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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression, sadness, pessimism, loss of time Page 2 of 5

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western diagnosis age 13 dysthemia. 28 someone suspected borderline personality disorder, later suggested symptoms like PTSD and attachment disorders because of the things I went through as child. As far as the BPD I no longer have feeling of emptiness or wanting a mate quite the opposite now. very pessimistic of relationships as I mentioned. but have some desires for love but my subconcious fears and pessimism keep me single now.
jdc02 last decade
had exrays of neck today and had a reversed curve in neck they said that could cause headaches
jdc02 last decade
Strangely enough, I think I agree with Kadwa's last prescription, which is Nat-mur. You have very succinctly described the conflict of Nat-mur which is to crave love and attention but to also reject it. Nat-mur does this because they dwell on the past and cannot let go of what has hurt them. I would actually get hold of 1M though and take a single dose of that.


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2-4 granules or 2-4 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away. Wash the cup and spoon in hot water, no detergent, and put them to the side for further dosing.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).

Use 1/2 cup of water for your first dose. Remember to take this once only.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok, I understand what you say about love and attention. But I want to make sure I have not left out enough details or maybe I don't see it is the same thing. I feel I crave security in regards to money and because I can't give it to myself I seek a man to give it to me. On a daily basis, my thoughts are filled with fear (anxiety) about money and that leads to self doubt. (sometimes I cant fall alseep because I often don't know how I will pay bills but yet I will not keep track of money or will buy things I want but aren't needs). Mostly because of financial troubles, things I can not take care of financially. I feel down on myself because I am not successful as I was able to attain post grad degree but work for 10/hr at a second job just to make ends meet and have to occassionally visit food pantry. I have desired a man to take care of me but feel trapped or taken advantage of if he does. Like I will have to give him something in return (yes this has been an experience). I desire a man who is successful and good looking because I need it to reflect well of me. However, I will usually find fault in someone (too old, not attractive, personality, dumb) and feel like I am missing out and should be with someone better or different as an ideal mate. I spend most time single and don't date. And I often don't feel I can find an attractive wealthy man to take care of me even though I am told I am very attractive. I want an extravigant life with big house, nice cars and lots of traveling. I also want someone to take care of me financially because the stress of work and the responsiblity weighs on me. I am not successful as I said and don't know what to do to make my business grow. I feel stuck I want more but don't know how. The thought of doing more also scared me so I wonder if I just stay stuck. I do feel like I am trapped in my mind with these thoughts. I don't desire to get close to someone because I'm afraid they will see what a mess I am and my life (mind and finances) and will leave or use it against me as a threat (which a few have) and just someone knowing is bad enough. I seek a man to take care of me, desire clothes to feel good and need attention of men to feel good about myself.. when I don't get the attention I feel worthless, not good enough and very sad. Sorry these things bother me so much and I'm not sure I described it well before.
Also, I have had spasms in my checks as if a small muscle is tightening.. and I have right knee discomfort, it feels like it is hard to bend going down stairs (I've had previous surgery for torm meniscus 5 yrs ago). I will order the Nat Mur unless this info brings up any changes, thank you in advance for your help!
jdc02 last decade
You continue to describe Nat-mur quite well. Right down to the miasm (malarial). Do you understand the themes of the individual elements of Nat-mur? (Sodium and Chloride).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
That is encouring news to hear that this remedy fits me well. I do not understand many specifics of homeopathy or the themes of the individual elements. I have received my shippment today and anxiously awake my first dosage, I just wanted to ask if one form of water (brita filtered, or purified of all things) or alcohol is better? Thank you in advance, I am hopeful to feel better!
jdc02 last decade
Hi, it's been 10 days since I took first dose. I haven't noticed any changes except exacerbation of symptoms including headaches daily, acne worse for past week and half, severely on chin (seemed like the very next day I had small bumps on face and back) Like small pimples but just empty bumps). Moods are still the same, sad with rejection and worry. Not sure if I need to wait another 5 days or not?
jdc02 last decade
Hi, it has been 15 days since first dose and no change except flair up of acne and still some moodiness, anger, sadness (from rejection). please advise if i should take another dose or another remedy, thanks.
jdc02 last decade
the sadness and anxiety from rejection is really bad, headaches are bad (although they are coming from my straight neck)I feel like crying please respond..
jdc02 last decade
[message deleted by simone717 on Thu, 31 May 2012 22:12:50 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Brisbane is out for few weeks may be. Would you like me to take on your case?

