); 41, Stockar a Neufarn, Diss. de Canth., 1781, effects of 12 "Spanish flies" (ibid.); 42, Tarrie, from Lond. Med., and Phys. Journ., 1825, effects of poisoning in a man of 40 (ibid.); 43, Tralles, de usu vesicant, 1795 (ibid.); 44, Wierus, de praestig, daem. III., c. 35 (ibid.); 45, Wendt, in Hufeland's Journ., effects of an electuary of pulv. Canth., and of 90 drops of the tincture (ibid.); 46, Werlhoff, opera (ibid.), also in Christison; 47, Wilbrecht, Geschichte und Versuche, Copenhagen, 1774, effects of a drachm of pulv. Canth., taken in one dose, on a woman aged 35 (ibid.); 48, Leviani, Mem di. Matem., etc., 1803 (ibid.); 49, William Batt, Mem. de la Soc. Méd. de Genes. (detailed in Revue Crit. et Rétrospect. 5, 256), effect of five flies; 50, Biett, from Orfila Tox., 228, effects of 1 dr. of powder on a young man; 51, Gaz. de Santé, 1819, effects of two doses, each of 24 grains, with an interval of a day (from Christison); 52, Giulio, Mem. de l'Acad. de Turin, 1802, tetanus and hydrophobic symptoms produced by Canth. detailed in Rev. Crit. et Retrospect, 5, 250; 53, Dr. Maxwell, Lancette Franc., 1838, effects of the powder in rum, in three cases, from Revue Crit. et Retrospect, 5, 257; 54, Ambroise Paré, "Des Venen," effects of fly-blister, Rev. Crit. et Rétrosp.; 55, as last, an abbé took Canth. in sweetmeats; 56, Piquet d. [left] Houssiette, detailed in Rev. Crit. et Rétrosp., 5, 249, effects of 8 grs. of powder; 57, Recueil, Period, etc. (in Rev. Crit. et Rétrosp., 5, 256), effects of powder in chocolate; 58, Graaf, Hufeland's Journ., 1821 (Rev. Crit. et Rétrosp., 5), effects of the tincture drank from a flask; 59, Seiler, Horn's Archiv., 27 (from Roth's Mat. Med., article Cantharides); 60, Champy, Diss. sur Canth., 1809, effects of the fumes (ibid.); 61, Montagnana, Schenk a Graffenberg, Obs. Méd. de Venenis (ibid.); 62, Occo, Médicament., effects of carrying Canth. in the hand (ibid.); 63, Rust, Salz. Med. Zeit., 1811 (ibid.); 64, Pareus, in Schenk, Obs. Med. (Hartlaub and Trinks); 65, Omitted; 66, Weisse, Petersburger Abhandl., 5, 427, effects of a blister applied by mistake over swollen cervical ganglia (from Roth's Mat. Med.); 67, Harder Petersb. Abhand., 4, 166, effects of a blister (ibid.); 68, Robertson, Ed. Med. Journ., 1806, effects of a blister (ibid.); 69, Hartte, Ed. Med. Jour., 1806 (ibid.); 70, Benedictus, De Curand Morbis, 24 (ibid.); 71, Grainger, Hist. Febris anom. Edinburg, 1753 (ibid.); 72, Clinch, Diss., London, 1726 (ibid.); 73, Schroeder, Pharmacop. (ibid.); 74, Lafitte, Rev. Thérap. du Midi., 1858 (ibid.); 75, Rouquaryrol, Annales de la Méd. phys., 1829 (from Christison); 76, Dr. Ives, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1833, a boy of 17 took one ounce of tincture (from Christison and Taylor); 77, Werlhof, Mem. della Soc. Med. di Genoa (Christison); 78, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1841, a woman took 1 oz. of tinct. (ibid.); 79, (same as 77); 80, Report of inquest, girl anointed whole body with ung. Canth. for scabies (Christison); 81, Fisher, Med. Gaz., 39, p. 855, a man took 60 grs. of powdered Canth. (Taylor on Poisons); 82, Ed. M. and S. Journ., 1844, some plaster containing two drachms of powdered Canth. was taken by a lunatic (ibid.); 83, Journ. de Chim. Méd., 1847, six students tool powdered Canth., by mistake, instead of pepper, with their food, for six months (ibid.); 84, Schlegel, Material, 1819, effects of a teaspoonful of tinct. on a child nine years old (Frank's Mag., 3, 465); 85, Duprest Rony, Diss. sur Satyriasis, 1570, two men too each two drs. of pulv. Canth. for ague (Wibmer); 86, Oest. Zeit., 3, 629 (gaz. Med. di Milan), a priest of 80 years and a sexton of 60 years, took a mixture of half an ounce of tinct. Canth. in six ounces of alcohol; 87, Podrecca, Omod. Ann., 1843 (Schmidt's Jahrbucher, 42, 290), a dancing-master aged 32 was given twenty grs. of pulv. Canth.; 88, La Fitte, Rev. Ther. chemichi, 1853 (Schmidt's Jahrb., 78, p. 167), a man aged 25 took one gramme of pulv. Canth. in two doses; , but differently reported. 89, Jaffe, Schm. Jahrb., 91, p, 297, two flies in brandy for loss of sexual desire; 90, Pallé, Journ, de Brux., 1870 (Schm. Jahrb., 148, p. 276), poisoning of ten soldiers by a solution of Canth. in coffee; 91, Morel, A. H. Z., 33, effect of blisters; 92, Zeit. f. v. Oest., 1857, 1, 561, effect of eight "flies" taken internally; 93, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1847 (from A. H. Z., 73, 189), a man took two teaspoonfuls of pulv. Canth.; 94, La Lancette, 1843, (from Oest. Zeit.), 3, 629, effects on a man of a gramme of pulv. Canth. mixed with food; 95, Radecki. Inaug. dis. on Canth., Dorpat. 1866, effects on a man suffering from chronic rheumatism, of Canth. ointment rubbed into a blister; 96, Cattell, fragments from various sources, B, J, of Hom., 11, 159; 97, Med. Times and Gaz., 1864 (in B. J. of H., 23, 131, as girl of 13 ate a Spanish fly in jam tart); 98, Dr. H. G. Dunnell, Hom. Exam., 3, 145, effects on a boy of 12 of a Spanish fly in an apple; 99, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1, 368, a lad swallowed one ounce of the tincture; 100, Kline, Phil. Med. and Surg. Rep., 1872, a women took more than 50 grains; 101, Chalvigirac, de l'empoison. par la teint. de Canth., effects of about 100 grammes (from Tardieu, L. empoisonnement, 2d ed., 1875); 102, Same author and source as the last (the six victims of 101 recovered), this one died (ibid.); 103, Schwerin, Rev, des. Sc. Méd. de Hayem. 1874, an hysterical women took 15 drops of Canth. collodion (ibid.); 104, Dominico Nardo, Antolog. Med., 1836 (from Am. J. of M. S., 1837), proving with two grs. of Cantharidin taken in two doses, and after a fortnight two grains in four doses; 105, Gaz. des Tribunaux (from Am. J. of M., 3, 1847), a man poisoned by Canth. in soup; 106, Dr. Baehr, Zeit. f. H. Kl., 4, 125, provings, effects of repeated doses of the 6th, 3d, 2d, and 1st dils.; 107, ibid., proving with the tinct.; 108, ibid., with the 1st and 2d trits.; 109, ibid., with one grain of pulv. Canth.; 110, Dr. M. Macfarlan, Am. J. H. M. M., 4, and 5, effects of the 400th, Fincke, given in water three times a day for two weeks; 111, W. M. Williamson, Proc. Hom. Med. Soc. Penn., 1873, effects when used to relieve chilblains; 112, Thos. Souttell, Pharm. Journ., 2, 655, effects of fumes inhaled while preparing ung. Canth.

