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dense cataract Page 8 of 8

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Altra, I would also like to ask your forgiveness for anything I did that was wrong whether intentional or unintentional. Please forgive me.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Does anyone know where to look online to see if Calc-fl will follow Mag-carb well?
Bima1 2 decades ago
In order to produce a permanent cure, symptoms must disappear from above downward, from within outward, and in the reverse order of their coming.I hope that is correct for complicated chronic constitutional cases.

In order to complete the muscle testing for all the remedies in this thread I guess I will need my case worksheet if Astra is willing to post it here. Wouldn't want to supress a skin eruption that goes to the brain and caused a fatality.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Muscle testing may be the best solution when the online prescriber has determined four or five remedies and the constitutional doesn't seem to come clear... then the person seeking help can muscle test for themselves to confirm the correct remedy.

I will share how I muscle tested Pulsatilla after determinng that my modalities did not match.
Bima1 2 decades ago
Astra will you please post my case work sheet here?
Bima1 2 decades ago
Is there a qualified Homeopath(s) here experienced in curing dense cataract cases who is willing to help me complet the task of finding my constitution remedy for complicated cronic case. I am sensative and have been reluctant to just start taking remedies to see if they will work for fear of fouling my case so that it is never cured.

First experienced muscle testing 20 years ago, but just learned how to do it by myself so I can test remedy suggestions, but have short term memory and extreme difficulty with SEQUENCING so can't pull the pieces together by myself!

Well folks, out of ashes...concentrated scrutiny of my symptoms lead me to a new discovery:
when I try to write something and can't get the sequence I began to experience something similar to what is described in Dissociative phenomena: anterograde amnesia, wherein the amnesia covers the memory of events as they are experienced, the patient forgetting continuously from moment to moment what he has just been thinking, feeling, and doing. When this mechanism kicks in (sometimes for hours), I have to go over and over what I read, write, or speak at times, to finally get it to all come together and make some sense. Don't know if this is from Chemical exposure or childhood abuse!
Answered many questions in this thread, but just saw a complete chronic questionaire for the first time.
Has anyone here experience or know about this?
Bima1 2 decades ago
Kinesology or Muscle testing: The way I muscle tested the remedies Astra suggested was to hold the remedy to the solar plexis or chest and if the body moved toward it then it is good for the body, if the body moves back from it, it is not good for the body. I got very strong indications.

I tested and posted earlier that Pulsatilla was not correct.
Magnesium Carbonica was not correct.
Phosphorus was illiminated earlier as some symptoms changed, but I tested it to be sure and it was not correct.
Calcarea Carbonica was not correct.
Silicea was not correct at this time but comes later.
Calcarea Flurica is correct.

I think once a few remedies have been selected that muscle testing is most effective because I am taking according to my body's need instead of somebody else's ideas of what I need. The drawback for the online prescriber is not being able to see your body and the drawback for you is you don't know the qualifications of the prescriber unless they are willing to say their certification or education.
Bima1 2 decades ago
More on muscle testing: I forgot to say I stood still and got quiet as I do before praying...patiently stood until my body began to move toward or away from the remedy. Blessings to you all.
Bima1 2 decades ago

Would like to know more about MUSCLE TESTING. Could you mention the procedure.. Hope you dont mind.

Thx a lot in advance.

pimathew 2 decades ago
i have a suggestion for u in finding out theremedy in abetter way
first and foremost list down all you syptoms in a sequence as given below
1.first make 4 columns under the name of the chief c/o
a. location
in that onset duration and progress
for eg : it started in your skin then eyes etc...
b. sensaton pain weared senssation relating here only to the organ system you r specifying
c. modalities relating to the oragns and in general
d. any cocomitant you have experinced ie these r the c/o having no relation with the chief c/o in regard to the pathology but they bear only the time relation with the chief c/o

then we come to the next part
2. family history - this helps you to determine the fundemental miasm you r born with.
this includes ur fathers disease mo and relatives brother and sister

3. past history -this helps you to determine the dominent miasm at this present time

