Rumex Acetosa
Sheep Sorrel, Rumex, Rumx-a.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Rumex Acetosa in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Rumex Acetosa
Rumx > general
Is characterized by pains, numerous and varied, neither fixed nor constant anywhere. Cough caused by an incessant tickling in the throat-pit, which tickling runs down to the bifurcation of the bronchial tubes. Touching the throat-pit brings on the cough. Worse from the least cold air; so that all cough ceases by covering up all the body and head with the bedclothes. Rumex diminishes the secretions of mucous membranes, and at the same time exalts sensibility of the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea. Its action upon the skin is marked, producing an intense itching. Lymphatics enlarged and secretions perverted.
Rumx > general
Rumex crispus. Curled Dock. Yellow Dock. N. O. Polygonaceae. Tincture of fresh root.
Brom > general
This means that the larynx is painful to touch. Phos., Bell., and Rumex have soreness in the larynx, sore to touch; but the Bromium soreness is commonly below the larynx and in the throat pit as well.
Rumx > general
Rumex, the yellow dock, is a neglected remedy, and one that has been only partially proved.
Rumx > general
Some symptoms are worse in the early morning. Certain kinds of cough are worse at 11 P.M. Lachesis and Rumex furnish a puzzle in this cough and each has to be understood.
Rumx > general
In Lachesis young children cough in their early sleep, but if kept awake they will not cough. Therefore in Lachesis the 11 P.M. cough is an aggravation from sleep. In Rumex the cough will come on at 11 o'clock whether the child is asleep or not.
Rumx > general
Phosphorus has this hoarseness, but especially aphonia relieved by hemming up a little mucus from the vocal cords. The Causticum hoarseness is due to a weakness of the vocal cords. Phosphorus has an inflammatory state and the continual accumulation of mucus impedes speech. Rumex has the accumulation of tough, gelatinous, gluey mucus, and he continually scrapes the larynx.
Rumx > general
It is common for phthisical cases to have a morning diarrhoea, and many of them look like Sulphur When the morning diarrhea is gushing, Rumex will palliate; it will allay the extreme sensibility of the lungs, will ward off the sensitiveness to cold and will patch him up.
Rumx > general
Rumex is not so deep as Sulphur, but it is an antipsoric. It is limited however, to the early stages; will carry a chronic case so, far, but it will require to be followed by another antipsoric. Calcarea follows it well.
Rumx > general
Rumex is as sensitive to cold, to baths and chilly surroundings as Rhus, but it is aggravated by motion. Bryonia may be confused with it in this aggravation from motion and from talking, but Bryonia is not so sensitive to cold air, is often relieved from cold air and worse in a warm room.
Rumx > general
the complaints subside if the room becomes cool. In Rumex the nerves are sensitive to the open air.
Rumx > general
Rumex is one of the most valuable palliatives in advanced phthisis it will often carry a case through another winter. With Rumex, Pulsatilla, Senega, Arsenic and Nux vomica you can patch up the last years of a phthisical patient.
Seneg > general
"Dry cough with aphonia; worse in cold air and from walking," is like Phosphorus and Rumex.
Squil > general
Dry cough at 11 P.M. worse from cold water and cold air (Rumex). Bell has cough at 11 P.M. worse from uncovering, red face, congestion in head. Lach soon after going to sleep, which may be 11 P.M.
Nat-s > general
Natrum sulphuricum is also one of our armamentarium for diarrhoea, both acute and chronic. Like Podophyllum, Sulphur, Nuphar and Rumex, the diarrhea is aggravated in the morning. Sulphur drives the patient out of bed, but Natrum sulph., like Bryonia, is worse only after beginning to move. Then again Natrum sulph. has, like Aloe, much rumbling in the bowels as of flatulence. This rumbling of flatus is often with Natrum sulph. located in the right side of the abdomen in the ileo-caecal region.
