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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression, sadness, pessimism, loss of time

I am 36 yo female. 5'6 122lb was diagnosed with dysthemia at age 13.
I'm single, never married but have a teenager.
I feel depressed or just down most of the time. I feel pretty pessimistic about my future, especially around financial issues and how I will ever take care of them.
I have very contradicting desires.. want to have money but think people with money are jerks or superficial, etc.
I would like to find a relationship but feel most men are just jerks, cheaters. I want an attractive man but think I'm not attractive enough to pair with the ones I want.
I prefer solitude over going out because I worry of money, and I feel like if I don't meet a man, it's a waste of time.. hurts my self esteem if not hit on.
I find myself analysing society and feel I have a problem with most aspects of it.
Symptoms are mostly located in head. I feel tired, like I can't wake up all day, loss of time and would get lost doing nothing for hours.
What first started it off- most recently the end of a bad relationship, where I felt decieved. Also bad experiences as a child.
it's worse before period.
Sleeping seems to help but always tired.
I seem to stay up too late for no good reason, sleep well except a few times if worried when bills are due. Feel like I don't wake up all day until I come home in the evenings, while watching tv.
I don't like cold and my hands (and feet) get cold. I don't like critisism.
Your state of mind (fears about money, future, debt, success, anxiety over money, pessimistic about people and desire to be alone now.
I like most foods, I snack on popcorn almost daily. and sometimes crave some chocolate or sweetness too.
Have had diagnosis of depression, anxiety, possible PTSD and BPD.
I've tried a few SSRI's in the past, lexapro and effexor... I had immediate weight gain and loss of motivation although I seemed to not worry and sometimes felt giddy, wanted to laugh and laugh at things I might just laugh at. If that makes sense. I tried to wean myself off because of the weight gain and lack of motivation and I had horrible withdrawl symtoms, shock like sensations in head and extremities... thought MS or something. Had horrible headaches and slept for a week then I switched to celexa which seemed to help without the negative effects.
I have lose of motivation still(which was one of my strengths), stopped by my fears, loss of sense of time which I think lends to my complete unproductivity. I'm self employed and can't seem to get things going, make money, etc. I worry about money and fear inferior to others, I don't have a house, family or relationship, etc.
I seem to get really sad, weep at comercial a week around my period. Very pessimistic or feel doomed at that time. I get fatigue and usually a severe headache the day menses starts. The second day is very heavy flow and usually by third day very light and subsides.
  jdc002 on 2011-11-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Calcarea Carb 200 as follows and report back after 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Hi, thank you that did seem to help. I am currently having some new things and not sure if they are related..
Still have loss of time.. lose hours when it seems like minutes.. very jaded about life and men, don't trust others much at all. Feel extreme sadness when I feel rejected by others, especially men in a romanctic nature. I have tiredness associated with the sadness of rejection. I feel angry and bitter also, like life's never fair to me.. not successful in love or career.
jdc002 last decade
Please take three doses of Cocculus 200 as follows and report back after 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
I'm still having problems with loss of perception in time.. it seems to take me an hour what I should be able to do in half the time. I have a hard time getting started and being productive during the morning usual until noon or two. Again it seems like a loss of time that much time can pass and it feels like only a short time. I'm not sure if that is why I'm so unproductive but it feels as the day flys by I only had a few hours and didn't get much done. More productive once I get going or at night. Do better if I have a scheduled day to stick to but am always late.. again the time thing.
Emotionally I feel very tired in the mornings still, almost feel depressed or can't wake up. I get sad a few days a week. Especially if things don't go my way, a disappointment or a rejection from a male. Have been very angry, especially after the first dose of Calcarea Carb you suggested.. it almost feels as if it was suppressed anger that I would feel occasionally but now I feel it often and it is easily provocked by others. I think I do well not blowing up at others but will a few times with yelling or telling them of all the things that have been bothering me (passive aggresive).
I have lots of fear of the future, wondering if things will get better, finances, relationships, work or career. Feel very insecure and unworthy even though others say I am very attractive. I don't feel it often and only see the negatives.
Other sypmtoms some very slight headaches last week. I do tend to get headache if I go too long without eating. I have acne on back (usually pustules that are painful and red spots that take long to heal) and face and complexion is very bad, discolored, red and brown, lots of bumps, looks rough. Acne on face is small bumps and some larger nodules at times. Face is dry but oily. Greasy if moturizer used. Last few days onset of cold with tickling sneezing, stuff nose with occasional running and have to blow it often if that's important. Thank you
jdc02 last decade
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200 as follows and report back after 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine
kadwa last decade
I also wanted to add, I'm the same person as the previous posts as I was unable to obtain password.
and other main troublesome symptoms.. I think I have loss of motivation. I don't know how else to describe my financial situation.. which i have major worries from.
I obtained a doctorate degree and although I went to grad school and raised a toddler at the same time all by myself. I struggle to make ends meet and income is at poverty level.
Second major problem is lack of orgasm.. not sure if from emotional trouble from past bad sexual experiences as child and teenager. thanks for your help!
jdc02 last decade
Please go ahead with the remedy and report back.
kadwa last decade
Hi, I'm just checking back is 200 equal to 7 of the 30 pellets and does it matter whether x or c?
jdc02 last decade
Here is the conversion.

