Silica Marina
Sea-sand, Silica and Natrum mur., Silic, Sil-m.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Silica Marina in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Symptoms. INFLAMED GLANDS and commencing suppuration. Constipation. Use for some time 3X trit.
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Silica Marina
Bell > general
Some complaints begin in the top of the body and go downwards. That is the way this remedy acts. In some remedies the exposure of the feet to an ice cold draft mill bring on headache (Silic); but in Bell, the exposure will bring on a headache, or neuralgia of the lower extremities.
Ol-an > relationships
Compare: Puls.; Ars.; Silic.; Sepia.
Sil > relationships
Compare: BLACK Gunpowder 3X ( Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, limb purple. Wounds that refuse to heal; accident from bad food or water. - Clarke.) Hep.; Kali-phos.; Pic-ac.; Calc.; Phos.; Tabasheer; Natrum Silicum (tumors, hemophilia, arthritis; dose, three drops three times daily, in milk); Ferrum Cyanatum (epilepsy; neuroses, with irritable weakness and hypersensitiveness, especially of a periodical character). Silica Marina - Sea-sand - (Silica And Natrum Mur. symptoms. Inflamed glands and commencing suppuration. Constipation. Use for some time 3X trit.) Vitrum - crown glass - (Potts; disease, after Silicea, necrosis, discharge thin, watery, fetid. Much pain, fine Grinding and grating like grit.) Arundo Donax (acts on excretory and generative organs; suppuration, especially chronic, and where the ulceration is fistulous, especially in long bones. Itching eruption on chest, upper extremities and behind ears).
Alum > general
He considers it the chronic of Sepia as Silic. is of Puls.
Ars > general
Arsen. loves warmth like Nux v., Psor., Hepar, Silic., Mag mur. and other hydrogenoids, and herein is differentiated from Sul., Ant. crud., Iod., Apis, and Puls.
Bell > general
Belladonna acts primarily on the brain, and Teste very acutely explains the diversity of its action on men and animals by suggesting that it acts with an intensity proportionate to the brain development. On goats and rabbits it has no poisonous action whatever. On carnivorous animals it acts with moderate intensity. On man it acts with highest intensity. But on idiots, as Hufeland mentions, it has no more action than it has on some of the carnivora. An enormous number of the symptoms of Bell. are developed in and from the head and sensorium. Conformably with this, the pains of Bell. run downwards, i.e., away from the head. (Silic. and Gels. have a pain running up the back). To understand aright the action and uses of this great medicine it is necessary to bear in mind some leading features which characterise its action in all parts of the organism. But before alluding to these I will briefly refer to its correspondence to scarlatina. Cases of Belladonna poisoning have frequently been mistaken for cases of scarlatina. But it is the smooth form only, these presenting a smooth, even, red surface that come under its controlling action and prophylaxis. When such an epidemic is about, any one who may be exposed to infection may obtain almost certain immunity by taking Belladonna two or three times a day. The several points to be remembered about Belladonna are that it is a medicine which has great general sensitiveness and also sensitiveness of the special senses
Calc > general
A remarkable case (of Dr. Mayntzer's) improved by Silic. and cured by Calc. is quoted in Hom.
Calc > general
Fingers feel furry." Both remedies were given, and great improvement occurred under Silic., but as the pain was not gone the patient took Calc. (which was only to be taken in case of need) on the fifth day.
Fl-ac > general
suppuration occurred later and was very slow to heal. According to McLachlan, the left hand is affected rather than the right and the pus tends to point on the dorsum of the finger. amel. From cold washing distinguishes it from Silic. Fl. ac. is also distinguished from Sil. by the general amel. from walking in the open air. "A constant, irresistible desire to walk in the open air.
Graph > general
Teste classes Graph. in the Pulsatilla group with Silic., Calc., Hepar, and Phos.
Graph > general
He gives the following among other symptoms as common to Puls., Silic., and Graph. "Anxious, changeable, wavering mood.
Hep > general
Hahnemann's instinct led him to see in Hepar an antidote to mercurial poisoning, and it remains still the chief antidote, whether to the effects of massive doses or to over-action of the potencies. Silic. and Merc. are inimical, but if Hepar is given as an intermediary no unpleasant effects will occur.
