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Hi Gavini,

As told by you,I googled the net and found a site which explains aphorisms.Is it enough to read the articles given in that site,

Kamal1 7 years ago
Yes. Try to understand each postulate thoroughly.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago

Painful gouty nodosities in joints
Punctured wounds, mosquito bites
Black eye from a blow
Black and blue spots from blows/injuries
Joints pale,swollen, pain aggravated at night, in bed, wants to uncover them.
Cold water relieves the pain and swelling.
Ankles are swollen and soles are painful on walking.
Cold patient relieved by cold water.
Pains start in feet and travel upwards.

Remedy comparisons

Aggravation at night, from warmth of bed, wants to uncover, with sweats which won't relieve,with typical mouth symptoms.....Merc.sol
Rheumatic complaints of feet, ankles and soles relieved by warmth of bed by covering himself....silecia
Pains start up and travel down...Kalmia
Sensitive soles...Ant.crud, lyc, silecia
Ecchymosis...hemorrhagic spots from a blow/injuries in weakened subjects...sulphuric acid
Hemorrhagic spots in conjunctiva...nux.v
Injuries of the eye with pain in the eye ball...symphytum
Punctured wounds of the nerve..hypericum
Periosteum ...Ruta
For reunion of bones..................Symphytum
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Ledum.....additions from Kent.

Ledum is a remedy for the surgeon, and is closely associated in traumatism with Arnica and Hypericum. The symptoms very much resemble such as follow certain kinds of injury, for instance an injury from stepping on tacks, from puncturing with needles, wounds that bleed scantily but are followed by pain, puffiness and coldness of the part.

It may be said, for punctured wounds study Ledum; for lacerated wounds of sentient nerves, study Hypericum; for bruises, study Arnica; for open lacerations and cuts, study Calendula.

Pulsatilla and Ledum are the two principal remedies that want the feet in very cold water.

Rheumatism: This remedy is of a rheumatic nature, rheumatic and gouty. It is a gouty medicine, having complaints in persons who suffer from gout, and have chalk stones in their joints, deposits in the wrists, fingers and toes.

The deposits go from below upwards. The gouty joints become suddenly inflamed and are relieved by cold. Ledum especially singles out the knee; it is suitable in old prolonged cases of inflammation of the kneejoint, of rheumatic knee-joint. You will find such patients sitting with the joint exposed to the cold, fanning the joint, or putting evaporating lotions upon the joint, such as chloroform, or ether, which give relief to the joints while evaporating to dryness.

Rheumatic and gouty extremities with pain and swelling; pain worse from motion, worse at night and from warmth of bed; better from cold applications with copious pale urine. The pains and swelling go upwards and the heart becomes affected
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
From Boeticke

Red pimples on forehead and cheeks; stinging when touched. Crusty eruption around nose and mouth.

From Boger

Worse from eggs,wine. Purple, puffy and chilly, yet averse to external warmth. Blood-shot or bruised eyes. Persistent nose-bleed. Sprained ankles.

From Farrington

Intense itching of feet and ankles, < from scratching and warmth of bed (Puls., Rhus).

From Dunham

As peculiarities attending the symptoms of Ledum, it is noted that the pains generally are aggravated by warmth at night, the joint pains (but not the others) are aggravated by motion; the itching of the skin attending the eruptions is aggravated by the warmth of the bed and is not relieved by scratching, until the part affected has been scratched raw.

From Allen

Swelling: of feet, up to knees; of ankle with unbearable pain when walking, as from a sprain or false step; ball of great toe swollen, painful; in heels as if bruised.

Easy spraining of ankles and feet (Carbo an.).
gavinimurthy 7 years ago

Could you tell me which one to read for Materia Medica on Homeopathy ?.Please reply me.
Kamal1 7 years ago
There are many.

Start with Boericke, Nash, Kent, Clarke. All are available online.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago


ERUPTION : Agar., ars-i., Ars., arund., bar-c., bar-m., bov., cadm., calc-s., Calc., carb-an., Carb-s., carb-v., caust., cic., clem., crot-t., cupr., cycl., dulc., Graph., hep., jug-c., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., lyc., mag-c., Merc., Mez., naja., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., Olnd., petr., phos., phyt., plan., psor., Rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta., Sep., sil., Staph., Sul-ac., Sulph., tell., zinc.

margin of hair : Calc., nat-m., nit-ac., petr., sep., Sulph., tell.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago

Stomach pain

Cramping, griping, constricting

bending forward amel. : Carb-v., chel., Coloc., lyc., verat-v.