Please take three doses of Lycopodium 30C in the morning and evening for 3 days and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine

A change in potency can't be effected by changing size of dose.
kadwa last decade
I do feel a little bit better. I would say it still takes me a few hours to wake up in the morning or to be very productive throughout the day. It seems I do not accomplish much throughout my day although I try to work all day long.
Symptoms most bothersome are lamenting on negatives and worry. I guess a lack of confidence or optimism of my future.
I also have been having dull headaches for the past month or so that I notice about 4 days a week at least and requires advil to get relief. Also, a stuffy nose that sometimes runs in quit annoying as I feel like I have to take deep breathes to clear it a little bit. I also have felt for the past year I have loss lots of muscle mass and am flabby, not sure if it is diet/ sedentary times, etc.
Thanks in advance, if there is any futher help.
jdc02 last decade
Please take three doses of Nux Vomica 30C in the morning and evening for 3 days and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Hi, I know it hasn't been quite 15 days but I've had a severe acne breakout, some small nodular and many bumps, that appear like clogged pores (blackheads).. just lots of bumps mostly on chin and checks, some on under chin, forehead and back. Breakout has lasted almost 2 weeks, started on left side. Menses onset 4 days ago. Not sure if it is related to nux or not or if there is something I can use now or if I have to wait til day 15.
In general, not much has changed. Still feel very unproductive, scared of future, Not smart anymore, lack of confidence.
Also, physical complaints.. bad melasma on checks and some on forehead. Thank you!
jdc02 last decade
Please take a single dose of Calcarea Carb 200 and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Thank you, most of the nodular acne has gone away. There are still many blackheads on checks but are not as noticeable.
I still have the problem of not being very productive. Like I'm slow moving, even in my walking and it takes me a long time to get several small tasks complete. Not sure if it's attention or slowness, I'm always late.
Physical symptoms that are really bothering me are the melasma, belly fat (I'm 5'6 and 123lbs) so I'm not big but seems fat is accumulated in belly(it also seems saggy and wrinkled like its loose, unless i'm standing or lying on back). And although I think I'm thin I have unsightly cellulite on butt and front and back of thighs, that seems to be getting rapidly worse in a few months without change in wieght. Diet is pretty good, exercise a bit but feel kind of weak when I do exercise so it does limit about of reps I used to do.(I have read nat mur, nat phos and silicea for cellulite but not sure if one is better or if ok to take with my previous treatments I've used).
Thanks if there is any further things I can do.
jdc02 last decade
P.S. also lack of orgasm is a big problem for me if that plays into any help with diagnosis or treatments.. thanks!
jdc02 last decade
We should give some time to calc carb 200 to work. Please report back after 10 days. It may also help in your other symptoms.
kadwa last decade
I am still having some symptoms as before including lack of orgasm (persist) belly fat, flabby (loss of muscle tone). The biggest complaint for last week has been extreme tire exhaustion feeling.. It started with onset of menses and is usual for a day or two but I've felt this way all week and can't seem to gain energy or rest back. I had one night of 3 hrs of sleep but I don't think that could persist all week. I have been worried over money so I'm not sure if it's mental exhaustion? I was possibly exposed to mono. Son's girlfriend tested positive and it's possible I drank after him. not sure if that's enough exposure to the virus. Thank you
jdc02 last decade
and dull headache
jdc02 last decade
Please take a single dose of Calcarea Carb 200. You may follow it up with 3 pellets of Kali Phos 6x in the morning and evening daily until there is feeling of extreme exhaustion.

