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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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A touch of constipation.
Nose runs just a bit throughout the day.
I notice that I'm sensitive to sound---my husband likes things loud and I want to cover my ears.
Still feel anxiety in the background of life.
Depression seems a lot better, although I still feel very uncertain about my future. Also would still like to solidify my spiritual journey. Feel like I'm maybe getting onto some things but it's slow going.

Feel pretty good as to energy the last day or two.
Often have the feeling that I'm hungry for something but don't know what.
alaskamom last decade
Forgot to mention really dry skin. I have a crack in my thumb by the nail that never fully heals, just heals over and cracks again. I also have this rash on my face that has never really gone away. It seems like it's been there for months. It's small red raised dots that if you squeeze them, just have clear fluid. They break out in patches, take a long time to heal, dry out eventually and heal over, then break out in a new place.
alaskamom last decade
Hmmm...that rash sounds like pompholyx - a vescicular eczema that is caused by stress.

I think we are on the right track with Thuja, even with the aggravation around your period. Menstrual aggravation doesn't always clear up straight away, but there should be a gradual lessening until it is minor (as it should be for a woman).

If it doesn't then we can attempt to treat it specifically, based (as always) on the symptoms.

So has it been 10 days since the last dose?
Evocationer last decade
Yes, that's right, 10 days ago now.
As for the rash, that sounds right, I've had the same thing before around stressful times and my mom told me it was a 'stress rash'. I've just never had it go on this long.

I do think the menstrual symptoms are better than they used to be in the past. So at least it's getting better.
alaskamom last decade
Were you wanting me to re-dose?
I did just get some flower essences to try. Are those OK to do alongside homeopathy?
alaskamom last decade
I wanted to pop in and ask your opinion. I feel so blown about by my hormones. Every month I get about a week or two of good mood toward the beginning of the month, after menses are over, and then getting on toward ovulation time mid-month, my mood goes slowly down, and then definitely is down by the time ovulation hits, and pretty much stays there through menses until they are over. Some months it seems like I only get one good week out of the whole month. It's really frustrating. Right now I'm post ovulation but haven't hit menses yet, and I'm dreading it. I already feel kind of down and irritable, and I know it will get worse in a week or two.

Last time I took a dose of the Thuja, maybe a week or two ago? It didn't seem to do anything for me. What would you suggest?
alaskamom last decade
Bumping since I posted over the weekend.
I'm just starting menses, and getting very antisocial feeling, although I seem to be feeling that way all the time anyway, just to a lesser degree.
alaskamom last decade
Menses are over.
Have been tending toward constipation lately.
On a side note, I'm going back to work after having been a stay at home mom for 5 years. I'm excited and a bit nervous, but it sounds like a good job. It will be at a yarn store, and knitting is one of my hobbies. So hopefully it will work out well.
alaskamom last decade
So is it improved over what it would normally be?

It sounds like Thuja might be out of the picture for the moment. Go back to the last potency of Sepia that worked and take another dose of that.
Evocationer last decade
Seems like during period time, it's pretty normal. Had a headache/migraine every day of menses and a couple of days after it finished.
I feel like I'm still improved over my baseline prior to starting any homeopathy. I'm still maintaining on my lower dose of antidepressants. However, I feel like the Thuja gave me a big boost that didn't last. Now when I take it, it doesn't seem to do anything. Would it be better to try adding more succussions to the bottle first before ditching it altogether? Or does it seem like it's just not going to be helpful anymore?
alaskamom last decade
I have had a runny nose for about a month. It started around the end of last month, and hasn't stopped since. About two and a half weeks ago, it turned into a sinus infection, which cleared with some antibiotics. But still a runny nose.
Last night my nose got all congested, and this morning and all day I have had a profusely running nose--clear, watery and just constantly dripping. Sneezing frequwntly, too. No fever or other indication it was an illness. I wondered if it was allergies, even though I don't normally suffer from allergies. I took a Benadryl but didn't get relief. Is there anything I can take homeopathically?
alaskamom last decade
Actually what I would do is go to the higher dose of Thuja. It sounds like Thuja has changed the constitutional picture (improved the soil so to speak). That is a good thing, as everything else becomes easier once that is done.