Colo. Grade 3

Chel, lyco.. Grade 2
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Homeopathy Remedies for Syringoma :
Ant-c., kali-i., med., ph-ac., phos., puls., thuj.

Constitutional case taking required with miasmatic analysis.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Dr.Jithesh.T.K, B.H.M.S, M.D (Hom) Medical Officer, Directorate of I.S.M & H, Govt. of N.C.T of Delhi

Different authors explain relationships of remedies in different ways. Important points mentioned by them can be studied as follows.

1. Dr.Hahnemann: 1. Antidote – In the aphorism 249 he suggests “If the aggravation be considerable (after a medicine) be first partially neutralized as soon as possible by an antidote before giving the next remedy chosen more accurately according to similarity of actionâ€Â 2. Dr.E.A.Farrington

Family relation – From the similarity in their origin
Concordant – Similar drugs with dissimilar origin
Complement – The drug that completes the cure which the other begins, but unable to effect
Antidote – The medicine which modify the effects of a wrongly selected potency or an apt potency
Inimical – They also will be similar, but the resemblance will be so great, in fact the drugs are so nearly “idemâ€Â that it is not well to follow one with the other.
3. Dr.Clarke

Complementary remedies
Remedies that follows well (after)
Remedies followed well by
Compatible remedies
Incompatible remedies
Remedy antidotes
Remedy is antidoted by
4. Dr.Boenninghausen

Remedies related to mind and localities
Other remedies (Represents a general relationship of the remedies in the unclassified symptom groups, to the remedy under consideration)
5. Dr.Boger

Remedies related to mind and localities
Related remedies
Inimical – Two very similar remedies do not follow each other well
6. Dr.J.T.Kent

Chronic remedy – In managing a chronic sickness the remedy that conforms with an acute experience of the illness is worth knowing, as very often its chronic may be just the one that conforms to its symptoms. (e.g.: 1. Calcarea is the natural chronic of Belladonna and Rhus tox, 2. Natrum mur is the chronic of Apis & Ignatia)
Complementary – Medicine that completes the action of the first one when it is no longer acting.
Inimical – They do not like to work after each other (e.g.: Causticum & Phos, Apis & Rhus tox)
Antidote – when there appears new symptoms, the new symptoms combining with the old ones must be again studied and the second remedy must correspond more particularly to the new than to the old.
7. Dr.C.Hering

Complementary to
Follows well after
Followed well by
Antidotes (Lyco antidotes Cinchona)
Antidotes to (Antidotes to Lyco: Acorn,Camphor)
Collateral relation (Belonging to the same family)
Conjunctive relation (Bryonia & Colocynth)
8. Dr.Elizabeth Wright

Complementary – (a) Acute complements of chronic remedies (b) Chronic complements of acute remedies (c) Remedies in series
Vegetable analogues & Chemical analogues
9. Dr.Gibson Miller

Remedies that follow well


1. Allium cepa
1. Phosphorus (Allen’s Keynotes, E.B.Nash)

2. Chamomilla
2. Mag phos (Allen’s Keynotes)

Mag carb (E.B.Nash)

3. Cinchona
3. Ferrum met (Allen’s Keynotes, E.B.Nash)

4. Dulcamara
4. Kali sulph (Allen’s Keynotes)

5. Ipecac
5. Cupr met (Allen’s Keynotes, E.B.Nash)

6. Podophyllum
6. Plumbum met (Allen’s Keynotes)

7. Phytolacca
7. Kali iodide (Allen’s Keynotes, E.B.Nash)

8. Pulsatilla
8. Kali mur (Allen’s Keynotes)

Kali sulph (E.B.Nash)

9. Valeriana
9. Platina (Allen’s Keynotes)

10. Bryonia alb
10. Alumina (E.B.Nash)

11. Aloes
11. Sulphur (E.B.Nash)

12. Belladonna
12. Calc carb (E.B.Nash)

13. Mezereum
13. Mercurius (E.B.Nash)



1. Sulphur => Calc carb => Lycopodium
2. Sulphur => Sarsaparilla => Sepia
3. Pulsatilla => Silicea => Fluoric acid
4. Ignatia => Natrum mur => Sepia
5. Allium cepa => Phosphorus => Sulphur
6. Ars alb => Thuja => Tarentula
Causticum => Colocynth => Staphysagria

