The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hi I am female age 70.I am constipated from so many days and passing hard stools. I have a lot of gas. Then a day before yesterday (on Thursday night) I ate constipation syrup named Prulax. After half an hour severe diaareah got started. I was having loose smelly motion, not much watery but mixed with hard stool. I did 15 motions that night. I took very little amount of soft diet. I did motion whenever I eat any thing. On day time I did 5 more motions and today I did 5 motions again. Their is a lot of noise in my tummy. (Kind of guurrr guurrr).And now still I am taking soft diet but I did motion whenever I eat. I took Dyro syrup of Kamal lab but it doesn't make any difference. I am taking ORS aswell. Kindly suggest me some medicine for gas and motions.
[Edited by Sanam16261 on 2020-11-20 16:39:23]
Sanam16261 on 2020-11-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Podophyllum 30,5-6pills every 3hour interval.Stop medicine when improvement starts
♡ Urepierk 4 years ago
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