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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression, sadness, pessimism, loss of time Page 4 of 5

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two other things that are odd behaviors that may be related..I find a need to pick or cut off split ends on my hair (don't like the bent ends..need for perfection?) and I also sometimes (since i was a child )scratch skin and scalp for any bumps or inperfections and sometimes eat the scab. strange but I have to sometimes catch myself and stop these things .. my mom picks and scratches to so I don't know if it's just a learned behavior or true impulse
jdc02 last decade
and I don't know how to word the other thing.. I lament or think about how I overshare information ( I feel like I share too much personal info with people I don't know well) and then feel bad, ashamed and think about it over and over, as to stop doing it but I will still repeat the same.. this has really been bothering me lately
jdc02 last decade
Hi Asad,
I just wonder if you are still reviewing case or are not readily available. It takes awhile to get response and when my sypmtoms flare up that can feel enbearable and dibilitating especially when I am feeling sad and very unproductive in my work, like no energy or will to do work. Sorry I post so much just trying to get your attention. thanks in advance
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

I am reviewing your case. I just wanted you to speak as much about yourself as you like & that's why I was silent for a while. I will reply you detail tomorrow.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Thanks Asad,
I am trying to give as much info as I can think of so help you get the best diagnosis.. I feel like I could write a book and don't want to repeat. I think the lack of wanting to go out (which is the one thing I enjoy doing with friends) is because of lack of money and or regret if I spend when I shouldn't. Also I think sometimes I feel down, like not social maybe because of low self esteem. I want to date but I have lots of confusion over it. I feel like I want to date guys that don't seem to be interested in me and most that ask me out I don't find attractive. I have major conflicts in this area. Like I let it affect my self worth or esteem when I am not attracted to guys that like me, like I can't do better. I want an attractive man, successful, good job. But I don't feel good enough or secure when I do get it and bad when I don't. I often wonder why I have such opposite conflicts, like in a relationship I like someone who spoils me with time and attention but very leary as to not be controlled. (have been in verbal abusive relationships-like when I was a child by my mom).
My symptoms are worse around the week before my period.. have tender breasts about a week before lasts a few days, get more sad and feel like everything is bad. I get very tired, especially day or two around the first day of period and sometimes a really bad headache that day.
thanks again
jdc02 last decade
I'm not sure if it means anything. I had two nights in the past month where I couldn't fall asleep until about 5:30 am.
At work, I seem to constantly want to eat the peppermints in front of me.
I get very quiet and withdrawn around my family. I don't like conflict and in order to withdraw or not think about my dislike for their dysfunctional relationships I want to almost shut them out (yes I'm very critical of them, and that is my way not to say anything or cause a fight).
I also find myself worrying about bad things happening sometimes (car accidents, things that will cost money, losing the good things I have, loss of child). I counter this by trying to think of the positive, being grateful for what I have instead of don't have or might lose. (I used to do this as a child, when my mom would not come home.. go from anger to worry and then thing of things that might have happened, when she came home wasn't sure to be happy or mad). Many of my internal conflicts are opposites like this.

I think the conflicts around money, security, success, failure, insecurity, fear may stem from a few things in childhood. When I wouldn't get my way (mostly remember it when my mom would leave me) I would bang my head on the floor, fridge. In stead of being comforted by other family or her, I was ignored, made fun of or placed in a room till I calmed. Later, there were a few tramatic incidents (like when my mom tried to kill herself and a fight between her and her boyfriend where I had to call cops and he needed stiches). I was told to stay with my mom because she needed me and didn't need to be alone. I felt sad, scared but mostly resentful and angry I had to be put in that position. Felt more like the parent in some times.
[message edited by jdc02 on Fri, 07 Sep 2012 21:05:11 BST]
jdc02 last decade
Ive been getting bad headaches and nausea after drinking everytime the past month or so. When drinking normal amount or even after one or two.. I've tried drinking different things too, beer/ wine/ mixed drink.. they all make me feel really bad the next day.. basically is it ok to take nux vomica acutely for hangover?
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Please stop all homeopathic remedies & get hold of the below 2 remedies:

1- Thuja Occ-200
2- Graphites-30

Let me know when you have these two remedies with you. I will then guide you further.

P.S: Please mention your exact date of birth i.e 22-mm-yyyy. I need to select your biochemic salt by looking at your DoB.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
I did take one dose of Nux Vomica last night 4 pellets under tongue of 30x. Just do update you.
My DOB is 12-12-75.
Thank you!
jdc02 last decade
Hi, please go ahead with the above two remedies & don't take any other remedy while you are taking these two.

