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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression, sadness, pessimism, loss of time Page 5 of 5

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Hi, is ASAd, still here?
should I take any of the other remedies or continue to wait? thanks
[message edited by jdc02 on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 04:29:48 BST]
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Good day to you!

i feel we are missing something; otherwise there is no reason for not getting cure. Could you please list the remedies that you have taken since the start of treatment? I want to re-visit the whole case. Kindly mention the effects that you felt of each remedy after taking it. Also mention all the remedies that you have in your hand right now.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
You suggested the following remedies..
1- Thuja-200c
2- Graphites-200c
3- Ignatia-30c or 200c or whichever you have available with you. (We'll need this in future)
Biochemic Salt-1: Silicea-6x
Biochemic Salt-2: kali Mur-6x
I have many other remedies on hand.
I took the thuga and graphites as directed but wasn't directed on the other 3 dosages (ignatia, silicea and Kali Mur), I can't remember if we did other remedies earlier on. I think I may have tried a few things earlier in the year on my own before consulting forum?
One of my major issues is memory and conginitve issues. I feel like I can't think of many things and retain or recall much memories and information (mostly work/career related stuff) which leads to me feeling incompetant, and insecure about myself.. maybe connected to lack of success somehow.
I updated different changes after each.. basically I would say, I saw the biggest improvements after graphites, in that I don't feel as severe and desperate in my feelings. They are still there but to a less dramatic degree. I still suffer with constant fears and negative thoughts about men, life but am able to be more productive without the feelings of sadness and tiredness weighing me down. I had some stomach issues after taking graphites.. heartburn, stomach aches, cramps, bladder fullness with urgency when full and persistant constipation (only go a few days before menses otherwise its several days in between and there is very little) I have only had this problem a few months. I have a lot of problems with my self esteem still, want to shop to feel better about myslef but have no money so feel bad either way. Feel like a failure, money and career. No improvement in melasma, skin is very blochy and bad looking.
I want relationships with others but feel it is very difficult to attain or sustain. I get irritated often and am very distrustful because fo previous hurst and one thing I do is want to withhold information or personal stuff and then I accidently spill it out and then fear recourse from others or that they will use it against me somehow.
jdc02 last decade
Hi Jdc02,

Please take the other remedies as follows:

1- Ignatia-30c (Once daily before going to bed)

2- Silicea-6x (thrice daily for 10 days)

3- Kali Mur (thrice daily for 10)

1 dose of any of the above remedies = 2 drops in half cup of water OR put 4 pills on the tongue & suck them without taking water along with medicine. Take any homeopathic remedy 30min before or 30min after taking food.

Just 1 question: At what time, you are depressed more & at what time of the day, you feel much more sadness? Also did you ever take the remedy named 'Pulstilla Nigrican'?

AsadGhumman last decade
I have ignatia 30x is that ok? and I just take it once?
Also, we did have some pulstilla (wind flower) at home in 30x. My son may have taken it for sore throat. I may have taken some in the past but don't believe it has been in the past year. We may have that in 200c as recommended for my son, possibly me?
I have a real hard time with feeling like I can remember things and can't handle complex thinking.. feel overwhelmed and pressure in head. Like I want to just check out of situation and not deal with it.
I think I am most depressed in morning, sometimes if I have nothing to do I sit and feel bad but it can be anytime during day. When worried about money, bills, money owed, debts, due dates.. I get extremely sad and just feel overwhelmed like how am I going to dig out of this? Also, when I am rejected (can't find someone I like to like me) I also get more sad.
Thank you!
jdc02 last decade
Hi Jdc02,

I willy reply you in detail tomorrow as currently I am travelling.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Thanks Asad! Happy & Safe travels!!
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Yes please go ahead with Ignatia-30x. Take Ignatia-30x twice daily. So the the new dosage will be as follows:

1- Ignatia-30x (Twice daily i.e in the morning & in the evening before going to bed)

2- Silicea-6x (Thrice daily for 10 days)

3- Kali Mur (Thrice daily for 10)

1 dose of any of the above remedies = 2 drops in half cup of water OR put 4 pills on the tongue & suck them without taking water along with medicine. Take any homeopathic remedy 30min before or 30min after taking food.

Prayers & best wishes,
[message edited by AsadGhumman on Wed, 07 Nov 2012 17:02:53 GMT]
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi just wanted to make sure I am to take Ignatia for 10 days also. Also, I started ignatia a few days before I got the other two in the mail and now I regret not asking if I could do that before I did. I just wonder if I have made a mistake because I have been very tired the past two days. Have had alot of tiredness, neck pain (although i may have slept wrong) had a bad headache but may have had a little more than usual to drink the neck pain and stiffness persists. I've had a lot of tiredness and haven't been able to concentrate or think real well. I may have messed up on two dosages because I couldn't remember which bottle I took first. I also have been talking alot again without thinking first and then get mad that I say too much.. oversharing I call it. anyway I'm just scared I'm doing something wrong and will mess something up. thanks
jdc02 last decade

Are you taking the below remedies as suggested earlier? If yes than how many days you have taken so far & any change noticed?

