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Posts about Chalazion

3 year old style/chalazion12Chalazion1Chalazion1Son with Chalazion62 year old (and 3 months) chalazion96 years old with a chalazion10Chalazion71HELP! 4yr old daughter has a chalazion2chalazion5Scar tissue of chalazion4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

persistant chalazion cyst Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi samantha...so glad the epson salts worked for your daughter. I have been chalazion free now for a little over 2 years. When I even 'think' I'm getting something on my eye...I start with the soaks and they either go away...or they only last a day or 2.
Linda100 last decade
I too used to suffer from frequent styes and it was only accidentally that I discovered way back in 1996 that Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which I take nightly today prevents the formation of both Styes and Chalazions permanently.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

I am copying the post I made on this Forum in 2005


Re: chalazion/Sty help From Joe De Livera on 2005-05-07

I used to suffer from Styes and Chalazions on a regular weekly basis many years ago and discovered that Arnica 30 which I took in place of Hytrin to keep my prostate relaxed and to which I was allergic to, also helped to cure this regular infection of the hair follicles in the eyelids which in turn caused the styes.

You can foment your eyelid with a soft towel dipped in boiling water which is placed over the eyelid when the heat can be tolerated on the face. The damp heat can cause the sty to open up and the pus to flow out.

However if this treatment does not work, and it may very well not since you have had your sty for over 3 months and it is hard, I'm afraid that you will have to get it lanced by an eye surgeon to release the pus. This is not a painful and I have suffered this procedure 5 times over till I discovered Arnica which I now take every night to keep the styes away is the answer.

Arnica also helps the flow of blood in the body, especially in the capillaries and if taken last thing at night, it will promote deep sleep and you will wake up feeling quite refreshed.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Linda - It's miraculous how the Epson Salts work. Plain warm/hot compresses
just don't compare. I wish I knew about this when I had a chalazion several years go. It took months to go away. Thanks again for posting!
samantha315 last decade
Brilliant! Pain in the eye cyst was not responding to antibiotic cream. Tried the hot pack for 24hrs as it was Easter Fri and i could not find a shop open for love nor money. First thing Sat got Epsom salts did the 50/50 and got 4 compresses done in the one day, next morning significant improvement. 2 days latter can not tell i have a problem, but doing the compresses for another day to be sure. I found keeping the compress hot a bit messy, so i came up with the idea of soaking a couple of cotton wool makup removers in the 50/50 epsom salts, putting it on my eye,putting a cloth on top and then pressing a heat pack (wheat heat pack) on top for 15 min. worked a treat. Dont ususally do these forum things but i was so impressed with the results i had to let you know. THANKS!redhotx7
suedynamic last decade
Great idea suedynamic and so glad your Easter wasn't ruined.
Linda100 last decade
Hi, I got a chalazion 8 or 9 months ago and it has recently swollen and gotten red again. I practice alternative medicine and have never seen a doctor about it and do not want surgery.

I started the warm compresses/antibacterial soap/neosporin tonight and it already looks like it is going down! However, I am using DEAD SEA SALT instead of epsom salts because I don't have that at my disposal currently but will pick it up asap. Is it OK to continue with dead sea salt as a substitute for epsom?

clj29360 last decade
Sorry to respond to myself, but I had to share this!!

I started the treatment EARLIER TODAY. About 8 hours later, my chalazion's swelling and extreme redness that started last week is about 50% GONE and it has a SCAB on it and the pain has diminished!! I never would have thought this would work (guess the sea salt did work). I will keep the treatment up.

Since the chalazion has been there for so long, I don't know if anything could make that go away, but I can't believe how much the red/swelling on it has gone down. I think this is going to whip that!
If you have a chalazion, this is the way to go. Skip the pills and try this first. I am telling you, I am shocked and can't believe how well this is working! I wish it would make the chalazion go away entirely, but it's been there so long I highly doubt it would.

clj29360 last decade
Dear Linda100 and Redhotrx7 and all,
Thank you all for sharing your experiences.
i am writing from Istanbul,Turkey. For a couple of weeks i was feeling extremeley unconfortable with my chalazion on my right upper eyelid. I had seen two doctors, used antibiotic drops and ointments, many hot water compresses so on. They didn't work. And the only solution for me was seen as going on a surgery.
Today i was expected to have the surgery. But with your recommendations and comments on magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, after 6 days of application, i am almost okey now. I am unable to find a word to express my pleasure. thank you..
selma last decade
I havn't had a problem sinci i treated myself with the epsom salts in April 2010. thats a good result:)
suedynamic last decade
I am so happy this has helped so many people. I have only had a couple of minor chalazions start since I started posting and they have been gone within a day. Thinking back to how bad my eyes were and how nothing worked...it amazes me now.

