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Worry, anxiety, fear, duodenal ulcers, right sided headaches, port. hyp. tension, varic. - Dr. Sameer help requested Page 13 of 18

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I took Arg-n 30c on 28th.

Mental state today:
Not feeling well. Body slightly hot. I just want to come out of work and relax for few days. External factors, actual overload, say, 30%. My feeling that I am overworked, worn out, tired, ~70%.
Please try to understand what is my state and feeling(s).
Difficulty getting up fresh. Then I feel very 'dry' and start feeling 'heat' or 'somewhat hot from inside'. The outer body is very dry and slightly hot. To the extent that I feel quite a discomfort on taking hot or cold water on body. Face very dry. Difficulty shaving. Then in office I just drag things. I may take Crocin if I feel unfresh and dull due to a 'heat' of body. Not much appetite. Office canteen is bit far. Due to slightly hilly terrain, it becomes hot from 9 am onwards. I find it difficult to tolerate.
Now as summer is picking up, I have to transit from AC (air-conditioned) rooms to non-ac rooms or outside in sun frequently. Everybody complains a bit but others tolerate it and even if they fall ill, they are able to get well. I am neither comfortable for even few tens of minutes nor I can concentrate. There is great discomfort and chill in AC and whole the time I am highly anxious if I would fall ill. At other times, I cannot tolerate transition to sun or very warm rooms. I feel extremely sleepy then. Even if I keep wanting to go to warm places, when I do, the change of cool to warm makes me sick, causes a state of fever.
It take several hours to stabilize thermally in the evening.
I cannot tolerate the air flow also. Be it a pleasant March air or be it not. I get feverish or have fever. The cold is caught but not in usual way. It gets viral.

In evening I feel extremely tired. In these two days, I felt that I must throw my body on bed and just lie down. I just couldn't get up even as there was no body ache. It becomes like low fever.

The whole day I cannot concentrate and collect myself, nor am I able to motivate myself to cross hurdles. This is due to a continuous LOW GRADE FEVER. I just pray to avoid difficulties...

Physical state:
1. Left eye is very red in the corner. Might be higher BP but still higher locally.
2. Felt slightly better in stomach after Arg-n but had to take Pantodac again today.
3. One outer blood vessel of left hand from shoulder to back of palm is aching.
4. I was having a slight bulge on forehead on the right in last 2-3 years. Others used to notice it sometimes. After Arg-n, it just shrunk down a bit.
5. Luckily I did not have right-sided headache.
6. Physically tired, dull feeling. Unable to carry out normal tasks.
7. Loose motion re-started. Farting.

Sameer, kindly suggest any other remedy at the earliest. I am trying to get info on what medicine my earlier doctor gave 3 years ago. Maybe Lycopodium. If I knew it, I would have tried it.
Anyway I need a medicine URGENTLY. Kindly suggest.
sci_spi last decade
I wish to add that throughout these 2-3 days I faced problem of loss of balance.
Everyday I have to take a lecture. That time it obviously increases.
Today the loss of balance was particularly high as my work included taking viva of others standing on site. This included explaining, talking, etc. This went several hours. At the end of day I was hardly able to stand.
sci_spi last decade
Hi sci_spi,

Please take a dose of Medorrhinum 200c, and report after 3 weeks please.

sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer, It had been a cool weather 2-3 days here. Cool air in morning even till 9 am. I was exposed a bit. I had several continuous lectures in afternoon.

By yesterday evening I had that 'achy' 'sinus' forehead and my left eye was 'achy' with 'redness'. It felt as if there was a band tied and pulling inside. The forehead region was so tense that I took Crocin Pain Relief. But still by mid-night, wehn I went to sleep, me left eye and region around it started to ache. Through the night I was troubled by pain. Early morning, say from 5 am to 7 am, the left eye was terribly aching. So much so that it was even slightly nauseating in morning and during previous evening too.

It is 8:40 am now. The left eye and eyebrow is still aching much. The (left) eye also aches from inside at the centre of ball. It is also very red under lower eyelid. There is a constant ache every now and then which is rather difficult to tolerate.