AsadGhumman last decade
Thank you both for your reply, yes if you wouldn't mind looking over my case... I had also worked with kadwa but not sure how to contact him for advice either. symptoms have been very aggravated lately, the acne got much worse and sadness due to rejection.. thanks for advice..
jdc02 last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Thu, 31 May 2012 22:11:30 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thanks simeone for the kind words. :)

Hi jdc02,

Please take another dose of Natrum Mur-1000, but this time you have to take split dose. Method of split dosing is given below:

Take a 500ml bottle of fresh water. Pour out about 100ml of water & put 3 drops of Natrum Mur or 2 pallets of Natrum Mur in it. If you have put pallets, then wait for the pellets to dissolve in the water without stirring.
Now Strike the bottle hard with a book or with your palm. Just two stikes are enough, not more than two strikes. Remember to strike the bottle firmly, not a gentle strike. Now take another half cup of water. Put two teaspoons of water from that bottle in to this cup, stir it & drink.
[message edited by AsadGhumman on Wed, 30 May 2012 19:35:59 BST]
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
I am having a lot of nausea today with my headaches. I had a few new painful bumps breakout over night. Is it normal to have symptoms get worse (breakouts, headaches, sadness). and can i go ahead and take advil for the pain (tea tree or lavendar for the acne, topically)? thanks for your help, it is much appreciated!
jdc02 last decade
p.s. it almost feels like the physical pain and nausea are a result of emotional pain (the rejection and sadness I've been feeling). it just feels severe and overwhelming sorry for the additional posts..
jdc02 last decade
Hi Jdc02,

No need to say sorry for the additional post, it is your thread & you may post as much as you want. I am here to analyse & then help you accordingly.

Please repeat the remedy if not repeated yet as I advised in my last post. This time in split dose. Yes the symptoms can aggrevate, don't worry, I will look after the aggrevation symptom too. Please explain each in detail.

About Advil, yes you may take it when necessary but try not addicting to it. Take it on irregular basis like once in 10 days or when headache is unbearable.

Many prayers for your good health & well being.

[message edited by AsadGhumman on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 06:49:24 BST]
AsadGhumman last decade
I did take the second split dose on june 30th. I took the 1st dose 15 days prior (although split preparation was slightly different).
It is the fourth day.. headaches makes me want to sleep (which I don't know if homeopathics can help since it is most likely due to straight neck seen on xrays). sadness is slightly better, don't feel as depressed. acne still havign the painful nodular breakouts..
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

'sadness is slightly better, don't feel as depressed'

This is very encouraging sign. We are moving in the right direction. Please wait for a few more days & see the affects of dose that you have taken 4 days ago.

Many prayers for your good health & well being.

AsadGhumman last decade
Hi jdc02,

Please explain in detail your headache & Nodular breakouts. What type of headache it is, From where it originates & which place it affects the most. Timings & duration of headache? How it feels like? If possible post picture as well of acne & breakouts.
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi, headaches are dull, I feel it as pressure at the back of the head (kind of behind the ears) and forehead. There is some tightness with it in the neck. Headaches sometimes get worse through day, notice them more when I sit still. It affects me as I want to sleep or rest, not to as much work or be social. Although sometimes I don't notice it as much if I can get moving.. It seems to really affect my concentration and memory. I can't remember who I had what conversation with. It's difficult to concentrate on current conversation when talking to someone. Ance- I have at present four new breakouts on chin and neck(just under jaw). They are painful bumps, dont seem to form a pustule for a week or so even though tender and raised. I've had several of the tender large bumps/breakouts every day since I took first dose. with a few on the back and one today on eyelid. the first few days of first dose, there were tiny little bumps all over, not like blackheads or whiteheads just bumps. I'm not sure how to post a pic on here but I will try to find out how. thanks
jdc02 last decade
Hi, just wondering if you found out any information regarding aggravation of symtpoms the acne is both painful and embarrissing. it's been three weeks and I hope something will help or get better soon. thanks
jdc02 last decade
Due to a serious car accident I am no longer able to supervise cases on the forum. You will need to go to someone else for advice.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks brisbane, sorry to hear of your accident and wishing you a healthy, speedy recovery..
jdc02 last decade
just wondering if there is a different remedy for the acne flare up? I need to place an order for my son so just wondering if I need to order something new, thanks for your quick response
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

You don't need any other remedy, just have patience. The symptoms of aggravation will settle doen in a day or two. Please post some pictures of bumps & acne. Also tell me what increases or decreases your headache? Is it like if someone is hammering your head & it starts from the nape of the neck & down to backbone?
AsadGhumman last decade

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