Chlol > appendix
1, Dr. W. Eggert, proving with 72 grains on a lady, Hahn. Month., 6, 22; 2, ibid., proving with 30 and 55 grains; 3, Dr. S. Swan, proving with repeated doses of the 200th dil., Med. Invest., 9, 547; 4, Dr. D. A. Babcock's provings, Inaug. Thesis, N. Y. Hom. Med. Coll., 1874, 6th dec. trit., frequently repeated doses; 5, ibid., proving with 15 grains crude drug; 6, ibid., proving with 1/10th, repeated doses; 7, ibid., proving with 2 grains crude; 8, ibid., proving on G. A. T.; 9, ibid., proving on P. H. M.; 10, ibid., proving on Mr. B.; 11, ibid., proving on Mr. B. with 6th dil.; 12, ibid., proving on Miss R. with 15th trit.; 13, J. B. Andrews, experiments, Am. J. of Insanity, July, 1871; 14, F. E. Anstie, cases of poisoning, Practitioner, 12, 104; 15, Crichton Browne, effects on patients, Practitioner, June, 1873; 16, Dyce Brown, action on skin of 5 grains, thrice daily, in hooping-cough, Month. Hom. Rev., 15, 347; 17, ibid., effects of 10 grains, thrice daily, in a young lady; 18, E. T. Blake, effects of ordinary doses, B. J. of Hom., 1871; 19, Dr. Cairns, proving, 1 drachm (first night), 2 drachms (second night), 3 drachms (third night), Ed. Med. Jour., 1870, p. 375; 20, Dr. Curshman, effect on larynx in a patient, Practitioner, June, 1873, p. 364; 21, H. Derby, experience, with doses of 30 to 75 grains, in eye and ear infirmary, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., Dec. 1869; 22, Geo. Dabbs, effect of 20 grains, taken twice in half an hour, Med. Times and Gaz., 1870, p. 435; 23, Drasche, effects on a man with fracture of lower leg, Monograph on Chloral, 1869 (A. H. Z., M. B., 21, 15); 24, ibid., effects of half a drachm; 25, ibid., effect of 40 grains; 26, ibid., effect of 45 grains; 27, effect of 2 scruples in a student, ibid.; 28, G. S. Elliott, effect of 40-grain doses on self, taken experimentally, Lancet, 1870, p. 786; 29, G. T. Elliott, chronic effects of at least 200 grains every twenty-four hours for months, Lancet, May, 1873; 30, A. Fraser, effect on conjunctiva of 30 grains daily, Month. H. Rev., 15, 347; 31, Husband, effect on skin of 20-grain doses daily for eight days, and then 30-grain doses twice daily for 5 days, Practitioner, June, 1873; 32, Kirn, effect in patients, Practitioner, June, 1873; 33, Levinstein, poisoning by 4 drachms (Wien Med. Clin.), N. Y. J. of H., 2, 344; 34, H. J. Manning, effects on a monomaniac, Lancet, May, 1873; 35, R. J. McKay, tox. by 5 drachms in four hours, N. Y. Med. Rec., 1870, p. 284; 36, Wm. K. Murphy, chronic effects on female with affection fo bladder (20 grains at night, and finally 150 grains a day for six months), Lancet, August, 1873; 37, ibid., effects on sleepless female of 40 grains at bedtime, increasing by 20 grains to 120 grains in twelve hours for four months; 38, ibid., on sleepless female, 60 to 70 grains a day for two years; 39, ibid., on sleepless young man, taken from a bottle "by guess" for eighteen months; 40, Nicol and Mossop, observation with the ophthalmoscope on selves, after 10 grains to a drachm, Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., July, 1872; 41, J. Fred. Plumley, general effects, Lancet, Feb. 1870; 42, Thos. S. Ralph, microscopic appearance of blood after small doses, Month. Mic. Journ., 6, 78; 43, J. V. Laborde, Archiv., Gén. d. Méd., Dec. 1869, effects on healthy men of progressive doses of 1 to 2 grammes daily; 44, J. Russell Reynolds, tox. from 10 grains, increased to 50 or 60, N. Am. J. of H., N. S., 5, 115; 45, O. H. Leeds, tox. from doses of 20 grains, Am. J. M. S., Jan. 1872; 46, N. R. Smith. Bost. M. and S. J., 1871 (affection of skin); 47, Dr. Snell, tox. from solution of 1 ounce, Phila. Med. Times, 5, 812; 48, J. H. Sherman, effects of half an ounce, N. E. Med. Gaz., Sept. 1874; 49, Schule, general statement of effects on patients, Practitioner, June, 1873; 50, J. K. Warren, fatal poisoning by greater part of one ounce, N. E. Med. Gaz., 6, 120; 51, effects of 9 grains, N. Y. Med. J., 16, 332; 52, effects of 7 1/2 grains on a woman, aged 68, suffering from goitre and tumultuous action of heart; 53, experiment with 2 scruples, A. Hom. Obs., 1870, p. 293; 54, effect of 7 drachms, Am. H. Obs., 1870, p. 472; 55, effect of 15 grains, N. Am. J. of Hom., N. S., 5, 115; 56, J. R. Reading, effects on a healthy man, N. Am. J., N. S., 5, 114; 57, effects, N. Am. J. Hom., N. S., 5, 114; 58, Dr. Oehme, effects of 5 grains for toothache, El. Crit. Med., 1874 (Raue, Rec., 1875).