Sameer please tell me what to do immediately. I am worried that Crocin Pain Relief is not helping and I cannot take any other pain killer. Also, I took Mox antibiotic few weeks ago so it is not good to take it again, I am sure it won't help.

What should I do?
(It is 1 week after Medorrhinum 200c. In 2 days I got good physical relief like Calcarea Carb. And hence mental relief. Things were okay till yesterday. Then I got exposed to cool air for 2 days at bus-stop and to the morning cold weather in general. Now I have this same 'sinus' ache but much much more troublesome - that I cannot bear with the help of Crocin Pain Relief....)
sci_spi last decade
Dear Sameer,
Through the day, the ache deteriorated. Now at night there is inclination of headache.
Please reply.
sci_spi last decade
Please bear with this. No homeopathic medicine for 3 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
As I remember I took Medorrhinum 200c on 4th March.
It is 3 weeks now. After a wonderful cricket match between India-Australia where India has won, I am writing this.

External factors:
1. I made Reiki request that must have helped.
2. Luckily events in office allowing me to work in my way. And one imp thing okay with me.
3. But excess load in office. Lots of work. I am really tired but I am not taking leave due to lectures, etc.

Mental state:
1. I have been much better. I was able to concentrate also. Nothing really adverse mentally. No sudden peaks as well.
2. I felt more like doing the mental work when preparing lectures. This is more like me. At the same time, I have reached my own typical state where I am very averse to physical work.
3. Lots of tiredness.
4. Overall mental benefit must be 25%.
5. My fears are still the same or still there. Luckily office conditions were not much adverse but whenever they tended to be, I was immediately tense.
6. In present mental state I am comfortable till I get a chance to continue to my liking. In adverse circumstances I am still far away in just getting up and getting the things moving. I just can't leave my liked mental works or other such thoughts.

Physical state:
1. I feel very tired. In the evening I just reach home and sort of lie down. I keep watching TV and am unable to just get me to do something physical. Other than evening in the day too I get tired.
2. The left sided sinus ache luckily didn't pick up since my last post. While I was really troubled for day, it came down as if there was ideal homeopathic reaction which brought it out to calm it down. BUT it is still lurking a bit.
3. The best part was that I haven't taken any Pantodac at all in these weeks!! Occasionally the stomach tended to that acidity but never it was such that I would even think of preventive Pantodac....very comforting...
I did take Gelusil 3-4 times though.
The acidity has been taken care of very nicely. I hope this doesn't turn out temporary like Calc. effect
4. I got good sleep most of days.

Physical problems:
1. Trouble in heart on occasions.
2. Tiredness.
3. In last three days I have had to Crocin Pain Relief twice.

Dear Sameer, I feel I quickly need a remedy now on similar lines. In past one week I am fast losing advantage and feel like I am feeling very very tired due to the infection due to season changes.

Since it is 11:40 pm and I have to get up a bit early for some work, I am stopping. I will write tomorrow.
sci_spi last decade
Sameer please try to understand. I have started taking Crocin more often. But I am not taking antacids, Pantodac.
In another 2 days if I am compelled to take Crcoin or something and if I go for Pantodac as preventive, out of worry then there will great loss of multiple order and all advantage of 3 weeks may be lost. Because a person like me tends to get a habit of Pantodac and also starting it after long causes side-effects to which I am again very sensitive.
We must maintain my state and improve it.

It is very very important to note yesterday's state.
1. Yesterday afternoon at lunch I had lack of appetite. After half food I didn't feel like eating.
2. Later in evening I wasn't hungry like usual. Ate little. Then during dinner, as I started eating, I had nausea. I managed to finish the items in the dish with great difficulty and nausea. This is like Bismuth Met. (Medrrhinum and Bismuth might be related since I was prescribed these together 7-8 years back on an occassion.)
I had had a good improvment in appetite but lost since 3-4 days.
3. The foul smell of mouth (H-pylori) had reduced greatly but it has propped up in 3-4 days. Much higher yesterday and now today.
5. Lack of appetite in morning and slight nausea since 2 days.
6. Today in fact I even see the morning diarrhea coming. I am afraid to take morning breakfast here in office.
7. I also had neck stiffness yesterday on the right after lying down on an angle.