Mag-c > general
This led me to give Silic. 30 in the first instance (on February 27, 1895); but Sil. only increased the pain.
Puls > general
it is one of the most interesting and most characteristic provings of his materia medica." Teste himself has given a very luminous account of the remedy. He puts it at the head of a group with Silic., Calc., Hep. as its chief members (Graph., Phos. in less degree, with Fer., Cham., and Gadus as analogues). These drugs act principally, says Teste, on the vascular apparatus. All the symptoms which they have in common depend upon a small number of primordial symptoms (e.g., impeded respiration, engorgement of air passages, irregular beating of heart), indicating vascular disturbance. Hence arise.
Sabal > general
In searching for a remedy for a case of dysmenorrhoea she found the leading symptoms under Silic., and it struck her that the symptoms of Silic. corresponded to her own symptoms.
Luna > general
that worm affections are most troublesome at the full moon, and that goître diminishes, more or less, during the waning moon. On this fact is based the following Spongia-Luna treatment, which he calls "infallible" Cut slices of sponge of the size of a finger. Grill them at a candle flame till they are brittle at the centre but still elastic at the borders. Triturate the whole and put 7 or 8 grams into half a litre (rather less than a pint) of rain-water or river-water. The bottling must be done three days before the new moon. Close the bottle and put it in a cellar, taking care to shake it once every day. Three days before the full moon the patient commences to take a tablespoonful night and morning. The greater part of the bottle will be finished during the waning moon. Goullon quotes the following remarkable case of somnambulism from the Cercle Médical "A youth of fifteen, in good health in other respects, had been withdrawn from his apprenticeship, on account of his nightly promenades on roofs, and put in a private asylum. Although his room was oriented so that no actual moon-rays could reach, it, the moon nevertheless exercised a potent influence upon him. As soon as it reaches the horizon he gets out of bed, and carefully, with closed eyes, moves towards a window, so high that he has to jump in order to reach and open it. As it is barricaded with an iron trellis he gets down, and, crossing the corridor, goes to the outer door, above which is a window. With cat-like agility he climbs up to this, when he is seized by three warders, who take him back to his room, where, only after the moon has set, can he lie down and go to sleep. In the morning he remembers nothing. At full moon the symptoms are still more extraordinary." Among other maladies notably influenced by the moon is epilepsy, and epilepsy agg. at full moon generally needs Silic. Skin diseases, according to Menuret, are frequently influenced by the moon. He instances a case of eczematous affection which increased with each waning moon, and was at its maximum intensity at the new moon, when it covered the whole face and chest, and was accompanied by unbearable itching. Then there was gradual improvement and the face became smooth, but scarcely had the full moon passed than all began again. Scabies and worm affections are agg. at full moon. Nervous affections, especially in subjects of sycosis, are frequently influenced by the moon. Moritz Hoffmann observed a young girl (daughter of an epileptic mother) whose whole body became swollen at every new moon, the swelling disappearing as the moon waned. Mead tells of a child who was subject to convulsions at each waning moon. Gale remarked that with weakly persons there are two epochs at which excitability is most pronounced.
All-c > relationships
Cepa is complementary to Phosphor., Pulsat., Sarsap., Calc. and Silic. follow Cepa well in polypus.
Alum > relationships
Similar to Bar. carb. (hypochondriasis of aged; constipation); Bryon. (peevish, irritable; gastric and abdominal symptoms; constipation; throbbing headache; dry cough with vomiting; stitches in chest; dryness of mucous surfaces; fever; etc.); Calc. ostr.; Chamom. (useful as an intermediate remedy); Conium (old people; loss of power of internal recti of eyes); Ferrum (chlorosis; relaxed abdomen; disgust for meat, etc.); Ferr. iod. (profuse, transparent leucorrhoea); Graphit. (chlorosis; skin rough, chapped, itching; nails, blepharitis, etc.); Ipec. Laches. (sad on waking; climaxis); Pulsat. (tearful, peevish; heat, etc.; better in open air; ozaena taste lost; averse to meat; chlorosis; scanty menses; complaints at puberty; lack of animal heat; soles of feet sore, worse walking; toes red, itching, etc.); Plumbum (colic; constipation, etc.); Ruta (loss of power of internal recti of eyes); Sepia (irritable, tearful; ozaena; scanty menses; puberty, prolapsus uteri; inactive rectum; weakness in urinary organs, etc. Silic., Sulphur, Zincum (inner canthus; granular lids).
