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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression, sadness, pessimism, loss of time Page 3 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi jdc02,

You don't need any other remedy, just have patience. The symptoms of aggravation will settle doen in a day or two. Please post some pictures of bumps & acne. Also tell me what increases or decreases your headache? Is it like if someone is hammering your head & it starts from the nape of the neck & down to backbone?
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi, I seemed to have some short relief. But my son has been what feels like being verbally abusive.. telling me I'm a lier because he's mad if I'm late or he doesn't get what he wants on his time table. (he's 16). It has been wearing on me and I have finally snapped.. I have been yelling at him, feel violent like I want to hit someone or hurt myself to relieve the tension. I have an i don't care attitude about life and feel like I don't want to be around anyone including my son. I want him to move and live with his father. I want to hurt him emotionally and when really angry want to hit him. I feel like I hate him and everyone.. it feels like I am over reacting but I feel like I have been taking so much that I need to explode. I feel depressed and like I want to cry.. so angry I want to cry but yelling seems to be the easier thing to do to release the tension and anger I feel. Please advice if there is something I can take.. I thought I was only affected by rejection but now also by someone saying how incompent I am, lier, late, bad mom, etc which I guess is a form of rejection. why am I so affected by such things that I act like a child and lash out and withdraw? Please help
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

I can understand your problems that are purely caused due to feeling of rejection. Please get hold of the following remedy & take it along with Natrum Mur:

1- Sepia-1000(also called Sepia-1M)


Take each remedy on bi-weekly basis. Dosage will be somewhat like this:

Week-1: Sepia-1000 (4 drops in half cup of water or put 4 pills directly in your mouth & chew slowly without taking water along with it.)

Week-2: Natrum Mur-1000 (4 drops in half cup of water or put 4 pills directly in your mouth & chew slowly without taking water along with it.)

Week-3: Sepia-1000 (4 drops in half cup of water or put 4 pills directly in your mouth & chew slowly without taking water along with it.)

Week-2: Natrum Mur-1000 (4 drops in half cup of water or put 4 pills directly in your mouth & chew slowly without taking water along with it.)

Please report the results after taking first dose of Sepia.

Many prayers for your health & well being.

AsadGhumman last decade
Was feeling ok until new experience where I felt rejected.. should I proceed with the dose of nat mur tomorrow (week 2)? thanks
jdc02 last decade
Yes.. Please proceed with the prescription of Natrum Mur & get Sepia-1000 as soon as possible.
AsadGhumman last decade
was able to find sepia 30x, will that work if I take it more than the one dose? also take 4 tablets of 1M of Nat mur?
jdc02 last decade
Is it 30x or 30c? please reconfirm
AsadGhumman last decade
it is 30x, thank you
jdc02 last decade
No, I am not convinced about this potency. Please try to find Sepia-1000c. But if you already have sepia-30x at home, then start taking it twice daily for 7 days & report. Put 2-4 pills directly under your tongue, 30 minutes before or after meal.
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi, I took the sepia-30x, I guess I feel better. Should I proceed with the Nat Mur- 1M now? Also, I read that arnica montana can help with melasma on my face.. it is really bad because of the sun now.. can I use arnica montana cream on my face? thanks
jdc02 last decade

I asked you to take Sepia-30x two times a day for seven days. Did you follow the advice completely?

Yes you have to take Natrum Mur-1M again.

About Melasma, yes you can use arnica montana cream for that but remember, Sepia is the best remedy for melasma. I f you keep using sepia for another 1 week, it will significantly reduce the melasma.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
I did follow two times a day . tomorrow will be day seven. Should I continue one more week of sepia for melasma or go to original schedule week 2. nat mur, week 3. sepia, week 4 nat mur? and after the second week of dosage with sepia I may see the decrease?
thanks again!
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Since you are taking Sepia in 30x potency so keep using it for another week. The only difference is that skip Sepia on the day you have to take Natrum Mur-1M & ake natrum mur as per scheduled date. Then again start sepia-30x from the next day.
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad, Just wanted to update things. I've not noticed any change in melasma. Headaches are occuring again in back of head where I just feel tired and low energy. The sadness still occurs after times when I'm not getting attention from men. work has been slow so I'm starting to worry and be sad and fearful about finances. Wondering if I need another dose (esp for melasma or is that something that takes a long time to see a change?)
jdc02 last decade
Hi Asad, are you still on the forum?
jdc02 last decade
Also, although I consider myself quiet and not outgoing like I would like to be I find myself oversharing (crossing boundaries) too much information with people. I think about this and have regret and shame but I find myself doing it over and over even though I say I will not. Is this related to the other stuff.
jdc02 last decade
not sure how to contact moderator
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

In what way you have taken Sepia-30x & Natrum Mur-1000? Please explain dosing method & frequency.