4. personal history - it includes
a. appetite
b. diet
c. thirst
d. cravings
e. aversions
f. urine
h. stools
i. perspiration
j. thermals ie which weather r u sensitive for
k. sleep
l. dreams

5. mind - in this mention abt your daily routine first then
fears, ambitions to what level u were succesfull,then anxieties, your nature what do you feel inside urself

6. then the systemic part

when ur done with this all u take the mind part and then make a table it is called as the life space table
it has following headings
1. onset of the life situaton - this is the point where the problem has arosen
2.then explain the life situation at that time
3. then in the 3rd column characteristic expressions in regard to the life situation
for eg- say in some situation some in quarell a person may react only in anger but some one may exaggregate the reaction this outbound response is the characteristic expression in the case
4.attributes these r the qualities in you in that situation
5. disposition this is taken when u r taking all the attributes together

when this is done go for the
analysis and evaluation
analysis means you take one symptom and the mark them as
particular characteristic or physical general characteristic or the mental general characteristic
to be a characteristic symptom it should be something peculiar inrespect to the pathology or given any any specific time modality etc

then after doing that make an evalution ie the grading of the syptoms in following manner
grade 1. ailment foctors
a. miasms
b. the causes like grief etc or any poisoning as such
grade 2. mental symptoms these r the qualified mentals keep in mind, by the name qualified mentals we mean to say the these r the menatals which individualize u these r taken from the life space table these r your attributes and the dispositions
then sleep and dreams
then the physical general characteristics includes all characteristic syptoms in personal history
grade3. characteristic particulars

when done with this all keep two repertories infront of u
1. kent repetory
2. boger boeninghausens characteristic repetory
then analyze the syptom make a chart which remedies r covering up
repetory should not be a mechanical one it should be of the qualitative
even two three qualitative symptoms can define a case and the remedy

if still u have questions ur welcome to ask any of them. and would answer to you in the best possible manner
as in net it is very difficult to get sometimes the meaning of every symptom and a constitutional remedy according to me is not very easy to find just mere looking down the symptoms u have to see the patient in front of u judge each quality in respect to that situation
but i will try to evaluate ur case and discuss with u after sometime.
for further refernce read the following books
prinsples and practice of homeopathy by m.l.dhawale
then for esp cataract you have
berridge eye repertory it is an regional repertory and has only yhe eye diseases in it do refer it
best of luck
drkalyan 2 decades ago
Hello Mathew.
I have not had computer access recently and am just now reading your message. I can post more of my experience with Muscle Testing when I have full access again, however, I believe I can best help you by suggesting you read an article on Muscle Testing by Diane Fuller, DHom (UK)...interviewed by Elaine Lewis at hpathy.com. The copy and past feature doesn't work here or I would post it for you.
Bima1 last decade
Hello dr kalyan. I have not had internet access recently so am just reading your reply. Thank you for it and the case taking format and information which will no doubt be helpful to many here besides myself wanting to determine their constitutional remedy or simillimum.

If you read much of this thread you know memory and sequencing are very difficult for me at present and sometimes takes many hours or days, if we had your case ouline months ago it would have been a great help. I don't know that I am capable of such extensive mental work as a beginner with these disabilities, but will certainly re-read this next week when I have full internet access again.
God Bless
Bima1 last decade
Hello again Dr. Kalyan. Apologies for coming late here. Have been down with a cold for the last two weeks. I have concluded that I am just not capable (from the mental viewpoint) of pulling this all together. I think what I need is a Homeopath with some considerable experience treating cases which include cataract, who has the patience to go back through this thread and suggest a constitutional remedy. I thank you if you are that person. Blessings.
Bima1 last decade
At Kent repertory Pulsatilla and Sulphur are listed as remedies predominantly aggravated by Heat. Can anyone reading here explain why a homeopath would prescribe either of them for someone who is chilly, has cold feet, sensative to drafts, head and throat sensative to cold, can't sleep under air conditioning, dislikes cold, wet, damp weather, and likes temperate weather?
Bima1 last decade
correction: kent repertory: repertorising at homeoint.org dr. gibson miller's hot and cold remedies(extracted from dr. kent's works, etc.)
Bima1 last decade

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