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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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I got Aesc 12 with a dropper so Let me confirm that i should be taking Aesc 12c three times per day.

zibban last decade
Just follow the instructions on the previous page - one dose each day for 7 days maximum.

Make sure you are following each step exactly.
Evocationer last decade

I have been a such an idiot. Now the first Aesc I got was 12c from the same shop but I forgot it's 30c and now 12c is not available anywhere except 6c. Even the same shop says now it's discontinued and will only get 6c and 30c and higher.

Now what to do ?

zibban last decade
Discontinued? I don't think these people know what they are talking about. Very strange.

Just take 3 doses of 30c then. We can work with that. Follow the instructions in every other way though.
Evocationer last decade

Yes they are not making 12c and 3c anymore here.

Alright i will take 3 doses hopefully in a single day ? I will take the doses as suggested.

zibban last decade

Yes they are not making 12c and 3c anymore here.

Alright i will take 3 doses hopefully in a single day ? I will take the doses as suggested.

Forgot to mention. the belching (gas from mouth) only happens when I sit up or stand up and not when lying down. Also after dinner with the belch i do get little food back up. I have that chest heaviness and pain still and asthmatic breathing issue so I use the inhaler. Throat problem is still there and the cough is bad. The belch does provide relief and it mostly happens only after eating / drinking which is mostly in the nights.
Also please note that I was too much on tea / smokes the whole day since years but as I have mentioned I stopped that and just take a few in the day and almost with 2-3 ltrs of water.

I had completely forgotten about the above.

[message edited by zibban on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:40:01 GMT]
zibban last decade
That does make Carbo-veg sound like an even better next step.

Surely this business doesn't actually make the remedies. They must buy them from somewhere. No pharmacy is going to stop making 12c - it is available in every pharmacy's medicine list I look at.

Regardless, we can work with 30c.
[message edited by Evocationer on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:29:41 GMT]
Evocationer last decade

There is some effect but I will update tomorrow as there is a pain on the left leg and this happened after bike riding which was many days ago. But don't know why the pain came so late I will write in detail tomorrow. The lower spine is hurting can't do my weights or any strainous work. But let me write in detail later tomorrow

In India 12 and 3c is no more available.

Should I also get carbo-v 30c?

zibban last decade
Not yet, let's see what happens on Aesc 30c first.
Evocationer last decade

Today the nausea was there and there was acid in the chest wanting to make me throw up. There was acid under ribs (probably because of dinner last night)
Feeling sick. Chest pressure / pain on both sides and mild ache on the sternum.

This nausea usually is there most of the time.

yesterday I was better. But don't know what happened today.

What is that weird thing happening at the base of the throat ? I can't seem to explain what it feels.

Oh BTW that asthma thing was horrible today morning with bad cough, also had it mid afternoon and evening.So I have to use the inhaler but for long.

Belching still there after drinking / eating but only when sitting or standing and not when lying down.

I did take a cup of coffee today just to check and immediately i had that acid rising. So I had to take Citro Soda. I am not a Coffee drinker but just to kill the Tea drinking i had started on Coffee but that also I have quit.

I have also noticed after straining work I do tend to get nausea and acid rising.

I have that blocked head/nose because of the weather and also suffer from sinus and it's bad.

Let me know if more info is needed.

Hey BTW I have taken 1 does of Aesc 12 for 3 days .

[message edited by zibban on Mon, 23 Feb 2015 17:14:44 GMT]
zibban last decade

Please do read the previous post.

Today again not feeling well , I was ok in the morning till mid-afternoon but later not too well as was feeling nauseous.

Sometimes I feel it's my spine causing the body problems because I do any physical work then i had it, I cannot bend for too long and weakness like the body ache / sometimes like needles. Ah I forgot I do have burning in toes especially the left. It does go to the right. Feel very weird like ants crawling over during bedtime.

BTW is there any medicine that heal / cure the food pipe ? I am getting paranoid now. I don't think I can take spicy food anymore. I would to avoid it.

Motion seems ok. But still incomplete and do tend to get the tightness / bloated feeling at times.

Right there now is food in the back of the throat just after a belch.

I am no more on coffee but yes I do take around 4 cups of tea though but eventually I will decrease it.

That ache under the right ribs is there today. Was there also last night. It's uncomfortable.

I do feel that if I throw up I would better. But I don't want to.

[message edited by zibban on Tue, 24 Feb 2015 18:18:40 GMT]
zibban last decade

Now what to do?

That belching with food is there especially after eating. Last two days there upper abdomen heaviness with acid below the ribs. Don't feel like eating.

zibban last decade
Ok let me look at this again, including the new information you have added.
Evocationer last decade
I believe you should try Thuja 200c, a single dose, taken in liquid form just as you did the Aesculus.

Let me know after a week what has happened.
Evocationer last decade

I will get thuja tomorrow and take it with water.

BTW will this help with that belching reflux weight loss and appetite?
[message edited by zibban on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 16:44:43 GMT]
zibban last decade
Yes I did look at those symptoms as well, and Thuja covers them.
Evocationer last decade

I could procure the medicine today but will do so tomorrow.

BTW with that upper abdomen tightness i get some weird aches / pains too.

Will hopefully take the medicine tomorrow night 3 drops in a 100 ml glass of water single dose.

zibban last decade
Have you been able to take the Thuja as yet?
Evocationer last decade

Yes I have taken Thuja yesterday similar way like Aesc.

zibban last decade
How are you doing so far?
Evocationer 9 years ago

Sorry about not informing, but i had to go and see a doctor a homeopath because the whole body is messing up and have to get certain scans done. which i shall also show my allopathy doctor.

I will keep you updated to about the progress.

zibban 9 years ago

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