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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 17 of 20

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There is no physical aspect to the medicine. It does not sit in your stomach. The energy of the remedy is transferred through the mouth. Whether it is swallowed or not is irrelevent.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
sumedh last decade
There are no changes on day1 after taking the remedy.I feel drowsy when i wake up in the morning even after 7 hours of sleep.For few hours i feel lazy like and talk slowly and also i am not able to process things quickly.As time passes in the day i become active and feel normal.Also the tendency to feel cold and then sneeze has increased which is due to relapse i think.
sumedh last decade
I still feel anxiety and reflux and cold in the morning.Its been 7 days since i took the 200 dose.Today there is a feeling of indigestion and i feel less than normal hunger.Please suggest what should be done.Shall i repeat the dose or wait for more time?
sumedh last decade
Do not repeat 200. It has clearly finished its work. Take the 1M, one split dose as you did with the 200c.

I am currently very ill and will not be on the forum very often. I will make an effort to visit periodically but right now, there are no assurances I can give.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Take care of your health doctor.
I pray for your speedy recovery and hope you return back soon for all the patients waiting for you on this forum.
[message edited by sumedh on Mon, 27 Feb 2012 10:33:59 GMT]
sumedh last decade
How are you doing now doctor?
I was reading through one of your posts about coca cola and it says that the patient has cravings from tea bread and sweets.I dont believe that homeopathy can go so far and match so minute habbits.I have habbit of taking tea bread when from class 10 which means for last 10 years and these days i am taking tea+bread everyday.
sumedh last decade
This may be a minor proving symptom, which can happen on any remedy even one well suited to you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I think that the best way to keep the hair from falling is to treat it with natural products! Otherwise , when it is genetical, there is not much things to be done...

Abrotano (male): Put 20g of leaves in a quart of water and simmer for 20 minutes. Let stand for a week and apply to the scalp three or four times a day.

Alfalfa Drink:

Creating an alfalfa tonic combined with lettuce is very effective to stop hair loss.

Basil and parsley Infusion:

Boil a few sprigs of basil and parsley, let it cool and apply it on your scalp every night.

Cotton Lavender: Put 20g leaves in one liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. Let stand for a week and apply it to the scalp three or four times a day.

Fenugreek and coconut milk: Make a paste of 1/2 teaspoon of powdered fenugreek with 3/4 cup coconut milk. Apply it to the scalp with a vigorous massage. Cover your head with a plastic cap for 30 minutes and then wash your hair. Do this treatment twice a week for 2 months.

Geranium: This is another effective remedy for hair loss. Take geranium leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain it and cool. Then apply it on your hair.

Green Tea: This is a good remedy for male pattern baldness. Take one to three cups a day.

Guava leaves: A very effective remedy to stop hair loss. Put a handful of guava leaves in a quart of water and boil it then apply it on the scalp.

Horsetail: In a quart of boiling water, take 7 tablespoons of horsetail, 7 of fresh rosemary and 7 nettles for 5 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes and strain the infusion. Use it after shampooing and leave it on your scalp.

Mamey: Crush the seeds and make a paste adding a little castor oil. Rub the scalp with this paste every night to help stop hair loss.

Nettle root lotion: 1 bit of nettle root, minced one fourth of a liter of water. Then boiled nettle root to simmer for 10 minutes. Let cool and apply it to the scalp with a firm massage.

Romero: Crush 20g rosemary leaves and put them to quiet. Massage the scalp with this water twice a day.

Shave grass: In a liter of boiling water, put 7 tablespoons shave grass tea, 7 of fresh rosemary, and 7 of nettle leaves for 5 to 7 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes and strain the infusion. Apply it with a massage after shampooing.

Verbena: Cook 15g of flowers in one liter of water for 20 minutes. Let cool and then rinse your hair with this water after washing.

Vinegar and nettle: Add 100ml of vinegar and chopped 250g nettles to a liter of water. Boil for half an hour and strain. Apply as a lotion after washing your hair two or three times a week.