Rumx > general
There are three localities in which this remedy acts very markedly, viz. Respiratory organs, bowels and skin. "Violent, incessant cough, dry and fatiguing, with very little or no expectoration, aggravated by pressure, talking, and especially by inspiring cold air, and at night" (Dunham.) There is perhaps no remedy under which the sensibility of the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea become more exalted than this one. The patient must cover up the head in bed in order to protect these membranes from contact with the air, which immediately excites cough. Several other remedies, like Phosphorus and Spongia, have cough aggravated by breathing cold air, but none so markedly as Rumex. Going from warm room into cool air and vice versa. Bryonia and Natrum carbonicum have the opposite. The tickling that excites the cough may locate in the throat-pit, supra-sternal fossa, or down behind the sternum to stomach, where is often added a sensation of soreness or rawness. (Caust.). Again we have found it efficacious in cough, with stitching pain through left lung just below left nipple. (Natrum sulph.).
Rumx > general
The diarrhoea of Rumex is similar to that of Natrum sulph., Sulphur and Podophyllum, in that it occurs in the morning, but it is a brown diarrhoea and is apt to be accompanied with, or an accompaniment of, the cough. On the skin it cures an eruption which is characterized by intense itching when undressing to go to bed. This eruption may be vesicular, like army or prairie itch, or may look like simple urticaria. Itching on undressing is also found under Natrum sulphuricum and Oleander, but with Natrum this itching is apt to be found in connection with jaundice or malarial symptoms. If we should get intense itching over the body, which was aggravated by warmth, especially warmth of the bed, we would think of Mercurius solubilis or protoiodide.
Ferr > relationships
Compare: Rumex (similar in respiratory and digestive sphere and contains organic Ferrum Metallicum.) Ferrum Aceticum (alkaline urine in acute diseases. Pain in right deltoid. Epistaxis; especially adapted to thin, pale, weak children who grow rapidly and are easily exhausted; Varices of the feet; copious expectoration of greenish pus; asthma; worse, sitting still and lying; phthisis, constant cough, vomiting of food after eating, hemoptysis). Ferrum Metallicum Arsenicum (enlarged liver and spleen, with fever; undigested stool; albuminuria.) Simple and pernicious anaemia and chlorosis. Skin dry. Eczema, psoriasis, impetigo. Use 3x trituration.) Ferrum Bromatum (sticky, excoriating leucorrhoea; uterus heavy and prolapsed, scalp feels numb). Ferrum Cyanatum (neuroses with irritable weakness and hypersensitiveness, especially of a periodical character; Epilepsy; cardialgia, with nausea, flatulence, constipation, alternating with diarrhoea; chorea). Ferrum Magneticum (small warts on hands). Ferrum Muriaticum ( Arrested menstruation; tendency to seminal emissions or copious urination at puberty; very dark, watery stools; diphtheria; phlegmonous erysipelas; pyelitis; hemoptysis of dark, clotty blood; dyspareunia; pain in Right shoulder, right elbow, and marked tendency to cramps and round red spots on cheeks; bright crystals in urine. Anaemia, 3x after meals. Tincture 1-5 drops 3 times daily for chronic interstitial nephritis.) Ferrum Sulphuricum ( Watery and painless stools; menorrhagia, pressing, throbbing between periods with rush of blood to head. Basedow’s disease. Erethism ( Pain in gall-bladder; toothache; acidity; eructation of food in mouthfuls); Ferrum Metallicum Pernitricum (cough, with florid complexion); Ferrum Tartaricum (cardialgia; heat at cardiac orifice of stomach). Ferrum Metallicum Protoxalatum (Anaemia). Use 1x trit.
Ment > relationships
Compare: Rumex; Laches.; Mentha Pulegium - European Penny Royal - (pain in bones of forehead and extremities). Mentha Viridis - Spearmint - (scanty urine with frequent desire).
