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Pediculus Capitis

Head-louse, Pediculus, Ped.

Not available to buy through our store.

HPUS indication of Pediculus Capitis: Skin eruptions

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Pediculus Capitis in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Psoric manifestations in children. Eruption on dorsum of hands, feet, neck. Prurigo; pellagra. Unusual aptitude for study and work. PEDICULUS Cooties transmit typhus and trench fever.

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Pain, headache; in forehead; evening

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Weakness (see lethargic, weariness)


9 a.m.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Pediculus Capitis

Psor > relationships
Compare: Pediculus - Head-louse - (psoric manifestations in children. Eruption on dorsum of hands, feet, neck. Prurigo; pellagra. Unusual aptitude for study and work). Pediculus (Cooties) transmit typhus and trench fever.) In lack of reaction compare Calcarea and Natrum Ars. Gaertner ( Pessimistic, lack of confidence, subjective troublesome eye symptoms, fear of heights. Urticaria. Use 30th and 200th ( Wheeler.)

Psor > relationships
Compare Sick babies fret day and night (Jalap); good all day, screams all night (Lyc. opp.). Effect of thunderstorm, Pho. Headache preceded by dim vision, Lac d., K. bi.. Headache with hunger; amel. while eating, Anac., K. ph.; amel. nose-bleed, Melilot. Plica polonica, Lyc., Bar. c., Sars., Bac. Offensive, cheesy concretions from throat,K. mur. amel. By sweat, Calad., Nat. m. amel. Lying down and keeping arms stretched far apart (Ars. opp.). agg. Mornings on waking and evenings lying down, Pho., Bac. Eruptions easily suppurate, Hep. Drinking = cough (amel. Caust.). Drinking agg., Dig. Teeth stick together (Tub. teeth feel jammed together). Pediculosis, Ped., Bac., Nat. m. Earthy, greasy face, Nat. m., Bry. Erratic pains; agg. from fats, agg. evening, Puls. Tongue as if burnt, Sang. As if parts separated, Ars. (body at waist), Bap. (limbs). Convalescence, profuse sweat, K. ca. (K. ca. has not the hopelessness of Pso.). Despair of recovery, Chi., Lauro. (chest), Caps., Op., Val., Amb. Lack of reaction, Op. (patient not sensitive), Lauro. (over-excitable and nervous), Carb. v. (emaciated, weak pulse; Pso. psoric diathesis). Hay fever, Gels. (morning sneezing), K. iod. Hunger at night, Chi. s., Pho., Sul., Ign., Lyc. Axillary affections, jug. c., jug. r., Elaps. Crusta lactea, Melitagrinum. Explosion in ear, Alo. Causation.

Phos > general
the points to which they constantly recurred were about the middle of the tibialis anticus, and at the origin of the extensor communis dig. ped. (twenty-fourth day),.

Pediculus Capitis is not available to buy over the counter.

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