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Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 13 of 20

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I somehow wished I would not have read the info about hair loss here in this thread as I to thought by being told 'homeopathy can make all my hair regrow again. And I asked twice because I could not believe this to be true but oh well seems this isnt completely true than... Another shattered dream. Nothing ever works out for me.
starface last decade
Alopecia and male pattern baldness are two different things. The former is a disease, the latter is a normal aging process in some people.

I treated a young girl who looked like she had male-pattern baldness (as some women get). The disease is in this case was the fact that it happened at age 4. The remedy grew all her hair back.

A gentleman I treated over the last few years had lost his hair earlier in his life due to male pattern baldnes. The simillimum cured all his complaints, every single one of them, but his hair never grew back. His hair had started falling at the age his relatives had experienced the same problem (in his 30s).

Many years back I treated a man who had total body alopecia. His remedy grew every hair on his body back.

Another woman I treated for Alopecia tonsure regained all her hair on her remedy quickly and easily.

A very good friend of mine who attended my clinic for a serious problem, was cured of all complaints. He had male pattern baldness starting (he was in his early 30s). The simillimum stopped his hair loss for 10 years, and then he started to lose his hair again.

Any disease process can be halted and even reversed by homoeopathy. Some processes appear to be coded into our bodies and while they can be moderated, they may not be stopped. I cannot say for certain that nobody with male pattern baldness can get their hair back on homoeopathic treatment, I am just saying that I have never seen it happen. But any disease that causes the hair to fall, that can be halted and reversed. Even male pattern baldness can be slowed - I am just not sure it can be stopped forever or reversed.

My own hair began to fall and turn grey early. This is the same as my maternal grandfather, and my own mother's hair turned grey and then white early. After homoeopathic treatment it stopped falling, and returned to its original colour (a fairly uninteresting brown lol). The hair I lost has not at this stage grown back, but I am no longer receding as it was.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for clearing that up. I googled a bit but didn’t find anything useful. I am assuming I have male pattern baldness than since it is a bit too early for me to lose hair naturally. My hair is thinning at the hairline, hair receding. It is much more noticeable on the left side than compared to the right side. On the right it looks the same for many years now. I could not say that it has gotten any worse. But on the left side the hair is receding,thinning towards the center. And I worry if I loose hair at the center that my forehead will look really big. I wouldn’t want that. It would be another defect or problem for me. Well anyway homeopathy seems best solution for “hair problems” (lol). Am not fond of taking a 100 hundred supplements or whatever the usual hair treatment programs are. So I am for treating it natural and the right way.
starface last decade
Hello Doctor,
I have the remedy coca cola with me.I have it in form of pillules.Kindly tell me how to take the first dose and any precuations before and after taking the medicine.I shall wait for your reply before consuming it.
sumedh last decade
Take one split dose, as previously after making a dosing bottle.

2 hits, 1 drop, full cup, stir, 1 teaspoon, once only. Report the results in about 5 days or so.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I took the remedy as you directed on 22 nd nov at 2 pm.At 7 pm in the evening of 22 there was high feeling of hurriedness for 1 hour approximately.For rest of the time hurriedness was not there.Next day on 23 rd i felt peak hurried feeling in the morning.After that i have not felt hurried feelings under normal circumstances.I only feel hurried feeling when i am under pressure to finish some work quickly or when there are multiple tasks at my hand to be completed.
Please suggest if these circumstances indicated anything.As far as hair fall is concerned there is not much change between today and before taking the remedy.
sumedh last decade

Ok you will need now to through your symptoms, each one. Next to each one write Better, Worse, Same or Gone. If better or worse write a percentage or a score to show how much. Please go through your initital posts to get this list of symptoms, rather than just looking at what you have now, since some things may be better and you will forget about them.

Since it has only been 3 days, and I would not expect to see the full effect of the remedy until a week has passed, you may need to do this again at that point to compare the changes.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Reflux from overeating, from eating fats - Same
Sensitive to disappointment - Same
Desire for consolation - Same
Heavy feeling in the centre of the chest - 50 percent Better .It is random.
Critical of others (tries to avoid it even though you feel it) - Same
Ailments from loss - Same
Need to control things - Dont know
Anxiety as if in a hurry 50 percent Better .It is random.
Sneezing from cold air - 25% Better
Fear of violence - 50 percent Better
Hurried in eating - 90% better.Sometimes when i am too hungry there is a craving to eat food then i eat quickly and end up over eating as i dont realise my stomach is full
Sleeplessness from worry - Don t know
Feeling something bad will happen - 50% better
Ailments from a sedentary lifestyle. from lack of exercise - When i exercise i feel stomach is light weight,normal hunger and less cravings and do not end up overeating.
sumedh last decade
Ok that is pretty good overall. Nothing is worse so we have no suppression and your disease does not appear to be evolving. Some things are better, some are the same, nothing is worse. Once we get to the end of the 7 days I will get you to look over the list again to make sure nothing else has changed, and then we will most likely repeat the remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
7 days has gone past and the observations are below.Many of the symptoms are same as reported before 2 days.
Reflux from overeating, from eating fats - Same.It exists when i overeat and overeating of anything not just fats.
Sensitive to disappointment - Same
Desire for consolation - Same
Heavy feeling in the centre of the chest - 50 percent Better .It is random.One positive event is its frequency of occurance has also reduced after taking the remedy.
Critical of others (tries to avoid it even though you feel it) - Same
Ailments from loss - Same
Need to control things - Dont know
Anxiety as if in a hurry 50 percent Better .It is random.One positive event is its frequency of occurance has also reduced after taking the remedy.
Sneezing from cold air - 25% Better
Fear of violence - 50 percent Better
Hurried in eating - 90% better.Sometimes when i am too hungry there is a craving to eat food then i eat quickly and end up over eating as i dont realise my stomach is full
Sleeplessness from worry - Don t know
Feeling something bad will happen - 50% better
Ailments from a sedentary lifestyle. from lack of exercise - When i exercise i feel stomach is light weight,normal hunger and less cravings and do not end up overeating.
sumedh last decade
Please suggest what to do now.Shall i wait some more time or repeat the remedy?
sumedh last decade
For the first dose, this is a good result.