Chlor > appendix
1, Hering "and another man," Neues Archiv, 2, 3, p. 165; 2, Buchner, ibid.; 3, Berzelius, effect of inspiring the gas, from Hering's résumé; 4, Buchheim, general effects, from ibid.; 5, Christison, general effects of gas, ibid.; 6, Ferriar, ibid.; 7, Fourcroy, ibid.; 8, Gmelin, effects of inspired gas, ibid.; 9, Hare, effect of plunging the hand into the gas, ibid.; 10, Kastner, effect of inspiring the gas, from Hering and Wibmer; 11, (omitted); 12, Pereira, ibid.; 13, Siebers, ibid.; 14, Thenard, effect of the inspired gas, ibid.; 15, Wallace, ibid.; 16, anonymous, effect of fumes of Calcium chloride (from Archiv f. Hom., 19, 1, 69), ibid.; 17, Wallace, from Orfila Tox., effects applied to skin; 18, Cattell, symptoms (compiled), B. J. of Hom., 11, 157; 19, Dr. Tott, an apothecary, inhaled fumes, Frank's Mag., 4, 823, from All. Med. Zeit., 37, 1425; 20, Ziemssen's Handbuch d. Sp. Path. und Ther., 1, acute poisoning, effects on workmen; 21, ibid., chronic poisoning; 22, Dunham, effects of washing mouth with a solution of Chlorine, Am. Hom. Rev., 2, 18; 23, ibid., effect of inhalation of the gas, ibid.; 24, S. A. Jones, N. Y. J. of Hom., 2, 249, effects of inhaling the gas.

Kali-cy > appendix
1, Lembke, provings with 1st and 2d trits. (1 to 50), doses of 2d trit., 1 to 8 grains, of 1st trit., 3 to 35 grains, afterwards with a solution of 1 grain crude in a drachm of water, doses increased to 20 drops each, A. H. Z., 49, 179; 2, Mr. ---, took 3d trit., night and morning to third morning, Pub. Mass. Hom. Med. Soc., II, p. 18; 3, same, took 1st trit., night and morning, for four days; 4, another man took 1st trit. (first, second, and eighth days), from same; 5, Weidner, effects of about 12 grains in solution, Casp. Woch., 1845 (Frank's Mag., 1, 163); 6, a physician took about same dose, from same; 7, Wagner, a man took a large quantity of a strong solution, Archiv f. Phys., 1859 (S. J., 105, 176); 8, Blondlott, effects of a solution (?), J. de Chim. Méd., 1856 (S. J., 90, 169); 9, Gunther, effects of a solution (?), Archiv f. Hom., 12, 1, 142; 10, Orfila, fatal tox. by an injection of 200 grains; 11, Ware, a woman took about 7 grains in a solution, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 1856, p. 387; 12, Perry, a child with slight cough took about 4 grains in solution, N. Am. J. of Hom., 1852, p. 475; 13, Krause, a man took about 1 drachm, Am. J. of Med. Sc., N. S., 58, p. 422; 14, Dr. O. R. King, a girl of six years, tasted of a solution containing 20 grains to an ounce Am. Hom. Rev., 1, 563; 15, Schauenstein, three cases of poisoning, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1860, p. 279; 16, Ebersberger, a girl aged three, took about 6 grains, Syd. Yr. Book, 1860, p. 460; 17, Damme, effects of removing silver stains with KCy and vinegar, Br. and For. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1863, p. 535; 18, Carriere, effects of injection of a solution, Bull. Gén. de Thér., 77, 458; 19, Scholz, a man swallowed a piece the size of a pea, Monats. Bl., A. H. Z., 15, p. 7; 20, Stearns, effects in a healthy man, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1869, p. 408; 21, Frank, effects of a solution, Vjs. f. Ger. Med., 1868; 22, Taylor, effects of 3 grains in solution (followed immediately by sulphate of iron and mustard and water, till vomiting was induced); 23, Arnold, effects of about 1 grain on self, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1869, p. 103.