Also why do you want to contact moderator? I think you should contact simone & she can guide you further about how to contact moderator. You can see her email address in her profile:

AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
I thought moderator was you and wasn't sure how make contact with you again.
I took the Sepia and Nat Mur as you directed last time..one dose nat mur, then sepia every day for six days, then nat mur, I couldn't remember if I had taken the third dose or third week of the same thing. So when my symptoms came back (mainly sadness, not feeling like I want to be social or go out and just want to stay in. and no change in melasma) I took another dose of nat mur and 2 doses of sepia again.
jdc02 last decade
I also wonder how long I have to avoid onions and coffee when taking homeo remedies. Do you need more info on my dosing?
Again, the biggest physical complaints bothering me.. melasma, stretch marks on thighs and butt, feel like loss of muscle tone, fat in my stomach area, some abdominal complaints.. feel full and heavy maybe because of fat centralized there, frequent headaches (xray shows loss of neck curve with degeneration at c7 area) still think they lead to low energy.
Mental, still dislike, distrust men, relationships (but when I was in one, possesive love, insecure and love/hate). Low confidence especially in my career where i dont make much money, even though high education. I feel sad at many times and sometimes want to avoid people and just stay home. No orgasm.
I am shy because I'm afraid I won't know how to say the right things or something stupid although I long to be the type of person who is outgoing, well liked with lots of friends, I only have two. I also overshare personal info with people I don't know, I constantly feel shame after but still keep doing the same thing again! it really frustrates me
jdc02 last decade
Please let me know if you need more info, thanks
jdc02 last decade
I took the nat mur 4 tablets and chewed.. I don't remember if I took both doses of sepia ( 4 tablets under the tongue) every day, I think I did but it's been a while now
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

I have gone through the details that you have posted recently. Please tell me how youreact in anger, fear & humiliation?

Do you tend to cry a lot or not in general?
AsadGhumman last decade
In anger I do much better now because I used to lash out. Now I have more patience and only yell or feel real angry when I am pushed for a very long time or have multiple stressors. I have fear of many things that I procrastinate on, mostly of lack of money, I worry about it everyday( and I think this could be a major source of my sadness). How will I pay off debt, son's college, etc. I fear failure I guess because I am well educated but still fear I will never be able to take care of myself financially. I feel very negative about myself in that way, incompetent maybe? I wish to meet a man to take care of me financially but my fear of losing independence and being controlled (along with a few other interperonal conflicts) keep me from actually seeking to be in a relationship. I guess I also fear never meeting a man I like again and having a relationship, I have so much conflict.. like a love hate relationship with men and so many fears, bitterness that I'm not sure I understand them all.
As far as humiliation, not sure I can think of an instance. The closest things I can think are rejection. I get very sad if I don't get attention (from men and usually multiple ones as most of the time one is not enough) on a regular basis (and in some periods I like solitude, where I don't really reach out to keep those relationships going. not sure if that's a time I don't need attention or just push others away to avoid it). I do avoid talking in larger groups of people as I fear I will say the wrong things and they will judge or not like me. I long to be a very outgoing, liked person but my fears keep me somewhat reserved.. I'm ok talking to one or two people but usu need alchol to get past some anxiety and fear that keeps me quiet. not sure if that is fear of humiliation. Thanks, Asad, You give me much hope!
jdc02 last decade
I do not tend to cry in general. Usually just lose of a loved one or relationship and it's the thoughts of regret that make me cry/feel the worst.
I do tend to be very easily teary eyed over commercials or touching (motivational type stories) esp the time before my cycle.
To add to the anger part, I think I may be angry or resentful/ bitter at men or life in general that it is not the way I want it to be. I feel it's unfair and it goes along with the whole fear issue (fear of money, poverty..although highly educated I can't seem to make much money and live along poverty line, and fear of being alone because of my issues of relationships).
I also have been having strong cravings for chips, nachos and chocolate bars for the past 3 to 4 weeks (something that usually only happens the week before cycle). I feel like I have so much (especially mental torment that I don't know how to put it all into words and adequately explaint to you) I hope all that helps :)
jdc02 last decade
two other things that are odd behaviors that may be related..I find a need to pick or cut off split ends on my hair (don't like the bent ends..need for perfection?) and I also sometimes (since i was a child )scratch skin and scalp for any bumps or inperfections and sometimes eat the scab. strange but I have to sometimes catch myself and stop these things .. my mom picks and scratches to so I don't know if it's just a learned behavior or true impulse
jdc02 last decade

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