25% Improvement in the Sneezing

50% improvement in Anxiety, Hurriedness, Fear of Violence, Feeling something bad will happen, Heavy feeling in the chest

90% Improvement (!) in Hurry when eating.

The symptoms that remain unchanged are :


No symptoms are worse.

This shows me very clearly that the prescription is a good one, very good. Direction of Cure seems appropriate as the higher levels are being affected first.

Can you also tell me how the following sensations or feelings have changed (if at all)?

Need to do multiple things


Many forces fighting against each other, Whirlpool

Feeling of a spark, of electric cables being rubbed together
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
All these have reduced by 50%
Need to do multiple things
Many forces fighting against each other, Whirlpool
Feeling of a spark, of electric cables being rubbed together

Really I am not able to find out if this is magic.I just wish this is not temporary.
But the problem of hair fall exists as today also i shed more hair than normal.
Please guide doctor.
sumedh last decade
The internal problem must be corrected before the external symptoms will. That is the law of homoeopathy - cure takes place from inside out. So it appears clear the remedy has made very signficant changes to the internal disturbance - over time this will flow out into the external symptoms as well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok doctor, i understand the cure procedure.So shall i wait more and observe longer before taking another dose?
sumedh last decade
Yes I think it is important to observe for a little longer. Taking a remedy too soon can create alot of turmoil which may take while to die down.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
From last 4 days i.e. from 30th november i have observed that the reflux and feeling of indigestion has increased.During feeling of indigestion i feel sometihng is stuck in my throat specially when i lie down.The reflux increases if i take water and food comes out in my mouth with water.This had started almost 4 days after taking the remedy and for last 4 days it was maximum and seemed to me like an aggravation.Today on 4th decemeber i feel better. Reflux and feeling of indigestion is less.To me it seems like aggravation has ended.Please let me know what this behavior exactly depicts and is it an after effect of coca cola?
sumedh last decade
Yes that is an excellent sign. Excellent. As I thought, the remedy is continuing to act and we must continue to observe. A dose taken during the aggravation will only make your suffering worse.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am posting the status of feeling as of today.
Reflux from overeating, from eating fats - 50% Increased.
Sensitive to disappointment - Same
Desire for consolation - Same
Heavy feeling in the centre of the chest - 70 percent Better

Critical of others (tries to avoid it even though you feel it) - Same
Ailments from loss - Same
Need to control things - 50% better
Anxiety as if in a hurry 70% better
Sneezing from cold air - 50% Better
Fear of violence - 70 percent Better
Hurried in eating - 90% better.
Sleeplessness from worry - 50% better
Feeling something bad will happen - 70% better
Ailments from a sedentary lifestyle. from lack of exercise - 50% worse as indigestion, reflux and burping is caused.
sumedh last decade
Still some improvement over the last report although only a little. The same things have also not changed - so either not enough has been given or the potency is not quite right. One of the physical symptoms is much worse which shows direction is moving from within outwards.

Repeat the dose. How much water did you use last time?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Actually Doctor the things which have the status same are really confusing for me to report.For example in Ailments from loss I will not be able to tell the change or improvement in symptoms unless i really loose something.Same goes for desire for consolation and critical of others.Shall i take a few more days to observe these symptoms and look attentively on these and not repeat the dose?
Please suggest and last time i had used half cup water and 2 drops in it and then I took 1 spoon from it.
sumedh last decade
Ok Doctor now i understand your last post.I will repeat the dose and would report the results.
sumedh last decade
You should only be using 1 drop, and this time I would prefer you used a full cup of water. Why are you using 2 drops?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
sorry doctor for a wrong report last time.I had used 1 drop earlier in the first dose.I will use full cup water for 2nd dose.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doc David.
Request you to please take the case of my father.I have posted a separate thread .I will be highly thankful to you, if you help him out in leading a better life.
Below I have shared his thread

Kindly help.
Thank you.
[message edited by sumedh on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 18:14:39 GMT]
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor
Today i noticed many dots which were like pimples on my cheek and some on forehead.These were red in color and visible only when seen in sunlight.Is it a sign that cure is moving outwards from inwards?
Please suggest.Let me know if i need to tell more details about these pimples.
sumedh last decade

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