Rumx > relationships
Compare: Caust.; Sulph.; Bell.; Rumex contains chrysophanic acid to which the skin stitches correspond. Rumex Acetosa - Sheep Sorrel - (Gathered in June and dried, used locally for Epithelioma of face ( Cowperthwaite.) Dry, unremitting short cough, and violent pains in the bowels; uvula elongated; inflammation of oesophagus; also cancer); Rumex Obtusifolius - Lapathum - Broad-leaf dock - (nosebleed and headache following; pain in kidneys; leucorrhoea).
Stict > relationships
Compare: Datura arborea - bougmancia candida (cannot concentrate thoughts; brain floats in thousands of problems and grand ideas. Floating sensation as if ideas were floating outside of brain. Headache, heartburn. Burning sensation around cardiac end of stomach, extending to oesophagus with sense of constriction. Heat and fullness over liver region.) Certraria - Iceland Moss (chronic diarrhoea, phthisis, bloody expectoration. Is used as a decoction and boiled with milk as an expectorant and nutrient in bronchorrhea, catarrh, etc.) Also compare: Eryng.; Dros.; Stilling.; Rumex; Sambucus.
Rumx > appendix
Rumex crispus, Linn.
Aphis > general
Some of the most notable symptoms of Aphis are Coryza with burning and biting on margins of nostrils, especially of septum. Increase of most violent toothache in bed, only relieved if after awhile a general warm sweat breaks out. Cutting in abdomen and rumbling of flatus. Ineffectual urging in bladder and rectum. In the morning urging after rising, several mush-like stools with pinching, burning in anus with urging. Flatus accompanies stool. Thin stools with slime and spots of dark blood. The insect partakes of the properties of the plant it lives on, Chenopodium glaucum being a popular colic remedy, and allied to the Polygonaceae Rheum and Rumex. Aphis is peculiar in being the only remedy which has toothache amel. by sweat.
Bell > general
Cough short, dry, tickling, similar to cough of Rumex and Phos.
Kali-ox > general
convulsions, violent and continuous vomiting, cramps, severe pain in the back, coldness, and collapse. One patient became insane. A peculiar symptom was throbbing in the head with great thirst. There were severe pains in the back recalling the action of Oxalic acid, with which (and with Rumex acet.) this remedy must be compared. SYMPTOMS.
Meph > general
loose in mornings." Amb., Cham., K. bi., Rumex, Pho., failed to relieve.
Ox-ac > general
Oxal. ac., the chief constituent of Sorrel (Rumex Acetosa) and Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella), exists in plants that are ordinarily deemed anti-scorbutic and are remarkable for the grateful acidity of their herbage.
Polyg-h > general
left side generally more so than right. Sensations of cold were numerous, and alternated or coincided with heat in the same or other parts. Coldness of right side of face when pain in left side was most severe. Burning in chest with cold feeling at pit of stomach. Feet burning, then suddenly cold. Diarrhoea, as with its relations, Rheum and Rumex, is marked, and also dysuria. There is excessive weakness, trembling, and sensitiveness to cold. Epilepsy and hysteria have been cured with it. The Polygonums are named by Gerarde "Arse-smarts." Burnett (who prescribed Polyg. hydropiper under its name Persicaria urens) regarded it as a splenic, and as useful in old cases of syphilis. As a splenic he found it often required in cases of gout.
Rumx > general
The "Yellow Dock" or "Curled Dock" is a common British weed, introduced and growing wild in North America, where the provings were made. The common Dock of our fields and roadsides, Rumex obtusifolia, has a reputation among children as the best antidote to the nettle's sting.
Rumx > general
a reputation which is very well deserved, as I can testify. Rumex crispus, according to Joslin, quoted by Hale, was used by allopaths internally and externally for the cure of itch. This points to one of the leading actions of Rx. c. as developed in the provings. Among the constituents and salts of Rx. c. are Sulphur and Calc. Ph. (Hale).
