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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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declanparkes, Please start your own discussion about your case.

albapapa, MK in what potency? Did you try the pharmacies listed by Maheeru?

1) Farmacia piram, At Via Nazionale 228, 00184 Roma (RM).
contact numbers:
06 4880754
International: +39 06 4880754

e-mail : farmaciaguidetti at gmail.com
tel/fax : 39-035-237220
via S. Giacomo,2 - 24100 Bergamo (Italy)
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I have got it in front of me because I bought it. It only says Medorrhinum MK. It is a single dose, so it is globules, and the maker is UNDA.
albapapa last decade
I ordered it from one of this pHarmacy that you listed ten days ago. After a week I rung them because it had not arrived . They said they had not posted it yet. At this point I don't trust them anymore...
albapapa last decade
Sorry about the pharmacy problem, I don't know any of the pharmacies in Italy. I sought this list out to help you acquire the remedy.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
What should I do with the MK single dose, globules?
albapapa last decade
Is there a phone number on the container? Perhaps you can call them or the pharmacy you bought it at and find out what the potency is.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I think it is M potency. Can I give him half tonight and the rest dissolved in water tomorrow, this is what I used to do with single doses.
albapapa last decade
I have looked at some internet websites, I think it is related to centesimal, it is the next after 200c
albapapa last decade
If it is 1M, then you can make it as I described, and give him one tablespoon. Let's see what the effect is before we repeat.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I think, I am pretty sure, it is the next after 200c. I have already given him half the bottle dry and I will give him the other half tomorrow morning diluted in two fingers of water and succussed ten times. I have used this method before with similar potency and it seemed ok. However I have still asked for the 6LM, in case we need it and I hope it will eventually arrive. I thought this remedy was quite widely used, why is it so difficult to find the right potency in Italy?
albapapa last decade
Let's make sure we are communicating correctly. We have Medorrhinum 1M, and you've put 1 pellet into a 10oz container of water.

You've given him half of the bottle? That's a large dose, and the first dose is a test dose. We can always give him more after seeing the reaction. I'd prefer if you didn't give anymore until we've seen what the reaction is.

I can't speak about the quality of pharmacies in Italy. You might want to find a reputable source of homeopathic remedies. I would've expected Europe to have much greater access to homeopathic remedies than we do in the states.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I had a single dose of med MK. Which is a centesimal diluition. I gave him half the bottle last night and the left over, this morning diluted in two fingers of water. This is what I have always done with single doses which are globules. I have not seen any obvious change so far. Today another chemist which I contacted has called me to say that a 6LM has arrived.
albapapa last decade
Do you think we should buy it? This method I used was the one prescribed byt he homeopath with single doses. I though it was a standard method and since I got no reply last night, I followed it. Was it a mistake?
albapapa last decade
Did I do something wrong?
albapapa last decade
No. This will be fine. That's a way that some practitioners give first doses of medicine. I rarely use that method.

How is his vitality and mood since the Med? How is the energy level?

Let's wait at least 24 hours at this point to see if you observe any differences.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Let's wait to see if there is an effect before buying the LM6.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I have to say that since we stopped the gallicum acidum his mood seems worst. He seems to dwell on things more, words that were said flippantly and that he took as major offenses and keeps bringing them up. After a long time he has asked again his father: do you love me? A big landmark of his insecurity. He had stopped since taking the gallic. And that same day he had a big row with the father. At the moment we live inseparate homes because we don't have enough space, and he lives with the father. He seems altogether more negative. The bad language has also come back. After I gave him the Med last night and this morning I didn't see anything yet. Let's see tomorrow.
albapapa last decade
Now he is spending the whole day in his room with computer and tv, because in this way, he says, the father cannot complain about him leving a mess around in the lounge. The room is his room and nobody should have a saying. He only comes out in the afternoon-evening to go out and goes rollerblading for hours trying several stunts. Dresses up very nicely, but doesn't always wash before going out.
albapapa last decade
I take it you did not try increasing the potency to the next level for Gall-ac?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
He seems divided, as if he knew our love for him but could not trust it. As if he felt love for us but could not be nice, could not have any consideration for our feelings. He is probably suffering because he can't go to school like he should do. And certainly feels uneasy in front of all his mates who do go. He is now almost 15 and by law should go to school until 16. But he has had a long history of failure because of his incapacity to concentrate and so has stopped going when he started high school. He seems quite angry these days. And yesterday afternoon was crying out of frustration or anger or fear of the future, i don't know. He has so many talents...Dances beautifully, very good drawer, exceptional motor skills, great sense of humour, he is the life and soul of the party.
albapapa last decade
No, we didn't because it was so difficult to obtain it, and it didn't seem to change the other symptoms. We were succussing it ten times.
albapapa last decade
At this point, we should not give anymore.