Aconite => Hepar sulph => Spongia (J.T.Kent)

Merc sol => Hepar sulph => Silicea (J.T.Kent)


1. Vegetable Sulphur
1. Lycopodium (Clarke)

2. Vegetable mercury
2. Phytolacca (Kent), Podophyllum

3. Vegetable Pyrogen
3. Malaria officianalis

4. Liver of Sulphur 4. Hepar sulph
5. Gregory’s powder
5. Mag carb

6. Epsom salt
6. Mag sulph

7. Turpethum
7. Merc sulph

8. Schussler’s bone salt
8. Calc fluor




1. Trio of Restlessness
1. Aconite

Ars alb
Rhus tox
2. Trio of Delirium
3. Trio of Flatulence
1. Cinchona

Carbo veg
4. Trio of climacteric remedies
1. Lachesis

5. Trio of Pleurisy
1. Aconite

6. Trio of Ptosis
1. Sepia

7. Trio of Offensiveness
1. Merc sol

8. Trio of Spasmodic cough
Cuprum met
9. Trio of Condylomata
1. Thuja

Nitric acid
10. Trio of Pain Remedies
11. Trio of offensive urine
1. Benzoic acid

Nitric acid
12. Trio of Burning
1. Ars alb

13. Trio of Elongated Uvula
1. Apis

Kali bich
14. Trio of Serous effusion
1. Apis

Kali carb
15. Trio of Prostration
1. Carbo veg

Ars alb
Mur acid
16. Trio of Twitching & Jerking
1. Zincum met

17. Trio of Nymphomania
1. Murex

Lil tig
18. Trio of Sleepiness
1. Opium

Nux vom
19.Trio of Cholera
1. Camphor

Cup met
Verat alb
20. Trio of Rheumatism remedies
1. Ledum (Ascending)

Kalmia (Descending)
21. Trio of Eye strain
1. Ruta

Nat mur
22. Trio of Sciatica
1. Colocynth

23. Trio of Septic fever
1. Ars alb

24. Trio of Fidgety Remedies
1. Kali brom (Hands)

Zinc met (Feet)
Phosphorus (General)
25. Trio of Half sight Remedies
1. Aurum

Lith carb



1. Aconite
1. Sulphur

2. Ars alb 2. Thuja
3. Colocynth
3. Staphysagria

4. Bryonia
4. Alumina & Nat mur

5. Pulsatilla
5. Silicea

6. Bacillinum
6. Calc phos

7. Hepar sulph
7. Silicea

8. Belladonna 8. Calc carb
9. Nux vom
9. Sepia




1. Acid aceticum
Nux vom
Ran bulb
2. Acid nitricum
· Lachesis

After Calc carb
3. Allium cepa
· Allium sativa

4. Allium sativa
· Aloes

Allium cepa
5. Aloes
· Allium sativa

6. Ammonium carb
· Lachesis

7. Apis mel
· Rhus tox

8. Arum triphyllum
· Caladium

9. Baryta carb
· After Calc carb

10. Belladonna
· Acetic acid

11. Bovista
12. Bryonia alb
Calc carb (W.Boericke)
13. Caladium
Arum triphyllum
14. Calc carb
Bryonia alb (W.Boericke)
Nitric acid, Baryta cab & Sulphur do not follow
After Kali bich & Nitric acid
15. Calendula
· Camphor

16. Camphor
· After Kali nit

17. Cantharis
· Coffea

18. Carbo animalis

· Carbo veg

19. Carbo veg
· Carbo animalis

20. Caulophyllum
· Coffea

21. Causticum
· Acetic acid

22. Chamomilla
· Zinc met

23. China
· After Digitalis & Selenium

24. Cistus
· Coffea

25. Cocculus
· Coffea

26. Coffea
· Cantharis

27. Digitalis
· China

28. Dulcamara
· Acetic acid

29. Ferrum met
· Acetic acid

30. Ignatia
· Coffea

Nux vom
31. Kali bich
· Does not follow Calc carb

32. Kali nit
· Camphor does not follow

33. Kreosotum
· After Carbo veg

34. Lachesis
· Acetic acid

Carbolic acid
Nitric acid
Ammonium carb
35. Lycopodium
· After Sulphur

36. Merc sol
· Acetic acid

· Silicea disagrees before or after potentised Mercury, but antidotes crude mercury