All the above are very clear symptoms of h-pylori and ulcer. Sameer kindly suggest next remedy EARLY.
[message edited by sci_spi on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 04:01:20 GMT]
[message edited by sci_spi on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 04:03:33 GMT]
sci_spi last decade
Wait for 1 more week, and then take a dose of Medorrhinum 1M. Report after 3 weeks from the dose.
sameervermani last decade
1. I didn't know this would really pick up. Today morning (sat) I got up with a lot of headache. Aching on the forehead but inclined to right. The first thing I had to take was Crocin Pain Relief. Later I continued to be dull. The 'pitta' has actually picked up and I know all the heavy things of past weeks plus sudden changes have taken their toll. Then there were morning sticky stools after long, so finally after 3 weeks I took Pantodac+Bifilac. No last two days is not acute short lived problem. It is a deeper problem that has picked up.
In the past 3-4 days I have also got up with sore throat which has successively picked up but still not quite.
Just at noon, I haven't taken a bath and I am just trying to sleep. The palpitation doesn't allow me. On raising head after bending, I felt little giddy. After lying down, I just can't get up....well I am managing to write this, that is it.

I am quite sick, I know. This is similar to the December 20 problem. The intensity may be lower this time.

2. Yes Medorrhinum helped me well. I agree.

3. Yes the effect had only just died out so a wait of 1 week was perhaps suitable. I 'partly' agree. Because today I am really sick already.

4. Medorrhinum 1M...Well, I am rather afraid to take it and hence I hesitate to agree but I will take it.

Sameer, can you suggest an acute remedy (headache due to biliousness, feel weak, do not want light)? At present I am good for doing nothing. If rest were guaranteed to help I wouldn't worry but how much I will improve with rest I can't say.
[message edited by sci_spi on Sat, 26 Mar 2011 07:33:41 GMT]
sci_spi last decade
Dear Sameer,
Rather I want to say, this headache is settling on the right and making me really sick and anxious.
With this typical 'pitta' headache I become totally helpless and do not feel like picking up a pencil even.

If Medorrhinum 1M is next, should I take it today itself? I am sure there will be no harm but only it may help and prevent an upcoming emergency.
Please allow. How to take single dose?
sci_spi last decade
Hi sci_spi,

Please take a single dose of Arsenicum 6c, and report after 3-4 days.

sameervermani last decade
I took Pantodac yesterday morning as mentioned. The headache obviously went away due to this.
Today I got up without headache. But immediately took Pantodac empty stomach as preventive.

I had not read your post till now Sameer.

At 12 noon today (Sun) I was so sleepy and tired. Due to this I am going to take Arsenicum Album 6c.
sci_spi last decade
So, I took Ars. Alb. 6c (27th). Next day Mon. wasn't so good (and it never is, for me). But then, Tue. afternoon I started to feel like jumping and talking. I felt like humming the songs I was hearing in bus. It was a 'forced' mental improvement.
Then Wed. and today night (11: 10 pm now) things are just same.
I feel very tired. Do not feel like doing anything most of the time. When some 'kept aside' works came up, I again got tense in these 2 days. I am back to over-sex. After Medorrhinum it was a bit (say 10%) okay.

So, while Ars. Alb. still makes me get up and be active, I feel uncertain about a deeper effect with higher potency. Sameer, I have already taken Ars. Alb. LM1. It may again work, can't say.
Medorrhinum 200c was also good though it did not have a large positive effect on mental state.

Overall Medorrhinum looks okay. I am afraid of 1M, but as you advised Sameer, should I take 1M now?

(I took only those 2 Pantodacs and stopped. But I took 2 Crocin Pain Reliefs also in these 4 days. Yesterday and today I have taken 3 to 4 Bifilacs.)

From tomorrow, there will be the talk of new works for next financial year. The bosses want to go fast. But I get concerned and anxious and tense. As soon as I see future things and the present pending things, I get very highly worried. I start feeling that I do not have the capacity. And since my body feels so tired, I just can't get up and do the jobs in office and at home. I feel trapped and start looking for ways to avoid the burdens.

It is not correct to write randomly, I am stopping. Sameer please suggest.