AsadGhumman last decade
Before I order, they have 30x, 30c and 200c, 200x.. which should I get.
Also, you asked about anger. I don't remember what I said before but just got real angry at son who wouldn't get up from school. When he won't listen I start taking away games, phone things that keep him up. Then I get angrier if he still wont listen and want to hit him and pull him out of bed. I didn't get him but started pulling pillow away and his arm to get up (he is bigger than me). He calls me names and I want to say hurtful things back. He calls me 36 going on 14. I try not to get more angry but then I want to cry whether I loose my temper at times or don't.
I get so mad he won't listen to me
I will order these when you tell me c or x, since I don't know the difference and as the store does not carry the 200.. also do I need to purchase biochemic salt for the future?
[message edited by jdc02 on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 02:01:01 BST]
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Good day to you :)

I have studied your biochemic salts also. As stated earlier, stop all homeopathic remedies that you were using eearlier. You need to buy the below remedies :

1- Thuja-200c
2- Graphites-200c
3- Ignatia-30c or 200c or whichever you have available with you. (We'll need this in future)
Biochemic Salt-1: Silicea-6x
Biochemic Salt-2: kali Mur-6x

Prayers & best wishes,
[message edited by AsadGhumman on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 08:44:01 BST]
AsadGhumman last decade
Hello Asad,
I have ordered the remedies and will await your instructions on dosage once they arrive. Thank you very much!
Also, should I avoid coffee longer than the 30 min and can I continue with vitamins and supplements (adrenal support, probiotics and omega 3's) when I start taking your recommended dose of homeo?
[message edited by jdc02 on Wed, 19 Sep 2012 06:14:17 BST]
jdc02 last decade
Hi Asad,
I recieved the remedies today and I anxiously awake your dosing instructions. One note to add is the feeling of being so unproductive really bothers me. I feel like it takes me so long to do work. It seems it takes me 30 min to do something I should be able to finish in 10 minutes. If I don't watch the clock constantly and hour or so can pass and I don't really get much accomplished. I think it interferes with my ability to make more money and that is a major stress in my life.. barely getting by so it severely affects me and no time or energy to do other things like workout by the end of the day, unless I just blow things off completely. Thanks!
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Please take 1 dose of thuja daily for 3 days & then wait for next 3 days without taking any remedy.

1 dose of Thuja = 5 drops of thuja-200c in half cup of water or put 4 pills directly on your tongue & chew slowly without taking water with it.

Don't take other remedies yet.

Prayers & best wises,
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi jdc02,

Please update about your condition.

AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
I was feeling a little more energetic the after the third dose and for a few days. Now I am starting to feel sad again and poor self esteem. I'm worried about money but feel the desire to shop to make myself feel better (I associate that with the poor self esteem). The low mood and self image makes me want to avoid going out with friends.. and need clothes to feel better.
I'm not sure if the worry and low mood is related to the onset of menses because it is about that time. I'm two days late. I was pretty regular the past two years, although before that period would sometimes be a few days late. I haven't had any headaches that I can think of.. they come on but go away shortly after. one on left side of forehead and the other on right back of head.
Also, the past few days people get on my nerves. That often happens during pms though too. The first few doses I had more dreams, only one that I remember (b/c my son's dad died.. we're not together but still bothered me a little).
Procrastination is still bad and the down feeling and low self esteem are starting to be a little bothersome. (although it shortly goes away a few days or so after period starts, feel like I waste so much of my time in life feeling down, lazy and bad about myself).
Also I want to avoid men alot, part because of low self image and the other because the situations are not how I want them to be.
Hope that helps :)
Thank you!
one other thing i noticed was i would say things out of order like enough was yesterday instead of yesterday was enough.. I do sometimes stumble over words anyway. not sure other examples or how to describe it. Like I feel like i slur as soon as i have one drink. and say heat seater instead of seat heater are too more examples.
Also, and this has been ongoing but didn't think to mention it before. I don't feel like I can remember information, educational things (but maybe worse recently). I think this is why i feel incompetant in my work and low confidence most of the time in career. Often think about different job with less resposiblity.
[message edited by jdc02 on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:38:33 BST]
[message edited by jdc02 on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:53:26 BST]
jdc02 last decade
Also there's a decrease in appetite and period is five days late now. want to shop to feel better but have no money so sad and worried about bills.
Also, I have a desire to smell tea tree oil and want to put it on my lips for smell, not sure why I have that desire?
jdc02 last decade
Hi jdc02,

Please take graphites-200c once daily for next 7 days.