37. Millefolium
· Coffea

38. Nux vom
· Acetic acid

Zinc met
39. Paris quadrifolia
· Ferr phos

40. Phosphorus
· Causticum

41. Psorinum
· Sepia

42. Ran bulb
· Acetic acid

43. Rhus tox
· Apis disagrees but Phos follows well (J.T.Kent)

44. Sarsaparilla
· Acetic acid

45. Selenium
· China

46. Sepia
· Bry alb (W.Boericke)

Lachesis should not be used before or after (Allen’s Keynotes)
Pulsatilla with which it should never be alternated (Allen’s Keynotes)
47. Silicea
· Merc sol

48. Squilla
· Allium sativa

49. Staphysagria
· Ran bulb

50. Strammonium
· Coffea

51. Sulphur
Sulphur follows Lyco but Lyco does not follow Sulphur (Kent)
Ran bulb
52. Vespa
· arg nit

53. Zincum met
· Chamomilla

Nux vom
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Urination, retarded

standing, can only pass urine while : Hyper., Sars.

with feet wide apart and body inclined forward, can only pass urine while : Chim.

flows better, while : Con.

flows involuntarily while sitting : Caust.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
++ PAIN appear gradually : Acon., bry., carb-o., caust., con., ign., lact., lob., sars., sul-ac.

++ and disappear gradually : Acon., arn., ars., bar-c., bufo-r., crot-h., glon., jab., kalm., mez., nat-m., op., phos., pic-ac., Plat., psor., sabin., sars., spig., Stann., staph., stront., sul-ac., sulph., verb.

++ suddenly : Arg-m., caust., puls., sul-ac.

++ appear suddenly : Act-r., agar., arg-m., aster., Bell., berb., camph., croc., ferr., lyc., mez., morph., Nit-ac., phys., puls., sabin., sep., tab., valer.

++ and disappear suddenly : Arg-n., asaf., aster., Bell., canth., carb-s., eup-pur., fl-ac., ign., Kali-bi., kalm., lyc., mag-p., merc-c., Nit-ac., phyt., sabin., spig.

++ gradually : Asaf., calc., fl-ac., puls., ran-s.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
++ TALKS to himself : Ant-t., apis., aur., bell., chlol., hyos., kali-bi., mag-p., merc., mosch., mur-ac., nux-m., œna., op., ph-ac., plb., pyrog., ran-b., rhus-t., stram., tab., tarax., vip.

++ motions, involuntary, of the hands: Ars., bell., cann-i., caust., cic., coca., hyos., kali-br., merc., mosch., nat-m., puls., sil., stram., sulph., verat.


Bell, hyos, Merc, mosch, stram
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Tue, 09 Aug 2016 09:24:24 UTC]
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Exertion amel. : Canth., ign., nat-m., plb., Rhus-t., Sep., sil., stann., tril.

Ignatia...grade 2
Rhustox, sepia...grade 3
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Tue, 09 Aug 2016 19:07:33 UTC]
gavinimurthy 7 years ago

Health, about : acet-ac., acon., alum., Arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., bry., calad., calc-s., Calc, cocc., grat., ign., KAlLI-AR, kali-c., kali-p., lac-c., lach., mag-m., nat-c., nat-p., NIT-AC, nux-m., nux-v., ph-ac., Phos., psor., puls., Sep., sil., staph., sulph.

Face eruptions

Ant-c., ars-i., ars., Aur., bar-c., bell., calc-s., Calc-sil., calc., Carb-an., Carb-s., Carb-v., Caust., chel., con., cop., crot-h., eug., Hep., iod., Kali-br., kreos., lach., led., med., nat-m., nit-ac., Nux-v., ph-ac., psor., puls., sabin., sanic., sel., Sep., Sil., sul-i., sulph., thu., tub., uran.

++ becoming heated agg. : Caust.

++ fire, near a : Ant-c.

++ rosacea : Ars., aur-m., aur., calc-p., Calc-sil., canth., caps., carb-ac., Carb-an., carb-s., Carb-v., Caust., chel., cic., clem., Eug., hydr-ac., iris., kali-br., kreos., Lach., led., mez., petr., plb., Psor., rad., Rhus-t., ruta., sep., sil., sul-ac., sulph., tub., verat., viol-o., viol-t.

++ bluish : Lach., sulph.

++ groups, in : Caust.

++ on nose : Calc-p., cann-s., Caust., psor.

++ chin : Hydr., verat., viol-t.

++ forehead : Ant-c., ars., aur., bar-c., bell., calc., caps., Carb-an., Carb-s., Carb-v., Caust., cic., clem., Hep., kreos., led., nat-m., nit-ac., Nux-v., ph-ac., Psor., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Sulph., viol-t.

