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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 9 of 20

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No doctor.
I took first dose on sep-10
Then second dose on 16th sep (4 hits)and third dose on 17th sep (6 hits)and the observation of increased anxiety is on 20th sep i.e. 3 days after the third dose.
Please suggest now
sumedh last decade
Were you feeling better before you took the third dose?
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 20 Sep 2011 05:58:36 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
There was just one day gap between second and third dose.I was better on the day between second and third dose as compared to today.
What is the conclusion doctor ?
sumedh last decade
You took too many doses. If you are feeling better, you always wait before taking another dose. Taking more will usually just aggravate, which I believe is what is happening to you now.

You will need to wait, and see if the aggravation lifts.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Can i drink some coffee to reduce the effect of the extra dose?
sumedh last decade
You can try, that only rarely works. Antidoting usually interferes with the curative effect as well, so it is generally better to try and ride it out.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
i have seen more hairfall today than usual.This is as expected due to extra doses i think.
The anxiety has not further aggravated as compared to yesterday.Infact it has reduced.
Is this an indication that the effect of excess dose is going to subside.
I did not take coffee yesterday.
sumedh last decade
Yes I would say that the aggravation is now reducing. This should continue each day. Once the aggravation is over hopefully we will see improvement.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I further feel reduction in aggravation.There is reduction in anxiety and less hair fall than yesterday.If the aggravation keeps reducing at this rate i think i would be in a neutral state in 2 more days.
Is this normal way behavior doctor?
sumedh last decade
Yes that is typical. Hopefully once you reach neutral you will keep going and start to actually improve.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am still going through the aggravation phase.I lost many hair today morning while combing.It really kills me to see so many hair coming out.But i am just waiting for this bad time to pass and improvement to begin.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor
I think i have reached the neutral state after aggravation due to extra doses of pulsatilla 200c.I have observed reduction in anxiety (though the hurried feelings have not become zero) and reduction in hair fall too.
I just guess that i would need to wait for some time and report if there is improvement (if any)
Please suggest
sumedh last decade
Just wait a few more days. We can see if the positive effect becomes more.

We may need to adjust dosage to prevent so strong an aggravation next time.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Have you ever taken Natrum Muriaticum for hair loss?
nawazkhan last decade
Res. Nawazkhan : No i have not take natrum muriaticum for hair loss or for any other disease.Are you suspecting a side effect of any remedy ?

There is improvement today in hair fall and a very little improvement in hurried feelings.E.g when i used to get late for office earlier i used to start multiple things at a time and used to feel unpleasant during that time.There is some stillness and firmness now in my attitude to do one thing at a time which is less hurried way to do things.I hope this keeps on improving day by day.
[message edited by sumedh on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 06:40:25 BST]
sumedh last decade
This sounds promising so far. My hope also is that the improvement continues.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No, I am not suspecting a side effect. Just praying for your good health and happiness.

May God bless you.

nawazkhan last decade
Thanks Dear Nawazkhan.I wish the positive energies help me in getting well.

Doctor I am happy to see that the improvement persists.I am happy to see the improvements in last 3 days.Reduction in hair fall while combing,improvement in firmness to do a work with little distraction from hurried feelings.I am still going to observe these changes in coming days and would keep reporting as there is improvement but still not fully cured so i am just thinking/wishing the improvement streak does not break (just a fear)

I also see that the glow on my face has increased but very little.Could it be due the remedy?

Pls suggest.
sumedh last decade
It does appear that the Pulsatilla has been a good remedy for you. Continue to observe the progress and report to me anything new that happens, or if you get a relapse of symptoms. It is important to repeat the remedy only if necessary.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Good Morning Doctor
There was more hairfall today as compared to last three days while combing in the morning.
Sometime (not always) i feel two things fighting inside me.One tries to bring hurried feelings and one tries to stop/assuage it.I think its the disease and the remedy fighting inside.
From last two days i also observe that i am drinking more water..about 1 litres more and my mouth goes a little dry too.
sumedh last decade
That is interesting - two things fighting inside you? Is that only since the Pulsatilla or did you feel that on the other remedies as well?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I faintly remember doctor that when i had taken arsenicum there was no fighting inside me but the anxiety has completely vanished and it re-appeared after some time.
Was i palliated when i took arsenicum?
sumedh last decade
Did you take that remedy while posting on the forum here? Is there a thread that shows what happened?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Are you asking me about arsenicum? If yes then the arsenicum course stars on page 4 of this forum in my post on 2011-07-07.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor
Any conclusion on what is pulsatilla doing to me ? Are we going in direction of cure or do we need to observe more before taking another step?
sumedh last decade
We are still waiting to see how things go.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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