This probably means your miasm is sycotic - Medorrhinum is the nosode related to this miasm (the centrepoint of it because it comes from the disease typifying the miasm - gonnorrhea).

This doesn't necessarily mean you need the nosode (although you might, and there is a system built around the idea of nosodes being used as intercurrents to improve the action of other medicines). This does mean we should probably keep our focus on other remedies in this miasm though.

How long has it been since you last took the 200c?
Evocationer last decade
Oh, at least a month, maybe 6 weeks. I believe I only took one or two doses in total.
alaskamom last decade
I wondered if it was an allergy, because I just started working in a yarn shop about a month ago. My mom and sister are allergic to wool, it makes them itch and sneeze. I had never had that reaction before, but then again, I wasn't ever in a shop every day where the fibers are always around. However, I don't have any other symptoms of an allergy, such as a scratchy throat or watery eyes. Just the sneezing and this running nose that is swollen just about shut.
[message edited by alaskamom on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 01:18:08 GMT]
alaskamom last decade
Well I would probably take another dose - it has been a fair stretch since the last one. Do we need to adjust the dose any further to make it less aggravating do you think?
Evocationer last decade
I don't think so, I don't recall it being a big problem last time I took a dose, so I think it will be all right. Thanks!
alaskamom last decade
You may want to price getting Thuja 1M as well - that would be the next step. I know it can take you awhile to be able to afford them.
Evocationer last decade
Thank you, that's a good plan.
alaskamom last decade
Hello. Just an update. I took the Thuja yesterday evening. The nasal congestion is down some, about 60% improved I'd say, and the runny nose has slowed some. Still sneezing occasionally and my nasal passages feel irritated. Every now and then I get a tickle in my nose that is so intense it hurts. Now The back of my throat feels irritated as well, and the Eustachian tube on the left---I was trying to irrigate my nasal passages yesterday and blew my nose after, and felt some of the saline go into the tube on that side. Now it feels irritated just like my throat and nose.
Also, I recall that I have pretty much had this runny nose, sometimes more intense than others, but never really went away, since when I took that first dose of Thuja. So it's been going on from the start.
[message edited by alaskamom on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 06:18:00 GMT]
alaskamom last decade
I'm getting a worsening of my nasal symptoms today. I used a nasal spray last night (and the night before) to try to get some relief from the congestion so I could fall asleep more easily. I'm not sure if that interfered with the action of the remedy. But it's near impossible for me to fall asleep when my nose is stuffed up.
Today my nasal passages feel like nothing more than slits. Many times they're completely swollen shut. I can't smell anything. The drainage is still running fast, sometimes faster than I can catch it if I lean forward without having a tissue handy. I've been having sneezing attacks, 4 or 5 sneezes all in a row, which never happens to me. When I sneeze, it's usually once or twice.
I didn't get enough sleep last night on account of staying up too late, and have been feeling cold all day, which I attribute to being tired.
I feel irritated that I'm still dealing with these annoying symptoms. The nasal spray is only partially effective, too, and when I took Benadryl a couple days ago, it didn't do much either. Still, I'm wondering now if this is some sort of allergy or intolerance to animal fibers.
My ears/Eustachian tubes still itch.
alaskamom last decade
Can you give me more symptoms than just the URT ones? General, emotional, mental, other parts of the body?
Evocationer last decade
I feel mostly good emotionally. Working has been agreeing with me emotionally. I tend to stress out a bit while at work, trying to get everything perfect so my boss will be happy with me. In some ways, I feel like I sort of fake it while at work and that I'd rather not have to be so cheerful and friendly and chatty. Lately I feel like I would rather not have to work so much. Even though it's part time, and an easy job, I over think everything. The nasal congestion makes me feel unprofessional.
[message edited by alaskamom on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 03:48:31 GMT]
alaskamom last decade
In the mornings, my nasal discharge is thick and yellow, it turns to clear later in the morning.

I feel like this same set of symptoms happened about a month ago. It was right after I started the new job.
alaskamom last decade
Any thoughts?
alaskamom last decade
Still stalled out with my nose very congested and nasal discharge is unchanged.
alaskamom 9 years ago
So you are still better overall, with the ongoing nasal discharge. Is that right?
Evocationer 9 years ago

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