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dense cataract Page 5 of 8

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I keep remembering symptoms:

Vaccanations: 1974 had to have Typhoid and Paratyphoid shots to go to Far East. Taken off plane in London with golf ball size swelling under arms and in groin on both sides. If I remember correctly I also had a fever. Sick-bay would not release me to fly until I was better next day. Had small pox vaccanation age 8 to 10, still have scar on left arm.
I hope I never have to take Thuja-after reading it can cause many strong aggravations for days.

Burns: 1999 Second degree burns with big blisters (for weeks) on left side of neck, face and ear caused by rubbing ben-gay on neck for pain, putting hot water bottle wrapped with towel and falling asleep. No warning not to use with heat on tube.
dr. treated with bactatracin and fosahex to wash. Chiropractor treated with Causticum but it didn't seem to help much. i was in intense pain. (I totally forgot about using this homeopathic remedy.) Anyway I still have the scar on my face and my ear itches and is sensative. I rub and pull it to stop the discomfort.

I know you leave Friday evening on vacation. And am concerned that this is all coming out kind of at the last moment.

I have patience. Thanks again.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Chronic Sore throat and glands until age 29 when I first went through group theraphy and learned to scream out my fear, rage and pain toward my parents abuse, neglect, abandonment (they moved away and left me without even a note when i was age 16. When I went to where they were and asked why I was told because you have always been able to care for yourself! After that first theraphy I hardly ever got sore throats again. Forgiveness is divine isn't it.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Correction #9 Likes and Dislikes Repulsed by PORK not (port) however, do not drink port or alcohol. No history of alcohol, drugs, tobacco.
Bima1 2 decades ago
I love milk.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Re: Fatty liver-permanent cure??
Astra I read this and took Barlean's organic flax seed oil form Aug 03 to April 04. That is the period my cholesterol went up.

I will however consider all . Christian's information. I currently take 500 mgs of natural Vitamin E d-alphatocepherol (never dl synthetic) and have various amounts for years. Will add organic cottage cheese and a little butter when I can find a source. Interesting - I crave avacados, nuts, and seeds.
Bima1 2 decades ago
I read only your latest post and wonder WHY do you want to eat butter??Christian praises Barlean oil (with lignans)-I believe the whole seeds are better (providing they are ground first).I read nothing (so far) to think otherwise.
The trick is to mix either freshly ground seeds or oil with organic cheese (or yogurt, which I like better although acc. to Christian cottage cheese is healthier here). If you don't mind grinding seeds (it can be messy) I think there are better! esp that oil increased your cholesterol.
Or make changes: one week you mix cottage chese with seeds and the next with oil.

The cottage cheese neeeds to be lowfat-please do not add butter to it!

Anyway-your body started healing with flaxseeds and biochemicals (and water?)your symptoms are changing (for the better!) (not to mention new info is coming)-please do not take phos. now.Actually except acute remedies (hope you will not need any) do not take now any hom. remedies.
(at present contenders for your attention are: SILICA, CAUSTICUM , CALCAREA C. and still PHOSPHORUS

We will decide when your symptoms stop changing (silica is in bioch. which gives it additional appeal!)
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Forgiveness is divine (some say though that revenge feels great-but I would rather opt for the former)-but when I read your other post I thought about MAGNESIA CARBONICA 30c -do they have it in your store? It's also a salt- it will not mess anything and you may start taking it now.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I'm reading you posta backwards-now, after having read the other page I believe silica comes before the other 3 --but mag-c should come too.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Write a lot-I will have access to computer next week.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Dear Astra,

Revenge: I didn't speak to my parents for years before forgiveness came and I was able to help them when I had some success!

Initially I tried to answered just your questions about symptoms NOW, I remembered past illnesses, added them. After reading family history is important part of case taking I added highlights (not all) of that. Is that correct?

Sorry for the confusion, I meant I want to add a small amount of organic butter to my diet in the future unless contra-indicated, NOT to the cottage cheese and flax seed meal. At present I only use cold pressed virgin olive oil.