Rumx-o > general
Lapathum is the old name of the Docks now generally named Rumex. The word is of Greek origin and signifies, according to Gerarde, "to soften, ease, or purge the belly," and the name was given to "herbs used in pottage and medicine, very well known to have the power of cleansing." Lapath. was proved by Widenhorn. It produced some rather severe headaches and nosebleed. (Hansen says it is indicated in epistaxis following headache.) Weight in stomach. Pain in kidneys with pressure from without inwards. Weak feeling in genital parts.
Apis > relationships
Concordances Acet. ac. (dropsy); Acon., Anac. (urticaria); Apocyn. cannab. (dropsy); Arnic. (bruised sore); Arsen. (typhoid forms; gangrene; dropsies scarlatina; urticaria; chills); Bellad. (meningitis, especially of cerebral meninges; faucitis; erysipelas; scarlatina; glandular organs, etc.); Bromin. (swelling of ovary during menses); Bryon., Cantharides (erysipelas, urinary symptoms); Cinchon., Colchic. (rheumatism, etc.); Crot. tig. (urticaria); Euphr. (conjunctiva); Ferrum; Graphit., Hepar; Iodium (swollen knee); Laches. typhoid states; gangrene); Lycop. Mercur.; Natr. ars.; Natr. mur. (chills; urticaria; tension in ovarian region, etc.); Pulsat.; Rhus tox. (eyes, but Apis has less suppuration; vesicular erysipelas, but darker than in Apis, and spreading left to right; typhoid states; restlessness, but, in Apis more fidgetiness, etc.); Rumex crisp. (painless, greenish-yellow diarrhoea); Sabin. (ovarian and uterine symptoms); Sepia; Silic. (ovary and inverted nipple); Sulphur (tubercular meningitis; cheeked eruption, especially urticaria; asthma; hydrothorax); Tereb. (urinary symptoms); Therid. (vertigo); Thuja (sycosis, evils of vaccination); Urt. ur.; Zincum; Calc. iod. (which has relieved conical cornea and staphyloma); Guarea (has cured conjunctivitis with marked chemosis).
Aral > relationships
Compare Botanical relations, Ginseng., Hedera helix; Calc. (turning on one side, symptoms go to that side, relieving opposite side); Rumex c. (cough at 11 p.m.); Chlorum (opp. of Aral.)
Bry > relationships
Compare The Cucurbitaceae (all have belching, with unaltered taste of food); Aco. (pallor on rising up. Aco. has more restlessness and tossing about; is full of fears; Bry. must keep still); Amm., Ant. c. (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea; aversion to milk); Arn. (haemorrhages, wounds, soreness all over; also Bap.); Ars. (unlike Bry., drinks often and little, and eats seldom but much); Asclep. tub. (pleurisy); Bell. (delirium, hasty speech, hasty drinking. Bell. has headache agg. lying down, Bry. must lie down; Bell. has agg. lying on painful side, Bry. amel. lying on painful side; Bell. has "chewing motion of jaws" but without the dry, cracked lips of Bry.). Calc. c. (very like Bry., but the resemblance is too close for compatibility. They should never be given one after the other without an intercurrent remedy between. Calc., like Bry., Chi., and Bell., has "as soon as he closes his eyes sees all sorts of objects"); Carb. v. (miliaria); Caust., Cham., Ign., Ipec. (miliaria); Kali c. (miliaria, bilious affections, chest affections; sharp pains in right hypochondrium shooting up into chest; sharp pain coming from lower lobe right lung, but Kali c. has not necessarily agg. by motion); Kre., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nat. s. (morning diarrhoea); Nat. m. (headache in morning, oily, sour sweat on face; Bry. on head generally; cracked lips; Bry. and Nat. m. go well together, and are often complementary); Nit. ac., Nux (digestive organs; corresponds to epicures, Bry. to gourmands); Op., Pet., Pho., Pod., Puls. (morning diarrhoea); Ran. b. (pleurisy, rheumatic affections); Rhus (rheumatism; headache; typhoid. Rhus is restless and amel. by movement and by warmth); Rumex (morning diarrhoea); Sep., Sil., Spi. (pleura); Sul., Squil. (pleura). Pul. and Chi. have nausea agg. on sitting up. Ars. has gagging at the end of a cough like Bry., Cimex, gagging and belching after cough. Aco. is like Bry. in effects of cold, dry winds (cold, moist winds, Nx. m., Calc., Ars., Dulc.); Ham. and Millefol. (haemorrhages). Bry. follows well Aco., Amm. Nux, Op., Rhus. Is followed well by Alum., Ars., Kali c., Nux, Pho., Puls., Rhus, Sul.