[message edited by kadwa on Sun, 29 Apr 2012 10:20:44 BST]
kadwa last decade
Hi, just wanted to check in on a few symptoms..have taken 6 doses of the Kali phos nothing noticed as of yet. I still have the daily headaches that start mid day and get worse through day til I sleep. I've noticed sadness coming back, sadness from feelings of rejection. thank you
jdc02 last decade
Please take Natrum Mur 30 in the morning and evening and evening for 3 days and see how that affects in next 10-15 days.
kadwa last decade
If you wish me to take over your case as requested I would need a new intake form filled in.


Go through each problem one at a time giving a full description of what happens, what pains and sensations you get, what makes it worse and what makes it better, the history of the complaint including when it started and what was happening around that time.

Write a separate section for each problem. Cover even the smallest problems you have.

If any of your symptoms occur together, or immediately before or after one another this is important to note as well.

Do not give single word or short sentence descriptions. The more information you give the better I will be able to help.

Do not read up on the remedies and discuss them. Do not attempt to use the Remedy Finder program on this site. Try to keep yourself apart from all the information about remedies on the internet. Such research on your part actually makes it harder to find the right remedy for you not easier.

Whenever you describe a sensation or pain, try to help me to imagine having that same pain. For example, what would have to happen to me to recreate that symptom?

Allow yourself to diverge if you wish. If discussing the problem brings up any emotional or mental issues, then discuss them.

Do not edit your report, except for spelling mistakes. It is important that even if you use the wrong word, you write that. You can correct yourself in the next sentence.

If you have not done this by the time you have covered your problems, discuss the problems you have generally had in your life. What have been the big traumas, the big issues for you? Where have you felt unable to change, where do you get stuck repeating the same behaviours?

Also discuss the issues you might have had in childhood. Talk about your family, your upbringing, your parents. What kind of child were you? What did you fear, what did you aspire to, what do you remember the most?

Lastly talk about the way in which you handle or cope with your problems. What are the patterns that reoccur in your life? How do you find yourself managing your problems, even if it is not successful? To what degree do your problems affect you? How do you think everything will work out in the end for you?
Also answer these general health questions, if you have not already discussed them:

1. What foods do you crave or hate?

2. What drinks do you crave or hate?

3. Does any food or drink have a negative effect on you?

4. What is your sensitivity to the temperature and weather?

5. What is your physical energy like? What activities seem to raise or lower it?

6. What is your sexual desire like? Are there any problems in this area you feel comfortable talking about?

7. What is your sleep like, what problems do you have with it?

8. What issues do you have around your menstrual cycle (if a woman)?

9. What dreams tend to reoccur in your life, or have reoccurred previously? If not a specific whole dream, what images or situations tend to crop up?

There will almost certainly be more questions from me after this to clarify and to explore further.