Will continue: ground flax seed, low-fat cottage cheese, water, sun, eye exercises, palming, bioplasma.

Will get: MAGNESIA CARBONICA 30c (a salt) and start taking it. How many tabs? 3 or 5?
Bima1 2 decades ago
MAGNESIA CARBONICA 30c: can't get until next week at local stores.

Appreciate your empathy, patience and faith in homeopathy.

Have a restful and joyous vacation.
Bima1 2 decades ago
take one dose only (3-5 pillules) of mag-c. 30c - it's good not to eat 1/2 hr before and after taking it (best timing is right before bed time)- biochemicals included.

This time it's not quite vacation-but I'll have access to computer-write anytime.

Why would you want to eat butter? (flaxseeds have much better fat!)
I like Christian's way of gradually increasing the amount of flaxseed (oil in his case but I'll probably stay with seeds).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
1963 neck injury: whip lash (from repeat quick car stops) pain, swelling, couldn't hold head up, threated in emergency with neck brace and pharmacutical med. demerol and codine. Allergic reaction-red rash all over body. Neck allignment left in S shape (saw later in Xray) instead of slight curve. Untreated until 90's.

Chiropractic Treatment: for 3 years in mid 90's (after chemical exposure) vertebraes, ribs, hips joints, repeatedly went out of alignment in places and was painful. If one bone went out of position, several others would also and dr. had to put them back two or three times in some weeks. After three years this stopped and treatment ended.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Today I feel I am going to make it afterall (this comes after years of mostly feeling that I wouldn't but holding on to little shreds of hope even after so many defeats.)

I am so thankful to God, to you Astra and to everyone here who has given support.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Hi Astra,
Consolation: Your question on page 2: Your definition- by consolation I meant e.g. when someone offers you sympathy, says he/she feels sorry for you.

My answer: Consolation: I can't say I like people feeling sorry for me, but I do like compassion, caring, touch, tenderness, back rubs.

Still haven't resolved in my mind the confusion around the meaning of CONSOLATION as it is understood in homeopathy in my case and other cases here.
CONSOLATION: World Book Dictionary difinition-n. 1.the act of consoling or the sate of being consoled; comfort: He met with cold consolation (Robert Southey). SYN: solace, cheer. 2. a comforting person, thing, or event: This is the consolation on which we rest in the darkness of the future(Emerson).
-adj. between losers in an earlier round of a tournament: for a consolation prize: a consolation game or match.

SORRY: adj., 1. feeling pity, regret, or sympathy; sad: I am sorry that you are sick. We are sorry that we cannot come to the party. Everyone is sorry for a blind animal. SYN: distressed, sorrowful. 2. wretched: poor: pitiful: The baron...grew fat and wanton, and a sorry brute (Emerson). Slipshod handing once the package reach the grocery can reduce even the finest brand to a sorry and sometimes dangerous mess (Wall Street Journal). 3. Painful; distressing: The blind beggar in his ragged clothes was a sorry sight. Nothing dear goes cheap except for a sorry reason (New Yorker) 4. worthless; a sorry excuse.

Hope this helps us all to clarify the meaning.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Hello Bima.
Thanks for your posts.
1. Do you remember potency and doses of causticum when you took it?
It's not very important-don't worry if you do not know that.

2.look straight ahead, cover your left eye with left palm and (without moving your eyes or head) move your right hand in your field of vision, wiggling your fingers all the time.
Are there spots you see better/worse?

3. I'm very glad you know palming-excellent way to relax eyes. Does it affect the scars on your retina?
How long do you palm at a stretch?

4. Do you still use ben-gay? it would antidote hom. remedy (all strong scents might)
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hi Astra.
1.Correction: l996 (not '99) Chiropractor gave Causticum tabs in a little envelope to take 3? daily for about 7 to 10 days. Never knew potentcy.

2. Palming: See no spots, only fingers wiggling. Haven't seen black floating spot in left good eye but once recently when tired. Surprised to see black spot in right cataract eye when closed in bright sunlight.
Do not know if it affects the scars on retina.
Palming from a few seconds to several minutes, not usually 15 as Bates suggests.

