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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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Dear Dr Khan, will start nat phos after meals, have nux vom in pellets, pls advise when to take. Thanks for your patience, warm regards , Sanjay
sanjay1401 last decade
"have nux vom in pellets..."
Please wait. Let Merc. Sol. perform its functions.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Dr Khan the liquid disharge seems to have increased on its own. Earlier the flow had become very less but today their was little blood on the tissue paper and also more disharge. Should i be worried due to this change in symptoms? Also had one dose of merc sol as advised. Many thanks. Sanjay
sanjay1401 last decade
Dear Dr Khan, I had reported earlier that I was not having proper BMs and had to visit washroom 3 times but still stomach was not clearing, for the last two days I am going to the washroom only once in the morning and theBM is very small in quantity, my stomach is not emptying properly and causing acidity, bloating,burping, heartburn and discomfort in stomach, pls help and suggest a remedy so that I can have normal stools and relieve this stomach discomfort. Also my mind is filled with thoughts of what is going on with my body especially rectal area which is causing me extreme anxiety. Many thanks Sanjay
[message edited by sanjay1401 on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 06:23:15 GMT]
sanjay1401 last decade

Please take Nux Vomica 200C, 4 pellets nicely dissolved in 1/4th glass of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Thank you Dr Khan, trying to get liquid Nux Vom, also tomorrow last doses of hypericum and calendula, pls advise if to be continued. I have already forwarded my today's symptoms in previous mail. Many thanks. Sanjay
sanjay1401 last decade
Update on 13/1/15 at 8:50 pm. Dear Dr Khan,
Suddenly I see there is another abscess coming not at the earlier place but close to that. It is also paining and discharge is still oozing. Not sure from the earlier one or new one. In a matter of one month I have 3 episodes of abscesses - one clears up and immediately other comes up. To explain you the stages:
It starts with pain, burning and itching
There is little swelling
Then it grows to pea size
Then it turn white
Then it bursts with oozing discharge and blood.discharge is colourless
Then it settles down slowly and another one comes out and all the steps are repeated.
Please help me to overcome this reoccurrence. Also can I take some medicine for pain - eg - staph 200. If yes, how many doses and how many days. Also what should I take to stop this reoccurrence. Thanks. Regards- sanjay.
sanjay1401 last decade
"hypericum and calendula, pls advise if to be continued."
Yes, for another 5 days.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for the update.

Please do not worry much, you must be strong to fight this out. One must respect this disease.

"Also can I take some medicine for pain - eg - staph 200. If yes, how many doses and how many days"
Yes, but, 5 hours apart from other remedies. Staph 200C, only one dose.

More prayers.....
nawazkhan last decade
Update 14/1/15 at 8.00 pm. Dear Dr Khan today the discharge is thick and sticky and white in colour, there seems to be no abcess and cannot make out where discharge is coming, feels like weeping discharge from the skin also slight pain below coccyx. Regards Sanjay.
sanjay1401 last decade
What remedies have been taken today?
nawazkhan last decade
I have taken hypericum , nux and calendula today. Regards sanjay
sanjay1401 last decade
Then, continue with the current suggestions.
nawazkhan last decade
Today's update 15/1/15. Dear Dr Khan. Today I have taken Hypericum, Calendula and Nux Vom. The discharge was less and pain is also less. However, I am still very uncomfortable as my Stomach is bloated and acidity is giving trouble, feeling of INCOMPLETE EVACUATION.and having thin stools. Regards Sanjay.
sanjay1401 last decade
" Hypericum, Calendula and Nux Vom. "
Please mention potency as well.

Are you taking Natrum Phos 6x tablets after each meal?
nawazkhan last decade
Potency of both is 200c I am taking 4 pills of nat phos 6 x after meals, Dr the pimple like abscess is causing pain and little swollen and feels like a PIMPLE. regards Sanjay.
sanjay1401 last decade
Dear Dr Khan the pimple was paining and there was burning of skin, the pimple burst on its own and there was colourless discharge with some blood, the pain has reduced after it burst and swelling also come down , I am worried that the pimple will come again and whole cycle will start again, can you suggest remedy to dry the discharge, many thanks for your time and patience, regards sanjay
sanjay1401 last decade
Hi, Please stop Nux Vomica 200C.

Take Calc Phos 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Continue all other remedies as suggested.

More prayers.
nawazkhan last decade
Today's update 17/1/15 Dear Dr Khan, have stopped nux vom 200 as per advise. Remedies for today hypericum 200, calendula 200 and Calc phos 200. The vein swells then it starts leaking from discharge then swells with discharge then it leaks and same cycle is repeated. Regards sanjay
sanjay1401 last decade
What is the exact color of current discharge?

How about the pain and bleeding?

"and same cycle is repeated"
What are the cycle days?
nawazkhan last decade
Sir, Color of current discharge is from colourless to white, when blood is mixed with discharge it turns pinkish, pain and swelling reduce after bursting and discharge comes out, blood comes on day it bursts later there is no Blood in discharge,cycle occurs every 4th to 5th day. Regards Sanjay.
sanjay1401 last decade
Please go ahead and buy Silicea 1m and and Alumen 30C.
nawazkhan last decade
Tomorrow is Sunday, pharmacy closed.will procure on Monday. Regards sanjay
sanjay1401 last decade
Not a problem. Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Today's update 18/1/15. Dear Dr Khan, the vein is swollen and there is slight sticky discharge, slight pain and discomfort. The stools are also not normalised, have stopped nux since yesterday. remedies taken today today are hypericum 200, calendula 200,Calc phos 200 and Ferrum phos 200 .I have also taken nat phos 6 x. All remedies are to be taken till tomorrow , pl advise if hypericum 200 and calendula 200 to be continued. Will procure silica 1 M And Alumen 30c tomorrow. Also Dr as stated earlier I am overweight , can I continue with my walks. I am having pain in my lower back , legs and lot of pain in my knees especially when I bend, I think this is due to extra weight, can you please prescribe a remedy for these pains and a remedy to help me loose weight. Many thanks Sanjay.
sanjay1401 last decade
"pl advise if hypericum 200 and calendula 200 to be continued."
nawazkhan last decade

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