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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 16 of 20

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I have 1M with me.Shall i go ahead and take a dose of it?

I feel much better now.I dont feel any weakness that i had felt during typhoid or just immediately after typhoid.

I think the remedy has influenced my thinking.Just after typhoid i was loosing a lot of hair like 5-7 times more than usual hair loss.I used to think my baldness is near.After taking the remedy i felt that there was strongness in my thoughts and i felt that i will be cured and such hair fall is temporary.

Please tell me if i need to take a 1m dose?
sumedh last decade
Was i able to answer your question correctly..I actually did not understood the question completely so just answered the changes i had felt.

Shall i take 1M dose today?
1 cup water, 2 hits, 1 drop , and one spoon from that?
sumedh last decade
No don't take it. I believe the 200c is still working.

How long has it been since taking that last dose now?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
That is not to say we won't need it, I believe we will. But I want to make absolutely sure it is the right time for it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I took the dose 9 days back.Its amazing to hear that a remedy taken so less in amount can work for 9 days.Homeopathy is magic doctor.If i really get a chance in life i would like to read about the science.

Coming back to my case what would be the right time to take the 1M dose?Will it be when there would be no more changes with time?
sumedh last decade
It is hard for me to predict exactly how things will go. Generally speaking when the improvements have clearly stopped, and there is still suffering that is bothering you, then we will redose. If 200c has continued to do good work, I will not change you from it until any dose we give does not create any improvement at all.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Doctor there is another symptom which I am noticing from last 2-3 months.W
[message edited by sumedh on Mon, 06 Feb 2012 06:01:19 GMT]
sumedh last decade
A doctor would need to advise you on that. Someone may need to examnie you to determine that. There are several fluids from the male reprodictive organs that might exit with urine. There is a limit to what I can tell you over an internet forum.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok i understand.I just thought to tell you if the medicine has to be changed due to this reason.
sumedh last decade
Not at all. I think this medicine has been a wonderful remedy. Nothing so small as a local symptom would get me to change it. There would have to be a change in the whole state.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Doctor i see a symptom which occured yesterday remember i told you the muscles of my fingers curl in and stay strechted.This occurs involuntarily.It happened yesterday and happened 4-5 times.Every time i bring them in normal position the fingers go to curled position on their own after a minute or two.
Also i was in a hurry yesterday as i had to complete many works in 1 hours and which was taking time.Like i had to go to someone office.i did not know the location and i did not had the GPS too so it was taking time to find his office and i was getting irritated as time was running.Also someone was waiting for me and he was calling me after every 15 min and that also irritated me.There was no feeling of hurriedness at this time,no anxiety,but i did not feel the calmness.Like i could have stopped for 5 mins and could have thought what to do now.I could have called the person who was waiting for me that i would be late and i could have called the person in the office and could have asked him about the directions.I did not do that.So this calmness was missing in me at that point of time.
sumedh last decade
Keep waiting. Relapse will show itself clearly if it happens.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Doctor there has been one improvement that i get motion easily than before.By before i mean before taking coca cola very first dose.
Today morning i experienced that i tend to read news paper very quickly and randomly like i am racing with someone.This symptom has existed before but was resolved after coca cola.I would not say that the intensity of hurriedness was very high but it was 20 percent of of what it used to be.No other symptoms of relapse yet.
sumedh last decade
bump...pls revert
sumedh last decade
We don't do anything until it is clear there is relapse. Relapse needs to be marked and persistent.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok doctor.I will keep reporting the relapse symptoms as and when they appear or disappear.No new symptoms though other than listed in my last post.
Also just after typhoid i used to loose a lot of hair but now situation is better hair fall is less than it was just after typhoid.
sumedh last decade
There is no relapse i think.I feel ok and the improvements that were brought by coca cola are stable.It is just that there is 10% degradation in thee improvements that were done were the remedy.I have observed for a 15 days.So what shall be done now doctor?
sumedh last decade
Just wait a little longer. I need a better sign as to what to do.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Doctor i was wrong yesterday when i told you that there is no relapse.There could be a relapse.Actually today i encountered a situation in which i had to do 2 things in short time.I felt the feeling in the chest.This was the same anxious feeling due to hurriedness which existed before.The feeling lasted for 2 hours and it exists right now as well when i am writing this post.The anxiety feeling which has come back is with lower intensity than it used to be earlier.Please Please take a look at it.
sumedh last decade
What shall i do doctor.The anxiety feeling is back and it distracts me discomforts me.Please suggest what to do.
sumedh last decade
Alright it does appear there is relapse. Retake the 200c.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok doctor i shall take another dose of 200c.
What is the reason of this relapse?
If it is due to medicines please suggest what all things shall i keep in mind to avoid relapse in future.As the effect produces by homeopathy is said to be permanent so why this relapse occurs?
Please -2 reply to my questions doctor.
[message edited by sumedh on Thu, 16 Feb 2012 09:43:57 GMT]
sumedh last decade
It is not permanent until you are cured. While you still have symptoms you are not cured, so the natural tendency is to relapse. You cannot get half way there and expect that you will not relapse if nothing else is done. Any symptoms remaining are a sign that the vital energy is still disturbed, and when left without any further treatment, it will naturally beging to recreate the full picture of the disease over time.

So the only way to avoid relapse, is to make sure the disease is cured. Either more doses of 200c will do this, or a higher potency will do this. It is possible that at some point in the future a new remedy will need to be selected. No indiviual disease is exactly the same - there are many factors affecting length of time to cure, many obstacles to cure. The job of the homoeopath is to perceive those obstacles and remove them. It is a process that takes time. On this forum it takes far longer than it would in person, but even then it is lengthy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks doctor for a detailed explaination of my questions.I have taken another dose of 200c.
sumedh last decade
Two hours after taking the dose i had a reflux and i did vomit out whatever came to my mouth.I fear the medicine might have also come out with the reflux content.Do i need to take another dose?
Please suggest doctor.
sumedh last decade
There is no physical aspect to the medicine. It does not sit in your stomach. The energy of the remedy is transferred through the mouth. Whether it is swallowed or not is irrelevent.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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