++ lips : Cadm., caps., hydr.

++ nose : Calc-p., cann-s., caps., Caust., graph., sel., sulph.
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Tue, 09 Aug 2016 22:39:18 UTC]
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Genitalia male pain burning penis

coition, during : Clem., jug-r., kreos., sep.

Kreos: grade 2
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Skin, eruptions, pustules, burning, when touched (p. 1316)

Cantharis..single medicine grade 1

Extremities, eruption, hand, between index finger and thumb, pimples, burning on touch (p. 995)
Cantharis..single medicine grade 1
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Wed, 10 Aug 2016 20:13:41 UTC]
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Skin itching

eruption, without : Alum., Ars., cist., dol., gels., lach., med., merc., Mez., petr., psor., sulph.

Grade 3...Alum, Ars, Mez

Grade 2..dol, gels, Merc, Petr, psor, sulph
gavinimurthy 7 years ago

Dysentery-like diarrhœa; renewed after least food or drink, often with the characteristic colic pains.

. We often find it in connection with dysentery. My experience has been that it does not, as a rule, occur in the first stage of the disease, but later, when the disease has not been fully controlled by Aconite, Mercurius, Nux vomica and that class of remedies, but has extended upward to the small intestines. The pains are of a crampy nature. The remedy that comes nearest to Colocynth for colic is Magnesia phosphorica especially in colic in children. They both have the cramping pains, but the pains of Magnesia Phos. are most relieved by hot applications like Arsenicum.
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Sun, 14 Aug 2016 11:01:49 UTC]
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Read colocynth..Nash for comparison of colic medicines.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago

Aconite- Acute, sudden violent pains. Anxiety, fright and shock. Asthma, Bronchitis, Dysmenorrhea, Headache, Muscle Pain, Myelitis, Nephritis, Otitis, Peritonitis, Pleurisy, Toothache.

Arnica montana- Acute and chronic affects of trauma, bruising, and injury. Back pain, Pleurodynia, Gout, Headache, Rheumatism.

Bryonia alba- Pains worse from motion. Apthous Ulcers, Asthma, Bronchitis, Canc-er, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Hernia, Migraine headache, Nephritis, Pericarditis, Ovarian Cysts, Pleurisy, Pleurodynia, Pyuria.Rheumatism, Toothache.

Calendula officinalis- Abrasions, Corneal Abrasions, Gunshot Wounds, Lacerations, Mastitis, Muscle Tears, Paronychia, Post Operative Pain, Puncture Wounds, Ruptured Tympanic Membrane, Soft Tissue Injuries, Varicose Veins.

Chamomilla matricaria- Intolerable pains, unendurable pains, oversensitive tissue. Asthma, Blepharitis, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Gout, Headache, Intestinal Colic, Labor Pains, Neuralgia, Otalgia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Seizures, Toothache.

Colocynthis- Cutting pains better from hard pressure. Abdominal Pain, Arthritis, Coxalgia, Cramps, Facial Neuralgia, Headache, Peritonitis, Sciatica.

Eupatorium perfoliatum- Violent deep aching pains. Back Pain, Bone Pains, Headache, HSV, Opthalmia, , Rheumatism.

Hepar sulpuris calcareum- Splinter-like pains. Angina Pectoris, Asthma, Blepharitis, Constipation, Corneal Pain, Diaphrapmitis, Eczema, Headache, Hemorrhoids, Hepatitis, Labial Abscess, Otalgia, Laryngitis, Menorrhagia, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, SLE.

Hypericum perforatum- Asthma, Brachial Neuralgia, Coccyx Injury, Crush Injuries, Headache, Herpes Zoster, Hemorrhoids, Lacerated Wounds, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Nerve Injury, Painful Scars and Keloids, Post Concussive Syndrome, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Rheumatism.

Staphisagria- Back Injury and Backaches, Blepharitis, Cystitis, Crural Neuralgia, Dyspareunia, Epididymitis, Gastralgia, Irritable Bladder, Lacerations, Post Operative Pains, Post Traumatic Pains, PID, Rheumatism, Salpingitis, Sciatica, Testicular Pain, Throat Pain.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
In practice we describe pain – emotional or physical – under a variety of headings, each of which suggests to us the probable need for a particular homeopathic remedy best suited to that particular kind of pain within the overall range of the patient’s temperament and character. For instance, an aching pain is almost certain to respond to Arnica. A sharp cutting pain like that inflicted by a clean razor edge responds to Staphisagria. The pain of a sting or stab with a small point of entry, as for instance from stepping on a rusty nail, responds to Ledum especially if the pain is relieved by cold.