Am-m > relationships
Similar to its relatives and to Ant. crud. (mucus membranes); Aloe soc. (abdominal symptoms); Arsen. (catarrhs); Arg. nitr. (mucus in throat); Calc. ostr. (fat people; coldness between scapulae; profuse menses); Conium (night cough); Caustic. (stiff joints, contractions of muscles; burning hoarseness); Carb. veg. (hoarseness; burning on chest, etc.); Coloc. (in colic); Hepar; Iodine; Kali bichr. (stringy mucus, etc.) Kali chlor. (catarrh); Kali hydr. (pimples on the back; etc.) Mercur.; Merc. corr.; Magn. mur. (especially bloody sputum; crumbling stool; atonic bladder); Natr. mur. (catarrh); Nux Vom.; Phosphor.; Rhus tox. (sprains; joints worse sitting, etc.); Seneg. (fat people; mucus secretions; stitches in scapula with lung affections, etc.); Sepia (blisters about joints; atonic bladder, etc.); Silic.; Sulphur.
Ant-t > relationships
Effects of vaccination when Thuja fails and Silic. is not indicated.
Ant-t > relationships
Follow with Silic. for dyspnoea from foreign substances in the windpipe; Pulsat. in gonorrhoeal suppression; Tereb. in symptoms from damp cellars.
Apis > relationships
Concordances Acet. ac. (dropsy); Acon., Anac. (urticaria); Apocyn. cannab. (dropsy); Arnic. (bruised sore); Arsen. (typhoid forms; gangrene; dropsies scarlatina; urticaria; chills); Bellad. (meningitis, especially of cerebral meninges; faucitis; erysipelas; scarlatina; glandular organs, etc.); Bromin. (swelling of ovary during menses); Bryon., Cantharides (erysipelas, urinary symptoms); Cinchon., Colchic. (rheumatism, etc.); Crot. tig. (urticaria); Euphr. (conjunctiva); Ferrum; Graphit., Hepar; Iodium (swollen knee); Laches. typhoid states; gangrene); Lycop. Mercur.; Natr. ars.; Natr. mur. (chills; urticaria; tension in ovarian region, etc.); Pulsat.; Rhus tox. (eyes, but Apis has less suppuration; vesicular erysipelas, but darker than in Apis, and spreading left to right; typhoid states; restlessness, but, in Apis more fidgetiness, etc.); Rumex crisp. (painless, greenish-yellow diarrhoea); Sabin. (ovarian and uterine symptoms); Sepia; Silic. (ovary and inverted nipple); Sulphur (tubercular meningitis; cheeked eruption, especially urticaria; asthma; hydrothorax); Tereb. (urinary symptoms); Therid. (vertigo); Thuja (sycosis, evils of vaccination); Urt. ur.; Zincum; Calc. iod. (which has relieved conical cornea and staphyloma); Guarea (has cured conjunctivitis with marked chemosis).
Arg-n > relationships
According to Boenninghausen, as antidotes to Arg. nitr. and also Nitr. ac., are prominent, Pulsat., Calcar., Sepia, and next these three. Lycop., Mercur., Silic., Rhus tox, Phosphor, and Sulphur.
Arn > relationships
Cognates Acon., Amm. carb;; Croton (swashing in abdomen); Arsen.; Baptis., Bellad.; Bryon.; Chamom., China; Euphras. (injuries to eye); Calend.; Ferrum; Hepar; Hyper.; Hamam.; Ipec.; Mercur.; Pulsat.; Ran. scel. (pain in intercostal muscles); Rhus tox.; Ruta; Staphis.; Silic.; Symphyt., Sulphur (traumatic pleurisy); Sulph. ac;., Veratr.; Bellis. peren. (wounds, boils, etc.; erysipelatous tendency).