Toward the end of last month, you wrote that you were giving daily doses of Gall-Ac without any improvement. Now you are saying that the day you stopped the Gall-Ac, that he had a big argument with the father.

You say that he is moping inside all day. What time does he go outside to rollerblade?

One of the keynotes for Medorrhinum. is 'IRRITATED AT TRIFLES; CROSS ALL THE DAY, EXHILARATED AT NIGHT, WANTS TO PLAY.' (From Allen, I think.) That fits your description of him before the Med. very well.

There is also the possibility that you gave him too much of too high a potency.

At this point, we should give it enough time to be sure of what the response is.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I know I harp on about this all the time, but it is usually prudent to persist with a remedy by going up in potency when there has been improvement, to be sure that it will no longer help. If you miss the right remedy by not doing so, and then begin moving to others, you will spend the rest of your natural life doing this, as we have 5000+ medicines.

Rather than using LM you could change to the Centesimal potency range. I have found this to be successful too, and the C potencies can be a bit easier to purchase (although Gall-ac is not a common remedy).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
btw I am just suggesting options, I do not want to interfere with the prescription that HI has made. Since you have done that you need to pursue it to the end as well, just as I would advise on any remedy now that the comittment to Medhorrinum has been made.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
He did not have a row on the day we stopped the gallic. We have stopped for more than a week and, the mood has gradually worsten. I said he was stable whilst he was taking the gallic because he was in a better mood. Now he seems to dwell on things and much more reactive to reproach, more insulting in language. In our family we don't use foul language so it sounds very strange on his mouth. He goes out in the evening and sometime in the afternoon. He is not a morning person. He gets up around 11. He is a party lover and fun to be with. He is the kind of person who would never go to sleep, since he was a child; has a lot of physical energy when it comes to things that he likes like rollerblading, dancing, playing footbal, he is never tired then, but extremely lethargic for things he does not like. He tends to lie down when he is not doing anything. I have to say that though he likes to be up late, his condition deteriorates in the night. He becomes more irritable and his speech in an argument becomes more incoherent. He has always been incoherent when he argues. He seems to be very stupid in those occasions, more than stupid, mentally impaired. And you wonder: where has all his intelligence gone, all his intuition? i think we should pursue the Meorrhinum to the end. I honestly don't hink that the decision to stop the gallic was hastily taken. The gallic kept him stable, but he is not functioning, the fears and lack responsibility were untouched, and to get a higher potency is really difficult and expensive. But we will look into it if necessary. I would like to add that my husband reacts in a very depressive way to such arguments with the son. Gets a severe head ache and needs to go to bed. I know this is not my husband's thread but I would like to take the opportunity to mention that many years ago he received a blow to his head, I don't know if it could be relevant. He obviously does not like to talk about it, so I mention it here for him.
albapapa last decade
I should mention that yesterday after the medorrhinum, there was an incident which could eb a return of an old symptom. I was tellling my son off for making too much noise with his siblings, and he got obviously resentfull. So he had a liitle car in his hand and asked me if he could throw it of the window. I ignored him, so he threw it in the room and then laughed sheepishly, This very silly provocative behaviour, seemed so out of character in a 15 years old. He used to be like this, and that was back yesterday. It could be the Med or it could be that he is deteriorating after stopping the gallic. We have to wait and see.
albapapa last decade

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