Ox-ac > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 11, and 14 to 16, inclusive, from Hering, Amer. Arzneipf.). 1, Koch, provings; 1a, same, subsequent proving; 2, same, proving on another; 3, same, proving on another; 4, same, proving on a woman; 5, Neidhard, proving with the 1st dec. trit.; 6, Dubbs, ibid.; 7, E. Smith, ibid.; 8, Floto, ibid.; 9, Williamson, proving with 1st dec. trit.; 10, Kitching, ibid.; 11, C. Hering, 1st dec. trit. and aqueous solution; 12, Reil, Hom. Vjs., 2, 316, proving with a solution of 50 grains to 8 ounces, dilutions made 1 to 8; took first day, 2d dil., 20 drops twice, second day 30 drops twice, and so on, increasing doses daily to 100 drops the seventh day, then took 1st dil. 20 to 100-drop doses, then began tincture thirteenth day, 15 drops, and increased doses to a dessertspoonful every two hours on eighteenth and nineteenth days; 13, same, proving, on a man, with 2d dil.; 13a, same, with concentrated sol., 7 to 90 drops, three times a day; 14, Honigberger, from Hering; 15, Pehrson, from Hering; 16, Gasewich, from Hering; 16a, Royston, London Med. Repos., 1814, vol. 1, p. 382, 1/2 ounce, in a woman, death in forty minutes; 17, Fraser, Edin. Med. and Surg. J., vol. 14, 1818, p. 607, effects of 1/2 ounce, in solution, in a man (death after two weeks); 18, Mollan, Dubl. Hosp. Rep., 1818, p. 329, effects of 2 ounces, in a woman; 19, Scott, Edin. Med. and Surg. J., 1825, vol. 24, p. 67, effects of about 2 drachms, in a girl, aged twelve; 20, Lovegrove, Lancet, 1827, 2, p. 512, effects of about an ounce, in a man; 21, St. George's Hosp. case, from Lancet, 1827, 1, 447, effects of about an ounce, in a man; 22, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1827, 1, p. 137, effects of an indefinite amount, in a girl, aged fifteen; 23, Tolefree, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 1835, p. 158, effects of 1/4 ounce, in a woman; 24, Edward's case, in Taylor on Poisons, p. 206; 25, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1838, p. 353, effects of several drachms, in a man; 26, Semple, Lancet, 1840, 2, 187, effects of 1/4 ounce, in a girl, aged twenty-three; 27, Schreyer, Mitthl. d. Ver. f. Nat. und Heilk. (Hygeia, 9, 121), 1840, effects of, in indefinite amount, in a man; 28, Todd, Lancet, 1841, 2, 145, effect of a pennyworth, in a young woman; 29, Webber, Hufel. Journ., 1841, Hygeia, 17, 481, a girl took a solution for suicide; 30, Tapson, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1842, p. 491, effect of a pennyworth, in a woman, aged fifty; 31, Jackson, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1844, 30, p. 17, effects of 1 ounce, in a man; 32, Hazeltine, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 31, p. 39, 1845, effects of 1/2 ounce, or more, eight days after childbirth; 33, Ogilvy, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 1845, p. 179, effects of between 1 and 2 ounces, in a woman; 34, O'Shea, Lancet, 1845, 2, 293, effects of over 1 ounce, in a man; 35, Wady, Lancet, 1846, 2, 39, effects of 1 ounce, in a man; 36, Barham, Prov. Journ., 1847, p. 544, effects of about 1 ounce, in a woman, aged thirty-seven; 37, Cooke, effects of 1/2 ounce, in a man, Lancet, 1847, 2, p. 4; 38, Clarke, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1848, vol. 38, p. 24, a man took about 1 ounce, with senna; 39, Bashaw, Trans. Am. Med. Assoc., 1849 (from Dubl. Med. Press, 1847), effects of 1 ounce; 40, Bowne, Lancet, 1841, effects of 3 drachms, in a woman; 41, Deane, Prov. Journ., 1851, p. 344, effect of 3/4 ounce; 42, Didana, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1851, p. 532, effects of an indefinite amount, in a woman; 43, Buchner, Toxicology, effects of 1/2 ounce, in a woman; 44, Kuhn, Hom. Vjs., 2, 316, poisonous effects, in a man; 45, Hildebrand, Vjs. f. ger. Med., 3, 256, effects, taken in coffee, in a girl; 46, Wood, Month. Journ. Med. Sc., 1852, p. 227, effects of a large quantity; 47, Barker, Assoc. Med. Journ., 1855, p. 1073, effects of 1/8 ounce, in a boy of sixteen; 48, Oyez, Gaz. des Hôp., 1858, effects of 1/2 ounce, in a woman; 49, Thudichum, Med. Times and Gaz., 1860, p. 39, effects of 10 grains, taken for purpose of experiment; 49a, same, effects of 10 grains; 49b, same, repeated; 49c, same, repeated; 50, Christison, general effects; 51, Arrowsmith, from Christison; 52, Page, Lancet, 1860, p. 509, effects of 1 ounce; 53, Ikin, Lancet. 1860, effects of 1 ounce; 54, Bradley, Med. Times, 1850, vol. 22, p. 283, 2 drachms, in a man; 55, Cuff, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862, effect of an indefinite amount; 56, Woodman, Med. Times and Gaz., 1864, effects of about 1/2 ounce; 57, Ellis, Lancet, 1864, effects of 1 ounce, in a woman; 58, Beale, Lancet, 1867, a woman took 1/2 ounce; 59, Herapath, Med. Times and Gaz., 1868, effects of 3/4 ounce, in some limewater, death in a few minutes; 60, Stewart, Glasgow Med. Journ., 1870, effects, 16 1/2 grams; 61, Finnell, Med. Rec., 6, 260, effects of about 1 ounce; 62, Goodfellow, Brit. Med. Journ., 1871, a man took about a teaspoonful; 63, Starr, Phil. Med. Times, 1871, a child, aged one year, "swallowed a piece;" 64, Dougall, Glasgow Med. Journ., 1872, a boy, aged three years, took about 4 grams; 65, omitted; 66, Sharp, Essays on Med., 1874, effects of 1/10th grain; 66a, same, effects of 1/20th grain; 66b, same, effects of 1/100th grain twice; 67, Jackson, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1875, effects of 2 tablespoonfuls of a solution, death on third day; 68, Med. Times, 1841, p. 15 (Woodman and Tidy, Forensic Med. and Tox., p. 431), effects of 1/2 ounce, in a girl of seventeen, recovery; 68a, ibid., 1 ounce, in a man, death on fifth day.

