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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 8 of 20

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So you don't avoid arguments is that right? You will engage in arguments with your boss or with other people if necessary? I may have misunderstood that.

Why would violence be used to settle things? Do people around you get into physical fights? Do you see much violence from the people around you? Normally people only use words in arguments, so what is it that makes you worry about violence in those situations?

Homoeopathy does have side effects. Some people lie to you about that when they want to sell you their services or products, or they are not well educated about homoeopathy.

The worst side effect is something called suppression, where one disease vanishes and a new one or number of new diseases appear, and are worse. This clearly happened to you, so I would say that the Nat-phos was a terrible treatment for you, and has helped create this problem you now face. Suppression may take several months to appear, sometimes even a bit longer.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes doctor i can engage in arguments with boss,colleagues,friends.

The people around me are not voilent.I would explain the feeling with an example there are news in newspapers about road rage incidents which make me that voilence should not be used.Another feeling is sometimes drives car rashly and i tell to do so as i fear other people can turn violent if the car hits them which could be difficult to handle.
Please let me know if i need to explain more about this feeling.
[message edited by sumedh on Thu, 08 Sep 2011 11:07:37 BST]
sumedh last decade
I still don't understand. Why would a woman not like a bald man? Has a woman ever told you that she would never marry a bald man? Has anyone ever told you that? Why do you believe this?

What does being bald mean? What would it mean to any person not just you?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Some of my friends are looking for brides.They are finding their partners using arrange marriage where they meet the girl and their family members.The general preference in the society where i live is if you compare two males with same personality and attitude the one who is bald is considered less smart.This is my point of view.There would be many girls who would not consider being bald as unsmart etc.
Apart from this I myself dont want to get bald as i am concerned about it and it bother me too much and this is the major reason.The derivation about a girl not liking a bald boy is just a fear.

Please suggest Doctor.
sumedh last decade
Another observation doctor which i realise now:
i was already suffering from hair fall when someone suggested me nat-phos and it was Feb 2011 when i took nat phos for a week.
After taking nat-phos my indigestion was better but not cured.Also now i realise that 1.5 months after taking nat-phos in april 2011 the hair fall became severe.Also the indigestion problem still persists.
sumedh last decade
So Doctor is there some medicine which can antidote the nat-phos effect?
sumedh last decade

Pls suggest

sumedh last decade
I don't have access to my repertory program right now. Once I do I will re-analyze your case.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I want you to try Pulsatilla 200c.

Make it up the same way you have the others.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
And shall i take it the same way:
1 cup water 2 drops or made up remedy and consume 1 spoon?
sumedh last decade
Just for clarity the method to prepare the remedy would be as below:

When you get the pillules, you must dissolve 2 of them into a mixture of alcohol and water, 1 part to 5 parts. This mixture should be in a small bottle 15-30mls, with a dropper.

For each dose, you will hit the bottle against the palm of the hand firmly twice, then place 1 drop into 1/2 cup (125mls) of water. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth.

Please suggest and how many doses shall i take?
sumedh last decade
One dose only for the moment. Those instructions are correct.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello doctor
I have taken one dose of pulsatilla 200c as directed by you.
I shall update the daily observations.
My scalp is very itchy and flaky.Can i apply fresh lemon juice on it or please suggest some solution for it?
sumedh last decade
Don't apply anything topically. This is only going to suppress your condition. If the remedy aggravates it then that also should not be suppressed. It must be cured from the inside, using the remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello doctor,
There are no major changes after taking single dose of pulsatilla 200c.Though i have observed only 2 days.Shall i observe more or do i need to take another dose?
sumedh last decade
2 days is not long enough. We need to see how things go over a full week.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Today i suffered more hair loss than normal.Almost 3 times more than usual while combing.It has been 4 days i took the remedy.I am unable to decide if this is aggravation or not ? as all other feelings are normal and there are no other symptoms.Please help me to find out if this is aggravation?If this is not aggravation then why the hair fall is random everyday like 50 - 70 hair fall in a day and 250-300 fall some other day?
Please suggest
sumedh last decade
Is that the most you have ever seen?

It could still be aggravation, although I am not happy to see no other reaction.

Repeat the remedy, 4 hits, then tomorrow repeat the remedy, 6 hits. Then will reassess.

Remember, the hair will grow back once we find the right remedy. Even if you lost every hair on your body, homoeopathy can grow it all back for you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No doctor I have seen such hair fall earlier also and that was not the result of aggravation due any of the remedies i have taken in the past.
I shall repeat the remedy and would report with observations.
sumedh last decade
I have taken second dose and i shall take the third dose today.
I did shampoo my hair this morning.A lot of hair came out when i was doing light massage with shampoo.I dont think this is aggravated hair fall as every time i do shampoo i loose almost same number of hair.
There are no changes in feelings but i felt a better emotional setup from within from last 2-4 days.I shall observe more and would keep reporting the changes.
The itching on my head has become less but still the scalp is flaky and when i comb the flakes fall from head.Is it dandruff doctor?
sumedh last decade
It is hard for me to judge what that symptom is without seeing you in person.

What do you mean by 'better emotional setup'?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I think i have to improve the way i report my observations.I will try to make them more discrete and understandable.

By better emotional setup i mean two things:
I am more confident that my hair will grow back when right remedy if found.I think this is result of what you said in you second last post.
Earlier i used to feel depressed and look many times in mirror and keep looking at areas which have lost hair which resulted in bad feelings.Now i do not encounter these bad feelings or they are less.
sumedh last decade
Ah that is good then. That is a good sign. Mental improvement should precede physical.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
G Morning Doctor,
I have observed increase in anxiety.The hurried feelings are back and this has happened from yesterday evening my time zone.Today morning also i felt hurried feelings.
Today when i combed my hair fall was also more than usual but not so much that it was the most i have ever seen.
sumedh last decade
Ok it is a week later. Repeat the dose but hit the bottle 6 times.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No doctor.
I took first dose on sep-10
Then second dose on 16th sep (4 hits)and third dose on 17th sep (6 hits)and the observation of increased anxiety is on 20th sep i.e. 3 days after the third dose.
Please suggest now
sumedh last decade

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