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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 3 of 20

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks for the reply.
Pls find the details below:

It is important to describe all your problems in as much detail as you are able. One word answers and short sentences are not particularly helpful. Discuss each problem one at a time, providing (as a minimum level of detail) the following information.

1. What exactly happens?
When I wake up in morning I can see hair broken in my head.When I run my hand or comp through my hair I can see many broken hair already lying and they come out with the comb or my hand.Presently I have lost hairat left and right temples and have a receding hair line on the sides.

2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.


3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?

Its becomes worse in humid climate and when dirt enters my hair.I am not using any hair oil I let the scalp to oil skin on its own

4. What creates some relief for the problem?

When I clean head with shampoo the next morning hair fall is less.

5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur? whole day and night.But when I wake up I see hair broken on my pillow.

7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?
Nothing particular. It started suddenly.My mother is also facing the same problem.It started in her 40's.

Move from one problem to the next, doing the same thing. IT IS VITAL THAT YOU GIVE A COMPLETE PICTURE OF YOUR HEALTH BY PROVIDING ALL PROBLEMS YOU HAVE, EVEN IF NOT CONNECTED TO THE MAIN ONE, AND EVEN IF YOU CONSIDER IT OF LESS IMPORTANCE. You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide.

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.

Nothing long lasting. Small disappointments in life take time to leave my mind but there is nothing permanent which bothers me.

Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.
I generally fell anxiety and hurries to complete work at hand even if I have sufficient time. This actually causes anxiety and then I get some relief with long breaths.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.
Sometime back I had become very particular about it and was sad to see hair falling even when treatment is on

Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.


Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.

I have been taken good care of in childhood by my parents.Provided with healty food and clean surroundings
School time was also glorious.I participated in sports as well as was good at studies.

If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
I don’t crave but is inclined for tangy things like tamarind or spicy and fried.I personally feel that I suffer from habbit of over eating and I am trying to control that.

2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate

3. What your sleep is like
8 hours. Good sleep

4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
I feel chills in winter and sweat in summer.Last test showed my haem count to be 12.5 [ideal is 15 for boys acc to repot] and thyroxine 1.2 [ideal is 1.5 acc to report]So I am taking ferrum phosphoricum 3x for last 2 weeks thrice a day 3 tablests each time

5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to


6. What your general level of energy is like
Moderate.Calm and not too energetic

7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like NA

8. Describe your menstrual cycle NA

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build – Average.BMI was 24
b) Skin colour and texture fair
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on head
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine high odor stools are ok sometimes there are delays
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat yello,white/yello,white

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.NA
sumedh last decade
There is almost no case here.

Are you saying that your hair falling is the only symptom that you have?

I cannot make a prescription on this tiny amount of information. You must have more symptoms of some sort. Are you saying you are in perfect health?

If you cannot give a complete picture of your health, going through all problems you have even minor ones, I have nothing to select a remedy on.

There are at least 141 remedies known to cure hair loss in homoeopathy. How will I choose one if you give me no other symptoms?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor

I had more details about my past as well about the other minor problems i have like acidity and sensitivity to cold.Please check if it can be considered a case now.
Thanks in advance.

1. What exactly happens?
When I wake up in morning I can see hair broken in my head.When I run my hand or comp through my hair I can see many broken hair already lying and they come out with the comb or my hand.Presently I have lost hair at left and right temples and have a receding hair line on the sides.

2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
Apart from hair the minor problem i feel is acidity but it is very mild.This generally occurs when i overeat or eat saturated fats.Other than that i went through a physical check up 1 month back which inlcuded blood tests and urine test.Cholestrol,BP,Sugar,Calcium etc was perfect.Only haemoglobin was less 12.7 and some thyroxine was less.
Genetics:My father is 60 years of age and still has good density of hair.My mother has problem of hair fall but she still has decent hair on her head at age of 59.My maternal uncle and paternal uncle are bald.

3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?

Its becomes worse in humid climate and when dirt enters my hair.I am not using any hair oil I let the scalp to oil skin on its own

4. What creates some relief for the problem?

When I clean head with shampoo the next morning hair fall is less. Also when i stop thinking much about the hair fall then i feel a little well in mind.