I do put hot compresses with epsom salt immediately now when I even think I'm having a problem...lol.
Linda100 last decade
I had a chalazion for 8 months. I went for the surgery, which was aweful. I am also one who does not tolerate pain well. They chalazion went down a little, but then came back fully a few months later. I complied with all the after care to make sure it didn't come back, but it did. I saw another eye doc and said no way would I have the surgery again, what are my options. He gave me a steriod injection, hurt a little but nothing compared to the surgery. After a few days, I noticed the swelling going down. It was badly bruised, but now after 2 weeks, my chalazion is finally gone. The injection worked for me! My lid is normal again.
soxfan3358 last decade
Just thought I'd write back and say that after 6 months of doing the routine I described above, no more chalazion and no sign that it had ever been there. Amazing!
clj29360 last decade
Hi soxfan. Glad you found something that works for you. I also had surgery and injections in the beginning but nothing stopped me from getting the chalazions one right after the other. Often on both eyes at the same time. We each need to find out comfort zones with what works for us though and I'm the same as you...no sign I ever had a problem. Phewwww!!!
Linda100 last decade
Hi clj...isn't it great to be chalazion free? I was beginning to think I would have them the rest of my life. So glad you aren't getting them anymore.
Linda100 last decade
Hello everyone,
This post is really helpful. I have been having a chalazion for a year now. I was microwaving pasta with marinara sauce and some blew on my right lower eyelid when I opened it. At first it started as smaller than pea. I did try using warm compresses and it was getting smaller but then I was stupid enough to be lazy and completely stopped doing it for a while. It grew bigger over time. Now its pea sized looking big and weird as ever. I tried compressing again but the size doesnt go down at all! :( I tried epsom salt and top care's antibiotic cream, at first it seemed to work but its back to its same size and its not effective at all! I havent taken any oral medicines though. Someone Please please help me. I am tired of having this to the point I dont feel normal... :(
aquatic last decade
Hi aquatic. I'm a little confused by your post. Did your chalzion start when the sauce hit your eyelid? If so, I would bet its either not a chalazion or its just a coincidence.

Several of us have tried everything. The epsom salt is the only thing that has worked for me...but you have to be dedicated to applying them which can be difficult especially if you work. I had tried surgery and everything and when I read about the epsom salt...I decided to do it and stick to it. I am still chalzion free. I did have a few episodes after the first ones, but once it starts...I just put the heat/salt on my eye and it goes away.

I'm hoping you have been to a doctor. It concerns me that yours started when sauce got in your eye. I did try the arnica for a while and it did seem to help a bit...but the epsom salts it what seemed to be my miracle cure. Good luck aquatic and so sorry you are having this problem.
Linda100 last decade
One last thing aquatic. When I did my soaks, I used pretty hot water. Obviously not hot enough to burn my face...but it was more than warm. I hate to suggest this because I wouldn't want anyone to burn their face, the skin is much more tender, especially around the eye area...but using common sense should tell you how warm to make it. It 'will' take some time. Don't give up even when it looks like its starting to work. I continued mine even after it was gone for about a week just to be sure (was too worried it wasn't really gone)...lol. Good luck.
Linda100 last decade
Hmm, may I need to improve on the methods I am using. How many times in a day did you used to compress? Is there any specific type of epsom salt and antibacterial cream that you used? Thank you for pushing me, I'll try. These chalazions are reallly depressing.. :(
aquatic last decade
I actually started with 4 times a day...but I didn't use any cream. This was after 2 or 3 surgeries and all kinds of antibiotics, steroids, etc. which played heck with my body and still didn't help.

I then moved to homeopatic meds. Like I said...they helped but only a little. Then I read about epsom salts. I just used what was available at the drug store. I would soak a clean white washcloth (just the corner) in the epsom salts (50/50) and would hold it on my eye. I saw a difference within a day...but it took probably a week to go away. It came back maybe 2 times? When I would feel it or see my eye getting a bit red...I started right away with the soaks agains.