1- Ignatia-30x (Twice daily i.e in the morning & in the evening before going to bed)

2- Silicea-6x (Thrice daily for 10 days)

3- Kali Mur (Thrice daily for 10)

AsadGhumman last decade
I should get Kali Mur in mail today.
I took Ignatia twice a day since last monday.
I started taking silecea three times a day on last thursday. at least two or three times on fri and sat I may have taken an extra dose of either as I forgot which one I just took. I forgot home many dosed I toke on sat. I didnt take any yesterday.. I got so freaked out by the fact I couldn't remember which one I had just taken that I worried I did something wrong. Thinking/memory/brain had been bad but this was really bad! ( I am making a schedule sheet but it seems so bad I am so lost in memory).
I felt agitated and a little nasuea on sat. I was having next pain, headache and naseua thurs but may have bad effect of alchohol. I feel sad and a little weepy the past three or so days but I am close to start of cycle. I am very tired. Just want to sleep a lot. Still no desire to want to clean, work or be very social.
I feel like the biggest change was difficult concentration, felt memory is bad, thinking esp of math or anything above simple tasks difficult. I overshared which I felt was also a loss of thinking ability. Very aware of insecurities esp concerning work, capabilities and now of being single and alone which I previously didn't care about. thanks
[message edited by jdc02 on Mon, 19 Nov 2012 14:44:18 GMT]
[message edited by jdc02 on Mon, 19 Nov 2012 17:50:41 GMT]
jdc02 last decade
i raed your history so long and tippicalbut dont worry and used this compound have a good result.

staphysagria+ignatia amara+
all medicine 200 potency.
all medicine mix 10+10+10+10 drops with a sip of water twic a day before meal.
medicine used 4 day. 5th day report me.
dr, badar baig
doctorbadar9 last decade
I did not finish remedy as I lost my mother unexpectedly and tragically on 11/20. should I go ahead with the remedies from the beginning or wait and report new symptoms etc. I have been feeling lots of guilt for not showing more love and compassion to my mom and now feel bad about those things. I feel sad and hope to not fall into a depression again but not sure if I should take anything while dealing with grief. I'm not sure how do deal with it, I do have some anger over this too. and regret. thanks
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

So sorry to hear about death of your mother. I really feel very sad for you whenever I see your thread & especially after knowing that you have lost your mother. May her soul rest in peace. I sincerely wish to see you back in your life as a winner. I wish it happens. Please take the same remedy i.e Ignatia Amara-30x twice daily for 3 days as it is the best remedy to help one overcome deep sadness & depression after the death of a loved one.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
I wish for the same thing in life.
I have been more sad this week, with some anxiety and some aggitation towards people (I hold it in because I'm sure it really isn't warrented).
Could I take another dose of he ignatia?
jdc02 last decade
I think worse than sadness is anxiety right now. I feel as if my chest is heavy (which may be grief) I feel I have to take a deep breath to release the tension. I find myself thinking about all the things I have to do and while the answers I am waiting for from others (I can't sleep some nights), I get very anxious and angry because I feel like they don't care, which then adds to my anxiety. Should I take another dose of Ignatia or something else?
jdc02 last decade
the physical sensation of an elephant on my chest is really bad, My heart feels racing a lot of times. sometimes there is lightheadedness and slight nausea. Mentally I feel very alone, angry and hurt as I feel not many people (family or friends) are really there for me. I feel really paranoid about many things.. not sure if you need examples..
please help, thank you
jdc02 last decade
I googled stress induced paranoia.. and it shows bpd relation. please advice on some help for this if there is a remedy.. thanks
jdc02 last decade
the physical sensation of an elephant on my chest is really bad, My heart feels racing a lot of times. sometimes there is lightheadedness and slight nausea. Mentally I feel very alone, angry and hurt as I feel not many people (family or friends) are really there for me. I feel really paranoid about many things.. not sure if you need examples.. I can't stop thinking about my mom and how I lost her. I feel as if the only person (other than my son) who was really important and loved me is now gone. I don't have much desire for anything in life.. I'm having a hard time accepting life and her being gone. I feel guilty for not spending more time with her or talking to her. I feel I am being punished.
please help, thank you
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Good day to you.

I really feel very sad whenever I visit your thread. There is so much pain in your words regarding your mother that makes me sad too. You are at the same position for your son as your mother used to be for you. Your son must also greatly depends on you same as you used to depend & discuss everything with your mother. I am sure you would have been much more caring & understanding for your son now after loosing your beloved mother. You can always share your feelings & thoughts with me or simone, I always read & understand your words no matter if I respond you on time or not.

Regarding the feeling of an elephant on your chest, I would like you to take the below two remedies:

1- Ambra Grisea-30c
2- Asa Foetida-30c.

I request you to please get the right potencies this time & not the 30x instead as happened earlier.

Many many prayers for you & your mother,

AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
thank you for your kind words. I had acupuncture about before I saw your post. I don't think I have experienced the feeling on my chest or the panic, anxiety attacks since then so I did not take the remedies because that elephant feeling was gone.
I feel sad and withdrawn.. my financial worries are back because I don't even feel like working, I don't want to be around others and my concentration is bad.
I don't feel like I am able to get back to my normal life. I find it very hard to focus and unable to get much work done. I am very unproductive and my finances are suffering now so on top of it I feel like I can't make ends meet. I feel like I shouldn't feel this bad 5 months later.
I have not had many personal contacts with others as I find myself feeling very angry towards others, very suspicious of them and so I just avoid them so I don't have to worry about my accidentally acting different based on my internal thoughts/feelings.
I don't know if there is anything homeopathic to help these symptoms or if I just have to let time pass.
jdc02 last decade

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