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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have not changed my mind on the fact that the gallicum did not seem to bring any further improvement, in fact, I was commenting on it again with my husband. But we were both in agreement on the fact that since he has stopped it there is a worstening in the terms aI have decscribed. It could be just a coincidence...
albapapa last decade
Another feature of my son is that whter it is day or night, if there is a group of people, he can't leave before everybody else has gone home. He must always be the last one. has been like this since he was a very small child.
albapapa last decade
I'd like you to buy Medorrhinum in 200c. Is it possible to buy it from the UK.

Helios Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 89-97 Camden Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QR, U.K.

email: pharmacy aT helios.co.uk
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Another from the other thread...


dr. reckeweg italia
s.r.l.via firenze 3420069
trezzano rosa (mi)
phone: 39-02-90 93 13-220
fax: 39-02-90 93 13-211
dr.reckeweg.italia at omeoimo.it
internet: http://www.omeoimo.it
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Can I try the LM6, I already bought? Getting from abroad is lengthy and costly because it must pass through custom.
albapapa last decade
Let's wait. How is he doing?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
variable. One moemtn the mood seems good, another moment he is very argumentative and not very logical.
albapapa last decade
Is that an improvement that at least sometimes his mood is good?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I think so. We should see what happens in the next days I suppose. He still needs to put the lights on everywhere if he goes to the toilet, but tonight he flushed and cleaned it without running away. They could be just irrelevant things. The other thing is that he called me on the phone today which he never does. The most evident reaction to the gallicum was that he was all over me, telling me how much he loves me and kissing and holding. Now he also seems to be more affectionate. He also said something similar to what he said when he first took the gallicum: that he is going to change.
albapapa last decade
I think that's very significant. The thing about not being afraid to flush the toilet, etc. as that's such a key symptom of Med.

Is he appropriately affectionate, or overly affectionate?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Maybe overly? I am not sure because my son has always been particularly effusive because of his need to be reassured...
albapapa last decade
Are you familiar with the standard homeopathic rules against skin treatments? Avoid medicated acne pads, cremes, foot powders, or any kind of skin treatment.

I just thought to tell this to another patient, and will tell you also. Homeopathy considers anything that suppresses sweat to be harmful. Deodorants or sweat suppression medicines must be avoided.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
also ordinary deodorants?
albapapa last decade
Last night he slept with his father as usual. Today, as usual, he is lying or sitting on the soafa with his computer, for usual stuff that kids to. Eating nutella which he almost always has for breakfasr. So a craving for chocolate and sweets when he goes out in the evening. He does not like egg creams, marmalade, nor vegetables, especially green ones. Loves chicken curry and chicken korma. Yesterday he seemed less teasing with his siblings, but it remains to be seen.
albapapa last decade
Yes, ordinary deodorants. Anything that suppresses the body from sweating. This can suppress the sycotic miasm.

If he seems less teasing with his siblings that's good. Let's continue to wait and see.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
yes, I think we should observe him more
albapapa last decade
However, if you think it is right, I can give him 6LM
albapapa last decade
My expectation is that we will wait a minimum of a week before giving anything else.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I feel I should mention this. Could there be a possibility that the med I gave him was not in good conditions? The chemist had it in the shop and one deosn't know how long it had been sitting there. He had few tubes of it and some were expired. This particular one I bouth was not expired yet, but I remember thinking that the bottle looked very old, the paper around had become yellowish. Should we try the LM6 I bought as it was ordered especially?
albapapa last decade
No. No more remedies for at least a few days. Until we have some solid information about his behavior.

How does he feel about soda? Has he had any soda lately? How is his sleep? Fears of the dark?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Soda is not a craving as such. He likes it, but as I said if he has few coins he will spend them on sweets and M&Ms. His sleep is disturbed, I gather: last night he went to sleep in his bed because I told him off for sleeping with the father, but dring the night, bad dreams or fear of the dark or both, he got up and went in his father's bed, where he stayed.
albapapa last decade
Very good. It seems like there are some small improvements. We'll wait and see. I think it's best to just wait a while as he's just had a large dose of 1M.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Today is a week since I gave my son the medorrhinum. I cannot say we have noticed any real change. The fears are the same, he still sleeps with his father and with his head completely covered. These are the things that gal acid did not touch. He is still lazy and quite spacy. What do you think we should do?
albapapa last decade
You've made a few hints about some improvements after the Med 1M such as:

Soda is not a craving as such.
Going to bed in his own bed, even if going back to Dad's in the middle of the night.
seemed less teasing with his siblings
he flushed and cleaned (toilet) it without running away.

Each of the improvements you mentioned is a key symptom of Med., so I do think that Med. is the absolutely correct remedy for him at this time.

If possible can you write a large paragraph, as much information about his behavior since the Med. I'd like some more information before I figure out what recommendation to make about a next dose.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
The remark about soda has been misunderstood: I meant soda has never been craved by him, he likes it, but what he craves is sweets and chocolates, I think I have repeatedly stated it in the previous posts. He will take a sprite if one asks him what he would like to drink, but if he has a last penny, he will buy sweets and M&MS. As for going to bed alone, he only did it because I told him off that day because his father cannot sleep well, since he kicks him during his sleep (my husband suspects he touches him to make sure he is still there). So he felt embarassed by my telling him to grow up and sleep alone. He tried, but during the night went to sleep with his dad, the fact he could not stay in his bed shows that on this front there was no improvement. In fact, he did not bother trying it again. Also the fact of not running after flushing the toilet can be interpreted as a change, but was probably rooted in another telling off he got last time he went to the loo in my home. The time before the occasion when he did not run away, he had gone to the toilet and flushed, because he does flush generally in my home, but because he was scared, he didn't clean with a toilet brush, but came out immediately. I told him off because his sister who is 6, had to clean it before using the toilet. So, next time he went , he remembered the telling off. This is how kojo has always functioned, he reacts to telling off, once, and then no more. As a matter of fact the father says that he is still not flushing in his home, also after the med. There is a slight difference in the behaviour he has with me and his father in general, because the father is more tolerant and I am not. These are the facts. I have talked to my husband to gather more informations, but he is convinced that there has been no change. I realize that to you it may have seemed that there was an improvement because i recounted a behaviour as I saw it without interpretation, but what seemed improvements were, I think, single occasions related to previous incidents when he had been reproached by me. The father added that the two nights he slept in his bed, just after the medorrhinum, (he always does when they have an argument), he wet the bed because of the fear of getting up to use the toilet.
Now, these are the facts with the respective interpretations.
I can either try the 6LM, if you think it will not harm him, or think of another remedy.
albapapa last decade
Another thing about my son is that he believes things he reads about aliens, monsters, 'flying donkees', he is very impressionable, becomes convinced and enthusiastic and then tells other people trying to convince them too. He gives the best of himself to friends rather than family. It has always been this way. He seems to have no boundary between himself and others. Whe he was little, if someone came to visit or just came to do something in the home, he would easily ask the person if she would sleep with us.
albapapa last decade

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