Arum-t > relationships
Compare Amm. mur., Castor., Cepa, Kali hydr., Lycop., Mezer., Nitr. ac., Silic. (nasal discharge), Arg. nitr., Crocus (tongue), Capsic. (throat), Caustic., Ferr. Phosph. (hoarseness), Mercur. and Valer. (salivation), Mercur. and Bryon. (lips and corners of mouth).
Arum-t > relationships
Concordances Laches., Lycop., Ailanth., Arsen., Canthar., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Sulph. ac;., Hydr. ac., Iodium, Phytol., Sanguin., Silic., Sulphur.
Bar-c > relationships
Cognates Ant. tart. (paralysis of lungs); Calc. ostr. (scrofulosis, coryza, etc.); Calc. iod. (large tonsils); Caustic. (paretic symptoms); Conium (old people); Dulcam. (tendency to catch cold); Fluor ac. (old people); Iodium (glands); Lycop. (tonsils); Mercur. (colds, glands, diarrhoea); Phosphor; Pulsat.; Sepia (ringworms); Silic. (glands, foot-sweat, etc.) Sulphur; Tellur. (ringworms).
Calc-p > relationships
Compare with Calc. ostr., Silic., Fluor. ac., Berber.; also with Calc. hypophos., which is useful in consumption, with hectic, cavities in lungs, etc., and in severe corneal, crescentic ulcers, when low health prevents healing.
Calc > relationships
After Calc. ostr. may follow Lycop., Nitr. ac., Phosphor., Silic.
Clem > relationships
Clemat. follows Silic. well.
Crot-h > relationships
Compare also Tarent. cub, Arsen., Lauroc. (tetanus, whooping-cough), Apis, Carb. veg., Silic. (vaccination), Camphor. (in coldness; probably Crotal. has more marked genuine collapse, with confused speech, etc.).
Hep > relationships
Hepar is frequently indicated after; Bellad., Laches., Silic., Spongia, Zincum, Arnic. (traumatic spasms).
Hep > relationships
After Hepar the frequently indicated Bellad, Mercur., Nitr ac, Spongia, Silic.
Hep > relationships
Antidotes to Hepar s. c. Acet. ac., Bellad., Chamom., Silic.
Lyc > relationships
After Lycopodium. are frequently indicated Graphites, Lachesis, Ledum, Phosphor., Silic.
Merc-c > relationships
Merc. subl. antidoted by Silic.
Merc > relationships
Mercur. and Silic. do not follow each other well.
Nux-m > relationships
Disjunctive relations Lycop., Nux vom., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Silic., Sulphur.
Nux-m > relationships
Similar to Stramon., Opium (mind); Pulsat. (internal organs); Nux vom., Ant. tart. (sensations); Opium, Arsen., Spigel. (fever); Lycop. (skin); Silic; (modalities); Nux vom., Rhus tox. (motions); Coccul., Ignat., Nux vom., Sepia (sides of body).
Phos > relationships
Phosphor. follows well after Calc. carb., Chinchon., Kali carb., Lycop., Nux vom., Rhus tox., Silic., Sulphur.
Sep > relationships
Sepia is frequently indicated after Pulsat., Silic., Sulphur.
Sil > relationships
Silic. is frequently indicated after; Bellad., Bryon., Calc. ostr., Cina, Graphit., Hepar, Ignat., Nitr. ac., Phosphor.
Sil > relationships
After Silic.; Fluor. ac, which also antidotes its abuse; Hepar, if pimples appear around the ulcer.
Sil > relationships
Silic. antidotes; the abuse of mercury, but does not follow the potentized Mercur. well; Sulphur.
Sil > relationships
Antidotes to Silic. Fluor. ac., Hepar.
Thuj > relationships
Complementary to Silic.
Stann-i > relationships
Similar to Silphium (later has profuse thin, stringy, sputa), Myosotis (in phthisis mucosa, sweat, emaciation, etc.) Silic., Phosphor., etc.
All-c > relationships
Antidoted by Arn. (toothache); Cham. (abdominal pains); Nux v. (coryza recurring in August); Verat. (colic, with despondency); Thuja (offensive breath and diarrhoea after eating onions). Roasted coffee will remove onion breath. Followed by Calc. c. and Silic. in polypus.