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
Registered ATMS 5141
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have a history of depression, first diagnosed when I was 13 as dysthemia. I was put on anti depressants at that time for almost 2 yrs. I was on a few when I was almost 30 and again at 33 the first time in an unhappy relationship and then my father passed. The second time at 33 was again during an unhappy relationship. I have feelings of things being my fault when my relationships don’t work out. Tend to get involved in unhealthy ones to begin with. I end up feeling bad about myself, worthless, low self esteem. Thoughts of suicide a few times.
I don’t feel depressed per say now but have times of really low energy sometimes exhaustion. I feel like sometimes I work a lot and get tired. Other times when I’m not busy, I tend to procrastinate on some things and rest just to feel overworked again. I have several important things in life that I have procrastinated in taking care of. I feel like I am not as successful as my peers or many others with less education as I do. I struggle financially even though I have post graduate education. I do feel incompetent at times in my work. Have thoughts of wanting to be taken care of or rescued by a man so I don’t have to struggle. But I also have a strong distrust and pessimism of men so also don’t desire to be with someone.
I am always late, I tend to take a long time to do things, I feel like it’s a loss of time perception. Like an hour can pass and it feels like 15 min to me. I feel it’s one reason I am not as productive at work..not efficient.
Since I have started taking homeopathy I have had dull headaches almost daily. I think it causes me to feel tired, loss of concentration and may contribute to exhaustion. It is a very dull pressure sometimes more pronounced tightness in back of neck at base of skull, like tension.
I had problems with headaches years ago but not since I had chiropractic treatments but that doesn’t seem to help the past several months.
Sometimes I feel tired like I can’t wake up even with coffee for several hours or until mid day.
I don’t work out and feel too tired and weak. I feel weak from lack of exercise I guess.
I worry about the well being of my mother and brother since the passing of my step father because they don’t work and I feel like I will have to take care of them and I already struggle financially and can’t afford all my obligations.
I have a pessimistic outlook on most men and marriage because I have seen so many cheat and have been lied to so much. I desire security but don’t believe in it.
Physical symptoms other than headaches are melasma over most of face for the past 8 yrs. Mostly on forehead and sides of checks. Insecure and always wear makeup because of it. Stuffy nose off and on. Teeth on the upper right side have become sensitive while brushing, switching to Toms toothpaste did help but when I use regular it is there again. Constipation occasionally. Within the past week, it has been pretty bad, feels like a stuck feeling and when I strain I have spotting of blood from vagina? Seems a little odd but scared me a bit. I feel like I have lost most of my muscle tone. Feel weak and flabby especially legs and stomach. I’m not sure if it’s from diet, lack of strength training or something more. My stomach seems to protrude (or larger amount of fat than I should have for my size). 122 and 5’6”.
The biggest problems are just feeling tired, insecure and bleak outlook on life.
Insecure about myself in general. Job, success or lack thereof.
Feel sad when I feel rejected or like I don’t get attention (from men). And feel this way often if the attention ends, I get sad, very happy when I have the attention. But also get sad or angry if I get attention from ones I don’t want it from. Like it is a poor reflection of myself.
I worry about money and my security the most and physical appearance after that. I feel I can’t take care of myself since I live pay check to pay check, barely.

Childhood was troubled. Alcoholic mom, felt alone most of the time. When I was 3-4 yrs old I would through tantrums when she would leave.. scream and bang my head on the floor. I have a few memories of her leaving and feeling like she would never return. I was left alone a lot when I was a child and felt lonely. Always felt like I had to grow up to fast and be responsible for myself. Was very quiet by the time I was in third grade. Had chaotic periods with fights with my mom with her drinking. Felt verbally abused and confided in too much for my age. Father was mostly absent. He was also addictive personality. Was molested age 3-11. Felt very ugly and alone by age 13. I was a quiet child, felt different and like I didn’t fit it but I moved over 15 times. I wanted to be an actress growing up. I wanted everyone to like me. I wanted a family with a normal life, mom.. dad.. house.. stability and non fighting or chaos.
I don’t like to get too close to friends especially women. I don’t trust mostly or just get very annoyed by them. I like to hang out with friends but mostly superficially. Because I get annoyed by people I avoid them or if I do get close I feel they use or say things that I question whether they are truly friends and then pull away. I get angry if they don’t respond to my texts or break plans like they are selfish. I used to like hanging out with guys but feel like they just want sex from me or to date.
The patterns I keep repeating are unhealthy relationships. Or get involved in ones I don’t really want. Feel I can’t have what I really want in fear of losing it or perhaps I sabotage it. I feel I am very bitter and angry after last break up with ex. Feel all men are liars and cheaters. Don’t desire to be with a man other than for sex or security.
I have anger/resentment of family members who ask me for help when they are not being responsible for themselves.
I get sad or annoyed more often right before my period. I pull away from people or get mad and tell them to leave me alone.

If any of your symptoms occur together, or immediately before or after one another this is important to note as well.