Carb-v > relationships
Compare Graphit. and all the carbons. Caust., Lach., Eup. perf., Pho. and Rumex in hoarseness (Rumex is agg. 4 a.m. and 11 p.m. Caust. agg. in morning; from dry cold. Carb. v. agg. evening; from damp evening air). Camph.; Chi. in haemorrhages, intermittents, hectic, affections of drunkards; Ipec. in haemorrhages and intermittents; Menyanthes in intermittents with coldness of legs; Op., Sul. and Pso. in deficient reaction; Sul. ac. in dyspepsia of drunkards (Carb. v. has more putridity; Sul. ac. more sourness); Pho. in easily bleeding ulcers; Puls., bad effect from fat food and pastry; Sul. in acrid-smelling menses; erysipelas of breasts; Ars. and Bellis in effects of ice-cream and ice-water in hot weather. Nux in dyspepsia, easily angered; effects of debauchery (Nux is thin, spare, yellow, wiry; Carb. v. sluggish, stout, lazy); Sec. in haemorrhages, cold breath; coldness agg. by warmth. Calc., Carb. an., and Stram. in aversion to darkness; Lach. in weak digestion (Lach. craves milk; Carb. v. has aversion to it), intolerance of clothing round waist; intermittent fever, flashes of burning heat without thirst. Sep. in bearing-down in rectum and vagina (Carb. v. has strong odour of menses which Sep. has not). Rhus in strains; in typhus; Colch. in cholera; cold breath, prostration. Cupr. Causation.
Hyos > relationships
Compare Suppression of lochia, Nux, Secal., Con., Col., Pul.; loquacity, Stram., Lach., Op., Cup., Ver.; gossiping, babbling, Ver. (religious subjects, Ver.); difficult swallowing of liquids, Hydrob., Bell., Caus., Con., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Pho. Convulsions from fright or worms, Cin. Every muscle of the body twitching, Nux (but Nux retains consciousness, Hyo. has unconsciousness); cough agg. lying down, Dros.; (amel. lying down, Mang., Fer.); cough agg. at night, after eating, drinking, talking, singing, Dros., Phos.; haemoptysis of drunkards, Nux, Op.; meningitis, Bell. (Bell. has agg. from shaking head; from sitting with head bent forward; Hyo. has amel. from both); tickling cough amel. in warm air, Rumex; convulsions, spasms, twitchings, Cic. v.; chorea, Stram., Ver., Agar; jealousy, Apis, Ign.; waves through head, Act. r.; mania, Stram. (Stram. has desire for light and company, Hyo. aversion to both; Stram. uncovers whole body, Hyo. especially the genitals; sexual mania, Grat., Calc. ph.; Stram. sees objects)
Jug-r > relationships
Compare jug. c., Carya alb. (botan); Rhus (skin); Graph. (tinea favosa behind ears); Rumex (rash agg. undressing); Mezer., Merc.; Cean. (spleen); Lyc. (flatulence). Follows well Elaps. (axillary affections; black haemorrhages); Sulph. (head, hot, cold extremities); grind. (pain over l. eye).
Kali-ar > relationships
Compare Levico, Nat ars., and other Arsen. compounds; Chi. (periodicity) Cicut. (fixed eyeballs); Rumex and jug. r. (agg. on undressing); Iod. Kali bich., Merc. c.