1. I forgot to write of backache. Due to continuous standing for lectures in 2 weeks (~3 hours for 3-4 days and 70 mins daily) and due to over-sex too, I had backache. It was at waist level near spinal cord. I applied Voveran for relief.
2. After Ars. I had some loss of balance for a day. This had happened to me once long time ago.
[message edited by sci_spi on Fri, 01 Apr 2011 07:15:32 BST]
sci_spi last decade
Please take a dose of Medorrhinum 1M (preferably German made) and report after 3 weeks please.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,
Thanks. In a few minutes (11:45 pm) I shall take Medorrhinum 1M.
Now there is a sort of experimental evidence in my case that 200s 'resonate' well with me. The 30s to an extent and the 6s occasionally. The 1M s have not resonated well at all but I will be happy to find Medorrhinum 1M as an exception.
Let us see how much of my postponement / procrastination and tiredness goes away.
Kindly forgive me for any impatience that follows.
sci_spi last decade
Dear Sameer,
I know I have to report only after 3 weeks. But I must write a few things as I prefer to keep them noted.

1. The summer sleepiness is back like last year and previous years. I feel overwhelming sleep at around 2:30 pm. I am in office then but it becomes extremely difficult to control.
2. Out of slight doubt and curiosity I got my Hb measured on Sunday. It is 12.5. So it has decreased as it does in summer. I have mixed feelings. Since an Hb of 12.5+ didn't seem to help me last 2-3 years, I thought that it was a pseudo indication of health and I was better off with Hb at 10 to 11 with constant ulcers and even bleeds.
But I was suffering then too. And may be the age of 25-30 was a very energetic state, Hb not as imp as it seemed. I mean a lower Hb of 10-11 may not make me feel better again.
So I have a feeling it may go down more if I continue to be under present load and state. Then a possible Hb below 11 is anyway never pleasing and disturbs me much and makes me sick.
3. Body gets extremely tired and exhausted few times a day. Esp. for about 2-3 hours from 5 pm to 8 pm.
4. Everyday I get up with sore throat. It goes away in the day so I am not doing anything. It is due to use of fans in summer. But getting up is very very tough anyway.
5. Problems with sleep. Ulcer symptoms. (In tandem with Hb going down and sleepiness/tiredness and foul smell of mouth and even morning diarrhea for 2-3 days. Took Bifilac.
6. My back pains and central region of chest+back suddenly feels it may get stiff and locked sort of....
7. I am avoiding mention of my fear undercurrents or anxieties. That would be long.

Things may settle but I am not much hopeful of improvement in sleepiness (which troubled me till rainy season beyond June, July last year).
[message edited by sci_spi on Thu, 07 Apr 2011 18:48:20 BST]
sci_spi last decade
This intervening with allopathic medicine (Took Bifilac. ) at every complaint will never work.

Let the symptoms play out a bit. You have to be firm for 3 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
Half hour ago, I had a terrible feeling. The same feeling before bleeding. There was confusion, I couldn't understand what was going on. Giddiness, etc.
I immediately told my wife something was happening to me. She was also afraid. She brought 'kairee panha'. Electral was also kept ready.
The terrible feelings have died down after 20 mins. My wife has asked me to observe stools and I too feel so.
I slept late yesterday night. But it cannot have that type of effect. Whether I am saved from some stroke or intestinal bleeding or something else or by rare chance whether it was homeopathic aggravation, I don't know. (Or there was slight bleeding...)

The only thing is, at the moment I am able to write here and also I am terrified......

(After that both my eyes are rather red. The left eye anyway is red usually as soon as I have my typical problems.)
[message edited by sci_spi on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 18:07:24 BST]
[message edited by sci_spi on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 18:09:08 BST]
sci_spi last decade
staphysagaria 200 i dose and wait for 15 days
pk5159 last decade
So I had trouble yesterday evening at 9:30 pm.

Today morning I have got up with that 'forehead' headache. I have tolerated it for more than an hour.

I must take Crocin Pain Relief soon to tolerate it and go to office.