Do not give single word or short sentence descriptions. The more information you give the better I will be able to help.

Do not read up on the remedies and discuss them. Do not attempt to use the Remedy Finder program on this site. Try to keep yourself apart from all the information about remedies on the internet. Such research on your part actually makes it harder to find the right remedy for you not easier.

Whenever you describe a sensation or pain, try to help me to imagine having that same pain. For example, what would have to happen to me to recreate that symptom?

Allow yourself to diverge if you wish. If discussing the problem brings up any emotional or mental issues, then discuss them.

Do not edit your report, except for spelling mistakes. It is important that even if you use the wrong word, you write that. You can correct yourself in the next sentence.

If you have not done this by the time you have covered your problems, discuss the problems you have generally had in your life. What have been the big traumas, the big issues for you? Where have you felt unable to change, where do you get stuck repeating the same behaviours?

Also discuss the issues you might have had in childhood. Talk about your family, your upbringing, your parents. What kind of child were you? What did you fear, what did you aspire to, what do you remember the most?

Lastly talk about the way in which you handle or cope with your problems. What are the patterns that reoccur in your life? How do you find yourself managing your problems, even if it is not successful? To what degree do your problems affect you? How do you think everything will work out in the end for you?
Also answer these general health questions, if you have not already discussed them:

1. What foods do you crave or hate? I crave salt or chocolate around the time of my period, appetite increased in general. I don’t like the fat/veins in raw meat.. grissle grossed me out and will lose appetite so avoid meat at times

2. What drinks do you crave or hate? Drink mostly room temp water and coffee in am

3. Does any food or drink have a negative effect on you? Alcohol sometimes has a weird effect. Only sometimes but I will get really drunk off the same amout I would normally drink 3 or 4.

4. What is your sensitivity to the temperature and weather? I get pretty sensitive to cold. Can get chilled from wind or fan even if very warm. Hands and feet will get cold easily at times

5. What is your physical energy like? What activities seem to raise or lower it? Low physical energy for past few yrs, went through breakup and was depressed for awhile. Running seems to raise my energy if I can muster the energy do to it in the first place

6. What is your sexual desire like? Are there any problems in this area you feel comfortable talking about? Sexual desires are pretty low unless right before period. Have never been able to achieve orgasm. Recently prefer men without the possibility of attachment. Feels more secure that way knowing up front it won’t last. Again, I think it’s my trust issues and being lied to have made me feel more secure in that way.

7. What is your sleep like, what problems do you have with it? Sleep is ok, except I feel sleepy most days or like I can’t wake up. It did get better after calc carb was recommended but is worse last month. I get extremely fatigued at times. Will fall asleep sitting on couch in early evening. Sometimes a few times a month usually if I have financial worries rent, bills etc I can’t sleep because I am really anxious and get down about not being able to take care of myself. Secretly desire man to take care of me but resent that idea also. I sleep usually 12 to 7 am.

8. What issues do you have around your menstrual cycle (if a woman)? Brest tenderness, extreme bloating in stomach, a few pounds, sadness or agitation, problems will seem much larger at that time if there are any.

9. What dreams tend to reoccur in your life, or have reoccurred previously? If not a specific whole dream, what images or situations tend to crop up?
I don’t remember dreaming very often.
jdc02 last decade
a few additions:
the headaches usually start early afternoon and get a little worse as the day goes on.
with social issues: there is some anxiety in social situations... I get quiet often when uncomfortable.. I try to deal with it with humor if I can. I alternate with quietness to oversharing and then I feel I shouldn't have said some of the things I did( I later feel angry at others when they repeat what I said or say it at a time I feel is insultive to me) and although I don't want to share info with others I still find myself saying these things. I also have a few behaviors that I say I want to stop and repeat them.. one example is being on time to places..
thank you
jdc02 last decade
western diagnosis age 13 dysthemia. 28 someone suspected borderline personality disorder, later suggested symptoms like PTSD and attachment disorders because of the things I went through as child. As far as the BPD I no longer have feeling of emptiness or wanting a mate quite the opposite now. very pessimistic of relationships as I mentioned. but have some desires for love but my subconcious fears and pessimism keep me single now.
jdc02 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.