Ment > relationships
Compare The Labiatae. agg. From smoke, Ign. agg. Fog, Hyper. agg. Rising, amel. lying down, Bry. agg. Cold air, Rumex c. Causation.
Meph > relationships
Compare Whooping-cough, Coral. (Coral has smothering before the cough and great exhaustion after). Dros. (Dros. has frequent spells of barking cough; agg. after twelve midnight; holds sides; vomits if cannot raise sputa). Cough agg. from reading or writing, Aur., Nux, Plat. Cough in night, Rumex (agg. 2 a.m.), Sticta (with splitting headache). Awakes at night with congestion to legs, Aur. Short sleep seems to refresh, Flu. ac., Menth. Night-blindness, Bell. Aversion to tobacco-smoke, Ign. Easy choking, Lach. Fidgety feet, Tarent., Meny., Zinc., Caust., Ars., Asaf., Asar., Act. r., Aur., Sticta. Loquacity, Agar., Lach. Nervous symptoms generally, Castor, Mosch.
Nuph > relationships
Compare Early morning diarrhoea, Sul., Nat. sul., Rumex, Pod. Sexual debility, Gels., Con., Dig., Nat. m., Chi.
Polyg-h > relationships
Compare Botan., Fago., Rheum, Rumex. Cough, diarrhoea, Rumex. Burning in mouth and throat, Caps. agg. Pressure of clothes, Lach. Headache waking him from sleep, Lach. Wandering pains, Puls., K. bi.. agg. From cold and damp, Dulc., Merc., Rhus. amel. Bending head back, Seneg. Averse to coitus, Nat. m. Plumb. Also Asar., Caulo., Senec., Xanth. Causation.
Rheum > relationships
Compare Botan., Polyg. h., Rumex., Lapath. Constituents Chrys. ac., Calc. ox., Silic. Foul breath, Querc., Arn. agg. After sleep, Lach., Nat. m., Sul. Sour stools, Hep., Mg. c., Calc. (Rhe. has twitching of muscles of face and fingers during sleep; also puts arms over head). Queer positions, Plb. Head sweat, Calc., Sil., Sanic. agg. Uncovering, Rx. c. (Rhe., colic; Rx. c., cough). Screaming children with diarrhoea, Jalap. Bubbling sensation, Berb. Difficult dentition, Kre., Cham. Sour body smell, Hep., Mg. c. (Mg. c. is deeper acting than Rhe.). Impatience, Cin., Stp. Children. cry and toss all night, Pso. As if in a dream, Ambr., Anac., Calc., Can. i., Con., Cup., Med., Strm., Val., Ver., Ziz. Causation.
Urt-u > relationships
Antidoted by Dock leaves (Rumex obtus.) rubbed on the stung part lessen the pain; also the nettle's own juice, and the juice from the common snail.
Wye > relationships
Compare In throat affections, Ar. dracon., Caust., Hep., Stict., Rumex, Penth., Pho., Sul. Tough, ropy saliva and headache, Epipheg. Sensation as if something indigestible eaten, Ab. n. Scalded mouth, Ran. sc.
Hepa-t > relationships
Compare Stan., Cist., Caust., Pho., Sang., Rumex, Lach., Kali bi.
Eriod > relationships
Compare Balsam of Peru, Pix liquida, Stannum; (afternoon aggravation) Lycop.; Grindelia, Phos., Hep., Rumex, Caust., Dros.
Rumx-o > relationships
Rumex c. and Rheum (botan.)
Rumx > head
The headache mentioned in Rumex crispus is increased by motion,
Ment > chest
Dry cough, worse from air into larynx, tobacco smoke, fog, talking; With irritation in suprasternal fossa (Rumex.) Trachea painful to touch.
Tub > general
exhausted. In afternoon, feels fairly well. Excessively nervous during menses. Last three periods have been ten or fifteen days late and more scanty than usual. Under the care of one of our best homeopathic prescribers has had Aloe, Sulphur, Podophyllum, Gamboge and Rumex.