Thanks for suggestion pk159. I will consider it.
sci_spi last decade
So, no mental changes since the 1M dose ?
sameervermani last decade
sci_spi last decade
Please take 3 doses of Thuja 30c, and report after 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Please note just recent problems.

1. I took Pantodac day before yesterday evening since I had warm feeling in intestine. Next day (yesterday), the headache in morning did not occur as if it was due to bilious acidity.

2. Yesterday was very tiring at home due to physical work and other stress. At evening I again took Pantodac since it is preferred to take for at least 2 days and I had started to have warm-burning feeling. I anticipated severe acidity (of my type). But today morning I got up again with headache. This does not mean that reason is something else. I feel that level of 'my type' biliousness+acidity' is very high.

3. The headache had been nauseating earlier and today morning too. So, I immediately took Crocin Pain Relief. Guests are going to come by 11 am. Due to absence of servant I had to further to huge amount of physical work.
Finally I felt that something was going 'down' in central chest region. Similar to day before, much less. Also nauseating again.
On lying down, the centre of chest had a 'fright'+'uneasiness'+'slight nausea'+'dil baith janaa'. This is similar to when I am bleeding or have bled and now blood is lost. This doesn't look to be homeopathic aggravation from any angle since an aggr. is very very fast (like I felt 2 days ago) but it is followed by very great and marked relief (and there was no such relief 2 days ago or any time in these 3 weeks).

4. After Medorrhinum 1M, I may have had some bursts of physical work at home. But I have procrastinated earlier at both, home and office. So, there is an increase in my reluctance and postponement at office where the improvement was more needed. There were many holidays so maybe I managed few things at home and they were to my liking.
I am becoming more and more 'loose' at office. I am just not able to pick up the work of less-liking and get on with it.

5. The bosses do not know homeopathy. They talk anti-homeopathic language. The more he pushes me to do something, the more reluctant I become.
A homeopathic approach would be that he would talk like this:
' Oh, you don't seem to be comfortable these days. Is there any problem? What is it? I will help....Well, it happens sometimes. I suggest you go slowly. While I will ask few others to help you, I am sure you too are competent enough to pick up as soon as you are in 'form'. Maybe you don't do too much. Particularly, do not take any stress of 'time-binding' and dead-lines'. Just move on as you like for 4-5 days. Then start doing little and one by one. I am sure things will be in order. Perhaps you will meet deadlines better in few months...'
[I have evidences that actually I have done better work when not pressed too much.]

6. My boss is just opposite. He has himself mentioned that he does not prefer to include personal things, personal problems. He always hurries people up (too much, if you believe me). He always talks of deadlines whereas there are no 'usual type of deadlines' in our kind of work. Instead of one-at-a-time work he specifically insists parallel jobs in a strange mixture . Again if you believe me, many jobs do not get well-done due to 'hotch-potch'...., but if you believe me that is....

7. My earlier observations are still reinforced. 6 and 30 potencies confuse. 200s work relatively well. 1M potency creates so much trouble with no striking improvement (till now) that I just can't say I am better (or even worse). Medorrhinum has created least trouble but without any notable improvement. And finally, the LM1-2-3 are still too low for me - I mean that is what I still feel. It is just my view and observation and I am not forcing anybody to agree - If a 200 potency is given to me and there is good improvement, I should be given an LM4 or LM5 next (in 2 weeks). It will immediately show if the direction is correct otherwise there will always be confusion of whether remedy is working or not.

8. Please note a very important thing. Two weeks ago, I had called my earlier doctor to know what medicines he had given me. He said that long back, he gave me Bryonia LM5 related to my complaints of 'cold' ('sardi'). For constitution, he gave me Lycopodium LM5. So that confirms of what he gave me (the Lycopodium LM5).

I feel I need a remedy urgently.
[message edited by sci_spi on Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:39:42 BST]
sci_spi last decade
Just now I casually kept hand on left chest. On left extreme I felt pain. In the mirror, I see that there is nodule ('gathaan') kind of thing that is slightly painful. I do not nkwo what it is. No indication on outer skin of a boil/ulcer/blister. Just slightly swollen but sore and strange.
Its location is little (1 inch) below left calf on extreme left chest on rib end.
sci_spi last decade

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