5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
From college days when i was 23-24 i observed some hair falling from the right side of my head.I ignored it and later it grew up.Then i starting using minodoxil and i got hair temporarily.After 12 months i stopped using minodoxil and then at age of 26 i observed aggravated hair fall which took away hair from my left temple as well.I also tried using jaborandi oil at that time which helped a bit.

6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur? whole day and night.But when I wake up I see hair broken on my pillow.

7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?
Nothing particular. It started suddenly.My mother is also facing the same problem.It started in her 40's.I suffered chicken pox at age of 24.Also i feel sensitive to cold weather and used to sneeze almost daily after getting up from bed during my 22 to 26 years of age.But this sensitivity to cold has decreased from last 6 months.

Move from one problem to the next, doing the same thing. IT IS VITAL THAT YOU GIVE A COMPLETE PICTURE OF YOUR HEALTH BY PROVIDING ALL PROBLEMS YOU HAVE, EVEN IF NOT CONNECTED TO THE MAIN ONE, AND EVEN IF YOU CONSIDER IT OF LESS IMPORTANCE. You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide.

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.

Nothing long lasting. Small disappointments in life take time to leave my mind but there is nothing permanent which bothers me.

Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.
I generally fell anxiety and hurries to complete work at hand even if I have sufficient time. This actually causes anxiety and then I get some relief with long breaths.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.
Sometime back I had become very particular about it and was sad to see hair falling even when treatment is on

Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.


Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.

I have been taken good care of in childhood by my parents.Provided with healty food and clean surroundings
School time was also glorious.I participated in sports as well as was good at studies.

If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
I don’t crave but is inclined for tangy things like tamarind or spicy and fried.I personally feel that I suffer from habbit of over eating and I am trying to control that.

2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate

3. What your sleep is like
8 hours. Good sleep

4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
I feel chills in winter and sweat in summer.Last test showed my haem count to be 12.5 [ideal is 15 for boys acc to repot] and thyroxine 1.2 [ideal is 1.5 acc to report]So I am taking ferrum phosphoricum 3x for last 2 weeks thrice a day 3 tablests each time

5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to


6. What your general level of energy is like
Moderate.Calm and not too energetic

7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like NA

8. Describe your menstrual cycle NA

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build – Average.BMI was 24
b) Skin colour and texture fair
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on head
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine high odor stools are ok sometimes there are delays
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat yello,white/yello,white

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.NA
sumedh last decade
There are a few more details now, but still not enough.

I am sorry, if you have no other symptoms, then I cannot select a remedy for you. You must give a complete picture of your health moving from one problem to the next, detailing each one.

It appears I will have to step you through how to give your case to a homoeopath. Many people do not have much experience with homoeopathic prescribing, and it can be difficult to learn how to give your case in a way that is meaningful to us. You should also go look at Dr. Du Schepper's website where he outlines the sort of information a homoeopath needs from a patient.


Homoeopathy is a holistic medicine. A prescription is best made on the basis of the whole person, the entire picture of the person's health. All disease comes from the vital force, which influences every single bodily function. We must find the remedy, but looking everywhere there is any disturbance at all.

Go through each body location, and reveal any problems you have there or have had there eg. head, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, throat, lungs, chest, heart, arms and legs, skin, back, neck, stomach, liver, gallbladder, bowels etc.

Then go through all the general areas and do the same. Sleep, Appetite, Physical energy, Sexual energy, Menstrual cycle, Mind, Emotions, Dreams, Weather sensitivity, any Sensations and Pains felt in the body.

Each problem must be expanded upon if you have one in that area - what makes it worse, what makes it better, what triggers it, when does it happen, what does it feel like.

The only symptoms I have so far, is:

Hair loss in a young person
Reflux or heartburn < overeating and fats
Aggravation from humid weather
Sensitivity to cold weather
Anxiety to complete work
Perspiration on head
Craving for spicey food

Please expand on these symptoms (not the Hair loss you have talked about that enough already).