Anthr > relationships
Compare Anthracinum bovum, Anthracinum suum, Laches., Tarent. c., Arsen., Carb. v. It follows well Arsen. (burning and ulceration), Phos. ac. Is followed well by Aur mur nat. (periosteal swelling of lower jaw), Silic. (cellulitis).
Anthr > relationships
Antidoted by Camph., Ars., Rhus, Silic., Laches., Carb. v., Puls., Kreos., Carbol. ac., Salicyl. ac., Apis.
Arum-t > relationships
Compare The other Arums and Calad.; Ailanth. (scarlatina; depressing, stupid, drowsy sleep); Cina (boring nose); Am. c. (acrid discharge from nose in scarlatina, but right parotid more decidedly affected in Am. c., and drowsiness is marked); Am. m. (scarlatina); Arg. n. (scarlatina, painful red blotches left side of tongue); Ars., Canth., Caps.; Castor. (nasal discharge watery and acrid but with violent tearing pain at root of nose); Caust., Cepa, Crocus (elevated papillae, but tongue white); Hepar, Hydr. ac., Iod., Kali iod., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Mez., Mur. ac., Nit. ac., Phytol., Sang., Silic., Sul. Useful after Hep., Nit. ac., Caust., Seneg.
Aster > relationships
Compare Murex, Sepia; Astac. fl., Homarus; Erythrinus; Crot., Grat., Gamb., jatrop., Thuj., Bell., Lil. t. Follows well Bell., Carb. an., Con., Silic., Sul., Calc.
Bapt > relationships
Compare Arn., Arsen., Bry.; Gels. (malaise, nervousness, flushed face, drowsiness, and muscular soreness); Ecchin. angust., Hyo., Kali mur., Lach., Mur. ac. and Nit. ac. (typhoid); Nux v., Op., Rhus t. Follows well Ars. is followed well by Tereb., Nit. ac., Ham. Silic has, like Bap., ability to swallow only liquids (like milk), but unlike Bap., Silic has aversion to milk. Ecchinacea angustifolia is perhaps its nearest analogue.
Bar-c > relationships
Compare Alum., Ant. t. (paralysis of lungs); Bell., Calc. c. (scrofulosis, coryza, &c.); Calc. iod. (large tonsils); Caust. (paralysis); Cham., Chi., Con. (old people); Dulc. (catching cold); Fluor. ac. (old people); Iod. (glands); Lach., Lyc. (tonsils); Mag. c., Merc. (colds, glands, diarrhoea); Nat. c., Phos., Puls., Sep. (tinea); Silic. (glands, fetid foot-sweat, but Bar. c. lacks the head-sweat of Silic., and Silic. has self-will instead of the weak-mindedness of Bar. c.); Sul., Tell.
Cocc > relationships
Compare Aco., Act. r.; Ant. c. (gastralgia), Agar. (somnolency), Ant. t., Ars., Bell., Calc., Carb. v. (parotitis), Cham., Coff., Cupr., Ign. (headache), Ip., Iod., Lach., Merc., Mosch., Nitr., Nux mos. (somnolency), Oleand., Petr., Puls. (headache), Rhus, Sabi., Sassafras, Scutel., Silic., Stram., Tab., Val., Ver. In effects from noise, Nux, Nit. ac. Sense of lightness, Asar., Can. ind., Calc., Gels., Sticta, Sil., Thuj.; menstrual sick headache, Lac. def.; fear of ghosts, Aco., Ars., Bro., Carb. v., Lyc., Pho., Pul., Sul., Zn. Umbilical hernia, Nux (without urging, Bry., Nat. mur., Ver.); agg. from kneeling, Mag. c., Sep.; nausea constant, Ip., Kali c., Sul., Ign., Acet. ac.; uterine spasm, dysmenia, dark flow, Ign. (Coccul. is distinguished by having weak, lame feeling in small of back; as if about to be paralysed; trembles on beginning to walk); weak from talking, Ver., Sul., Calc.; functional paralysis from fatigue or mental emotions, Ign., Pho., Nat. m., Collins.; in occipital headache, Gels., jug. c. Weakness of neck muscles, Ant. t.; amel. putting head back, Seneg. (agg., Clem., Cinnab.).