3. Ben-gay: Never used it again. Never plan to! Have list of smells to avoid. I take 2tsp. of organic apple cider vinegar in 8 oz. of water with my evening meal to keep my potassium to sodium level balanced per Dr. Jarvis. Will this diluted vinegar antidote Magnesiam Carbonica 30c?
Bima1 2 decades ago
Why do you say that Magnesia Carbonica 30c is a salt and won't mess with anything? I am a little confused by this.
Is this my constitutional? Is it a short acting rememdy or a chronic rememdy?
Bima1 2 decades ago
Some more questions to your answers:
1. Did causticum have any effect at all?

2.the test was to check if there is any place in your field of vision (of the right eye) that can see better/worse. so?
Also you might draw different size letters. the point is to make you somehow able to measure progress in clearing of cataract.

3.15 min palming is BASIC -healing begins when you extend time beyond that!
perfect for eye healing/relax.

4. would not drinking the vinegar change any symptom?
it would be better if you did not drink it during homeopathic treatment

5. well, magnesia carbonica IS a salt (chemically speaking of course) and it doesn't antidote any component of bioplasm (in other words it will not mess with anything)--so I decided to advise it now without waiting for the symptoms to stabilize and deciding on the remedy only then.

As to so called constitutional remedy: many homeopaths--esp. classical, who follow teachings of Hahnemann believe there is only one kind of prescribing in homeopathy, and this is on disease symptoms.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hello Astra:
Answers to your questions on 10/07
1.Causticum for chemical burn - no affect on the two month recovery I recall. Certainly NOT the pain!

2.(Right eye) Seeing in peripheral vision, right side and down. See no letters of any size on Bates Vision Chart. Frustrating! I give up. Defeated again. Have no book or test card. Working on it.

3. Palming - will continue beyond 15 minutes during sessions.

4.Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - will discontinue before taking remedy.

5. Magnesia carbonica -should arrive by Friday.

Duration according to JAHR 40 days, v. Boenninghausen in catagory 4. at http://www.curantur.de/English/Articles/Duration/duratin.htm... Is the time frame the same in your experience? Is this the best chart?

Just read KENT'S Repertorizing at homeoint.org
Better understand now concept of classical homeopathy treating the Whole person and prescribing for the totality of pertinent symptoms.

Bima1 2 decades ago
mag-c --like the other 4 remedies I wrote, is a long lasting remedy. Acc to "Encyclopedia of hom. rem. relationship" by Abdur Rehman it acts 40-50 days.

These are chronic remedies-deep acting.--they also start slower-so I do not expect any immediate reaction after mag-c or any other chronic remedy.

Acute ailments-require acute remedies-- briefly acting maybe, but very fast (like e. g. Aconite).

Please do not feel discouraged with vision in right eye. I know about people who were legally blind in both eyes (could only see shadows) and now have unrestricted driver's licences. Nothing a body can't do if given a chance.

The point is to find a way to test your eye somehow--and of course there will be ups and downs.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Everyday you will need to sit somewhere (for safety) for about 5 min (later you will do it longer and walk around-but not mmore than 2 hrs)with the eye patch (or whatever-just have eye covered)over your left eye-this can be frustrating sometimes but this is the only way to see what it can do. Look around and "see" as much detail as you can (detail=the smallest thing you can see- even if the whole building).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Still confusion around Mag-c. for me.
On 12-03 you wrote:
I'm reading you posta backwards-now, after having read the other page I believe silica comes before the other 3--but mag-c should come too.

Am I correctly understanding that mag-c came first and that is the one to take first, then silica, causticum, calcarea c. and phosphorus were the other contenders from high to low? I was never sure of the transition because there seem to be a jump in the posts which appeared out of sequence.

Bima1 2 decades ago
What you will take after
mag-c depends on what it does.

I listed the other remedies ONLY for you to read about.
It shows no sequence of importance!
You will need more than one remedy. All deep acting - and long.
I have to go now.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Thanks for clearing my confusion.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Please list (and describe) all your symptoms as they are now.
Astra2012 2 decades ago

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