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I should mention that yesterday after the medorrhinum, there was an incident which could eb a return of an old symptom. I was tellling my son off for making too much noise with his siblings, and he got obviously resentfull. So he had a liitle car in his hand and asked me if he could throw it of the window. I ignored him, so he threw it in the room and then laughed sheepishly, This very silly provocative behaviour, seemed so out of character in a 15 years old. He used to be like this, and that was back yesterday. It could be the Med or it could be that he is deteriorating after stopping the gallic. We have to wait and see.
albapapa last decade
I think that it is very possible that he was given too much of the Med.

Let's wait and see. If anything we might want to get a lower potency of the Med, such as 200c. Would that be possible. What you've given him is 1M, the equivalent of 1000c.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
And he was given a very large amount. My recommendation was to give him 2 tablespoons, and he drank 10oz!
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
no, he was not given 10oz, he was given the bottle of the single dose , half dry in the night and the rest diluted in two fingers of water the next morning. But it was only a small amount. Today, nothing unususal has been observed, except that he lost his bag with rollerblades in. He entered a shop and left it unattended on a bench nearby. Someone stole it, of course. This lack of focus and centeredness has been the constant of his life. He has lost countless mobiles, jumpers, etc.
albapapa last decade
Please, tell me what should I do next. I can get a 6LM Medor on Tuesday or what else?
albapapa last decade
The symptom of him losing his blades is again a Med. symptom. It's also a very sycotic symptom.

Let's just wait and observe. I think he may have had too much.

Please continue to report anything new. How was his sleep last night? How is his appetite?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
These are the Med. symptoms from his history. Let's keep an eye on them.

Medorrhinum Symptoms

Unable to do any work at all. Can't be productive in any situation.
Children who are mentally dull.
irrational fears and personal rituals
scared of becoming crazy
Problems caused by bad news and emotional abandonment.
he sees things in the dark. Sometime ago there were zombies
Waking in the middle of the night. (Only if 3-4am.)
Worse being touched, even sleight.
intense nervousness and profound exhaustion.
Craving for acidic drinks such as sodas.
Sometimes very loving, sometimes cruel.
Thinks there is someone behind them. (Won't play in the garden alone.)
Intuitive. Knows things before they happen.
Anxiety of salvation. did not care if he went to heaven or hell. Feeling damned.
Love of animals, and cruelty to animals.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
There is a symptoms which has been a constant of my son's life and it does not seem to be a med sign. Incoherent speech, I have mentioned it before. It gets worst when he is upset. Something else: he is very startled by noises. If someone shouts at him he cannot stand it, this is the reason why he has left basketball, because his coach was shouting too much. Which is a fact. He has a strong craving for chocolate and sweets. In the evening he gets two euros from his father and spends them on sweets and chocolate. He like soda a lot but does not seem to crave it. I asked him tonight what does he do with this money, does he buy sprite or sweets and he said sweets and chocolate. his father confirmed it. So his craving is for these not for soda. He does not like hot food and drinks, could never take any. His appearance is tall and lanky with narrow chest and very fine hands, the most fine hands as a child, his little finger was like a miniature. I was enchanted by looking it. He does not know of things before they happen, he is rather capable of knowing what has happened, through reading people's mind. I gave you examoles of this. The other thing I should be more precise about is that he is not productive in a conventional way, and certainly not academically. But he is productive. kojo' can spend hours learning a difficult dance, and reproduce it to perfection, how to juggle, a certain basketball tecnique which he will study the whole day on internet, how to rollerblade professionally, he has made beautiful drawings since the age of five. Amazing drawings for his age. He is just blocked in applying his talents in a systematic form. He is too spaced out. It is not correct that he was a dull child, everybody perceived him as a very intelligent, intuitive and the most friendly child, in fact, wherever he went he made friends of every age and still does. If I think of something else I will tell you.
albapapa last decade
He has always liked to perform in front of an audience. As a child he even attracted people on the street as he was juggling with the ball and got money from them. But the performance can be of any type.
albapapa last decade
How is his sleep since the Med?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
He has a lot of fear of disease and of contamination. So he is very selective about food, does not like alcool, or smoke...
albapapa last decade
These are all very important symptoms of Med.

Let's just watch any effects that come after the dose that he's been given.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
For a while he was very interested in origami, would spend hours learning a new shape and then make it for people. He sleeps ok, as far as we know. He doesn't complain of not sleeping. He stil sleeps all covered , with his head under the pillow and the sheets. He wakes up very late.
albapapa last decade
I would not say he is not productive, though, I would say he is on another plane, and he is now very unbalanced because of adolescence paired with his problematic past. For a few days I have been thinking of phoshporous because of his being so sociable, his artistic bend and being spaced out and his capacity to absorb people's moods. Would you exclude it completely?
albapapa last decade
I mean, I have thought of phosphrous in the past as well, because of his being so inflammable and then loses interest. Then I excluded because of his fears, but then I have looked at it closely when i read in one of your posts a reference to phos (expects things creeping out of every corner). And I have also noticed that in phos there is a lack of logical thinking, and incoherent speech.
albapapa last decade
Certainly we have to wait and observe carefully the reaction to medorrhinum. But, please, consider the phos.
albapapa last decade
How has his sleep been in the two nights after he took the Med? Did he wake as usual?

You can ask him if he slept well if if there was any difference.

Let's wait on any conversation about other remedies until we see how the Med. effects him.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I have learnt from my husband that he wet the bed for two nights in a row. I Gave him the med on friday night and sat morning, and he wet the bed on sat night and sunday night. He slept in his bed, though, normally he sleeps in the father's bed. It could be because they had argued, though. He rarely wets the bed now
albapapa last decade
Would you say that he is worse after taking the remedy?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Is it correct that the two nights after using the remedy he was able to sleep on his own, when before he was not able to?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Can you ask him if he feels any different since he took the medicine?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
We should understand whether it was because he was unconfortable for the argument he had with the father or if he was less fearful. We have to see what happens tonight. I don't think he is actually worst since taking the remedy except for the enuresis. I would say he is worst since he has stopped the gallicum, more reactive, more foul language which is not in the styile of the family. Regarding the gallicum, there is a little mistake, we do have a higher potency after all: we ordered two bottles and I thought they were both 10LM. In fact reading on the bottles I saw that the one we have been using is 1LM and the other one not used yet is 2LM
albapapa last decade
LM1 is a very low potency - it would be quite normal to need to go up to LM2 in a patient.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Actually I can't ask my son how he felt after the med, because he always gives the same answer:well, normal. Even whenhe took ritalin which really made him very bewildereing, he said he felt nothing. This is probably a further information about him. In some sort of way he is very insensitive. For example, as I mentioned, when he is sitting next to a fire, he seems to not burn; he also seems to not feel whether there is enough salt in food. You can give him dish with no salt and he seems yo not realize
albapapa last decade
At the time when he was on the Gallicum, you wrote that there wasn't anymore of a positive effect from it.

>2010-12-25 I honestly don't >think we are getting any >further improvement from the >daily use of Gallicum.

We've only been on this for two days, and it's difficult to tell if he got too much or what.

Sleeping alone and wetting the bed both for two nights is certainly different. At this time we should wait and see. Please continue to report anything new. The more information you can give, the better.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I have not changed my mind on the fact that the gallicum did not seem to bring any further improvement, in fact, I was commenting on it again with my husband. But we were both in agreement on the fact that since he has stopped it there is a worstening in the terms aI have decscribed. It could be just a coincidence...
albapapa last decade

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