Phos > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 29, from Hahnemann, Chr. Kr., 2d ed.). 1, Hahnemann; 2, Goullon; 3, Gross; 4, Hering; 4a, "Rl.;" 5, Schreter; 6, Stapf; 7, "Bds.;" 8, Hartlaub; 9, "Mbn.;" 10, "Ng.;" 11, Borchwitz; 12, Bouttaz (not accessible, -Hughes); 13, Brera, in Voigtel (effects of 1/2 to 2 grains, -Hughes); 14, Buchner, in Voigtel; 15, Conradi, in Hufel. Journ. (not found for lack of reference, -Hughes); 16, Horn's Archiv (not accessible, -Hughes); 17, Hufeland's Journ. (VII, 3, 114, statement about overaction, -Hughes); 18, Jahn, Mat. Med. (II, 203, general statement, a mere copy from Voigtel, -Hughes); 19, Kortum (Hufel. Journ., X, 2, 41, effects of 1 grain in divided doses, -Hughes); 20, Le Roi, in Bouttaz; 20a, same, in Voigtel (effects of 3 grains, -Hughes); 21, Lobstein (Réch. et Obs. sur le Phosphore, 1815, a collection ofobservations from authors, -Hughes); 22, Menz, in Bouttaz (not accessible, -Hughes); 23, Robbi (Beob. ueber der Phosph., 1818, statements and observations, -Hughes); 24, Vater, in Voigtel; 25, Voigtel, Arzneimittellehre (IV, 46, statements from authors, -Hughes); 26, Weigel, Diss. Inaug. d. Phosph. us.; 27, Weickard, in Bouttaz (in Voigtel, effects of 2 to 3 grains, -Hughes); 28, Htb. and Tr.; 29, Zisler, in Bouttaz; 30, Wm. H. Holcombe, M.D., proving of Ph., took 20 drops of tincture twice first day, three times second day, and at 9 A.M., third day; 40 drops 10 P.M., third day; 20 drops, 9 A.M., fourth day; 30drops, 10 A.M., fifth day, N. Am. J. of Hom., 1858, p. 144 (Nos. 31 to 42, provings from Dr. Sorge, "Der Phosphor," Leipzig, 1862); 31, Dr. A. L., aged forty, took 3d. dec. dil., 4 drops, first day, 6 drops second day, 8 drops third day, 10 drops fifth and eighth days, 12 drops twenty-first day, 10 drops twenty-fourth, thirtieth, and thirty-first days, 4 drops thirty-fifth day; 32, Dr. B. took 25th dil. daily, in the morning, for six days; 32a, same, took 12th dil., repeated doses; 32b, same, took 2d dil. daily for seven days, 5 to 15-drop doses; 32c, same, took subsequently the 12th dil., repeated doses, for some time; 32d, same, took 3d dil., repeated doses; 32e, same, took 3 to 6-drop doses of an alcoholic solution of P.; 33, Otto B., aged fifteen, took 3 drops of 1st dec. dil. first, second, and fourth days; 33a, same, took crude alcoholic solution of P.; 34, Otto R., aged seventeen, took 1 to 5-drop doses of 1st dil. for nearly three months, with interruptions; 34a, same, took repeated doses of 2d. dil.; 34b, same, took again 1st dil.; 34c, same, took again 2d dil.; 34d, same, took again 1st dil.; 35, G. Muller, took 1st dil. daily for four days; 36, "R.", aged twenty, took 3 to 10-drop doses of 1st dil. every morning, and after some days took 5-drop doses of 2d dil.; 36a, same, took 2-drop doses of alcoholic solution of P.; 36b, same, took 2d dil.; 37, Carl Schenk, aged twenty-seven, took one dose, 3 drops, of alcoholic solution of P.; 37a, same, took repeated doses of 1st dil.; 37b, same, took various doses of 3d dil.; 37c, same, took 2d dil.; 37d, same, took again 1st dil.; 38, Rosalie B., aged seventeen, took 3d dil. every morning; 38a, same, took 2d dil.; 39, Miss T., aged thirty-two, took 3 drops of 25th dil. daily for three days; 39a, same, subsequently took 11th dil.; 39b, same, took 2d dil., repeated doses; 40, Madame L., aged thirty-two (suffering from anteflexion uteri), took repeated doses of 2d dil.; 41, Miss S., aged twenty-three (habitually suffering for eight days before menses with restless sleep, bad dreams, and the day before with cramp in calves and in abdomen, great pain in back; usually passed first menstrual day in bed; menses last eight or nine days; evacuation of bowels difficult; stools hard), took 1st dil., beginning eight days before menses, daily for a week, 3 to 7-drop doses; 42, Dr. Sorge, took 1st dil. first, second, and fourth days; 42a, same, 1st dil. first, third, and fourth days; 42b, same, 1st dil., one dose, first and second days; 42c, same, 3d dil., one dose; 42d, same, 3d dil. first and second days; 42e, same, 2d dil. first and second days; 42f, same, 1st dil. first and third days; 42g, same, 4th dil.; 42h, same, 1st dil.; 43, E. R. Heath, took 5 drops of tincture, Am. Hom. Rev., 5, 215, 1865; 44, Robinson, provings, Br. J. of Hom., 25, p. 327, 1867, "an old male took of a solution of one globule of the 30th dil. in 8 ounces of water, a dessertspoonful every third morning;" 45, same, a young female took a globule of 1st dec. dil. four times a day for eight days; 46, same, a young female took 3d dec. dil. three times a day; 47, same, a female took 30th dil. night and morning; 48, same, H. R., took 20 to 50 drops of tincture at bedtime; 49, E. W. Berridge, M.D., N. Am. J. of Hom., 1875, p. 379, proving of Dr. David Wilson with one dose of "C.M., Fincke;" 50, Dr. H. Noah Martin's provings, Hahn. Month, 12, p. 353, Dr. Kirk's proving with amorphous Phosphorus; 51, same, Dr. Gumpert's symptoms; 52, same, Dr. Hand's symptoms; 53, Alphonse Le Roy, Mem. de Soc. Émulation, Paris, 1797 (from Sorge), provings on himself with a solution of P. in Theracium, effects of 2 to 3 grains (same as No. 20, T. F. A.); 54, Weigel, Inaug. Diss., 1797 (from Sorge), proving on himself with 1 grain dissolved in oil (same as No. 26); 55, Bouttaz (from Sorge), took of a solution of 4 grains in 4 drachms of Naphtha vitrioli, 20 drops every two hours (same as No. 12); 56, Worbe, a man, twenty-eight years old, took 1 1/2 grains in hot water, and, experiencing no effects, three days afterwards repeated the dose, death