Cond > relationships
Compare Ant. tart. (pustular eruptions); Arum tri. (corner of mouth cracked; sore throat); Bapt. (sore throat; open cancers with very offensive discharges); Ars., Con., Hydrast., Phytol., Trifol. prat., Kreos. (cancer, especially of breast); Hydrast., Kali sul., (rodent ulcer, lupus, cancer of stomach); Thuja (epithelial cancer, fissures at muco-cutaneous outlets); Silic. (fistulous ulcers).
Crot-h > relationships
Compare C. Cascavella (thoughts dwell on dead and dreams of the dead); Tarent-cub., Arsen., Lauroc. (tetanus, whooping-cough); Apis., Carb. v., Silic. (vaccination effects); Camphor (coldness; Crotal. has more marked genuine collapse with confused speech), Hyos. Op., Nux v., Cupr., Bell. (sleepy but cannot sleep); Cad. s. (yellow fever). Causation.
Cupr > relationships
Compare Other Copper preparations, Calc. c., Gels. (overworked brain); Cicut. and Solaneaceae (mental symptoms); Silic. (head pains amel. wrapping up head). Nux, Phos., Coloc., Camph., Secal., Verat., Arn., Apis., Zinc., Puls., Arsen. As if in a dream (Amb., Anac., Calc., Can. i., &c.) Loquacity (Hyo., Lach., Op., Stram., Ver.) Lack of reaction (Sul., Carb. v., Lauro., Val., Ambra, Caps., Pso., Op., Bell., Stram., Bry., Apis). Causation.
Fl-ac > relationships
Compare Coca (fatigue); Coffea (toothache); Citr. ac. and Sep. (aversion to one's family); Oxal. ac. (diarrhoea agg. from coffee); Rhus t. and Ruta (coccygodynia); Silic. (fistula, onychia, bone diseases, coccygodynia); Brom., Iod., Spongia and Kali c. (goître); Staph. (teeth). Followed well by Sulph., Nit. ac.
Guare > relationships
Bov. (flow of blood between menses); Crotal. (as if had a blow on the head); Anac. (peg in ear); Gels. (vertigo, ptosis); Azadiracta indica (botan.) Apis (chemosis, asthma millari); Arn. (injuries); Phos. (steatoma) Ign. (nerves); Merc. and Silic. (bone-pains, suppuration).
Hecla > relationships
Compare Conchiol., Silic., Calc., Slag, Phos., Stilling., Sulph., Kali iod, Amphisb., Symphyt., Ruta. Causation.
Kali-c > relationships
very close analogue); Pso. (debility of convalescence; profuse sweat; hopelessness of recovery); Calc. c. (hopelessness of recovery; irritability; chilliness, agg. from washing); Puls. (erratic pains; amenorrhoea); Berb. (bubbling sensation in back). Phos. ac. (apathy); Hep., Nit. ac., Carb. v., and Arg. n. (fish-bone sensation). Rhus (pain amel. motion; affections of ligaments) Hamam. (haemorrhoids). Mag. c. (nervous debility from overstrain) Bry. and Silic. (knee affections). Nat. m. (anaemia; amenorrhoea)
Kali-m > relationships
Compare also Nat. mur., Nit. ac., Silic., Apis, Thuj. Causation.
Kaol > relationships
Compare Alum., Silic.; K. bi., Spo., Iod., Hep., Aco., Fuller's Earth.
