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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Forum homeopaths Please help me Page 4 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please check the previous post.

I will have to visit the doctor because this pain is weird. Could be stomach infection or an ulcer . Its more in the intestine.

Also getting myself Nux Vomica 200 but will not take it. Only keep it with me.

[message edited by zibban on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:26:46 GMT]
zibban last decade

Hi, did you manage to read my post sir ?

I still feel it's Nux Vomica symptoms. I do have that pain in the middle of the stomach just above the belly button. I love spicy food but that tends to cause acidic problems.

My sleep patterns are terrible. Have to do something about that.

Thanks for looking into my problems in the absence of Daktersaab.

zibban last decade
hi Daktersaab,

As you are not available currently hence I am making a new thread.

zibban last decade
Evocationer / Experts

If someone can help.

zibban last decade

You are gayab sir ?

I feel this could due to Lyco 1M ? As the abdominal pain and that reflux actually started after that. Though I did take lot of Coffee.

The pain feels like a cramp but no diarrhea , the gas is so lousy smelly. Could be an Ulcer ? or infection.

My Doctor says acidity / infection. But why is also the lower abdomen cramping which feels acidic.

Stool color is light and incomplete.

Sometimes I am not able to expel gas but only in certain positions.

Also burping. Hunger seems less.

Awaiting your reply.

[message edited by zibban on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 12:47:49 GMT]
zibban last decade
Anyone ?
zibban last decade
Can anyone look into my problems ?

zibban last decade

If you read this.

I am a bit paranoid.

I have severe reflux which is not sour and causes chest pain and throat problem. And today I had to forcefully vomit and saw little blood.

Please do check the post.

[message edited by zibban on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:03:12 GMT]
zibban last decade
My apologies! This post wasn't coming up on my list of recent threads, so I didn't notice you had replied.

I will look at this right now and have a suggestion for you soon.
Evocationer last decade
Hi evocationer,

Thanks for the reply.

I did speak to my doctor and the doctor said it is just the pressure on the vessel due to induced vomiting that caused little bleeding but asked me to check again. I did sore throat recently and also every time in the night I lie down I get throat irritation and have to keep clearing the throat which is causing me sleep problems.

Help me cure this reflux nausea.

My stool is creamy smelly and sticky.

Remember I was on lot of tea / smoking / alcohol since years but I have quit it.

Need more info let me know

[message edited by zibban on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:58:14 GMT]
zibban last decade
Alright, I have gone through the previous 6 pages of posts, and I believe the remedy you should try is Aesculus hippocastanum 12c. You should obtain this in liquid form (oral dosing liquid).

If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.

If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.

1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand

2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water

3. Stir very thoroughly

4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.

This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.

If any old symptoms reappear, or any current symptoms worsen, this is a GOOD sign in most cases. DO NOT SUPPRESS them with other kinds of medication unless you are in real danger (which is a highly unlikely reaction to a remedy).

However, if you are on regular medication it is also important that you do NOT stop taking this. Once it is determined the medicine has acted beneficially, we can look at reducing such medication if safe to do so. Regular medication in this instance is NOT defined as other homoeopathic medicines which MUST be stopped.

As we are starting with a low potency, take one dose each day for 7 days and report the changes to me at the end of that period - keep in mind any marked worsening of any symptom requires you to stop and report to me straight away.
Evocationer last decade
Hi Evocationer,

Thanks for the reply.

I will take the remedy from tomorrow.

But I have a few questions before I get the remedy.

I am asking the questions because of the reflux I am getting.

Drinking water and after eating i get a lot of belching. There is a ball like sensation in the throat which comes and goes. Remember the reflux is not acidic, infact the acidity in the stomach and intestines. have nausea. There is chest pain and sometimes sternum pain.

My lower back / SI joint is just horrible. The muscle of the hip tighten up and cause heavy legs. Bending for long stiffens the lower back and it hurts.

I procure the remedy tomorrow.

zibban last decade
I didn't see any questions there, just some statements about what happens to you.
Evocationer last decade

Oh it is the way I put it up hence it looked like statements :).

zibban last decade

There is no change. my lower abdomen feels tight and also after bowel movement it tightens up. it's like a freaking tight band.

I am belching / burping a lot after even drinking water damn.

The stool is formed but incomplete.

That reflux is less but it's there.

Why have I lost weight ? dark circles not going away.

Need more info let me know.

[message edited by zibban on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 18:12:59 GMT]
zibban last decade
Some slight improvement - I would continue to with the remedy for another week and let me know.

There is another remedy I might also consider - Asafoetida. Carbo-veg does come in a quite a few symptoms too. Let's see what happens after the repetition of the remedy and see if it is necessary to increase the potency of Aesc or move on to a new remedy.
Evocationer last decade

Thanks for the reply, but I did forget to mention that the pain under the right ribs has returned and feel bloated too.

I feel the skin a bit yellow don't know it could be my imagination.

I don't drink alcohol anymore it's been long

But why the weight loss ?

zibban last decade
When you say those symptoms have returned, when did they go away?
Evocationer last decade

I think it had gone away after Cheli Q.

Please me with this reflux and belching.

I don't get sleep properly and it makes me unfreshed.

I love the cold weather but dampness and cold makes worst.

[message edited by zibban on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 19:29:03 GMT]
zibban last decade

What to do about the reflux / burp / belching ?

zibban last decade

LOL even you disappeared.

Just kidding.

That freaking lower abdomen. I get weird pain on the left. I feel sick nauseated / reflux / burp / belching / not much appetite. Bowel is not clear. abdomen bloated / tight. There is more problem on the left side. some weird chest pains.

The thing is it's all complicated because I have a shifted spine and a SI joint. So the chest pain also could be from that or from that reflux thing. Yes my SI joint is horrible. The SI is affecting my right hips / waist bad pain.

I just remembered that this all started I think after getting hard stools.

What is the left medicine ? I want to be cured.

[message edited by zibban on Tue, 10 Feb 2015 18:49:06 GMT]
zibban last decade
So did you repeat the Aesculus 12c?
Evocationer last decade

No I did not repeat Aesculus 12c, but i will if you say so.

BTW the bottle was very tiny and without a dropper and used to loose lot of it hence I will need to buy a bigger one.

I also get this asthmatic breathing issue , I feel this could be due to the reflux. Though I was a Bronchial patient when a kid but was cured of it.

But why there is hardly an acidic feeling in the reflux and why do I belch even after drinking water. I also get food which backs up.

And why does the lower abdomen tighten up after a bowel.

[message edited by zibban on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 14:29:16 GMT]
zibban last decade
The important thing with management of cases is not to move past a remedy that might be useful. Often the chances of going back to it are nil, since there are so many possible choices. I wanted you to repeat to get an idea of what improvement happened the first time and to see if we could either repeat that or even build on it.

No dropper makes it impossible to be sure you are taking the same amount each time. I would make sure you get one this time so we can measure it out more precisely.
Evocationer last decade

Alright I will procure a new one with a dropper.

zibban last decade

I got Aesc 12 with a dropper so Let me confirm that i should be taking Aesc 12c three times per day.

zibban last decade

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