Describe them in detail. If it is true, these are the only symptoms you have, then you will need to give as much information on them as you can.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks doctor for replying.Ill work on the points u have mentioned and would provide all the details by today.

sumedh last decade
I don't want to come across as being difficult. I just want to do the best job I can - and I need your help :)
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,

I have more details after reading the website of Dr Luc and your last post.
I hope it would add some more value to my case.

Family History:
Father : My father has been through angioplasty.Ohter than that he does not suffers from any major problem.
Mother: She suffers from acute sneezing problem.She has allergy towards dirt and sensitive to cold.She had complaints of high uric acid and joint pains.

My disease history
When i was born i weighed less than normal 1.5 kgs
I suffered from jaundice and constipation when i was an infant but was cured with time.
I did not suffer from major diseases thereon.
When i was in college at age of 22 i did not had much physcial activity and suffered from reflux problem whenever i used to overeat.
I did not take care of reflux problem then and just ignored it so i suffered it for about 3 years.After 3 years i could fell acidic stomach when i ate fried food/fat or eat more than normal.
I suffered from chicken pox at age of 24
I took Natrum Phosphoricum for a week and i could see wonder that my acidity problem was over.You can say it is just 10% now and almost cured.With normal food intake i do not feel acidic stomach or reflux.
At age of 24 i could see some of my hair falling but it was minor..infact very minor.At this time my emotional balance was too good.
I did not use to feel anxious about work and very less mention tension.There was nothing depressing.

Current emotional setup
From last 6 years [i am 27 years of age now] i a working in a software company.Most of the day involves sitting and working on a computer.
At work i feel anxiety towards work.Other than that it is not very interesting.
I was in a relationship with a girl [from april 2010 to october 2010]and now we dont talk so sometimes it gives me a emotional pang.
I am somebody who would listen to others and take tension for small dissappointments.
My metabolic rate is not very quick.Whenever i do not exercise i dont get stools next day.
I fell thirsty in day and night while sleeping and drink at least 4 litres of water everyday
I do not get many dreams while sleeping although i have good sleep
i dont have any problem in other body parts like ears,eyes.head,legs,arms.
My scalp is itchy and if donot use curd+citric acid to wash it once in a week i have a tendency to itch it
Apetite: Normal.
Physical Energy : Moderate.Not very high
Sexual Energy: Normal

My hair fall aggravated from 6 months back and when i think about hair fall i feel very sad and need somebody to console.My sister gives courage and tell me to believe in homeopathy.
From sometime around 6 months i was in US and somehow i feel i observed higher rate of hair fall there.I had a better emotional setup there due to better working conditions.

I can also post th results of my medical report which i undertook last month probably by tomorrow.

Please comment doctor.Should i work more and provide more details or would these be ok?
[message edited by sumedh on Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:42:10 BST]
sumedh last decade
This is much better. I feel like you are beginning to give me a homoeopathic case now!

What was the feeling of the reflux when it was at its worst?

What is the anxiety about work about? Describe more on that for me?

Describe how you manage your anxiety?

Describe where in the body you feel your anxity.

How would you describe yourself as a person? What are your qualities?

How would you feel if you lost all of your hair?

Do you feel thirsty while you are sleeping?

If there was anything you could change about yourself, what would it be (apart from the hair problem)?

How do you relate to other people?

What fears do you have?

How do you deal with your emotional pains?