on ninth day, Mem. luc a la Soc. Méd. d'Émulat., Paris, 1825 (fromWibmer); 57, Dieffenbach, Fror. Notizen, 23, No. 493 (A. H. Z., 74, 77), an apothecary took, as an experiment, 1 grain of P., triturated with sugar, first day, 2grains second day, 3 grains third day; 58, Grobenschutz, Med. Zeit. Ver. Preuss., 1843 (Frank's Mag.), poisoning by Phosphorus paste in food; 59, Shephard, Lancet, 1843, 1, p. 435, effects of sucking matches, in a child two and a half years old (fatal); 60, Lafargue, Lond. and Edin. Med. Journ., 1843, effects of sucking matches, in a child six months old; 61, Huss, from a work on Chronic Alcoholism, effects of inhaling vapor of P. (Hempel's Mat. Med., 1, 722); 62, Strohl, Gaz. Méd. de Strassburg, 1845, effects on a workman in a match factory; 63, same, in a woman; 64, same, in a woman; 65, same, in a woman; 66, same, general effects; 67, Roussel, Mem. de la Acad. des Sc., effects on workers in match factories; 68, Belfour, Northern J. of Med., effects in workers; 69, Neumann, Preuss. Ver. Zeit., 1846 (S. J., 53, 212), effects of working four years in a match factory, in a healthy girl; 70, same, a girl, aged seventeen, worked seven years; 71, same, in a woman, aged twenty-seven, who worked two years; 72, Lorinser, S. J., 53, p. 76, effects of fumes of P. on workmen; 73, Annal. de Thérap., 1846 (A. H. Z., 33, 57), effects of fumes of P. on workmen; 74, Pluskal, Oest. Med. Woch., 1846 (Br. J. of Hom., 6, 284), effects of playing with matches a great deal, in a girl; 75, Dr. Walker, Br. J. of Hom., 4, 287, effects on a workman; 76, Bibra and Geist, Br. J. of Hom., 11, 116, observations of Gendrin on workers, mostly women; 77, same, a woman, aged thirty-four; 78, same, in a man; 79, same, in a man, after working nine months (no phthisical predisposition); 80, Sunderlin (Sorge's Mon.), took 1/4 grain in oil; 81, Bibra and Geist, Br. and For. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1848, p. 446, effects on Barbara Klein, aged twenty-two, a worker in P.; 82, Simon, Lancet, 1850, Vol. 1, p. 44, effects on a worker for twelve years; 83, Russian Med. Zeit., 1850 (S. J., 70, 97); 84, Dassier, Journ. de Toul., 1851 (S. J., 74, 168), effects of a large amount of rat poison, in a girl; 85, Boudant, Gaz. des Hôp., 1851, effects of a large amount of P. paste, in a man; 86, Bell, Pharm. Journ, 1852-3, 12, p. 517, effects on a woman, worker in match factory; 87, Weihe, S. J., 82, 87, general effects; 88, Lewinsky, Zeit. d. K. K. Gesell. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1853, effects of P. from matches, in a girl, aged twenty-two; 89, Deitz, Wurt. Corr. Bl., Vol. 22, A. H. Z., 48, 176, effects of P. fumes; 90, Marcy, N. Am. J. of Hom., 1855, p. 94, proving by inhaling 3d dec. dil., in a woman, aged twenty-two, inhalation repeated daily for several days; 91, same, another prover by inhalation; 92, same, a third prover; 93, Cabot, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1855, p. 268, effects in a female worker in P.; 94, Campana, Journ. de Chim. Méd., 1855 (S. J., 101, 145), poisoning by matches; 95, Marchand, Gaz. des Hôp. (Bost. M. and S. J., 53, p. 323), effects of P. paste in soup, on a man, death on third day; 96, Muller, A. H. Z., 50, p. 163, effects on a woman of about 3 grains, scraped from matches; 97, Flugel, S. J., 90, 297, Vjs. f. Ger. Med., 1856, poisoning by matches; 98, Wood, N. Y. J. of Med., 1856, p. 312, worker in P.; 99, Leudet, Archives Gén. de Méd., 1857 (N. Am. J. of Hom., 7, p. 137), poisoning by matches; 100, same, in a woman; 101, Nitsche, Dubl. Hosp. Rep., 1857, from Zeit. d. K. K. Gesell. d. Aerzt. z. Wien., poisoning by matches; 102, Kraus, All. Wien. Med. Zeit., 1857 (from Sorge), poisoning by matches; 103, Elwert, A. H. Z., 53, 171, poisoning by matches; 104, Halsey, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1858, p. 357, worker in P. factory; 105, Coover, Br. Med. J., 1858, p. 846, two children poisoned by matches; 106, Tueffard, Journ. de Chim. Méd., 1859 (S. J., 104), poisoning by P.; 107, Rokitansky, Wien. Med. Zeit., 1859 (S. J., 105, 170), a girl poisoned by matches; 108, Mertens, J. de Chim. Méd., 1860 (S. J., 107, 171), effects in a man of rubbing some P. paste into a cut in the finger; 109, Kopp, All. Wien. Med. Zeit., 1859 (S. J., 105, p. 297), a girl ate six packets of matches; 110, Kaspar's Vjs. (from Sorge), poisoning of a woman by P. paste; 111, Zeidler, Annals of Berlin Charities, 1860, a woman drank an infusion of a thousand matches, repeated next morning and evening; 112, von Hauff, Wurt. Corr. Bl., 1860 (S. J., 109, 41), effects in three persons of eating soup containing Phosphorus paste; each received about 3 grains of P., first case; 113, same, a boy, aged six years; 114, same, a girl, aged four; 115, Paul, Edin. Month. J., 1860, p. 388, effects in a girl, aged twenty-six, of Ph. in coffee, death on the eighth day; 116, Lilienthal, N. Am. J. of Hom., 9, 448, effects of working in a match factory; 117, Frickhoffer, Nassau Med. Jhrb., 1861, (S. J., 111, 24), poisoning by a solution of matches; 118, L'Union, 12, 201, tox. by a solution of matches; 119, Ogston, Br. and F. Med. Chir.