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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 4 of 20

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Increase the amount of water you dilute the dose in then. Increase it to 3/4 cup instead of 1/2
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
How many times do i have to take the dose and for how many days?
sumedh last decade
Just one dose.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
After observing for a week after taking the single dose which you suggested on 23-06-2011 i see the hurried feeling are back and with high gravity.Secondly i have observed severe hair fall from last 3 days.Its so severe that anytime if i run my hand through my hair i see 5-10 hair falling.
Its really worrying me doctor.Kindly suggest what to do now.
sumedh last decade
When did these symptoms come back?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Approximately 2 days after taking the single dose.I took dose on 25 th june and the symptoms re-occured on 27th june appx.
Let me know if i can provide information on this.
sumedh last decade
This seems too long for an aggravation. I can only assume that the first dose palliated you, and the second dose removed this palliation.

Let me look again for a more suitable remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
What is your feeling about dirt, dirty surroundings, dirt on your body etc?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am not comfortable with dirt and dirty surroundings.They seem to be unhygenic and not acceptable.I am not confortable with dirt on my body also.I play and take bath afterwards.My mother is allergic to dust and i am also a little allergic but not too much.Another thing which i want to mention is on 1st july i sneezed too much around 30-40 times w/o any external stimuli.May be this was some kind of reaction.And another interesting thing is i notice hairfall one day and may be it is ok next day.Like on 3rd july it was severe but today it is not much.I dont know whats happening and it is really confusing body i have.
[message edited by sumedh on Mon, 04 Jul 2011 10:07:27 BST]
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
Please reply with the remedy to be taken.
sumedh last decade
The place where i reside has humid weather.I am loosing lot of hair even the bald patch on my right temple has become wider.please reply with a remedy to be taken.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
Please reply with remedy.I did hair shampoo today and lost many hair.I dont know what to do now.Please suggest
Thanks in advance
sumedh last decade
If you have not already tried this remedy, I want you to obtain Arsenicum 200c.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have not tried Arsenicum 200c in past.Please tell how many tablets or drops shall i take and in what kind of solution? For how many days shall i take it?Please reply so i would order my medicine today itself.Thanks
sumedh last decade
I will get you to take it the same way as the Sul-ac. Order pillules or drops that doesn't matter too much. You can steralize the bottle you used for Sul-ac to make up the Arsenicum in.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for sharing this information. It really helpful.
mike22 last decade
Hello Doctor,
I have the remedy with me and i have taken first dose today evening.I must tell you that I am loosing too much hair daily.My emotional setup is really very sad feeling about loosing hair.I did shampoo and lost 200 hair on my hands on floor and in bucket.I really have a feeling that i might loose all the hair.Kindly help me.
Thanks a lot
sumedh last decade
It will take at least a week to see the results of the Arsenicum.

However, the right remedy will grow your hair back, so don't despair.

I have treated full body alopecia, of many years standing, and seen the patient regain hair on every part of his body. So the simillimum will cure you, no matter how far the hair loss goes before we find that remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you Docotor for encouragment.I feel better
sumedh last decade
Its a week now since i took the remedy.
There is no change in severity of anxiety.I still stay in a hurry to finish things.
Last night i had a lot of itching on my scalp and today morning when i combed i lost a lot of hair.I just suspect the itching caused a lot of hair to come out and when i combed the broken hair came out with it.
I had taken three doses of arsenicium.
Another thing which i have already mentioned is I am very sensitive to temperature changes and sneeze almost daily 4-8 sneezes.Earlier it was worse than this but after taking calceria carb it was better but still uncured.

Please suggest what to do now.
sumedh last decade
Please reply doctor.I am waiting for your response.
I want to ask one more questions Can doing yoga also help cure this disease?
sumedh last decade
Ok first thing to do is to attempt a more firm application of the remedy - repeat Arsenicum 200 once a day for 3 days.

Increase the number of hits to the bottle in the following way:

First dose 4 hits, 1 drop, 1/2 cup of water

Second dose 6 hits, 2 drops 1/4 cup of water

Third dose 8 hits, 1 drop, directly onto the tongue

Make sure there is 2 days between each dose, and stop if any symptom worsens after the dose.

Why are you mentioning Calc-carb? Was that prescribed for you by someone else earlier?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank You Doctor.
.I had taken Calcerial Carb 3 months back.Right now I am taking only arnesicium 200.I shall start taking the dose from today according to the new dose rules.
sumedh last decade
Just for a little more clarification : I have to take one tea spoon from the cup?As you mentioned earlier I am just trying to eliminate my doubt?
sumedh last decade
For the first 2 doses yes, on the last dose no.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I would like to learn more from this treatment.
nawazkhan last decade

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