It is depressing and especially when you try so many things and nothing seems to work. Good luck.
Linda100 last decade
when i was 5years old i had a really stubborn stye, after months it went away. fifteen years later after being 4 months pregnant a bump appears on my right upper eyelid, i assume its another stye and will go away within days just like the others did. i did hot compresses like my dr.recommended but the next day the bump got bigger.i went to see a specialist and he told me that many women that are pregnant get these and it will go away after i give birth. sure enough within a week after having my baby the bump went away. 4 months later another small pump appeared on my left lower eyelid and has been there for three months. i decided to see a dr in mexico and was prescribed some drops that didnt work. i looked into surgery but i am too scared. i am very frustrated with this chalazion. i feel it literally talks to people and when i have a conversation with someone, the chalazion is all they see. Last night i came across this forum and bought some epsom salt, i just finished doing the compressed. i really hope this works.
EmilyV last decade
hi i have been a sufferer of chalazion for a while now and i have gotten them medically removed few times now.. i have been good for over a year but then it came back :(.. its been over a month that i have a chalazion on my eye and i have hot compressed the day light out of it for a month with no results.. then i read about the epsom salt and i bought some today and already did hot compress with the salt mixture twice.. i liked suedynamic's idea and thats what i'm doing (soak a cotton pad in the 50/50 salt-water mixture and putting that my on eye and then a heatpack on top of it for 10-15 min).. i'm keeping my fingers crossed and am quite hopeful :).. my birthday is one week away and my bf has planned a wonderful day for me, so i'm REALLYYYY hoping that i will be 'almost' chalazion free in a week to spend the day looking fab :).. fingers crossed.. i will def post my improvements in few days..
roro6 last decade
Hi all. My 3 year old daughter was suffering from recurring eye cysts on both eyes since May 2011.I took her to the doctor several times and was prescribed Fucithalmic and chloramphenical, plus was told to use warm compresses. Although there was a slight improvement, as soon as we stopped treatment, they came back. I was eventually referred to the eye specialist, who was not much help at all and just said they would eventually go away and if not, I could have them cut out. Not an option! Since they were recurring, how could this help? I gave it much thought and concluded it must be a deficiency. I remembered that I had always given my children Halborange Omega three until the beginning of the year, when I changed to the chewy Bassets vitamins. It was just after this that the cysts appeared. I started giving them Halborange again three weeks ago and guess what? The cysts have completely disappeared. I had seen something about Omega 3 and Vitamin A being helpful before, so I reckon therein lay the deficiency. If you are an adult, I would definitely recommend buying Omega 3 and A if you have eye cysts instead of enduring many frustrating visits to clueless doctors and specialist, who have no clue. P.S, he specialist said it was hormonal!Yeah right! Good luck!!!
charmedwn last decade
CJL29360 - I feel compelled to post and thank you for sharing your treatment, to help others. I wanted to post myself to let others know the treatment you recommended worked and FAST!!!! I used epsom salt (50/50 warm compress solution) neosporin and had DRASTIC results..in one day the swelling is down, pain is gone and I think its healing. In the past I have had surgery (extraction) and an injection..and never have I seen results like this...a totally non invasive approach. I do believe I lack Omega 3 oils and have started taking supplements and Vitamin A supplements too as a preventive. I have also hear Green Tea wont hurt either. Again there is hope and I thank everyone for sharing!
share00 last decade
Hi Everyone!!! If You Have A Chalazion You Must Not Try To Pop It!!! Do Not Go See The Doctor Unless The Described Method Does Not Work!!! Buy Some Ginger In Its Raw Form At Your Local Grocery Store, You Will Find It In The Fruits & Vegetables Section, For about 5-10 Cents You Can Buy Enough!!! Take It Home Go In Front Of A Mirror, Slice The Ginger With A Knife And You Will Notice What Looks Like Water Left On The Blade, Sweep Your Finger Across The Side Of The Knife To Pick Up The 'Water' And Gently Apply It To The Lump On The OUTSIDE Of Your Eyelid, Make Sure You DO NOT Get Any Of The Liquid From The Ginger In Your Eye! I Had One Of these Things And I Heard Ginger Worked So I Tried This Method And In ONE Week, After ONE Application, It Was Completely Gone!! It May Take More Than One Application (If Its Really Bad, You Tried To Pop It, etc.) Please Be Careful, Remember Not To Irritate or Play With It Aside From The Treatment, It Needs To Be Left Alone! Good Luck!
Teddy123 last decade
Hi Linda, Thanks for posting very useful information. I had Multiple Chalazion in both eyes and started EPSOM salt hot compress.
I would like to know how long you continued the EPSOM salt hot compress and have you stopped it now completely and do it when symptoms arise ?
Do you have Dry eye symptoms ? and any treatment ?
Thanks a lot
senpoos last decade
Hi Suedynamic,
Thanks for posting. Are you continuosly using EPSOM salt hot compress every day ( how many times ? ).
Have you have stopped the EPSOM salt hot compress now and use it when the symptoms appear ? Thanks
senpoos last decade

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