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What is your view?
albapapa last decade
Very good. I'm glad to hear that there is improvement. Medhorrinum does not cure a case, but it is often necessary to remove a block to other remedies working correctly. I hope that the other son is well. I hope you've got him on the correct homeopathic treatment too.

The improvements that you mention are all symptoms that one might expect to improve on the Med. However, some of the remaining symptoms are still main Med. symptoms (needing someone else there at night, needing someone to accompany him in the dark). I think it would be good to keep things as is for perhaps another 10-20 days, in case the Med. he was given is still improving the case. Are you comfortable with that?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Also, are you and your husband continuing on the Mezerium? How are each of you?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Both my husband and I are feeling quite well and I have personally stopped for the time being taking any remedy because I am feeling very well. My only complaint at the moment is some water retention in the legs which the natrum sulfuricum 7ch removed last summer. Do you think I could take it again?
As for Kojo', I also think we should wait before trying another dose of medorrhinum because his last reaction was a bit too strong.
Thank you in the meantime for all you have done and we will keep you posted.
albapapa last decade
Don't give any more Med. unless some of those old symposiums come back. It is probably still having an effect, and still improving the case.

It's difficult to say if you should use the Nat-S again without knowing your symptoms in more detail than that.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
symposiums = symptoms

Problem from the spell-checker.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
As I said, I am feeling well, but my legs are affected by water retention, like before the natrum sulphuricum. I have a sort of premenstrual syndrom, but my period seemed to have stopped since few months ago. My breasts are painful and I have some acne on the left jaw. I would like to take the natrum like I did last july. It helped me a lot, and not only with water retention, but also with a serious tiredness I suffered for many years.
albapapa last decade
Ok, then take another dose of Nat-S, and report the effect.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I took the natrum sulfuricum 7ch like before, three granules twice a day, the effect was the same as before. i took it for a week and now I have stopped. The excess water has gone. I have a question, though: I am better but not cured. Also when I took it the first time, I improved a lot in many ways, I lost so much water and my tiredness went. But I remain a person who is prone to water retention. Is there something that can help me in a more radical way. Maybe the natsulf in a different potency?
albapapa last decade
I think these symptoms will get cured permanently if homeopathy is used correctly over time.

Did the Nat-S 7ch cure the symptoms completely this time? Was there an improvement in tiredness or a boost in vitality with the latest use?

How is the son on the Med? Also, did your relative who I prescribed the Calc. to ever use it?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Any status report on the Med. and Nat-S?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Also, how is the husband on the Mez.? Is he continuing on the same routine?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
status report?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade

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