You can also use the leimo hair regrowth product if you want to stop your hair loss permanently. Check their website www.leimo.com
[message edited by soniasyril on Thu, 15 Mar 2012 10:17:50 GMT]
soniasyril last decade
Hello Doctor
Good to see you replying to many posts in last few days and i presume you are getting better which is really very good.
I have taken the 1M dose 2 days back.There are no aggravation signs till now.
Except that there are symptoms which have re-occurred like sneezing in morning.The hurriedness in doing things under pressure conditions.
I shall report if any changes occur
sumedh last decade
There was excessive reflux and acidity yesterday.I could feel the acid coming out during reflux as it tasted sour to my tongue and teeth.
But there are no signs of excessive reflux today.
Can it be aggravation as it lasted for one just day?
Last time when there was aggravation it lasted for 3 days.Please suggest what to do
sumedh last decade
There is no excessive reflux or excessive acidity today.It happens very rarely like the way it used to happen before taking the 1M dose.But i can feel the increase in hurried feeling in my chest like things are on the go and moving very fast in my chest.
Doctor please tell me where m i going right now after the 1M dose.
sumedh last decade
It is too soon. You only took the remedy 3 days ago. You are right at the beginning of the aggravtion, which started yesterday. The remedy will make your symptoms worse at first - this is the normal process of homoeopathy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Some changes occurred in last 6 days.From 21 st march to 25 march is used to experience aggravation like increase in feeling of hurriedness in chest,working in haste and on the go type feeling.But the feeling only occurred in gaps and was not consistent.The reflux did not worsen further from what it was on 20th march but it reduced for last 6 days.Today morning i observe some reddishness in form of pimples and rashes on my face.I think the aggravation is showing physical signs.I did not do any other thing which could have caused pimples.So what shall i do doctor now?The hair fall has reduced but just a little like 10% improvement.
sumedh last decade
Doctor the feeling of hurriedness exists and it really high when i am under pressure of lot of work to be done in very less time.Its really irritating to work with such feeling.
Is it still aggravation going on?
sumedh last decade
I dont feel anxiety or hurriedness as much as it was till yesterday.Pimples also are gone and were there only for a day.Please give your opinion doctor based on what i have experienced in last 10 days.
sumedh last decade
I feel better within and aggravation time has gone i think.But hair fall still exists.So how its going please please provide consultation on this?
sumedh last decade
The second week is usually where improvement sets in. The third week is where we can see how stable that improvement is. Hairfall will not necessarily be better in the second week.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
Today is end of third week and i am better than what i was in the first week.
But the improvement is not stable today i can feel the anxiety taking a toll on me as i have lot of work to be done.Remember i told that i feel the feeling in chest when i have lot of work to be done.Under normal circumstances the anxiety stays away but as soon the burden increases the anxiety takes its toll.
Please suggest if i should take another dose of 1m?
sumedh last decade
Please suggest shall i take another dose of 1m or still wait and observe more?
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
Please reply I am waiting for it.
sumedh last decade
Reminder to suggest the next step.Kindly reply
sumedh last decade
What particular things are problematic for you now?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
1.Under pressure or during lot of activities the hurriedness feeling comes up in the chest.
2.Hair fall occurs but it is less.There is 20% improvement.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
I noticed other problems as well.
1.Reflux exists
2.If some saturated fat food is taken then it causes indigestion
3.Under pressure and in a situation when i have to do multiple things in less time the re is no hurried feeling in the chest but my body and the energy in my stays up beat like it is on the go and i do things hastily and loose the calmness.At that time i behave like an excited person would behave.He would do things on the go and would not let his mind to think of the repercussion of the actions.This feeling is not causing any irritation but it is not normal as it hyper activated state for a person who is about to do a normal thing which should not make him behave like an excited person
4.Hair fall is less in fact there is 40% improvement.I want to thank for this.For last two days when i comb in the morning and that too on wet hair it makes me WOW when i see that no hair comes out of my head.THANK YOU doctor.U r great and homeopathy is awesome.
sumedh last decade
Please reply doctor what shall be done now.
sumedh last decade

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