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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 5 of 20

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I would like to learn more from this treatment.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Doctor today is the day for second dose.After 1st dose i have not seen the symptoms worsning.Also the symptoms have not improved either.There is decrease in anxiety.I shall report the observations after second dose also.
sumedh last decade
Can you describe more on the exact change in the anxiety?

It is possible that 200c may not be the correct potency. We may need to shift down to 30c or up to 1M - this would depend on what symptoms become more noticeable or remain unchanged.

Every person's disease will tend to focus itself primarily on one level - the potency must match that level to get cure. Other potencies will have an effect, but will be unsatisfying in terms of the overall improvement.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Change in anxiety: Earlier i had a feeling to finish things quickly and to start second activity parralelly without finishing first which results in restlessness and I feel worried about not finishing both the activities.Now this feeling of restlessness is lowered.If the feeling appears in my chest(this feeling of anxiety appears in center of my chest)then my mind tells me to complete one job at a time and i control this feeling to some level.So i finish first activity and then start second.
I took second dose on Saturday and on Sunday i observed more hairfall almost 2 times than usual hair fall.I shall report you today's condition (monday)by my evening time which is around 10 hours after.
I can observe big patch on right side of my forehead and left side is also loosing hair.
Please help.
[message edited by sumedh on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 09:26:00 BST]
sumedh last decade
Doctor I am in grief today as I am really worried about hair fall and dont feel like to talk to others.Will I be cured totally?
sumedh last decade
Remember you must stop taking the remedy if symptoms get worse. That is very important.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi Doctor,
Yesterday i had lot to hair falling almost 2 times the normal.
Today its normal number of hair fall
What do you suggest whether to take the third dose or not?
Other than hair fall i do not see any other symptoms worsing.
Please suggest as my third dose is scheduled for tomorrow.
sumedh last decade
Do not take the third dose. More hair falling is worse, and so you must stop when the symptom worsen.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
Yesterday I was in one of my worst emotional moods.Today I am better.I shall not take the third dose.So what shall be done now ?
Another thing Doctor I read in the forum that homeopathy first aggravated the symtoms and the cures so is falling more hair means the remedy has worked for me or it means something else.Please tell.Thanks
[message edited by sumedh on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 07:23:18 BST]
sumedh last decade
It is a sign that the remedy may have started its process of cure - aggravation often comes before cure, but aggravation can happen for other reasons too. We must now watch and wait to see if improvement follows.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hair Fall:
Earlier when ever i used to see in mirror i used to find many hair broken in my head.
Now the number of hair which are broken are less.I can say the hair fall has reduced by 10% than it normally used to be.
Anxiety :
It is not totally gone.But manageable.
Any other symptoms:
No.I am trying to take away my mind from thinking too much about hair fall.
sumedh last decade
So that is a bit better. Ok keep waiting.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Day2 observation
The number of broken hair in my head when i wake up in the morning in less as compared to what it used to be.When i comb my hair many hair come out with the comb so there is no relief in hair fall while combing.
Anxiety :
Same as yesterday.It exists but is manageable.
No other new symptoms.
Still there is mental tension about hair fall and I am trying not to think about hair fall as it just worsens it :-)
sumedh last decade
Day 3 Observations:
Same as it was in previous 2 days.
I had a better sleep than i had in last 2 days and I am thinking less about hair fall.
Do the obseravations and symptoms indicate that remedy is working or do we need to try something more?
sumedh last decade
It implies that the remedy is working. So far so good.

We will sort this out one way or the other.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Day 4 and Day5 observations:
I am not thinking much about hair loss from last 3 days.Earlier i used to think about hair loss almost 2-3 times in one hour or by looking at some bald person.I mean the mental tension is less now.Earlier i used to have headache also sometimes but for last 2-3 days my mind is not heavy and no headache also.
It was less than it generally used to be earlier.I sense that sometimes the anxiety crops up when i have some new task or difficult work or less time more work kind of situation at hand.Other than these situations the anxiety is manageable.
Hair Fall
The biggest difference i see is the number of broken hair in my head which were lot more before one week..When i comb hair come out but i just guess it were a little less today than it used to be before a week.
Thanks doctor for taking up my case.Shall we still wait and keep observing or shall i do something more?
Thanks a lot
sumedh last decade
Day 6 observations
There is no change in symptoms from Day4 and Day5
Anxiety: Less and Manageable
The hair fall has reduced (around 10%)but it is still unusually more than it is in normal people without hair fall.
sumedh last decade
Is it true that a homeopathic medicine works for days?And in my case it is still working for days?
sumedh last decade
Is it true that a homeopathic medicine works for days?And in my case it is still working for days?
sumedh last decade
It may be still working. I would still prefer to wait a little longer. The result is still good so far but I would like to observe the progress a little longer before giving another dose.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Day 7 Observations
The situation is really better.Better than observations on Day 4 ,5 ,6.
Changes Observed:
Anxiety : Less and the power with which it urges to cause restlessness is less.I mean I am able to control my mind and control my actions through my mind.Although this feeling of restlessness is not completely gone.
Hair Fall: It was 10% less on Day 5 and Day 6 and on Day 7 it is 30% less than what it used to be.
Other information : The weather has changed to hot from hot and humid.The work pressure is also less in my office these days and i also think less about hair fall and negative feelings are less in my mind.
Question : I heard and also read that fried food also causes such problems.I have also experienced that fried food causes ingestion and acidity to me.Doctor do you recommend/advice cutting on fried food or any other food intake which would accelerate in improving the disease?
Please reply
sumedh last decade
It is always good to improve your diet, and this will inevitably help support the good effects of a remedy.

I would continue to wait and observe. If symptoms worsen or no longer improve we can consider repeating the Arsenicum.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Day 8
Anxiety : In control.Better, rather i would say much better than before.Earlier i used to be in a hurry even if i had sufficient time to do any work but now i feel ok even if i am late or have less time to complete any work:-) so my head is in a cool state.
Hair fall : It is more than last 2 days.For day 6 and day 7 i experienced less hair fall.Less to an extent of 30%.But it is more on day 8.Almost same number of hair came out while combing as it used to be earlier before taking the remedy.But the good thing is the number of broken hair is less when i wake up in morning than it used to be before taking the remedy.
Doctor please suggest what to do next.
sumedh last decade
Continue waiting for the moment. I am looking to see how stable this positive change is.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Day 9
Calm head.I am able to avert anxious behavior although it tries to pop up from within but finally i can control the anxiety.
hair fall : Hair fall Exists and has not reduced much.So the situation is almos same as Day8
sumedh last decade
Day 10
There is no much change from day 9.I have reduced on intake of fried food the feeling of indigestion is less and my stomach feels better.
Anxiety is under control
Hair fall continues.Today i shampoo my hair and I saw a lot of hair came out.So there is not much reduction in hair fall.
Please tell doctor how many days do we have to observe to verify the stable effect of the remedy?
sumedh last decade

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