-Rev., 1861, p. 350, tox. by scrapings of matches; 120, Cutler, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 66, 393, a child, aged two, ate P. from ninety-two matches; 121, Paget, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862, effects on a man working in P.; 122, same, second case; 123, Lewin, a girl ate tops of a thousand matches, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862; 124, Adams, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862, a worker in P.; 125, Sorge, a woman poisoned by matches, Sorge's Monograph; 126, Wagner, Archiv de Heilk., 1862, a girl, aged thirteen, ate P. paste; 127, Gallavardin, Annals d'Hyg. Publique, 1855, poisoning of a man by P. mixed with food; 128, Hoering, Med. Corr. Bl., 1862, a woman, aged thirty-two, poisoned by one hundred matches; 129, Fritz, Archiv Gén. de Méd., 1863, a girl poisoned by paste scraped from sixty matches; 130, Fritz, Ranvier and Verliac, Treatise on P. Poisoning, Paris, 1863, poisoning by matches; 131, same, another case; 132, Bucquoy, L'Union Méd., 1863, poisoning of a woman by matches; 133, Lancereaux, L'Union Méd., 1863, poisoning of a man by matches; 134, same, poisoning of a man by P. paste; 135, same, poisoning of a girl, aged twenty-two, by matches; 136, same, a man poisoned by matches; 137, Richardson, Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1863 (from Tuengee), effects observed in nineteen cases of poisoning; 138, Karrajan, A. H. Z. Mon. Bl., 8, 29, a man took a solution in beer of eight packets of matches; 139, Fraser, Med. Times and Gaz., 1863, a woman took P. paste; 140, Guillabert, L'Art Méd., 13, 311, a girl of eighteen took a solution of matches in hot water; 141, Mannkoff, A. H. Z. Mon. Bl., 8, 16, a woman of twenty-three took an infusion in cold water of one thousand matches (10 to 12 grains of P.); 142, same, a woman took an infusion of about three thousand matches; 143, same, a man took an infusion of one thousand matches in coffee; 144, same, a woman poisoned by one thousand matches in coffee; 145, Ozanam, L'Art Méd., 19, p. 146, a woman took P. scraped from one hundred and twenty matches, death seventh day; 146, Woodman, Med. Times and Gaz., 1864, poisoning of two women by P. paste; 147, von Bunan, Vjs. f. Ger. Med., 1864, poisoning by P. in milk; 148, Levi, Gaz. Hebdom., 1864, effects of eating matches; 149, Memorabilien, 1864, p. 245, effects of eating matches; 150, Guillabert, Gaz. des Hôp., 1865, a woman poisoned by matches; 151, Ogle, Med. Times and Gaz., 1865, effects in a worker in P.; 152, Hunt, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1865, p. 353, a worker in matches; 153, Krug, Archiv de Heilk., 1865 (A. H. Z., Mon. Bl., 12, 54), a girl, aged fifteen, ate two packets of matches; 154, same, another case; 155, Meyer, Virchow's Archiv, 1865 (S. J., 136, 209), effects of eating matches; 156, Pastau, Virchow's Archiv, 1866 (A. H. Z., Mon. Bl., 13, 24), a woman took a solution of eight packets of matches in hot water; 157, Haesseler, Archiv f. Ger. Med., 1866 (S. J., 136, 209), a child poisoned by matches; 158, Blix, Gaz. Hebdom., 1866 (S. J., 136, 209), a man took Phosphorus; 159, same, a man poisoned by matches; 160, Heschel, Wien Med. Woch., 1866, poisoning by matches; 161, Habershon, Med.-Chir. Trans., 1867, a woman, aged twenty-eight, drank a solution of rat poison; 162, Hillier, ibid., a child sucked matches (about twenty-four); 163, Müller, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1867, poisoning of a woman, aged twenty-two; 164, same, another case, Ph. in hot coffee; 165, Pestel, L'Union Méd., 1867, a man poisoned by soup containing matches; 166, Klett, Wurt. Corr. Bl., 1868, (Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1869, p. 542), a woman, six months pregnant, ate ends of matches; she died in six hours, an hour after delivery; 167, Weihe, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1867, a woman poisoned by matches; 168, Rummel, H. and P. Zeit. f. Med. (S. J., 144, 31), a woman poisoned by matches; 169, Gross, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1867, a man poisoned by matches; 170, Maschka, Prag. Vjs., 1867 (A. H. Z. Mon. Bl., 16, 58), a girl, aged twenty, took infusion of matches in hot water; 171, Guenzler, Med. Corr. Bl., 1867, p. 68, a woman poisoned by matches; 172, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1868, p. 242, a girl of thirteen poisoned by Ph. rat poison, death on sixth day; 173, Fournier and Ollivier, L'Union Méd., 1868, No. 86, a girl, fourteen, employed four years in match factory; 174, Dujardin-Beaumetz (N. Y. Med. Journ., 1868, p. 534), effects of small doses; 175, Matthieu, Preuss. Med., 1868 (S. J., 144, 31), a man took a lot of matches; 176, Haselhorst, Inaug. Diss. Berlin, 1868, a boy of seventeen poisoned by matches; 177, Huber, Deutsch Archiv f. Klin. Med., 1868, p. 611, a man poisoned by P. paste; 178, same, a man ate food containing P. paste; 179, Concato, Rivista Clin., 1868 (S. J., 144, 31), poisoning by matches; 180, Thiersch, Archiv de Heilk., 1868 (A. H. Z. Mon. Bl., 18, 57), general P. necrosis in workers; 181, Lenftleben, Virchow's Archiv, 36, 520, poisoning by application of P. in oil to a raw surface; 182, Waterhouse, Br. Med. Journ., 1869, 2, p. 454, a girl took P. paste, recovery; 183, Kay, Lancet, 1869, 1, 836, a woman took an ounce of P. paste, death on third day; 184 to 189, Porte, Inaug. Thèse, Paris, 1869, cases of P. necrosis; 190, Schultz and Reiss, Annal. des Charite Krankenhauser, Berlin, 1869, a man poisoned by an indefinite amount; 191, same, another case; 192, same, a girl poisoned by three hundred matches; 193, same, a girl took five hundred matches; 194, same, a woman took same; 195, same, a girl took one thousand matches; 196, same, a girl took one hundred matches; 197, same, five hundred matches; 198, same, a large number of matches; 199, same, a man took one thousand matches; 200, Ebstein, Archiv de Heilk., 1869, a woman took an infusion of matches; 