Pain resulting from a blow to the soft tissues of the eye is enormously relieved by Bellis perennis. Grazes and superficial wounds and those injuries or conditions in which pain shoots along a limb respond to Hypericum. Cantharis relieves the pain of a burn or scald, Apis or Urtica urens that of stings and allergic lumps and bumps which itch intolerably. Apis patients are made worse by heat.

The pain and aching in varicose veins respond very well to Hamamelis and Placenta. The pain of ulcers in the mouth and elsewhere in cases where the patient is aware of discomfort only when food or some other object is passing over the area concerned reacts well to Nitric acid.

All these guides to the selection of a particular medicine with its own special relationship to a corresponding type of sensitivity should always be considered within the overall mentality or character of the patient; although, in the acute type of pain encountered in the ordinary circumstances of everyday life, these particular indications nearly always lead to the correct medicine.

Perhaps the most generally effective medicine useful in emergencies of all sorts is provided by Dr Edward Bach’s rescue remedy. It is a combination of five of the Bach remedies, all but one of which are prepared from spring water essence of certain wild flowers discovered by Dr Bach to have a special affinity to certain moods.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago
Rhus tox is useful for the type of aching pain often associated with muscular stiffness (or myalgia), which is worse for first movement, better for continued movement and much better for a hot bath. Ruta grav is not dissimilar in its action but is better suited to treatment of ligaments and tendons.

Joint pains and aches are sometimes referred to as arthralgia; nerve pains as neuralgia. The number of parts of the body which may experience pain is of course legion.

Headaches and toothaches are often encountered. Many subdivisions of these pains are described mainly according to their position or character. A migraine, the one-sided headache classically associated with nausea or sickness, blindness and/or various visual disturbances involving sparks, flashing lights or restricted fields of vision, is likely to respond to Sepia, Natrum mur, Phosphorus or other medicine depending on the other characteristics linked to the medicine picture most similar to the patient’s personality.

Generalised toothache will very often respond to Plantago, muscular spasm of every sort to Mag phos. Abdominal pain due to dyspeptic problems which doubles the patient up responds well to Mag phos or Colocynth and to Arsenicum album where the pain is of a burning character and relieved by heat.

Cardiac pain, characterised by a feeling of constriction and/or pressure like a tight band round the chest or a heavy weight pressing on it – often accompanied by pain transmitted down the left arm or upward to the neck – responds to Cactus grandiflorus and Latrodeatus mactans.

Dysmenorrhea (pain associated with the menstrual cycle) often responds well to a number of different medicines, particularly Sulphur, Lilium tigrinum, Lachesis, Silica and Sepia, each with its own characteristic features associated with the overall nature of the medicine as it compares with the symptoms of the patient. For instance, the first two of these remedies feel the heat, while the last two feel the cold.

Lilium tigrinum rushes about in furious haste believing herself unable to finish all her chores; Lachesis is very loquacious; Silica timid, gloomy and withdrawn; Sepia morose, temperamentally unpredictable, sometimes joyous, sometimes miserable, feeling the cold and hating fat.

Causalgia, or the pain experienced at the site corresponding to that of an amputated limb, is often helped by Chamomilla. This remedy is, in general, best suited to the type of pain – found anywhere in the body – which combines intolerable pain with annoyance, as for instance in the teething of infants.

A discussion of pain should not omit reference to Opium which is used homeopathically for the absence of pain and reaction to stimuli where these would not be expected – a most peculiar and extraordinary aberration of the usual responses. Opium is also useful for the physical pain we understand as fear – as in nightmares when the terror returns again and again, night after night, often for years.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago

Mammæ, in : Bell-p., bry., bufo-r., calc-f., calc-p., Carb-an., carb-v., cham., chim., chin., clem., coloc., Con., cond., dulc., graph., iod., kreos., lac-c., lyc., mang., nit-ac., phos., Phyt., puls., ruta., Sil., sulph.

++ right : Sil.

++ left : Arum-t., calc-p., lyc.

++ dry black points at tip : Iod.

++ menses, during : Lac-c.

++ pregnancy, during : Fl-ac.

++ purple : Carb-an.
gavinimurthy 7 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.