One dose = put 4 pills directly on your tongue & chew/suck slowly without taking water with it OR put 2 drops in half cup of water & drink.

Take any homeopathic remedy at least 30min before or 30min after food.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Asad,
I just wanted to update, I've taken 5 doses, with 2 more to go. So far I have noticed today more sadness, worry over money (although bills are due so that may aggravate anyway). I'm also more emotional, along with sadness and seeing things on tv that make me sad, I also started laughing both made me want to laugh til I cried or cried.. I guess just an desire to just cry.
The next symtoms I think I noticed before graphite but after the thuja.
I've also noticed an increase in extreme jealousy, which makes me sad, distrust...viewed friends comments/actions as being hurtful (ive on occasion felt she was like this in the past..jealous, therefore mean, taking jabs). I'm again experiencing insecurity about myself, looks and even clothes, picking out what to wear and feel confident about it. I've also had increase in procrastination, fear from things I need to take care of (financially especially). Feelings of inadequacy (work, relationships with men). The feelings of not being good enough may have stemmed from mothers verbal abuse. She would call me stupid, slut, never get or keep a man. ( I was recently reading a little about homeopathy and how origins could be important so wanted to add that if needed).

jdc02 last decade
Hi Asad,
I finished last dose yesterday. The most pressing thoughts issues coming up are feeling insecure.. a need for new clothes and shoes to look better/attractive. A real state of confusion, what do I want in life.. a little sadness when I think of wanting a family and kids or should I say missing out on that experience. A feeling of need and desire to take care of,as I fall deeper in debt and I feel bad though beause I feel like a user and will be looked down upon and will fail at being taken care of. I have a real fear of opening up to others my true feelings, one because they are confused and two because I'm afraid I will be judged and seen as a mess. I tried very hard to become educated to take care of myself and not have to depend on anyone if they left (goes along with previous post of childhood issues/programming by mother). I obtained degree but have been unable to make a decent living and now the need for security from a man is so overwhelming and yet because it's not happening.. I guess it's a failure too. I feel stagnate, I'm not sure if just now or from programming of childhood.. which I also correlate the inorgasm issue..
maybe I'm afraid to want something in life again because I'm afraid of the disappointment?!
I'm also afraid if I'm social or open up to people or are just around people they will see things about me, will not like my so I don't like to say much when around people. I think being elusive is better to avoid rejection.
anyway hope this helps.. thank you for your prayers and help! jdc
[message edited by jdc02 on Mon, 08 Oct 2012 17:21:27 BST]
jdc02 last decade
I've had some stomach aching, slight cramping this evening for a few hours, not sure if related to anything just not a common symptom that I have so thought I would report. thanks
jdc02 last decade
I feel like I have been making more mistakes lately. With scheduling appointments, not sure if I am not fully present of why I am missing things, trying to to things and forget or spacey. I do feel a little out of it sometimes like I'm tired and not fully in the moment. sometimes I geel like i get annoyed with people and get distant. Especially those that are heavy, I even had a dream about my cousin who is obese and she lost wieght and then I was nicer to her.
I still feel lose of time is a huge problem in my life. It takes me so long to finish tasks and be productive that I wonder if I will ever dig myself out of the hole of things I have procrastinated on. the overwhelming feeling of it sometimes leads to more procrastination or the tiredness, or desire to sit and relax in the mornings and nights.
jdc02 last decade
Still have some sadness, not as bad but it is associated with feelings of rejection or lack of attention. Physical symtoms, biggest are constipation still and the stomach feels a little achy and crampy (new symptom).
jdc02 last decade
Hi, I've had more physical symptoms than usual.. stomach aches as mentioned before and now heartburn lately. I'm still having constipation most days. The biggest mental complaints are irritation with close friends like I can't trust them. I again find myself wanting to not confide in them anymore then I accidently divulge information again. I guess I have a hard time keeping it in but I know they tell more than I want them to. The other thing is severe procrastination.. I'm having a hard time keeping up on basic housework and house is a mess.. I had made great progress in this area over the past two years. Also I feel I need material things to feel better about myself.. I have little motivation to work out any and just want to sit..although I have much to finish. thanks
jdc02 last decade
Hi, is ASAd, still here?
should I take any of the other remedies or continue to wait? thanks
[message edited by jdc02 on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 04:29:48 BST]
jdc02 last decade

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