What kinds of illnesses run in your family (not just in your parents)?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Give me some time doctor.I will come back with details description for these points to make things more clear.
Forgot to mention above that when I underwent tests, I was reported that I sufferred from thyroid(hypo) though it was o the lower side and I was given vitamins for it.
[message edited by sumedh on Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:57:20 BST]
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
How are you ? I have answered your questions.Please take a look at them.
What was the feeling of the reflux when it was at its worst?
When it is at worst the food comes out with water.It comes out often
untill the stomach feel at ease.Sometimes acid also comes out when i
am empty stomach.It is yellow (tingle of yellow) in color and tastes
sour.This reflux does not happen oftern but only if i eat more.
> What is the anxiety about work about? Describe more on that for me?
Its about finishing work in as less time as possible even if i have
sufficient time.
So i have a heavy feeling in centre of my chest sometimes because of
worry and during that time i stay in hurrry.Altough i control this by
thinking that i should not burn myself like this.
> Describe how you manage your anxiety?
Long breaths really help and taking your mind away from things that
cause anxiety.
> Describe where in the body you feel your anxity.
In centre of chest and i forehead
> How would you describe yourself as a person? What are your qualities?
> How would you feel if you lost all of your hair?
desperate.I would think of hair weaving even
> Do you feel thirsty while you are sleeping?
Sometimes.once in 30 days
> If there was anything you could change about yourself, what would it be
> (apart from the hair problem)? I thought but i could not find anything concrete.May be i would wish to be taller and stronger
> How do you relate to other people?
Positive attitute.i try to ignore pointing out wrong things in them
and try to talk facts with them.
> What fears do you have?
Fear of Health issues is the major fear i have
> How do you deal with your emotional pains?
Outlet with near dear ones.They give me reasons not to be sad about
the loss and i feel good and assured temporarity.Itry to think I am
better off without other thing/person.I think the loss was good for my
future so it happened.
> What kinds of illnesses run in your family (not just in your parents)?
Majorly diabetes type 1 and baldness
sumedh last decade
Apart from work are you hurried when doing other things?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
By work i mean my office work and day to day activities at homee.So i think the answer to your question is yes i feel anxiety while doing other things.
sumedh last decade
Hello ,
Pls suggest remedy for me.
sumedh last decade
We can try Sulphuric acid 30c.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for reply.How many tablets and how many times in a day shall i consume ?Also please suggest the precautions like what not to eat and gaps between multiple doses of remedy etc.
sumedh last decade
Another thing doctor since my haemoglobing was diagnoiseda at 12.7 i am taking ferrum phosphoricum from last 2 weeks.3 tablets at at time thrice in a day at a gap of 4 hours.Kindly suggest what to do with this medicine.Either stop using it or keep it on with sulphuric acid 30c
sumedh last decade
Doctor Please reply
sumedh last decade
When you get the pillules, you must dissolve 2 of them into a mixture of alcohol and water, 1 part to 5 parts. This mixture should be in a small bottle 15-30mls, with a dropper.

For each dose, you will hit the bottle against the palm of the hand firmly twice, then place 1 drop into 1/2 cup (125mls) of water. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth.

Do this 3 times only, once each day. If your symptoms worsen in any way stop taking the remedy,even if this is only afte 1 dose.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Will it be fine if I get the remedy in liquid form.
And after how many days shall I start takin it , as I updated above I am already taking ferrum phosphoricum from last 2 weeks.3 tablets at at time thrice in a day at a gap of 4 hours.
Pls provide your input.

What will be the best suitable time for remedy .i.e morning, after noon or evening.
[message edited by sumedh on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:31:27 BST]
sumedh last decade
If you get liquid, place 2 drops in the bottle instead of the pillules.

You must stop all other remedies right away. Just start the Sul-ac when you get it.

There is no specific time a remedy needs to be taken. Just find a time you can remember to do it regularly.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello Doctor,
I have taken the remedy as instructed by you.I do not see any negative symptoms like there is no increase is hairfall or increase in acidity etc.I am shedding less hair as compared to 10 days ago but it has not stopped completely.Please suggest what needs to be done now.
sumedh last decade
How much less hair are you shedding?

Are there any other changes, specifically in the hurried feelings?

Any difference in the rest of your health?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
How much less hair are you shedding?
Its almost half of what i used to shed before taking the medicine.For example If i used to shed 50 in a day it is 25 now.

Are there any other changes, specifically in the hurried feelings? I did not notice the hurried feelings changes untill right now i realise that the hurried feelings are little less but its not totally gone.But yes i perceive a reduction in hurried feelings :-)

Any difference in the rest of your health?
No changes in health.I have been playing football and doing exercise/workout and Yoga almost daily from last one month so i find myself in good health.But there are no changes as such in health before and after taking the remedy.

Please tell me what is the next step.
sumedh last decade
Repeat the remedy exactly as before, just the one dose again.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have observed some ingestion in food after takig the remedy.I am eating in limits still i observe burps and little probem in digestion.
sumedh last decade
Increase the amount of water you dilute the dose in then. Increase it to 3/4 cup instead of 1/2
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.