Lach > relationships
Compare Crotal., Naja, Bothrops., Helod., Apis, Sul. and Lyc. (aphasia); Therid. and Mosch. (vertigo agg. closing eyes and sun-headache); Ars., Hydr. ac., Lauroc., Dig. and Ver. (fainting from cardiac weakness); K. carb. (heart hanging by a thread); Glon., Bell., Camph., Nat. c., Therid. (agg. from heat of sun); Stram., Agar., Mephit., Act. r., and Paris. (loquacity); Op., Hyo., Arn., Alum., Lyc., and Rhus (typhoid); Merc., Chi., Pul., Bry. and Gels. (catarrhal and rheumatic headaches); Sil. (amel. wrapping up head; aversion to touch); Crot., Pho., and Arn. (retinal apoplexy); Crotal. and Elaps. (otorrhoea); Apis, Ars. and K. ca. (oedema of face); Cic. (dyspnoea from spasm); grind. (stops breathing on falling asleep); Apis, Rhus and Euphorb. (erysipelas, herpes, &c.); Phyt. (sore throat); Chi., Carb. v., Hep., Kre., K. bi.., Nux and Lyc. (dyspepsias and abdominal diseases); Colch. and Elaps. (cold feeling in stomach); Bell., Caust., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Ign., K. bi.., Op., Pb., Mez. and Coccul. (constriction of anus, anal tenesmus, and dysentery); Anac. (sensation of plug in rectum); Hep., Asaf., Lyc., Mur. ac., Silic., Sulph. ac;., and Ars. (ulceration); Apis, Arg. m., Plat., Murex, Pall., Lyc. and Graph. (ovarian and uterine diseases); Crotal., Helleb., Dig., Tereb., Apis and Colch. (vesical and rectal affections, with hćmaturia); Calc. (gall-stones); Pho. and Thu. (fungus hćmatodes); Nat. m. and Led. (effects of bee-stings) Lact. ac. (fulness of throat and constriction); Lac. can. (diphtheria changing sides; sees snakes); Tarent. cub. (carbuncles); Colch. and Carb. ac. (black urine); Sel., Nat. c. and Nat. m. (agg. in warm, relaxing weather); Carb. v. (craves coffee).
Merc-c > relationships
Antidoted by (Poisonous doses) White of egg. Dynamic antidotes Silic. (Hering), Merc. sol., Sep., Lobel. i. (Teste). Also antidotes to the Mercuries generally (see Merc.). Compatible after Aco., Arg. n. (which follows Puls.).
Myris > relationships
Compare Nux mosch., Silic., Calc., Sul., Septic., Pyrogen.
Paeon > relationships
Compare In varices, Ham. In splinter sensation, anal fissure and abscess, in ulcer, Nit. ac. In splinter sensation and ulcers, Arg. n., Hep. In ulcers, Helleb. n., Helleb. v., Silic. In ulcers about the toes, Magn. aust. In diarrhoea, Sul. In effects of bad news, Gels. Causation.
Puls > general
Nausea when fasting, Calc., Lyc., Silic.; when beginning to eat, Nux, Sul.
Rheum > relationships
Compare Botan., Polyg. h., Rumex., Lapath. Constituents Chrys. ac., Calc. ox., Silic. Foul breath, Querc., Arn. agg. After sleep, Lach., Nat. m., Sul. Sour stools, Hep., Mg. c., Calc. (Rhe. has twitching of muscles of face and fingers during sleep; also puts arms over head). Queer positions, Plb. Head sweat, Calc., Sil., Sanic. agg. Uncovering, Rx. c. (Rhe., colic; Rx. c., cough). Screaming children with diarrhoea, Jalap. Bubbling sensation, Berb. Difficult dentition, Kre., Cham. Sour body smell, Hep., Mg. c. (Mg. c. is deeper acting than Rhe.). Impatience, Cin., Stp. Children. cry and toss all night, Pso. As if in a dream, Ambr., Anac., Calc., Can. i., Con., Cup., Med., Strm., Val., Ver., Ziz. Causation.
Aqua > relationships
Compare Nat. mur., Chlorum (but in addition to its chief ingredient, sea-water contains in solution every inorganic substance in the world); also Silica marina.
Hede > relationships
Compare Aral. r., Ginseng (botan.); Silic., Nat. m.
Con > vertigo, dizziness
Vertigo on looking up, Puls., Silic.
Apis > mouth
Ulcer in l. border (r. Silic., Thuj.).
Osm > mouth
Sudden swelling of gum above root of an upper l. incisor after eating pears, with pain and numbness; amel. by Silic.
Med > genitals etc
From May 26th he had Merc. sol., Nit. ac., Sulph., Corallium, Cinnab., Silic., Thuj., Phos. acid, Sabin., Staphis. all in high potencies, but got no better.
Fl-ac > fever and chill
Ailments from Silic.; also after abuse of mercury.
Fl-ac > fever and chill
Fluor ac. follows well; after Arsen., in ascites with diseased liver; after Kali carb., in hip disease; after Silic., in bone diseases; after Phosp. ac., in diabetes (one case).