201, Knoevenagl, Berlin Klin. Woch., 1869, a woman took an infusion of matches; 202, Lange, Berlin Klin. Woch., 1870, a man took an infusion of matches; 203, Kohler, ibid., poisoning by two hundred matches; 204, Battmann, Archiv de Heilk., 1871, a woman took a solution of matches in wine; 205, Andant, Journ. de Thérap., 1871, matches in soup, effect on a woman; 206, same, on the son; 207, Anderson, Lancet, 1871, 2, 189, a child sucked the heads of matches; 208, Rommelaere, Traité de P. Intox., Bruxelles 1871, girl, aged seventeen, took infusion of matches in coffee, cured by turpentine; 209, same, another case, poisoned by matches, cured by turpentine; 210, Anstie, Practitioner, 1873, 11, 103, a man, subject to migraine, took three pills, each containing 1/30th grain of P., daily for about a week; 211, Wegner, Virchow's Archiv, 55 (B. J. of Hom., 31, 29), poisoning by P.; 212, same; 213, Sharp, Essays on Med., p. 720, took twice 1 drop of P., 1st cent. dil.; 214, Biermer, Corr. Bl. Schweiz., 1873, p. 269, poisoning of a woman by matches; 215, Jacobson, Deutsch Archiv f. Pr. Med., 1874, p. 467, poisoning of a woman by matches; 216, Courtenay, Med. Times and Gaz., 1876, p. 461, child poisoned by P. paste; 217, Morse, U. S. Med. Invest., 1876, p. 488, effects of inhaling the fumes of burning P.; 218, Goullon, Int. Hom. Presse, 10, 496, a man engaged in packing a large quantity of matches; 219, same, a woman poisoned by eating matches; 220, Tardieu, Empoisonnement, a girl, aged nineteen, poisoned by matches; 221, same, D'Hielly, a girl, aged twenty-three poisoned by matches; 222, same, Brullé, Thèse, Paris, 1860, a girl poisoned by matches; 223, same, a woman poisoned by matches; 224, same, a woman, two months pregnant, poisoned by matches; 225, same, Tungel's case of a woman poisoned by matches; 226, same, Tungel's case of a man poisoned by matches; 227, Breyton, Thèse, Paris, 1865, a woman poisoned by matches; 228, Gallard, Annal. d'Hyg., second ser., vol. 31, a woman poisoned by matches; 229, Piffard, Hosp. Gaz. and Archives of Clin. Surgery, 1877, p. 294, effects of tri-daily doses of 1/100th to 1/20th grain of P. given for psoriasis; 230, Boling, N. Orleans Med. and Surg. Journ., 1854, experiments on a healthy negro boy with tincture, doses 1/2 drop to 500 drops (only immediate effects on pulse reported; those not showing any deviation from health are omitted, T. F. A.); 231, same, experiments on a healthy man, 10 to 200-drop doses, omitted; 232, Bemis, N. Orleans M. and S. Journ., 1867, effects of a box of rat poison, in a woman.

Rhus-t > appendix
99, Dr. D. S. Kimball, Hempel's Jahr's New Manual, Appendix, p. 1041, effects on Dr. K. of gathering and preparing some of the Tox; 100, J. H. Sherman, M.D., New Eng. Med. Gaz., vol. xi, 1876, p. 407, a lady was poisoned; 101, H. M. Logee, M.D., Cincin. Med. Advance, vol. vi, 1878, p. 168, Mrs. W., a healthy woman, aged sixty years, drank a cup of sassafras tea, in which were some roots of Rhus rad., Friday evening, and rather more than a cupful the next morning; (102 to 105, from J. Murray Moore, M.D., Annals of Brit. Hom. Soc., Aug., 1878 (Amer. Hom. Obs., vol., xv, 1878, p. 465), effects of Rhus diversiloba); 102, Dr. Max Werder gives a case of poisoning; 103, E. B. M., a lady, aged twenty-five years, was poisoned by exposure to the shrub; 104, John W., aged twenty-three years, lay down among the shrubs while sweating, and once or twice relieved his bladder there; 105, Wilson K., aged ten years, plucked some leaves.

Sars > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 7, from Hahnemann, Chr. Krn.). 1, Hahnemann; 2, Hartmann; 3, Hermain; 4, Teuthorn; 5, Brunner; 6, Nenning; 7, Schreter (8 to 10a, additions by Hering, [left] c.); 8, Hancock; 9, Krahmer; 10, Pehrson; 10a, C. Hering; 11, Palotta, Pharmacologische Tabellen von Schwarze, p. 335 (from Beauvais, Effets Tox. et Pathogén., Paris, 1845), proving on self, with "Parillin," H30O6 (Poggiale); proved by Palotta, and first published in Schweigg Journ., 1825, XLIV, 117. Smilaspercic acid is quite different, is obtained from Hemidesmus indicus, and was experimented with by Garden, Lond. Gaz., xx, 800. -T. F. A., took doses of 2, 6, 8, 10, and 13 grains; 12, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Hom., 1872, p. 101, Dr. Croker took repeated doses of tincture; 13, Dr. H. C. Allen, Am. Obs., 1874, p. 234, effects of teaspoonful doses of "Bristol's Sarsaparilla," in four children; 14, Berridge, Am. Obs., 1875, p. 305, Dr. Theobold took 10 drops of tincture; 15, same, Miss ---, took tincture, repeated doses of 10 to 40 drops for six days; 16, same, self, took 1600th dil, (Jenichen), 1 to 3 times a day for ten days; 17, same, "The Organon," 1, 107, a lady took one dose of C. M. (Fincke); 18 and 19, omitted; 20, Cox, in narrative of residence on the Columbia River, general effects (Dubl. J. of Med. and Chem., 1835, 6, 149); 21, Ashburne, Lond. Med. Gaz., 12, 350 (1853), effects of Smilax aspera; 22, same, Dr. Belinoye, effects of common Sarsaparilla.

CAS > appendix
1, 2, 3, Reil, Journ. f. Pharm., Tox., and Therap., 1, 586; review of Michiel de Keyzer, Inaug. dis., "Bydrage tot de Kennis van het Blauwzuur," 1856, poisoning of two boys and a girl, aged respectively 3, 4, and 6 years; 4, ibid., poisoning of a negro by the juice; 5, Dr. Barham, general statement of symptoms of poisoning, Pharm, Journ., 5, 29, 1846; 6, Mure, Pathogénésie Brésilienne, effects from an ounce dose of the expressed juice of the root, by J. V. Martins.

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